السبت، 12 سبتمبر 2020

Allah knows what is in our hearts.

11. Allah knows what is in our hearts. 

These are some of the basic guidelines Muslims follow in their knowledge of God: 

1. Eliminate any anthropomorphism (human qualities) from their conception of Allah. His attributes are not like human attributes, despite similar labels or appellations. 

2. Have unwavering faith in exactly what Allah and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) described Allah to be, no more, no less. 

3. Eradicate any hope or desire of learning or knowing the modality of His names and attributes. 

4. Believe totally in all the names and attributes of Allah; one cannot believe in some and disbelieve the others. 

5. One cannot accept the names of Allah without their associated attributes, i.e. one cannot say He is Al-Hayy - ‘The Living’ and then say that He is without life. 

6. Similarity in names (or meanings) does not imply similarity in what is being described (referents). As a robotics arm differs from a human arm, so the “hand” of Allah is nothing like a human hand, His speech is nothing like human speech, etc. 

7. Certain words are ambiguous or vague in their meanings, and thus may be susceptible to misinterpretation. Only those meanings that are in accordance with what is specified by Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon him) are acceptable.

A Complete Way Of Life !

Islam is a religion, but not in the western meaning of religion. The western connotation of the term “religion” is something between the believer and God. Islam is a religion that organizes all aspects of life on both the individual and national levels. 

Islam organizes your relations with God, with yourself, with your children, with your relatives, with your neighbor, with your guest, and with other brethren. Islam clearly establishes your duties and rights in all those relationships. 

Islam establishes a clear system of worship, civil rights, laws of marriage and divorce, laws of inheritance, code of behavior, what not to drink, what to wear, and what not to wear, how to worship God, how to govern, the laws of war and peace, when to go to war, when to make peace, the law of economics, and the laws of buying and selling. Islam is a complete code of life. 

Islam is not practiced in the mosque only, it is for daily life, a guide to life in all its aspects: socially, economically, and politically. 

Islam is complete constitution. Thus Islam keeps the Muslim away from confusion, because Islam is logical and rational. Allah is one. Allah is one Allah has no sons. Allah is not associated with trinity. Allah does not kill to save. No mediation is required between Allah and man. Islam organizes human nature, but does not go against it. There is not a class of clergy in Islam; nor is there celibacy. Islam is complete way of human life.

Definition Of Islam

The word ISLAM has a two-fold meaning: peace, and submission to God. This submission requires a fully conscious and willing effort to submit to the one Almighty God. One must consciously and conscientiously give oneself to the service of Allah. This means to act on what Allah enjoins all of us to do (in the Qur’an) and what His beloved Prophet, Muhammad (pbuh) encouraged us to do in his Sunnah (his lifestyle and sayings personifying the Qur’an). 

Once we humble ourselves, rid ourselves of our egoism and submit totally to Allah, and to Him exclusively, in faith and in action, we will surely feel peace in our hearts. Establishing peace in our hearts will bring about peace in our external conduct as well. 

Islam is careful to remind us that it not a religion to be paid mere lip service; rather it is an all-encompassing way of life that must be practiced continuously for it to be Islam. The Muslim must practice the five pillars of the religion: the declaration of faith in the oneness of Allah and the prophet hood of Muhammad (pbuh), prayer, fasting the month of Ramadan, alms-tax, and the pilgrimage to Makkah; and believe in the six articles of faith: belief in God, the Holy Books, the prophets, the angels, the Day of Judgment and God’s decree, whether for good or ill. 

There are other injunctions and commandments which concern virtually all facets of one’s personal, family and civic life. These include such matters as diet, clothing, personal hygiene, interpersonal relations, business ethics, responsibilities towards parents, spouse and children, marriage, divorce and inheritance, civil and criminal law, fighting in defense of Islam, relations with non-Muslims, and so much more.

Islamic Sources : Quran And Sunnah


”The ultimate manifestation of God’s grace for man, the ultimate wisdom, and the ultimate beauty of expression: in short, the word of God.” 

This is how the German scholar, Muhammad Asad, once described the Qur’an, and if one were to ask any Muslim to describe it, they would most likely offer similar words. The Qur’an, to the Muslim, is the irrefutable, inimitable Word of God. 

The Qur’an was revealed by God Almighty to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) over a period of twenty-three years. The Prophet (pbuh) himself had no role in authoring the Qur’an, and was simply inspired to speak what he heard from the Divine Creator :«”He (Muhammad) does not speak of his own desire. It is no less than an Inspiration sent down to him.”» [53:3-4] 

The Qur’an was revealed in Arabic. It is composed in a style so unique, that it cannot be deemed either poetry or prose, but somehow a mixture of both. The Qur’an is inimitable; it cannot be simulated or copied, and God Almighty challenges mankind to pursue such an endeavor if he thinks he can: «”Or do they say he forged it? Say: Bring then a chapter like unto it, and call (to your aid) anyone you can, beside God, if it be you speak the truth.” »[10:38]. 

The Qur’an’s language is indeed sublime, its recitation moving, as one non-Muslim scholar noted, it was like “the cadence of my heartbeat”. Due to its unique style of language, the Qur’an is not only highly readable, but also relatively easy to remember. This latter aspect has played an important role not only in the Qur’an’s preservation, but in the spiritual life of Muslims as well. God Himself declares, «”And We have indeed made the Qur’an easy to understand and remember; then is there anyone that will receive admonition?” »[54:17] 

One of the most important characteristics of the Qur’an is that it remains today, the only holy book which has never changed; it has remained free from any and all adulterations. Sir William Muir noted, “There is probably in the world no other book which has remained (fourteen) centuries with so pure a text.” 

The Qur’an was written down during the lifetime and under the supervision of the Prophet, who himself was illiterate, and it was compiled together shortly after his death by a rigorous method which scrutinized both written and oral traditions. Thus its authenticity is unblemished, and is its preservation is seen as the fulfillment of God’s promise: “We have, without doubt, sent down the Message, and We will assuredly guard it from corruption.” [15:9] 

The Qur’an is a book which provides the human being the spiritual and intellectual nourishment he/she craves. Its major themes include: 

• the oneness of God, 

• the purpose of human existence, 

• faith and God-consciousness, 

• the Hereafter and its significance. 

The Qur’an also lays a heavy emphasis upon reason and understanding. In these spheres of human understanding, the Qur’an goes beyond just satisfying the human intellect; it causes one to reflect on implications. There are Qur’anic challenges and prophecies. One of the most exciting fields in recent years has been the discovery that, of the significant amount of scientific information in the Qur’an, including: 

• the event of the Big Bang, 

• embryological data, 

• and other information concerning astronomy biology, etc., 

There is not a single statement that has not been borne out by modern discoveries. In short, the Qur’an fulfills the heart, the soul, and the mind. 

Perhaps the best description of the Qur’an was given by Ali, the cousin of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) when he expounded upon it as, 

“”The Book of God. In it is the record of what was before you, the judgment of what is among you, and the prophecies of what will come after you. It is decisive, not a case for levity. Whoever is a tyrant and ignores the Qur’an will be destroyed by God. Whoever seeks guidance from other than it will be misguided. The Qur’an is the unbreakable bond of connection with God; it is the remembrance full of wisdom and the straight path. The Qur’an does not become distorted by tongues, nor can it be deviated by caprices; it never dulls from repeated study; scholars will always want more of it. The wonders of the Qur’an are never ending. Whoever speaks from it will speak the truth, whoever rules with it will be just, and whoever holds fast to it will be guided to the straight path.”” [Al-Tirmidhi] 


The term Sunnah comes from the root word sanna, which means to pave the way or make a path easily passable, such that it becomes a commonly followed way by everyone afterwards. 

