الأحد، 8 مارس 2015

In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful
1. By the heaven, holding the big stars .
2. And by the Promised Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection);
3. And by the witnessing day (i.e. Friday), and by the witnessed day [i.e. the day of 'Arafat (Hajj) the ninth of Dhul-Hijjah];
4. Cursed were the people of the ditch (the story of the Boy and the King).
5. Fire supplied (abundantly) with fuel,
6. When they sat by it (fire),
7. And they witnessed what they were doing against the believers (i.e. burning them).
8. They had nothing against them, except that they believed in Allah, the All-Mighty, Worthy of all Praise!
9. Who, to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth! And Allah is Witness over everything.
10. Verily, those who put into trial the believing men and believing women (by torturing them and burning them), and then do not turn in repentance, (to Allah), will have the torment of Hell, and they will have the punishment of the burning Fire.
11. Verily, those who believe and do righteous good deeds, for them will be Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise). That is the great success.
12. Verily, (O Muhammad ()) the Grip (Punishment) of your Lord is severe.
13. Verily, He it is Who begins (punishment) and repeats (punishment in the Hereafter) (or originates the creation of everything, and then repeats it on the Day of Resurrection).
14. And He is Oft-Forgiving, full of love (towards the pious who are real true believers of Islamic Monotheism),
15. Owner of the throne, the Glorious
16. He does what He intends (or wills).
17. Has the story reached you of the hosts,
18. Of Fir'aun (Pharaoh) and Thamud?
19. Nay! The disbelievers (persisted) in denying (Prophet Muhammad () and his Message of Islamic Monotheism).
20. And Allah encompasses them from behind! (i.e. all their deeds are within His Knowledge, and He will requite them for their deeds).
21. Nay! This is a Glorious Qur'an,

السبت، 7 مارس 2015

The difference between the Biblical and the Quranic conceptions of women is not limited to the newly born female, it extends far beyond that. Let us compare their attitudes towards a female trying to learn her religion. The heart of Judaism is the Torah, the law. However, according to the Talmud, "women are exempt from the study of the Torah." Some Jewish Rabbis firmly declared "Let the words of Torah rather be destroyed by fire than imparted to women", and "Whoever teaches his daughter Torah is as though he taught her obscenity" [8]
The attitude of St. Paul in the New Testament is not brighter:
    "As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission as the law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church." (I Corinthians 14:34-35)
How can a woman learn if she is not allowed to speak? How can a woman grow intellectually if she is obliged to be in a state of full submission? How can she broaden her horizons if her one and only source of information is her husband at home?
Now, to be fair, we should ask: is the Quranic position any different? One short story narrated in the Quran sums its position up concisely. Khawlah was a Muslim woman whose husband Aws pronounced this statement at a moment of anger: "You are to me as the back of my mother." This was held by pagan Arabs to be a statement of divorce which freed the husband from any conjugal responsibility but did not leave the wife free to leave the husband's home or to marry another man. Having heard these words from her husband, Khawlah was in a miserable situation. She went straight to the Prophet of Islam to plead her case. The Prophet was of the opinion that she should be patient as no revelation had come about suchan issue. Khawla kept pleading with the Prophet in an attempt to save her suspended marriage. Shortly, the Quran intervened; Khawla's plea was accepted. The divine verdict abolished this iniquitous custom. One full chapter (Chapter 58) of the Quran whose title is "Almujadilah" or "The woman who is arguing" was named after this incident:
    "Allah has heard and accepted the statement of the woman who pleads with you (the Prophet) concerning her husband and carries her complaint to Allah, and Allah hears the arguments between both of you for Allah hears and sees all things...." (58:1).

