الجمعة، 11 سبتمبر 2020

Attributes of God Almighty (2)

Attributes of God Almighty (2)

Among the attributes of God Almighty and the attributes of creation:
   The believer must realize that the meaning that is intended by the expression in the attributes of God Almighty is completely different from the meaning that is intended by this same expression in the attributes of created beings. You say: God knows and knowledge is an attribute of God Almighty, and you say: So-and-so is a scientist, and knowledge is an attribute of so-and-so people, so is what is meant by the word science in the two structures the same? Far from it being so. Rather, the knowledge of God Almighty is a knowledge that does not end in perfection, and the knowledge of created beings is nothing besides Him. As well as life, as well as the rest of the qualities of hearing, sight, speech, will and ability. These are all the meanings of the expressions in them that differ from their meanings in the right of creation in terms of perfection and quality completely, because He is Blessed and Almighty does not resemble anyone of His creation, and we are not required to know what they are, but rather we counted to know their effects in the universe and their requirements in our servitude to God alone.
Rational and logical evidence to prove the attributes of God Almighty:
The existence of the Creator and the proof of the attributes of his absolute perfection has become among the axioms that do not need evidence or proof to prove them, and no evidence is required for them except for all the arrogance of the heart patient. Nevertheless, in order to complete the benefit, we mention some logical evidence, including:
First: This existence that indicates, by its greatness and precision, the existence of his Creator, his greatness, and his perfection.
Second: The one who has lost a thing does not give it, and if the creature of this universe is not characterized by the attributes of perfection, then what are the effects of these characteristics on its creatures?
Third: This Creator is one and does not multiply, since polygamy is a cause for corruption, disagreement and elevation, especially as the divinity is concerned with pride and greatness, and also if one of the multiple acts independently, the characteristics of others will be disrupted, and if they participate, the attributes of some of them will be disrupted, then God must be one and behave in the universe Concerning creation without a partner, the Almighty said: (God did not take from a child and what God has with him, then every god went with what He created and may God bless one another.) Glory be to each other.
A question that many people stand before it:
   It was mentioned in a hadith on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, who said: The Messenger of God said (People continue to wonder until it is said: God created the creation, so who created God? Whoever finds something out of that, let him say: I believed in God). Although this question is fundamentally wrong - because we are instructed not to search for the self of God, the Blessed and Exalted be He, because our deficient minds that are incapable of comprehending the truth of themselves are incapable of comprehending the truth of God - but it does tremble in the souls of some people, and this example explains to them:
   If you put a book on your desk and then got out of the room and came back to it shortly and saw the book that you left on the desk lying in the drawer, then you completely think that someone must have put it in the drawer because you know that one of the characteristics of the book is that it does not move by itself. Whereas if in your office there was a person sitting on the chair with you and then went out and came back and saw him sitting on the carpet, for example, you do not think that anyone moved him from his position, because you know that one of the characteristics of this person is that he moves himself and does not need someone to move him.
   And since the creatures are modern, and we know that one of their attributes and natures is that they do not exist by themselves, but rather they must have existence. By itself, it does not need someone to find it.
The words of some Western scholars regarding the existence and attributes of God:
   Descartes said: “Even though I feel a lack of self, I feel the necessity of a complete self, and I believe that this feeling has implanted in my self the perfect self, which has all the attributes of perfection, which is God.”
   Isaac Newton said: “Do not be suspicious of the Creator, for it is inconceivable that coincidences alone lead this existence.”
   Linnaeus said: “The benefits that we derive from these creatures testify to the greatness of the mercy of God who has made them available to us, just as their perfection and coherence predicts his full wisdom, as well as preserving them from vanishing and their renewal acknowledges his majesty and greatness.”

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