Thus sunnah can be used to describe a street or road or path on which people, animals, and cars travel. Additionally, it can apply to a prophetic way, i.e. the law that they brought and taught as an explanation or further clarification of a divinely revealed book. Normally, the prophetic way includes references to his sayings, actions, physical features and character traits. 

From the Islamic standpoint, Sunnah refers to anything narrated or related about the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), authentically traced to him regarding his speech, actions, traits, and silent approvals, before and after the revelation. 

Each narration is composed of two parts: the isnad (the chain of people who narrated a particular narration) and the matn (the actual text of the narration). The isnad must comprise upright and sincere individuals whose integrity is unquestionable. 

The Speech of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) 

The speech of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) refers to his sayings. For example, he said: “”Actions are judged by their intentions; everyone will be rewarded according to his/her intention. So whoever migrates for the sake of Allah and His Prophet then his migration will be noted as a migration for the sake of Allah and His Prophet. Conversely, one who migrates only to obtain something worldly or to marry a woman, then his migration will be worth what he had intended.” ”[Bukhari]. 

das Scheidung


Der Islam betrachtet die Ehe als Grundlage für die islamische Familie, da sie Liebes- und Fürsorgebindungen und eine sichere Atmosphäre für das Wachstum und den Fortschritt der Menschheit entwickelt. Dies wiederum schafft eine gesunde Gesellschaft. Deshalb lehrte uns der Prophet in einer Erzählung, die, obwohl sie als „schwach“ eingestuft wird, eine gültige und wichtige Bedeutung hat. Er sagte: "Das verabscheuungswürdigste aller rechtmäßigen Dinge in den Augen Allahs ist die Scheidung." Dies bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass eine Scheidung verboten ist. Im Gegenteil, es kann manchmal die beste Alternative sein. Eine Scheidung ist sowohl für Frauen als auch für Männer ein Recht, wenn ihre Probleme nicht gelöst werden können. Zwei französische Gesetzgeber, Planoil und Ripert, haben gesagt: "Eine Scheidung ist ein Unheil. Sie ist jedoch eine Maßnahme, die zum Wohl der Gemeinschaft nicht vermieden werden kann, da sie das einzige Mittel gegen einen anderen Schaden ist, der gefährlicher sein kann, d. H. Mord. "

Die obige Aussage gilt für Fälle, in denen der Ehemann und die Ehefrau ihre Liebe zueinander verloren haben und die Harmonie in der Ehe vorbei ist. In der Tat wird jede andere Alternative sie unglücklich machen und ihre Kinder langfristig betreffen.

In diesen Fällen rät der Islam dem Paar, zu versuchen, ihre Differenzen in Gegenwart einiger unmittelbarer Verwandter beider Seiten in Einklang zu bringen. Wenn sie dazu nicht in der Lage sind, werden sie angewiesen, sich von einem Dritten wie Freunden oder anderen Verwandten beraten zu lassen. Wenn es immer noch keine Lösung gibt, sollten sie eine Lösung durch einen Richter suchen.

Der Richter wird dem Paar raten, geduldig zu sein und an die Kinder zu denken. Wenn das Problem jedoch ungelöst bleibt, das Familienleben unerträglich wird und die Kinder betroffen sind, wird die Scheidung die einzige Alternative, um ihnen andere Ehepartner zu ermöglichen.

Wenn es unvermeidlich ist, ist eine Scheidung weder für Männer noch für Frauen schädlich. Es ist auch definitiv nicht ungerecht gegenüber Frauen.
Erstens muss das Ehepaar auf gütliche Weise die Scheidung beantragen. Sie werden angewiesen, sich ohne harte Gefühle gegeneinander zu trennen. Sie sollten ein Minimum an Verständnis haben, das die Situation der Kinder nach der Scheidung sichert.

Der Koran sagt (was bedeutet): "Scheidung ist zweimal. Dann [danach] entweder [sie] in akzeptabler Weise behalten oder [sie] mit guter Behandlung freigeben. Und es ist nicht erlaubt, dass Sie etwas von dem nehmen, was Sie tun Ich habe ihnen gegeben, es sei denn, beide befürchten, dass sie nicht in der Lage sein werden, die Grenzen Allahs einzuhalten, und dann gibt es keine Schuld an denen, durch die sie sich selbst freikommt. Dies sind die Grenzen Allahs, also nicht Übertrete sie. Und wer auch immer die Grenzen Allahs überschreitet - es sind diejenigen, die die Übeltäter sind [dh die Ungerechten]. " [Quran 2: 229]

Im Islam wird die Frau nach der Scheidung nicht vernachlässigt. In der Tat werden Ehemänner angewiesen, der geschiedenen Frau bis zum Ende ihrer Wartezeit eine Unterkunft zur Verfügung zu stellen, wie im Sprichwort Allahs (was bedeutet): "Unterbringe sie (während ihrer Wartezeit (bezogen auf Ehefrauen, deren Scheidung ausgesprochen wurde) [in a Abschnitt] von wo Sie aus Ihren Mitteln heraus wohnen und ihnen nicht schaden, um sie zu unterdrücken (damit sie gezwungen wären, zu gehen oder sich selbst freizulassen). Und wenn sie schwanger sein sollten, dann geben Sie für sie aus, bis sie geboren werden Und wenn sie für dich stillen, dann gib ihnen ihre Bezahlung und berate dich auf akzeptable Weise; aber wenn du in Zwietracht bist, dann kann für ihn [dh den Vater] eine andere Frau stillen. "(Quran: 65: 6 ]]

Obwohl es wahr ist, dass nur Männer die Scheidung aussprechen dürfen, hat eine Frau das Recht, eine Scheidung zu beantragen, die als "Khul" bezeichnet wird. In diesem Fall muss sie die vom Ehemann gegebene Mitgift zurückgeben, damit er die Scheidung ausspricht.


Im Islam entspricht ein männlicher Zeuge zwei Frauen: Der Koran sagt (was bedeutet): "Und holen Sie zwei Zeugen aus Ihren Männern heraus. Wenn es nicht zwei Männer gibt, dann wählen Sie einen Mann und zwei Frauen [vielleicht anstelle von zwei Männer als Zeugen]; so dass, wenn eine der Frauen sich irrt, die andere sie daran erinnert ... "[Quran 2: 282]

Auch hier neigen viele Menschen dazu, islamische Prinzipien als ungerecht gegenüber Frauen anzuprangern. Sie neigen dazu, diese Anforderung als Beweis für die Überlegenheit von Männern gegenüber Frauen zu interpretieren. Auch diese Annahme ist nicht wahr. In der Tat haben verschiedene psychologische und biologische Studien, die über die Psyche und die hormonellen Funktionen von Frauen durchgeführt wurden, gezeigt, dass Männer im Allgemeinen rationaler und weniger emotional reagieren als Frauen.

In Fällen von Kriminalität beispielsweise lösen zerrissene Körper und das Gießen von Blut bei Frauen eher eine emotionale Reaktion aus als bei Männern. Diese Reaktion allein kann die Wahrnehmung und / oder das Gedächtnis der Frau verzerren.