It is clear that the Quranic view of women is no different than that of men. They, both, are God's creatures whose sublime goal on earth is to worship their Lord, do righteous deeds, and avoid evil and they, both, will be assessed accordingly. The Quran never mentions that the woman is the devil's gateway or that she is a deceiver by nature. The Quran, also, never mentions that man is God's image; all men and all women are his creatures, that is all. According to the Quran, a woman's role on earth is not limited only to childbirth. She is required to do as many good deeds as any other man is required to do. The Quran never says that no upright women have ever existed. To the contrary, the Quran has instructed all the believers, women as well as men, to follow the example of those ideal women such as the Virgin Mary and the Pharoah's wife:
    "And Allah sets forth, As an example to those who believe, the wife of Pharaoh: Behold she said: 'O my lord build for me, in nearness to you, a mansion in the Garden, and save me from Pharaoh and his doings and save me from those who do wrong.' And Mary the daughter of Imran who guarded her chastity and We breathed into her body of Our spirit; and she testified to the truth of the words of her Lord and of His revelations and was one of the devout" (66:11-13).

    "If they become tired or even die, that does not matter. Let them die in childbirth, that's why they are there"
Again and again all women are denigrated because of the image of Eve the temptress, thanks to the Genesis account. To sum up, the Judaeo-Christian conception of women has been poisoned by the belief in the sinful nature of Eve and her female offspring.
If we now turn our attention to what the Quran has to say about women, we will soon realize that the Islamic conception of women is radically different from the Judaeo-Christian one. Let the Quran speak for itself:
    "For Muslim men and women, for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in charity, for men and women who fast, for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allah's praise-- For them all has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward" (33:35). "The believers, men and women, are protectors, one of another: they enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil, they observe regular prayers, practise regular charity, and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His Mercy: for Allah is Exalted in power, Wise" (9:71). "And their Lord answered them: Truly I will never cause to be lost the work of any of you, Be you a male or female, you are members one of another" (3:195). "Whoever works evil will not be requited but by the like thereof, and whoever works a righteous deed -whether man or woman- and is a believer- such will enter the Garden of bliss" (40:40). "Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has faith, verily to him/her we will give a new life that is good and pure, and we will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions" (16:97).
    "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I don't permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner" (I Timothy 2:11-14).
St. Tertullian was even more blunt than St. Paul, while he was talking to his 'best beloved sisters' in the faith, he said [6]:
    "Do you not know that you are each an Eve? The sentence of God on this sex of yours lives in this age: the guilt must of necessity live too. You are the Devil's gateway: You are the unsealer of the forbidden tree: You are the first deserter of the divine law: You are she who persuaded him whom the devil was not valiant enough to attack. You destroyed so easily God's image, man. On account of your desert even the Son of God had to die."
St. Augustine was faithful to the legacy of his predecessors, he wrote to a friend:
    "What is the difference whether it is in a wife or a mother, it is still Eve the temptress that we must beware of in any woman......I fail to see what use woman can be to man, if one excludes the function of bearing children."
Centuries later, St. Thomas Aquinas still considered women as defective:

    "As regards the individual nature, woman is defective and misbegotten, for the active force in the male seed tends to the production of a perfect likeness in the masculine sex; while the production of woman comes from a defect in the active force or from some material indisposition, or even from some external influence."
The image of Eve as temptress in the Bible has resulted in an extremely negative impact on women throughout the Judaeo-Christian tradition. All women were believed to have inherited from their mother, the Biblical Eve, both her guilt and her guile. Consequently, they were all untrustworthy, morally inferior, and wicked. Menstruation, pregnancy, and childbearing were considered the just punishment for the eternal guilt of the cursed female sex. In order to appreciate how negative the impact of the Biblical Eve was on all her female descendants we have to look at the writings of some of the most important Jews and Christians of all time. Let us start with the Old Testament and look at excerpts from what is called the Wisdom Literature in which we find:
    "I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap and whose hands are chains. The man who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner she will ensnare....while I was still searching but not finding, I found one upright man among a thousand but not one upright woman among them all" (Ecclesiastes 7:26-28).
In another part of the Hebrew literature which is found in the Catholic Bible we read:
    "No wickedness comes anywhere near the wickedness of a woman.....Sin began with a woman and thanks to her we all must die" (Ecclesiasticus 25:19,24).
Jewish Rabbis listed nine curses inflicted on women as a result of the Fall:
    "To the woman He gave nine curses and death: the burden of the blood of menstruation and the blood of virginity; the burden of pregnancy; the burden of childbirth; the burden of bringing up the children; her head is covered as one in mourning; she pierces her ear like a permanent slave or slave girl who serves her master; she is not to be believed as a witness; and after everything--death."[2]
To the present day, orthodox Jewish men in their daily morning prayer recite "Blessed be God King of the universe that Thou has not made me a woman." The women, on the other hand, thank God every morning for "making me according to Thy will." [3] Another prayer found in many Jewish prayer books: "Praised be God that he has not created me a gentile. Praised be God that he has not created me a woman. Praised be God that he has not created me an ignoramus." [4]
The Biblical Eve has played a far bigger role in Christianity than in Judaism. Her sin has been pivotal to the whole Christian faith because the Christian conception of the reason for the mission of Jesus Christ on Earth stems from Eve's disobedience to God. She had sinned and then seduced Adam to follow her suit. Consequently, God expelled both of them from Heaven to Earth, which had been cursed because of them. They bequeathed their sin, which had not been forgiven by God, to all their descendants and, thus, all humans are born in sin. In order to purify human beings from their 'original sin', God had to sacrifice Jesus, who is considered to be the Son of God, on the cross. Therefore, Eve is responsible for her own mistake, her husband's sin, the original sin of all humanity, and the death of the Son of God. In other words, one woman acting on her own caused the fall of humanity [5]. What about her daughters? They are sinners like her and have to be treated as such. Listen to the severe tone of St. Paul in the New Testament:
1. Eve's Fault ?

