الجمعة، 11 سبتمبر 2020

The first lesson is belief in God Almighty

The first lesson is belief in God Almighty

God Almighty God’s Essence:
   Know, my son, that the essence of God, the Blessed and Exalted, is too great to be surrounded by human minds, or perceived by human thoughts, because no matter how high and perceptive it is of limited strength and confined capacity, the human mind often fails to comprehend the realities of things despite its use of them, so the electric current cannot be seen But it benefits from its effects, and we do not see the nerve flow that passes from the senses to the brain and from it to the extremities, but we perceive its effects. Knowing the realities of things and their nature does not benefit us in anything, rather it is sufficient for us to know from their properties what will benefit us.
   If it is our affair in the matters that we feel and touch, then why do you think with the essence of God Almighty ?! People who spoke in the essence of God, the Blessed and Exalted, have gone astray, so their words were a reason for their delusion, sedition and disagreement, because they speak in what they are unaware of, and are not able to know what it is, and for this reason the Messenger of God forbade contemplating the essence of God and commanded to think about his creatures, so he said: Think about the creation of God and not Think about God, for you will not appreciate his destiny.)
   This is not a measure of freedom of thought, nor a stagnation in research, nor a restriction on the mind, but it is impermissible from regression in the shafts of delusion, and a deterrence to it from treating research for which the means of research are not available, and its power - no matter how great - cannot cure it, and this is the righteous way of Servants of God who know the greatness of himself and the majesty of his destiny. It was said to one of them: Tell me about God Almighty? He said: One God. He was asked: How is it? He said: A king capable. He was told: Where is he? He said: It is on the lookout. The questioner said: I did not ask you about this, and Yahya said: What was other than this was the quality of the creature, as for its description I did not tell you about it.
God Names:
   The Creator, the Almighty, is known to his creation by names and attributes that are worthy of His majesty. It is good for the believer to memorize them, bless them, and enjoy their remembrance and glorify their destiny. The hadith of the Messenger جمع (God has ninety-nine names have been compiled by one hundred but one that no one can memorize except who enters Heaven) and mentioned it (He is God, who has no god but He is the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, King, Holy, Peace, the believer, the dominant, the dear, the mighty, the arrogant, The Creator, the Creator, the Photographer, the Forgiver, the Subduer, the Wahab, the Provider, the Fattah, the Allim, the Gripper, the Basset, the Depressing, the Lifter, the Goat, the Humiliator, the Hearing, the Insight, Judgment, Justice, the Gentle, the Expert, the Halim, the Great, the Forgiving, the Grateful, The Most High, the Great, the Hafeez, the Almighty, the Haseeb, the Jalil, the Generous, the Watchman, the Respondent, the Broad, the Wise, the Friendly, the Glorious, the Promoter, the Martyr, the Truth, the Agent, the Strong, the Strong, the Guardian, the Hamid, the Mahsi, the Principal, the Repeater, the Memorable, The dead, the living, the living, the Wajid, the glorious, the one, the steadfast, the almighty, the Almighty, the forward, the backward, the first, the other, the apparent, the inner, the governor, the transcendent, righteousness, the repentance, the avenger, the pardon, the compassionate, the owner of the king, the majesty and honor , The installer, the collector, the rich, the singer, the inhibitor, the harmful, the beneficial, the light, the guide, the great, the rest, the heir, the rational, the patient).
The meanings of some of Allah's names:
(Al-Qudus), the purified of faults. (Peace) security to create. (The believer) the authenticator and his promise to his creation and to the believer from his torment. (Dominant) The disposing dominant. (Aziz) the most conqueror. (Jabbar) who executes his orders. (The arrogant) is higher than the qualities of a unique creation with its greatness. (Al-Bari) is the Creator, and he is in the creation of the Spirit who is revealed. (Abominable) The Knowing World. (Haseeb) enough to create it. (Al-Mahsi) is the one who counted everything with his knowledge, so he missed nothing. (Righteousness) sympathetic to his servants with his kindness and kindness. (Almqtus) just in his judgment. (Al-Rasheed) who guides creation to their interests. (The patient) is the one who does not treat the disobedient with revenge on them.

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