Andererseits sind Männer auch an Regeln bezüglich ihres Zeugnisses gebunden. Zum Beispiel dürfen sie keine Eltern, Freunde oder Feinde des Angeklagten sein. Können wir dann den Schluss ziehen, dass, wenn es bei Frauen der Fall war, auch männliche Eltern und Freunde des Angeklagten als minderwertig anzusehen sind? Natürlich nicht.

Schließlich sollte man beachten, dass es Angelegenheiten gibt, bei denen a

の 離婚







コーランは言う(意味):「離婚は二度です。その後、[その後]、容認できる方法で彼女を保つか、または彼女を良い扱いで解放してください。彼らがアッラーの限界を[内に]保つことができないのではないかと恐れない限り、彼らは彼らに彼らを与えました。アッラーの限界を超えた者は誰でも、それは不正を行う者、すなわち不当な者である。」 [コーラン2:229]

イスラム教では、女性は離婚後に無視されていません。確かに夫は、離婚した妻に待機期間が終了するまで住宅を提供するように指示されています。これは、アッラーの言葉(つまり、次のことを意味します)のように述べています:「(彼らの待機期間中(離婚が宣言された妻を参照))[セクション]あなたが自分の手段の外に住み、彼らを圧迫するために彼らを傷つけない場所(彼らが彼らを去るか、彼ら自身を身代金でとめられるようにするため)。そして、彼らが妊娠する必要がある場合、彼らが出産するまで彼らに費やします。そして、彼らがあなたのために母乳で育てるならば、彼らに彼らの支払いを与えて、あなた自身の間で受け入れられる方法で話し合います;しかし、あなたが不調和であるならば、彼[すなわち父親]に別の女性のための母乳で育てるかもしれません。」(コーラン:65:6 ]



イスラームでは、1人の男性の証人は2人の女性に相当します。コーランは次のように言います(どういう意味ですか)。「男性から2人の証人を引き出す。男性が2人いない場合、男性と女性2人を選択します。証人としての2人の男性];そのため、女性の1人が誤解した場合、もう1人は彼女に思い出させます... "[コーラン2:282]





the Islamic


Islam considers marriage a basis for the Islamic family, since it develops bonds of love and caring and a secure atmosphere for the growth and progress of the human race. This, in turn, produces a sound society. This is why the Prophet taught us in a narration, that although classified ‘weak’, has a valid and important meaning. He said: "The most detestable of all lawful things in the sight of Allaah is divorce."However, this does not mean that divorce is prohibited. On the contrary, it can sometimes be the best alternative. Divorce is a right for both women and men if their problems cannot be solved. Two French legislators, Planoil and Ripert, have said: "Divorce is a mischief. However, it is a measure that cannot be avoided for the welfare of the community, because it is the only remedy for another harm which may be more dangerous, i.e. murder."

The above statement applies to cases where the husband and wife have lost their love for each other and where harmony in the marriage is over. Indeed, any other alternative will make them unhappy and will affect their children in the long run.

In these cases, Islam advises the couple to try to reconcile their differences in the presence of some immediate relatives belonging to both sides. If they are unable to do so, they are instructed to seek counseling through a third party, such as friends or other relatives. If there is still no solution, then they should seek a solution through a judge.

The judge will advise the couple to be patient and think of the children. However, if the problem remains unsolved, the family life becomes unbearable and the children are affected, then divorce becomes the only alternative, to enable them to have other spouses.

When it is inescapable, divorce is neither harmful to men nor to women. It is also definitely not unjust to women.
First, the couple must seek divorce in an amicable way. They are instructed to separate without hard feelings towards each other. They should keep a minimum of understanding that will secure the children''s situation after the divorce.

The Quran says (what means): "Divorce is twice. Then [after that], either keep [her] in an acceptable manner or release [her] with good treatment. And it is not lawful for you to take anything of what you have given them unless both fear that they will not be able to keep [within] the limits of Allaah, and then there is no blame upon either of them concerning that by which she ransoms herself. These are the limits of Allaah, so do not transgress them. And whoever transgresses the limits of Allaah -- it is those who are the wrongdoers [i.e. the unjust]." [Quran 2: 229]

In Islam, the woman is not neglected after the divorce. Indeed husbands are instructed to provide housing to the divorced wife until her waiting period is completed, as in the saying of Allaah (which means): "Lodge them (During their waiting period (referring to wives whose divorce has been pronounced) [in a section] of where you dwell out of your means and do not harm them in order to oppress them (so that they would be forced to leave or to ransom themselves). And if they should be pregnant, then spend on them until they give birth. And if they breastfeed for you, then give them their payment and confer among yourselves in the acceptable way; but if you are in discord, then there may breastfeed for him [i.e. the father] another woman." [Quran: 65:6]

Finally, although it is true that only men are allowed to pronounce divorce, yet a woman has the right to ask for a divorce, which is called ‘Khul’. In this case, she has to return the dowry given by the husband, so that he utters the divorce.


In Islam, one male witness equals two females: The Quran says (what means): "And get two witnesses out of your men. If there are not two men, then a man and two women such as you choose [maybe in place of two men as the witnesses]; so that if one of the women errs, the other one will remind her..." [Quran 2:282]

Here again, many people tend to denounce Islamic principles as unjust to women. They tend to interpret this requirement as proof of men''s superiority over women. Again, this assumption is not true. In fact, various psychological and biological studies conducted on the psyche and hormonal functions of women, have proved that men generally tend to react more rationally and less emotionally, than women.

In cases of crime, for example, torn bodies and pouring blood are more likely to spur an emotional reaction among women than among men. This reaction is alone capable of distorting the female''s perception and/or memory.

On the other hand, men are also bound by rules concerning their testimony. For instance, they must not be parents, friends or enemies of the accused. Can we then conclude that, if it was the case for women, that male parents and friends of the accused must be considered inferior too? Of course, they are not.

Finally, one should note that there are matters where a woman is the only witness required. These are related to areas where women are the experts, for example, in issues of breast feeding, bringing up children and the question of kinship (who is her child''s father).

The Veil

How many times have you seen an educated veiled woman, working and acting normally on television ? Very, very rarely. On the other hand, how many times have you seen a veiled woman being hit by her husband, in tears or fighting and rioting along with fundamentalists?

Just think: What does a black ''Hijaab'' veil evoke in your mind? Certainly not the image it is meant to evoke -- religious commitment and peaceful, deep-rooted faith. How many times have you seen a veiled young girl and said: "Haraam! Poor thing! She has not seen the world yet..." Is all this just a coincidence?

Veiled women today are either associated with alienation or fundamentalism. They are either looked upon with pity or fear. Have people ever asked the question: Where is the woman''s will to surrender to God in this? Where is her choice of protecting her dearest possession, her body?

When Islam ordered women to wear the veil, it did it to privilege her, not constrain her:

The Quran says (what means): "O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw upon them their over-garments. That is more appropriate so that they may be recognized and not molested." [Quran 33: 59]

The above verses show that Islam aims to protect women from being considered sexual objects. It instructs women to uncover their faces in front of their husband, close relatives whom she cannot marry (Mahaarim) and other women. In front of strangers, she must conceal everything but her face and hands.