The three religions agree on one basic fact: Both women and men are created by God, The Creator of the whole universe. However, disagreement starts soon after the creation of the first man, Adam, and the first woman, Eve. The Judaeo-Christian conception of the creation of Adam and Eve is narrated in detail in Genesis 2:4-3:24. God prohibited both of them from eating the fruits of the forbidden tree. The serpent seduced Eve to eat from it and Eve, in turn, seduced Adam to eat with her. When God rebuked Adam for what he did, he put all the blame on Eve, "The woman you put here with me --she gave me some fruit from the tree and I ate it." Consequently, God said to Eve:
    "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you."
To Adam He said:
    "Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree .... Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life..."
The Islamic conception of the first creation is found in several places in the Quran, for example:
    "O Adam dwell with your wife in the Garden and enjoy as you wish but approach not this tree or you run into harm and transgression. Then Satan whispered to them in order to reveal to them their shame that was hidden from them and he said: 'Your Lord only forbade you this tree lest you become angels or such beings as live forever.' And he swore to them both that he was their sincere adviser. So by deceit he brought them to their fall: when they tasted the tree their shame became manifest to them and they began to sew together the leaves of the Garden over their bodies. And their Lord called unto them: 'Did I not forbid you that tree and tell you that Satan was your avowed enemy?' They said: 'Our Lord we have wronged our own souls and if You forgive us not and bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be lost' " (7:19:23).

