الجمعة، 11 سبتمبر 2020

Shift + X: sleep

Shift + X: sleep
Shift + Q: aperture
Shift + A: kasra
Shift + Z: Duration
Shift + W: Intend to open
Shift + S: draw kasra
Shift + R: intend to combine
Shift + T: To
Shift + G: no
Shift + Y:
Shift + H: a
Shift + N: A
Shift + B: No.
Shift + V: {
Shift + C:}
Shift + F :)
Shift + D: (
Shift + J: extend the letter
Ctrl + C: Copy
Ctrl + X: Cut
Ctrl + V: paste
Ctrl + Z: undo
Ctrl + A: Mark the file
Shift + U: inverted comma
Ctrl + ESC: To-do list
Ctrl + Enter: Starting a new page
Ctrl + Shift: Arabic (right)
Ctrl + Shift: English (left)
Ctrl + 1: single space
Ctrl + 5: one-and-a-half line space
Ctrl + 2: double space
Ctrl + G: Move to a page
Ctrl + END: Move to the end of the file
Ctrl + F5: Minimize the file window
Ctrl + F6: move from one file to another
Ctrl + F2: Preview the page before printing
= Ctrl +: Zoom in and out by one degree
F4: Repeat the last operation
Alt + Enter: repeat the last operation
Ctrl + Y: repeat the last operation
Ctrl + F9: Open ready-made parentheses
Shift + F10: Bullets and digital
F12: Save as
Shift + F12: Save the file
Ctrl + Home: the beginning of the document
Ctrl + End: End the document
Shift + F1: Information about the format type
Ctrl + U: line under the text
Ctrl + F4: Exit the file
Ctrl + N: New file
Ctrl + H: Replace
Ctrl + I: italic
Ctrl + K: Format the document
Ctrl + P: Print
Ctrl + O: Open a region
Ctrl + D: Maximize the text
Ctrl + C: Minimize text
Y + Shift: intensity
Alt + S: the Format menu
Alt + J: Help menu
[Alt +: table list
Alt +]: Tools menu
Alt + U: View menu
Alt + P: Edit menu
Alt + L: File menu
“Alt +: window menu
Alt + Q: adjusts a ruler
Ctrl + E: Center text
Ctrl + F: Search
Ctrl + B: black line
Ctrl + Shift + P: font size
Ctrl + Shift + S: style
Ctrl + D: line
Ctrl + Shift + K: Convert letters - Capital
Shift + F3: Convert letters - Capital
Ctrl + Shift + L: place a point at the beginning of the text
Ctrl + Alt + E: Roman numbering footnotes
Ctrl + Alt + R: Mark ®
Ctrl + Alt + T: Mark ™
Ctrl + Alt + C: Mark ©
Ctrl + Alt + I: preview the page before printing
Shift + F7: Thesaurus
Ctrl + Alt + F1: System Information
Ctrl + Alt + F2: Open directories
Ctrl + J: Flatten text on both sides
Ctrl + L: the beginning of the text from the left side
Ctrl + Q: the beginning of the text from the right side
Ctrl + E: Center text
Ctrl + M: Change the size of the top paragraph
Shift + F5: return to the position you finished when closing the file
= Ctrl + Alt +: Customize
F3: Enter an AutoText
F9: Check fields
F10: Move a window to open windows
F1: Instructions
F5: Move to
F7: Check spelling
F8: Mark an area

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