Why does one need to show a semi-clad woman in a car''s advertisement? Why do we not see a veiled woman? In the first case, because the advertisers are trying to sell the image of the woman with the car. Unconsciously, you buy the car wishing it will provide you with such a "babe." In the second case, the woman has refused to be treated as an object for trade and has worn the veil, a sign of dignity rather than humiliation.


??5-  أكد له اعترافك بريادته وتفوقه وتأكد انك باعترافه هذا تفت ثغرة في جدار الصلف والغرور مفسحا مكانها موضعا لفكرتك.
??4- المتعالم الذي يدعي المعرفة :
??وهو شخص يملك قدرا ضئيلا من المعرفة ولذلك فهو يحسن التأثير على الناس  في البداية .
??أهداف مدعي المعرفة وتأثيرها على سلوكه:
??الحصول على الثناء والإعجاب ولذلك  فهو يميل إلى الاندفاع للتأثير على الآخرين.
??ردود الفعل العادية تجاه مدعي المعرفة :
??قد يدفعك اكتشافك بأن الشخص المتحدث متعالم يدعي المعرفة إلى العنف في الرد عليه مما يستفزه ويدفعه للمبالغة أكثر في ادعاءاته.
?? هدفك الجديد :
??اصطياد أفكاره السيئة وإبعادها عن الطريق.
?? الخطة :
??1- أعطه بعض الاهتمام الذي يبحث عنه
??أ‌-     أعد ملاحظاته بحماس.
??ب‌- أوح له بأنك مقتنع بأن نواياه حسنة وأنه يريد المساعدة حقا .
??2- اسأله عن أشياء محددة :
??هو عادة يتكلم بتعميم شديد فحاول سؤاله عن شئ محدد مع الحرص على أن تبدو في غاية البراءة والجدية وذلك سيجعله لا يحير جوابً
??3- تحدث عن وقائع ملموسة :
??بعد وقفه عن الثرثرة وابدأ بسرد الوقائع واظهر أي مستندات تؤكد كلامك.
??4- افتح له بابا للخروج من المأزق :
??قل هل مثلاً ربما لم تتح لك الفرصة للاطلاع على كل هذه المستندات ولذا كان لك رأي مغاير.
??5-اكسر الدائرة التي تؤدي به إلى التصرفات المثيرة للاستفزاز:
??أ‌-           ادعه للقاء خاص وواجهه بهدوء بما يفعل ، ووضح له النتائج السلبية لسلوكه .
??ب‌-       إذا أحسن مدعي المعرفة أداء شئ فاغمره بالثناء الذي يستحقه  فسماع المديح والإعجاب هو الدافع الرئيسي لسلوكه.
??5-القنبلة اليدوية : 

Mente .. e emoção

A solução aqui é evitar a insistência de que as coisas não são como são agora ... e gentilmente lembrar-se de que a vida está bem em seu estado atual e com a ausência de seu julgamento sobre as coisas, tudo ficará bem e com o começo de se livrar A necessidade de atingir a perfeição em todos os aspectos de sua vida começará a descobrir que existe perfeição na própria vida.

Muitas vezes nos permitimos entrar em ansiedade sobre os assuntos. Se os examinarmos de perto, descobriremos que eles não são, de fato, esse grau de grandeza. Nós nos concentramos em pequenos problemas e preocupações e os ampliamos. Por exemplo, alguém pode cortar a estrada na frente do nosso carro e em vez de não prestar atenção a isso. Quando nos convencemos de que há justificativa para nossa raiva, imaginamos um confronto entre nós e essa pessoa em nossas mentes, e muitos de nós podemos contar a outra pessoa sobre essa conversa mais tarde, em vez de esquecê-la.

Mente .. e emoção
Na guerra, a emoção deve ser mais forte do que a razão, e na política a mente deve ser mais forte do que a emoção, e em casa a mente e a emoção devem ser iguais, e no amor não há lugar para a mente.
Como um jovem consegue gratificação emocional
Na vida de algumas meninas e meninos há mais do que um "vácuo emocional", o que significa que há um abismo emocional que geralmente resulta de uma atmosfera familiar sufocante em que o jovem e a garota não encontram um refúgio seguro, então ele tenta buscar compensações que o preencham com essa deficiência, ou fechem essa lacuna para ele.
A tendência de alguns de nossos filhos para o tio ou tio materno ou o avô e a avó é - às vezes - por causa desse vazio, e algumas das meninas das meninas são apegadas a homens velhos, pode ser - em uma de suas razões - a falta de ternura dos pais e sua descoberta quando diferente do pai - e em estudos e pesquisas criminais Acontece que um dos fatores mais importantes da delinquência no crime é a severa falta de nutrição emocional para o perpetrador.
O elegante humano em
Vácuo emocional:
É sobre isso que falaram algumas meninas, e como isso levou muitas delas a procurar alguém que satisfizesse essa emoção, e um dos meios para obtê-la foi procurar alguém que mereça ser esvaziado de emoção.
Fiz alguns passeios em alguns sites de bate-papo e vi com meus próprios olhos muitas meninas que estavam distraídas por sua admiração condenável por causa do vazio emocional e da falta de interesse da família por isso.





العقل.. والعاطفة

والحل هنا يتمثل في اخراج نفسك من غمار الانغماس في الاصرار على ان تكون الامور على غير ماهي عليه الان .. وذكر نفسك برفق بأن الحياة على ما يرام في وضعها الراهن ومع غياب حكمك على الامور فان كل شيء سيكون على ما يرام ومع البدء في التخلص من الحاجة للوصول الى درجة الكمال في كل جوانب حياتك سوف تبدأ في اكتشاف وجود الكمال في الحياة ذاتها.

غالبا ما نترك انفسنا تنغمس في القلق بشأن امور لو فحصناها عن قرب لوجدنا انها ليست في واقع الأمر على هذه الدرجه من الضخامه .. اننا نركز على المشكلات والاهتمامات الصغيرة ونضخمها .. على سبيل المثال قد يقطع شخص ما الطريق امام سيارتنا وبدلا من عدم الاهتمام بهذا الامر نقنع انفسنا بأن هناك ما يبرر غضبنا وبعدها نتخيل وقوع مواجهة بيننا وبين هذا الشخص في مخيلتنا وربما يخبر الكثير منا شخصا اخر بهذه المحداثة في وقت لاحق بدلا من نسيانها ..