Women in Islam versus Judaeo-Christian Tradition The Myth & The Reality

Five years ago, I read in the Toronto Star issue of July 3, 1990 an article titled "Islam is not alone in patriarchal doctrines", by Gwynne Dyer. The article described the furious reactions of the participants of a conference on women and power held in Montreal to the comments of the famous Egyptian feminist Dr. Nawal Saadawi. Her "politically incorrect" statements included : "the most restrictive elements towards women can be found first in Judaism in the Old Testament then in Christianity and then in the Quran"; "all religions are patriarchal because they stem from patriarchal societies"; and "veiling of women is not a specifically Islamic practice but an ancient cultural heritage with analogies in sister religions".
The participants could not bear sitting around while their faiths were being equated with Islam. Thus, Dr. Saadawi received a barrage of criticism. "Dr. Saadawi's comments are unacceptable. Her answers reveal a lack of understanding about other people's faiths," declared Bernice Dubois of the World Movement of Mothers. "I must protest" said panelist Alice Shalvi of Israel women's network, "there is no conception of the veil in Judaism." The article attributed these furious protests to the strong tendency in the West to scapegoat Islam for practices that are just as much a part of the West's own cultural heritage. "Christian and Jewish feminists were not going to sit around being discussed in the same category as those wicked Muslims," wrote Gwynne Dyer.
I was not surprised that the conference participants had held such a negative view of Islam, especially when women's issues were involved. In the West, Islam is believed to be the symbol of the subordination of women par excellence. In order to understand how firm this belief is, it is enough to mention that the Minister of Education in France, the land of Voltaire, has recently ordered the expulsion of all young Muslim women wearing the veil from French schools [1]! A young Muslim student wearing a headscarf is denied her right of education in France, while a Catholic student wearing a cross or a Jewish student wearing a skullcap is not. The scene of French policemen preventing young Muslim women wearing headscarves from entering their high school is unforgettable. It inspires the memories of another equally disgraceful scene of Governor George Wallace of Alabama in 1962 standing in front of a school gate trying to block the entrance of black students in order to prevent the desegregation of Alabama's schools. The difference between the two scenes is that the black students had the sympathy of so many people in the U.S. and in the whole world. President Kennedy sent the U.S. National Guard to force the entry of the black students. The Muslim girls, on the other hand, received no help from any one. Their cause seems to have very little sympathy either inside or outside France. The reason is the widespread misunderstanding and fear of anything Islamic in the world today.
What intrigued me the most about the Montreal conference was one question : Were the statements made by Saadawi, or any of her critics, factual ? In other words, do Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have the same conception of women? Are they different in their conceptions ? Do Judaism and Christianity , truly, offer women a better treatment than Islam does? What is the Truth?
It is not easy to search for and find answers to these difficult questions. The first difficulty is that one has to be fair and objective or, at least, do one's utmost to be so. This is what Islam teaches. The Quran has instructed Muslims to say the truth even if those who are very close to them do not like it:
    "Whenever you speak, speak justly, even if a near relative is concerned" (6:152) "O you who believe stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor" (4:135).
For years, misconceptions about the roles which Muslim women play have abounded. Many people believe that Muslim women are slaves to their husbands, beaten by their husbands, forced by their husbands to cover or that they are completely devoid of rights. In essence, none of this is true. There may be individual cases where these actions may occur, but the same can be stated about any religion or culture. In Islam, however, it is very easy to differentiate between the action of the individual, and the teachings of Islam.
Islam is based upon the teachings of the Glorious Quran and the tradition of the prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. The tradition of the prophet (PBUH) is collected in a series of narrations, collectively know as the Hadiths. Through the Quran and the Hadiths, we, as Muslims can identify our roles, rights and duties.
These sources have some passages which are meant for all Muslims, male or female. There are some which have been dedicated to men, while others speak only to women. With the help of these sources, we, as Muslims, learn our freedoms and our limitations.
In reference to women, the Quran and the Hadiths have mandated various rules in regard to behavior, appearance and rights. Some of these may seem constricting to western women, causing them to pity Muslim women, but these women fail to realize that Muslim women do not feel constricted by these rules; we feel liberated, and in fact, as Muslim women we should pity western women. The Muslim woman is not forced to display herself to find a husband. She does not lower herself into competition with other women, using her body as a lure. Secondly, the Muslim women supports no man. Her property is off limits to her husband. It is his duty to provide for her and her children, regardless of her personal wealth. Thirdly, the man has no right to physically harm his wife. While some western scholars negate this by quoting from the Quran that a man is allowed to beat his wife, they fail to mention that the only condoned instrument for this beating is a siwak. (A siwak is a piece of wood, used as a toothbrush, about as thick as a pencil, and about half the length.) It is highly doubtful that this instrument could cause a child any damage, much less a woman. Yet, in the United States, there are still states which have no laws against a man beating his wife. Even, I once read an article where a man beat his girlfriend and killed her pet rabbit. This man was to six months for beating the woman but six years for killing the rabbit. What kind of society values the life of a rabbit more than the welfare of its women. Allah is the Just, the Supreme. Furthermore, Islam gave women the right to own property, work, inherit, and divorce long before the West had even decided that women were human and that they had souls.

The Danish writer Wieth Kordsten explained the view of the Catholic Church towards women. He said: “During the Middle Ages very little care was given to women, following the teaching of the Catholic church which regarded woman as a second class creation.” In France, a council in 586 CE decided to research the case of woman and whether she was to be counted as human or not. After some discussion, they decided that woman was human, but she was created to serve man. 
The 217th clause of the French law states the following: “A married woman – even if her marriage is based on the condition of separating what belongs to her and what belongs to her husband – is not permitted to give anything as a gift or to transfer any of her property or use it as collateral, or to take possession of anything whether in return for payment or otherwise, without her husband being a party to the contract or agreeing to it in writing.” 
In England, Henry VIII forbade the English woman to read the Bible. Until 1850 CE women were not counted as citizens, and until 1882 CE they did not have any personal rights. 
(Silsilat Maqaarinah al-Adyaan, by Dr. Ahmad Shalaby, vol. 3, p. 210-213) 
As for contemporary woman in Europe, America and other industrial nations, she is a creature which is degraded and abused for commercial purposes. She is a feature of advertising campaigns, and things have reached a stage where she takes off her clothes in order to advertise products on posters, and she sells and displays her body according to systems devised by men, so that she is no more than an object of pleasure for them in every place.  
Woman is cared for so long as she is able to give and contribute physically or mentally. When she becomes old and cannot give any more, society – individuals and institutions – forsakes her and she lives alone in her house or in a mental hospital. 
Compare this – and there is no comparison – with the teachings of the Noble Qur’aan, in which Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 
“The believers, men and women, are Awliya’ (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) of one another”
[al-Tawbah 9:71] 

الثلاثاء، 3 مارس 2015

كتب الله لقلبى حبها---فانارت الكون بجمالها ----اجعلنى انا وقلبى حبيبها---وتنفست شوقا لانفاسى --اجعلنى ياربى من هواها ---اجعلنى يا رب من رزقى وحلالى---واجعل حبها سعدى وهناءئ ---واجعل حبها نور سرمدى---اسالك ياربى حبها وودها -سالت الله ان يدوم حبها----ويسعد قلبها ,urgih* *ياربى لا تلومنى على حبها---فحبك احلى من شهدها* *قلبى يشدوا بانوارها---ونور الله امل العاشقى* *جمعت روحى بروحها----فجمعنا فى جنتك العاليا* *يارب اشهد ان حبها عفاف ورضا--فجعلنى وقلبى سبب سعدها* *يارب القى على محبتك----فانت الكريم بحبك احبها* *ياربى هل اذنبت بحبها---فقلبى اسير حبك وحبهااغفر لى يارب هفوات قلبى----فانت الرحيم بقلبى وقلبها*  كتب الله لقلبى حبها---فانارت الكون بجمالها سالت الله ان يدوم حبها----ويسعد قلبها وعقلهاياربى لا تلومنى على حبها---فحبك احلى من شهدها قلبى يشدوا بانوارها.

كتب الله لقلبى حبها-

كتب الله لقلبى حبها---فانارت الكون بجمالها ----اجعلنى انا وقلبى حبيبها---وتنفست شوقا لانفاسى --اجعلنى ياربى من هواها ---اجعلنى يا رب من رزقى وحلالى---واجعل حبها سعدى وهناءئ ---واجعل حبها نور سرمدى---اسالك ياربى حبها وودها -سالت الله ان يدوم حبها----ويسعد قلبها واهلها* *ياربى لا تلومنى على حبها---فحبك احلى من شهدها* *قلبى يشدوا بانوارها---ونور الله امل العاشقى* *جمعت روحى بروحها----فجمعنا فى جنتك العاليا* *يارب اشهد ان حبها عفاف ورضا--فجعلنى وقلبى سبب سعدها* *يارب القى على محبتك----فانت الكريم بحبك احبها* *ياربى هل اذنبت بحبها---فقلبى اسير حبك وحبهااغفر لى يارب هفوات قلبى----فانت الرحيم بقلبى وقلبها* [image: كتب الله لقلبى حبها---فانارت الكون بجمالها سالت الله ان يدوم حبها----ويسعد قلبها واهلها ياربى لا تلومنى على حبها---فحبك احلى من شهدها قلبى يشدوا بانوارها.

الجمعة، 27 فبراير 2015


... ... ... ...