العقل.. والعاطفة
في الحرب يجب أن تكون العاطفة أقوى من العقل، وفي السياسة يجب أن يكون العقل أقوى من العاطفة، وفي البيت يجب أن يتعادل العقل والعاطفة، وفي الحب لا مكان للعقل أصلاً.
كيف يحقق الشاب الإشباع العاطفي
في حياة بعض الفتيات والشبان اكثر من (فراغ عاطفي) أي ان هناك هوّة عاطفية تنجم عادة من أجواء أسرية خانقة لا يجد فيها الشاب والفتاة ملاذه الآمن فيحاول ان يبحث عن المعوّضات التي تسدّ له هذا النقص، أو تردم له تلك الهوّة.
ميل بعض أبنائنا إلى العم أو الخال أو الجد والجدة، هو ـ احيانا ـ بسبب من هذا الفراغ، وتعلق بعض الصبايا من الفتيات برجال كبار في السنّ، ربما يكون ـ في احد أسبابه ـ افتقادهم للحنان الابوي وعثورهم عليه عند غير الاب ـ وفي الدراسات والبحوث الجنائية اتضح ان احد أهم عوامل الجنوح الى الجريمة هو النقصّ الحاد في التغذية العاطفية للجاني،
الإنسان الأنيق في
الفراغ العاطفي :
وهو ما تحدثت به بعض الفتيات ، وكيف أنه جر الكثير منهن إلى البحث عمن يشبع هذه العاطفة ، وكان من الوسائل للحصول عليها البحث عمن يستحق أن تفرغ فيه العاطفة .
وقد قمت ببعض الجولات على بعض مواقع الشات ( chatting ) ورأيت بعيني فتيات كثيرات انحرفن بإعجابهن المذموم بسبب الفراغ العاطفي وعدم اهتمام الأسرة بذلك ، وقد صرح لي بعضهن بذلك ، متذرعات بإهمال أهلهن لهن ، وعدم وجود من يسمع صوتها في البيت 

الجمعة، 11 سبتمبر 2020



أن الداعي أول ما يبدأ به التوحيد ، فلقد أرسل الرسول - صلي الله عليه وسلم - معاذاً إلى اليمن وقال : (إِنَّكَ تَقْدَمُ عَلَى قَوْمٍ أَهْلِ كِتَابٍ فَلْيَكُنْ أَوَّلَ مَا تَدْعُوهُمْ إِلَيْهِ عِبَادَةُ اللَّهِ فَإِذَا عَرَفُوا اللَّهَ فَأَخْبِرْهُمْ أَنَّ اللَّهَ قَدْ فَرَضَ عَلَيْهِمْ خَمْسَ صَلَوَاتٍ فِي يَوْمِهِمْ وَلَيْلَتِهِمْ فَإِذَا فَعَلُوا فَأَخْبِرْهُمْ أَنَّ اللَّهَ فَرَضَ عَلَيْهِمْ زَكَاةً مِنْ أَمْوَالِهِمْ وَتُرَدُّ عَلَى فُقَرَائِهِمْ فَإِذَا أَطَاعُوا بِهَا فَخُذْ مِنْهُمْ وَتَوَقَّ كَرَائِمَ أَمْوَالِ النَّاسِ)) قال (وَاتَّبَعْتُ مِلَّةَ آبَآئِـي إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَإِسْحَاقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ مَا كَانَ لَنَا أَن نُّشْرِكَ بِاللّهِ) و قال قبلها (إِنِّي تَرَكْتُ مِلَّةَ قَوْمٍ لاَّ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللّهِ وَهُم بِالآخِرَةِ هُمْ كَافِرُونَ)
ثم بدأ(يَا صَاحِبَيِ السِّجْنِ أَأَرْبَابٌ مُّتَفَرِّقُونَ خَيْرٌ أَمِ اللّهُ الْوَاحِدُ الْقَهَّارُ) مع أنهما سألاه عن رؤيا وينتظران الإجابة عن الرؤيا لكن ما كان ليجيب حتى يعلمهم ما هو أهم كما ثبت في الصحيح [عَنْ أَنَسِ بْنِ مَالِكٍ أَنَّ رَجُلًا سَأَلَ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ مَتَى السَّاعَةُ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ قَالَ مَا أَعْدَدْتَ لَهَا قَالَ مَا أَعْدَدْتُ لَهَا مِنْ كَثِيرِ صَلَاةٍ وَلَا صَوْمٍ وَلَا صَدَقَةٍ وَلَكِنِّي أُحِبُّ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ قَالَ أَنْتَ مَعَ مَنْ أَحْبَبْتَ] يعني ما هو الأهم الآن هل هو معرفة وقت الساعة أم الاستعداد لها ، فصرف السائل عن الأقل أهميه إلى الشيء الأكبر أهميه . فهما سألا عن الرؤيا فجاءتهم الإجابة أولاً بالتوحيد . 

Benefits of lemon juice

Benefits of lemon juice
 Benefits of lemon juice
Fourth, the benefits of lemon juice
Boosts energy. Try lemon every day in the morning in place of coffee. Lemon is a natural source of energy and activity in the morning because it removes negative charges from the body.
Relieves sore throat. Lemon juice can relieve sore throats. You can mix honey and hot water and add lemon to them, this helps treat the worst types of sore throats.
Relieves cough. Relieves cough greatly, especially when you put lemon drops on honey.
It removes sputum. The citric acid present in lemons dissolves mucus and phlegm because it contains antioxidants and a large proportion of vitamin C and helps kill the virus that causes phlegm. To achieve this, you have to add lemon to hot water and honey.
Fights common cold. According to the Mayo Clinic, taking vitamin C before a cold can help shorten the duration of cold symptoms. Drinking lemon juice daily gives you a vitamin C boost that will help speed up and relieve colds. Studies show that taking vitamin C reduces the severity of cold and flu symptoms and fights the viruses that cause these diseases.
Boosts the immune system. Research has proven that vitamin C is beneficial for the immune system. Vitamin C deficiency makes you vulnerable to viruses and infections.
Reduces infection. High doses of vitamin C have been given regularly to treat infections, according to the Riordan Clinic. Not only does lemon have a ton of vitamin C but its natural anti-microbial properties make it a powerhouse to reduce inflammation.
Promotes wound healing. While adding lemon to a wound seems painful, drinking lemon juice can help promote wound healing. Research presented in the International Journal of Science and Research shows that lemon juice speeds up wound healing due to its antibacterial properties.
It replenishes energy. Lemon juice replenishes energy, especially for athletes after a lot of exercise.
It protects the body, bones and muscles. According to WebMD, foods that protect the body may benefit you in many ways. It may help prevent kidney stones and preserve bones and muscles more.
Effective against asthma and for those who suffer from asthma attacks, the solution may lie in consuming a spoonful of lemon juice one hour before meals on a daily basis, so the patient feels comfortable and the annoying asthma attacks subside.
Regulates blood sugar. And according to Harvard University, lemon can slow the conversion of starch into sugar. Slowly this conversion reduces high blood sugar levels significantly, which is a boon for diabetics and anyone looking to stabilize sugar levels to avoid high blood sugar or weight gain.
Nourishes the brain. Lemon has a large amount of potassium, which is great for the brain.
It treats foot and heel pain, so to get rid of foot and heel pain, a slice of lemon can be rubbed on the painful area, and it also helps to cleanse the foot of toxins through pimples.
Stretch the body naturally. With citric acid, which is in lemon, along with fiber, it helps to break down bacteria that accumulate in the body.
Fights cancer. While lemons are not a cure for cancer, there is the fact that lemons contain a lot of cancer-fighting properties.
A remedy for constipation and to get rid of constipation as well as to rid the body of toxins, a mixture of lemon juice and warm water mixed with honey can be drunk early in the morning before eating any foods. You can add a little cinnamon to the mixture to give it a delicious flavor.
Supports heart health. The potassium in lemon water helps support heart health. Potassium strengthens the heart muscle, along with all other muscles in the body, and helps keep blood flowing freely in the blood vessels.
Reduces high blood pressure. Vitamin C might help relax blood vessels. And when the blood vessels are relaxed, blood pressure naturally decreases.
Moisturizes the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is twice the size of the arterial system, which includes veins and arteries. This massive system flushes out waste from our body. Keeping it hydrated with lemon juice makes it work smoothly and efficiently.
It helps to relax the feet after a long day of work and stress, the feet can be rested by putting them in a bowl of warm water and a little lemon juice, which gives a sense of quick relief, and may help to feel sleepy as well.
It is used to get rid of the feeling of heartburn or acidity to relieve the feeling of heartburn and esophagus, you can drink a cup of warm water with two tablespoons of concentrated lemon juice.
Fifthly, how to make lemon juice
Finally, we offer you how to prepare this wonderful juice.

the ingredients
Two lemons.
Half a liter of water.
Sugar, as desired, but preferably in a small proportion as possible.
ice Cube.
How to prepare
Put all ingredients of lemon, sugar, water, and ice in a blender, and beat well.
Then the juice is placed in traditional cups and served cold or hot.