Forget the Kasai and I'm the loser Imre

Beautiful words
Forget the Kasai and I'm the loser Imre
Forget Kasai love with the most beautiful and the best angel
O my Lord, have mercy of this admonition

Kasai lighter and Ante owner heartfelt
Ante killers without a weapon

My love is the most powerful weapon
If Lee Wing
My heart flew to Maak
If I had the same --- a gift for your heart is elusive
Lu Li was the spirit of the heart --- I die you life
I die and you life
How do I forget the love Translucent --- treachery days

If I was able to mix his cell of our body and one
Love singles and after you Alllam
And close you happier and Khanank grams

How forget the occasional Bhoak

And how Anamahb and friendly





あなたは罪悪Pを愛するならば、私は罪悪感を愛し、あなたの愛がP恐ろしい場合、私は何かを恐れていないですし、欠陥Pようこそ欠陥ダーリンへの愛は、あなたが私の許容Aaahqiああ私の希望とAabdaataのために禁止されている場合、彼はあなたが強くKayaniではないアハブ市を把持する感じに近づいたときに、あなたに私の最後を必ずしてください私は私が私が私があなたを愛し、私はああ、私が望む私の願いの一人で、あなたに願いを食べるあなたは私が言葉になり、全く私はあなたなしではありません意味実現することはありませんせてはいけないあなたは単にあなたの王の王国を復活させていると私は実現することなく私の人生Yamen Ahqtkを練習アベシェを気にしない
そして、誰が含まれているのに苦労右ヴィニー、あなた一人でBhanank Atdniを持っています。あなたはあなたのままにすることはありませんので、私はあなたと私の生活の空気のため、離れて歩いたので、あなたが私の夢とシングルを生きてはいけないことなく、私の人生は私に近づいて、私を立ち往生

الأربعاء، 25 فبراير 2015


Very serious question

Very serious question ...
When Satan disobeyed God, from the devil ??
Reread these lines to know ... who is the real Satan us !!!
The word ("same") is a word that is extremely dangerous, have been mentioned in the Qur'an in many verses
Almighty God says in Sura (s):
{We created man and know what whispers doing the same and we are closer to him than his jugular vein}
We believe in God the Almighty, and remember him and pray in the mosque and read the Koran, and Ntsedk, and ..... and ...... etc ...
Nevertheless, we still fall into sin and guilt! ! !
Why ??
The reason for this is that we left the real enemy, and we went to the enemy is weak, God says in the book tightly Aziz: {The Kid Devil was weak}
But the real enemy is the (self) Yes ... The soul is the ticking time bomb, and the mine is located within the rights of God, the Almighty says in the Qur'an (Isra):
{Read your book Enough yourself today you Reckoner}
And saying the Almighty in Surat (forgiving):
{Today rewarded for all the same as earned no injustice today that God quick calculation}
And saying the Almighty in Surat (Amma):
{All the same as earned hostage}
And saying the Almighty in Surat (Pluckers):
{The one who fears his Lord and forbade self passion}
And saying the Almighty in Surat (pelleting):
{I learned the same as what brought}
Noticed that the previous verses revolve around the word (self), what are these self ???
Scientists say that the gods were worshiped without God
((Lat and Uzza and Manat, and Se, Wood, and Yaghuth, hampers, and aquiline))
All of these idols were demolished except for a false god still worship of God, God says, the Almighty: {what about who took God desires} means that Hui self if managed human, it does not listen to the initiated nor Denny motivated by the concern, so you find doing what he wants to say visual Imam In apostate: Bucking the self and the devil Aasehma
In a crime (Cain killed his brother Abel) says the Almighty God: {Aftuat his brother killed himself}
When you ask a man what happened in sin !!!
Then remorse and repented, what made you to do this will tell you: Oguana Satan, and his words this leads to all forbidden act behind the demon.
The reason for the sin and guilt either of the devil, either self is inclined to evil, Satan risk ..
But the most serious self Pktheieyeier ​​...
So the entrance of Satan on the human being is forgotten is Encick reward and punishment, however lies in the outlawed God Almighty said in the Holy Koran: {and acquitted myself that self prone to evil}
Finally, pray to God Almighty and say !!!
(Oh God, I have wronged myself so much injustice, and does not forgive sins except You. Forgive me forgiveness from you, and have mercy on me, You are the Most Merciful)
There hormone in the body produces cells when Nlhy mention God and then be membrane of the heart called ((Arran)) and causes severe depression and sadness and severe shortness he says ... ((Nay! But on their hearts)) sent if the one person most important thing you Maktemt Hmalalm and taught others