فوائد عصير الليمون

 فوائد عصير الليمون

رابعاً فوائد عصير الليمون
  1. يعزز الطاقة. قم بتجربة الليمون كل يوم صباحاً مكان القهوة فالليمون مصدر طبيعي لتعزيز الطاقة والنشاط في الصباح لأنه لنزع الشحنات السالبة من الجسم.
  2. مخفف لإلتهاب الحلق. يمكن لعصير الليمون تخفيف التهاب الحلق.حيث يمكنك الخلط بين العسل والماء الساخن ويضاف إليهم الليمون فهذا يساعد على علاج أسوأ أنواع التهاب الحلق.
  3. يخفف من السعال. يخفف من السعال بصورة كبيرة وخاصة عندما تضع قطرات الليمون على العسل.
  4. يزيل البلغم . حمض الستريك الموجود في الليمون يذيب المخاط والبلغم لما فيه من مضادات الأكسدة ونسبة كبيرة من فيتامين C ويساعد على قتل الفيروس الذي يتسبب في البلغم. ولتحقيق ذلك، عليك إضافة الليمون إلى الماء الساخن والعسل.
  5. يحارب نزلات البرد. وفقا لمايو كلينيك، أخذ فيتامين C قبل البرد يمكن أن تساعد على تقصير مدة أعراض البرد. شرب عصير الليمون يومياً يعطيك دفعة من فيتامين C من شأنها أن تساعد على تسريع وتخفيف نزلات البرد. وتظهر الدراسات أن تناول فيتامين C يقلل من شدة أعراض البرد والإنفلونزا ويحارب الفيروسات التي تسبب هذه الأمراض.
  6. يعزز الجهاز المناعي. أثبتت الأبحاث أن فيتامين C مفيد للجهاز المناعي. فنقص فيتامين C يجعل منك عرضة للفيروسات والالتهابات.
  7. يقلل من العدوى. تم إعطاء جرعات عالية من فيتامين (ج) بانتظام لعلاج الالتهابات وفقا لعيادة ريوردان. الليمون ليس فقط لديه طن من فيتامين C ولكن الخصائص المضادة للميكروبات الطبيعية التي تجعل منه قوة للحد من الالتهابات.
  8. يعزز التئام الجروح. في حين إضافة الليمون إلى الجرح يبدو مؤلما، فشرب عصير الليمون يمكن أن تساعد على تعزيز التئام الجروح. وتبين البحوث المقدمة في المجلة الدولية للعلوم والبحوث أن عصير الليمون يسرع التئام الجروح بسبب خصائصه المضادة للبكتيريا.
  9. يجدد الطاقة. يجدد عصير الليمون الطاقة وخاصة بالنسبة للرياضيين بعد بذل مجهود كبير في التمرين.
  10. يحمى الجسم والعظام والعضلات . وفقا ل ويب مد، الأطعمة التي تقي الجسم قد تفيدك في نواح كثيرة. فقد تساعد على منع حصى الكلى والحفاظ على العظام والعضلات بشكل أكبر.
  11. فعّال ضد الربو ولمن يعانون من نوبات الربو ، فإن الحل قد يكمن في تناول ملعقة من عصير الليمون قبل الوجبات بساعة واحدة بصفة يومية ، فيشعر المريض براحة وتهدأ نوبات الربو المزعجة.
  12. ينظم السكر في الدم. ووفقا لجامعة هارفارد، يمكن للليمون أن يبطئ تحويل النشا إلى السكر. وبطء هذا التحويل يقلل من مستويات إرتفاع السكر في الدم بشكل كبير، وهو نعمة لمرضى السكر وأي شخص يتطلع إلى تحقيق الاستقرار في مستويات السكر لتجنب ارتفاع السكر أو زيادة الوزن.
  13. يغذي الدماغ. الليمون لديه كم كبير من البوتاسيوم، وهو أمر عظيم للدماغ.
  14. يُعالج آلام القدم و الكعب فللتخلص من آلام القدم و الكعب ، يمكن فرك شريحة من الليمون على المنطقة التي بها الألم ، كما أنه يساعد على تطهير القدم من السموم عن طريق البثور.
  15. يمد الجسم بشكل طبيعي. بحمض الستريك فهو في الليمون جنبا إلى جنب مع الألياف يساعد على تفتيت البكتيريا التي تتراكم في الجسم.
  16. يحارب السرطان. في حين أن الليمون ليس علاج للسرطان، هناك حقيقة أن الليمون يحتوي على الكثير من خصائص مكافحة السرطان.
  17. مُعالج للإمساك وللتخلص من الإمساك وكذلك لتخليص الجسم من السموم ، يمكن شرب خليط من عصير الليمون و الماء الدافئ المخلوط بعسل النحل في الصباح الباكر قبل تناول أي أطعمة. ويمكن إضافة القليل من القرفة للخليط لإكسابه نكهة لذيذة.
  18. يدعم صحة القلب. يساعد البوتاسيوم في مياه الليمون على دعم صحة القلب. البوتاسيوم يقوي عضلة القلب، جنبا إلى جنب مع جميع العضلات الأخرى في الجسم، ويساعد على الحفاظ على تدفق الدم بحرية في الأوعية الدموية.
  19. يقلل من ارتفاع ضغط الدم. فيتامين C قد يساعد على استرخاء الأوعية الدموية. وعندما تكون الأوعية الدموية هي استرخاء، ضغط الدم يقلل بشكل طبيعي.
  20. يرطب الجهاز اللمفاوي. الجهاز الليمفاوي هو ضعف حجم النظام الشرياني الذي يضم الأوردة والشرايين. هذا النظام الهائل يطرد النفايات من جسمنا. والحفاظ عليه رطب مع عصير الليمون يجعله يعمل  بسلاسة وكفاءة.
  21. يُساعد في إراحة القدمين بعد يوم طويل من العمل و الإجهاد ، يمكن إراحة القدمين عن طريق وضعهما في إناء من الماء الدافئ و القليل من عصير الليمون ، ما يعطي إحساساً بـ الراحة السريعة ، وقد يساعد على الشعور بـ النعاس أيضاً.
  22. يُستخدم للتخلص من الشعور بـ الحرقة أو الحموضة لتخفيف الشعور بحرقة المعدة و المريء ، يمكن شرب كوب من الماء الدافئ المضاف إليه ملعقتان من عصير الليمون المركز.

خامساً طريقة عمل عصير الليمون

وفي الأخير نُقدم لكم طريقة تحضير هذا العصير الرائع..


  • ليمونتان.
  • نصف لتر من الماء.
  • سكر حسب الرغبة ولكن يفضل ان يكون بنسبة قليلة على قدر المستطاع.
  • مكعبات ثلج.

طريقة التحضير

  1. توضع كلّ المكوّنات من الليمون، والسكر، والماء، والثلج في الخلاط، وتضرب جيداً.
  2. ثمّ يوضع العصير في الأكواب التقليديّة ويقدم بارداً أو ساخناً.

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Attributes of God Almighty (2)

Attributes of God Almighty (2)

Among the attributes of God Almighty and the attributes of creation:
   The believer must realize that the meaning that is intended by the expression in the attributes of God Almighty is completely different from the meaning that is intended by this same expression in the attributes of created beings. You say: God knows and knowledge is an attribute of God Almighty, and you say: So-and-so is a scientist, and knowledge is an attribute of so-and-so people, so is what is meant by the word science in the two structures the same? Far from it being so. Rather, the knowledge of God Almighty is a knowledge that does not end in perfection, and the knowledge of created beings is nothing besides Him. As well as life, as well as the rest of the qualities of hearing, sight, speech, will and ability. These are all the meanings of the expressions in them that differ from their meanings in the right of creation in terms of perfection and quality completely, because He is Blessed and Almighty does not resemble anyone of His creation, and we are not required to know what they are, but rather we counted to know their effects in the universe and their requirements in our servitude to God alone.
Rational and logical evidence to prove the attributes of God Almighty:
The existence of the Creator and the proof of the attributes of his absolute perfection has become among the axioms that do not need evidence or proof to prove them, and no evidence is required for them except for all the arrogance of the heart patient. Nevertheless, in order to complete the benefit, we mention some logical evidence, including:
First: This existence that indicates, by its greatness and precision, the existence of his Creator, his greatness, and his perfection.
Second: The one who has lost a thing does not give it, and if the creature of this universe is not characterized by the attributes of perfection, then what are the effects of these characteristics on its creatures?
Third: This Creator is one and does not multiply, since polygamy is a cause for corruption, disagreement and elevation, especially as the divinity is concerned with pride and greatness, and also if one of the multiple acts independently, the characteristics of others will be disrupted, and if they participate, the attributes of some of them will be disrupted, then God must be one and behave in the universe Concerning creation without a partner, the Almighty said: (God did not take from a child and what God has with him, then every god went with what He created and may God bless one another.) Glory be to each other.
A question that many people stand before it:
   It was mentioned in a hadith on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, who said: The Messenger of God said (People continue to wonder until it is said: God created the creation, so who created God? Whoever finds something out of that, let him say: I believed in God). Although this question is fundamentally wrong - because we are instructed not to search for the self of God, the Blessed and Exalted be He, because our deficient minds that are incapable of comprehending the truth of themselves are incapable of comprehending the truth of God - but it does tremble in the souls of some people, and this example explains to them:
   If you put a book on your desk and then got out of the room and came back to it shortly and saw the book that you left on the desk lying in the drawer, then you completely think that someone must have put it in the drawer because you know that one of the characteristics of the book is that it does not move by itself. Whereas if in your office there was a person sitting on the chair with you and then went out and came back and saw him sitting on the carpet, for example, you do not think that anyone moved him from his position, because you know that one of the characteristics of this person is that he moves himself and does not need someone to move him.
   And since the creatures are modern, and we know that one of their attributes and natures is that they do not exist by themselves, but rather they must have existence. By itself, it does not need someone to find it.
The words of some Western scholars regarding the existence and attributes of God:
   Descartes said: “Even though I feel a lack of self, I feel the necessity of a complete self, and I believe that this feeling has implanted in my self the perfect self, which has all the attributes of perfection, which is God.”
   Isaac Newton said: “Do not be suspicious of the Creator, for it is inconceivable that coincidences alone lead this existence.”
   Linnaeus said: “The benefits that we derive from these creatures testify to the greatness of the mercy of God who has made them available to us, just as their perfection and coherence predicts his full wisdom, as well as preserving them from vanishing and their renewal acknowledges his majesty and greatness.”

بين صفات الله تعالى وصفات الخلق:

            صفات الله تعالى (2)

بين صفات الله تعالى وصفات الخلق:
   يجب أن يفطن المؤمن إلى أن المعنى الذي يقصد باللفظ في صفات الله تعالى يختلف اختلافاً كلياً عن المعنى الذي يقصد بهذا اللفظ عينه في صفات المخلوقين. فأنت تقول: الله عالم والعلم صفة لله تعالى, وتقول: فلان عالم والعلم صفة لفلان من الناس, فهل ما يقصد بلفظة العلم في التركيبين واحد؟ حاشا أن يكون كذلك؛ وإنما علم الله تبارك وتعالى علم لا يتناهى كماله ولا يعد علم المخلوقين شيئا إلى جانبه. وكذلك الحياة, وكذلك باقي الصفات من السمع والبصر والكلام والإرادة والقدرة. فهذه كلها مدلولات الألفاظ فيها تختلف عن مدلولاتها في حق الخلق من حيث الكمال والكيفية اختلافاً كلياً, لأنه تبارك وتعالى لا يشبه أحداً من خلقه, ولسنا مطالبين بمعرفة كنهها وإنما حسبنا أن نعرف آثارها في الكون ولوازمها في عبوديتنا لله وحده.
الأدلة العقلية والمنطقية على إثبات صفات الله تعالى:
وجود الخالق وإثبات صفات الكمال المطلق له صار من البدهيات التي لا يحتاج إلى دليل أو برهان لإثباتها, ولا يطالب بالدليل عليها إلا كل مكابر مريض القلب, ومع ذلك فتتميماً للفائدة نذكر بعض الأدلة المنطقية ومنها:
أولاً: هذا الوجود الذي يدل بعظمته وإحكامه على وجود خالقه وعظمته وكماله.
ثانياً: فاقد الشيء لا يعطيه, فإذا لم يكن موجد هذا الكون متصفاً بصفات الكمال فكيف تكون آثار هذه الصفات في مخلوقاته.
ثالثاً: هذا الخالق واحد لا يتعدد, إذ أن التعدد مدعاة للفساد والخلاف والعلو, ولا سيما أن شأن الألوهية الكبرياء والعظمة, وأيضاً لو استقل أحد المتعددين بالتصرف تعطلت صفات الآخرين, ولو اشتركوا لتعطلت صفات بعض منهم, فلا بد أن يكون الإله واحداً متصرفاً في الكون وفي الخلق دون شريك, قال تعالى:(ما اتَّخَذَ الله ُمِنْ وَلَدٍ وَما كانَ مَعَهُ مِنْ إلهٍ,إذاً لَذَهَبَ كُلُّ إلهٍ بِما خَلَقَ وَلَعَلا بَعْضُهُمْ عَلى بَعْضٍ, سُبْحانَ اللهِ عَمَّا يَصِفون).
سؤال يقف أمامه كثير من الناس:
   ورد في حديث عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله ( لا يزال الناس يتساءلون حتى يقال هذا: خلق الله الخلق, فمن خلق الله؟ فمن وجد من ذلك شيئاً فليقل: آمنت بالله). وهذا السؤال وإن كان خطأً من أساسه -لأننا أمرنا ألا نبحث في ذات الله تبارك وتعالى, لأن عقولنا القاصرة التي تعجز عن إدراك حقيقة نفسها تعجز من باب أولى عن إدراك حقيقة الله- إلا أنه يختلج في نفوس بعض الناس, وهذا المثال يوضح لهم:
   إذا وضعت كتاباً على مكتبك ثم خرجت من الحجرة وعدت إليها بعد قليل فرأيت الكتاب الذي تركته على المكتب موضوعاً في الدرج, فإنك تعتقد تماماً أن أحداً لا بد أن يكون قد وضعه في الدرج لأنك تعلم أن من صفات الكتاب أنه لا ينتقل بنفسه. بينما لو كان معك في حجرة مكتبك شخص جالس على الكرسي ثم خرجت وعدت فرأيته جالساً على البساط مثلاً فإنك لا تعتقد أن أحداً نقله من موضعه, لأنك تعلم أن من صفات هذا الشخص أنه ينتقل بنفسه ولا يحتاج إلى من ينقله.
   ولما كانت المخلوقات محدثة ونحن نعلم أن من صفاتها وطبائعها أنها لا توجد بذاتها بل لا بد لها من موجد, عرفنا أن موجدها هو الله سبحانه, بينما كمال الألوهية يقتضي عدم احتياج الإله لغيره, بل إن من صفاته قيامه بنفسه, عرفنا أن الله تبارك وتعالى موجود بذاته غير محتاج إلى من يوجده.
كلام بعض العلماء الغربيين في إثبات وجود الله وصفاته:
   قال ديكارت:( إني مع شعوري بنقص ذاتي أحس بوجوب وجود ذات كاملة, وأعتقد أن هذا الشعور غرسته في ذاتي الذات الكاملة المتحلية بجميع صفات الكمال وهي الله).
   وقال إسحاق نيوتن:( لا تشكوا في الخالق فإنه مما لا يعقل أن تكون المصادفات وحدها هي قائدة هذا الوجود ).
   وقال لينيه :( إن المنافع التي نستمدها من هذه الكائنات تشهد بعظمة رحمة الله الذي سخرها لنا, كما أن كمالها وتناسقها ينبئ بكامل حكمته, وكذلك حفظها عن التلاشي وتجددها يقر بجلاله وعظمته).

The first lesson is belief in God Almighty

The first lesson is belief in God Almighty

God Almighty God’s Essence:
   Know, my son, that the essence of God, the Blessed and Exalted, is too great to be surrounded by human minds, or perceived by human thoughts, because no matter how high and perceptive it is of limited strength and confined capacity, the human mind often fails to comprehend the realities of things despite its use of them, so the electric current cannot be seen But it benefits from its effects, and we do not see the nerve flow that passes from the senses to the brain and from it to the extremities, but we perceive its effects. Knowing the realities of things and their nature does not benefit us in anything, rather it is sufficient for us to know from their properties what will benefit us.
   If it is our affair in the matters that we feel and touch, then why do you think with the essence of God Almighty ?! People who spoke in the essence of God, the Blessed and Exalted, have gone astray, so their words were a reason for their delusion, sedition and disagreement, because they speak in what they are unaware of, and are not able to know what it is, and for this reason the Messenger of God forbade contemplating the essence of God and commanded to think about his creatures, so he said: Think about the creation of God and not Think about God, for you will not appreciate his destiny.)
   This is not a measure of freedom of thought, nor a stagnation in research, nor a restriction on the mind, but it is impermissible from regression in the shafts of delusion, and a deterrence to it from treating research for which the means of research are not available, and its power - no matter how great - cannot cure it, and this is the righteous way of Servants of God who know the greatness of himself and the majesty of his destiny. It was said to one of them: Tell me about God Almighty? He said: One God. He was asked: How is it? He said: A king capable. He was told: Where is he? He said: It is on the lookout. The questioner said: I did not ask you about this, and Yahya said: What was other than this was the quality of the creature, as for its description I did not tell you about it.
God Names:
   The Creator, the Almighty, is known to his creation by names and attributes that are worthy of His majesty. It is good for the believer to memorize them, bless them, and enjoy their remembrance and glorify their destiny. The hadith of the Messenger جمع (God has ninety-nine names have been compiled by one hundred but one that no one can memorize except who enters Heaven) and mentioned it (He is God, who has no god but He is the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, King, Holy, Peace, the believer, the dominant, the dear, the mighty, the arrogant, The Creator, the Creator, the Photographer, the Forgiver, the Subduer, the Wahab, the Provider, the Fattah, the Allim, the Gripper, the Basset, the Depressing, the Lifter, the Goat, the Humiliator, the Hearing, the Insight, Judgment, Justice, the Gentle, the Expert, the Halim, the Great, the Forgiving, the Grateful, The Most High, the Great, the Hafeez, the Almighty, the Haseeb, the Jalil, the Generous, the Watchman, the Respondent, the Broad, the Wise, the Friendly, the Glorious, the Promoter, the Martyr, the Truth, the Agent, the Strong, the Strong, the Guardian, the Hamid, the Mahsi, the Principal, the Repeater, the Memorable, The dead, the living, the living, the Wajid, the glorious, the one, the steadfast, the almighty, the Almighty, the forward, the backward, the first, the other, the apparent, the inner, the governor, the transcendent, righteousness, the repentance, the avenger, the pardon, the compassionate, the owner of the king, the majesty and honor , The installer, the collector, the rich, the singer, the inhibitor, the harmful, the beneficial, the light, the guide, the great, the rest, the heir, the rational, the patient).
The meanings of some of Allah's names:
(Al-Qudus), the purified of faults. (Peace) security to create. (The believer) the authenticator and his promise to his creation and to the believer from his torment. (Dominant) The disposing dominant. (Aziz) the most conqueror. (Jabbar) who executes his orders. (The arrogant) is higher than the qualities of a unique creation with its greatness. (Al-Bari) is the Creator, and he is in the creation of the Spirit who is revealed. (Abominable) The Knowing World. (Haseeb) enough to create it. (Al-Mahsi) is the one who counted everything with his knowledge, so he missed nothing. (Righteousness) sympathetic to his servants with his kindness and kindness. (Almqtus) just in his judgment. (Al-Rasheed) who guides creation to their interests. (The patient) is the one who does not treat the disobedient with revenge on them.



(アルクドゥス)、断層から浄化された。 (平和)作成するセキュリティ。 (信者)彼の創造への彼の約束と彼らの苦しみからの彼らへの信者であると信じられている人。 (ドミナント)処理するドミナント。 (アジズ)最も征服者。 (ジャバー)彼の命令を実行する人。 (傲慢)は、その偉大さを備えたユニークな創造の品質よりも高いです。 (アルバリ)創造主、そして彼は明らかにされた霊の創造にいます。 (忌まわしい)知る世界。 (ハシーブ)それを作成するのに十分です。 (アル・マーシー)は彼の知識ですべてを数えた人なので、何も見落としませんでした。 (正義)優しさと優しさで、しもべに同情。 (Almqtus)ちょうど彼の判断で。 (アル・ラシード)誰が彼らの興味に創造を導くか。 (患者)は、不服従者を復讐で扱わない人です。

الأربعاء، 9 سبتمبر 2020


















???こんばんは ???



سرعة الانفعال تشير إلى استجابة الأفراد بشكل سريع وعاطفي لمواقف معينة، مما قد يؤدي إلى ردود فعل غير محسوبة. إليك بعض النقاط المتع...