それにもかかわらず、我々はまだ、罪と罪悪感に陥る! ! !
しかし、最も深刻な自己Pktheieyeier​​ ...
そこに一人の最も重要なことであれば、体内のホルモンNlhyは神に言及して、((アラン))と呼ばれる心臓の膜であったときの細胞を生成し、重度のうつ病と悲しみと彼は言う深刻な息切れを起こす...((いや!しかし、彼らの心の上))に送信あなたはMaktemt Hmalalmと教えられ、他

白い指があります それは~~幸せです

... |
... ... ... |




 今から私の敵を怒られません。 。しかし、私は、これは私の靴、あなたの後ろに残って何で自分自身に言うだろう

 何も...あなたはそれはあなたに多くのことを意味人を変更することができる以上のことを痛いん、あなたは肖像Blwahm..okonhエラーは多くのエラーを犯し、我々は誠意を持って会って、私たちはそれらの過ちを忘れてどこに何回ミス決してSaadtk..phippdo Bmhacpetkの源と考えられている...難しく、それはあなたが持っていると、あなたの言うことを最悪Bastfsazakから出てくることで、...... "あなたということです」!
 どのように素敵なこの時間..! ,,人々のIhdhironk [云々]。 。 。日スピンと人になる。 。 。親愛なるクリーチャーは、..彼らは黒いが、その日砕いてきた..!
 人生を変動すると心で変動する。 。私たちは、単純なことで多くを失う。 。彼女は値しませんが。 。我々は間違っているため、彼らはこのことからしたいのではない。 。そして、非常に少ない状況に感謝し、私たちにすべての口実を与える。 。私の友人:((愛))が存在しない場合には、「あなたの説明」をIhtahと「説明もなし」((Ilkが))Sekhecに望んでいることはありません..!

... ..躊躇しないでください!

... ...〜
たとえ。 。孤独になりました..!


 男性は帳簿に焦点を当てた場合。 。女性の体の中の焦点。 。私たちは社会の中であるために((科学者))..!




 ハーフ愛好家で座る、または半友人を推奨するものではありません、ハーフ才能を読んでいない、半分夢の夢はありません、半分ソリューションを選択、また真実の真ん中に立っていない、半減期が食事をし、半分死ぬを持っていない、ハーフ期待して、もし沈黙に関連していない.. Vasamtは最後まで、私は最後まで.. TALKを話した場合は、いわばシャットダウンしない、黙っに話すことはありません。




 この嘆願を読む!!!!!!!!!!!! Doaaは神喜んで.....楽園にあなたの人生をオンにします。 。 。 ... .... *そこには神ではないが、アッラーハリムカリム* *に神が、アッラー全能はありません* *ない神アッラー、7つの天の主、偉大な玉座の主* * Oアッラーはありませんが、私は借金の増加* *との古い池* *と身体の健康* *と容量を尋ねる生活* *と後悔の死の前に* *と死後死亡時の証明書* *と赦し* *と赦免時のアカウント*と苦痛よりも安全* *パラダイスのシェア* *とあなたの顔カリムを見て私たちを与える* *ああ、神様、私たちの死んだ、死んだイスラム教徒をあわれんで、私たちの患者と患者のイスラム教徒を癒す* *神ああ、*神は* *ああ、神様の王に尋ねたとき、パラダイスのCyprnaの庭園が火災のピットのピットがありません作る証明* * O慈悲深く、* *神が私たちに良い終わりを付与* *神が私たちに死を付与し、Nhanoaはあなたにダウンしてお辞儀イスラム教徒と住んでイスラム教徒の信者、男性と女性と死者を許す*神ああ、私たちは、* *ああ、神様、私たちは魅了世界* *ストロング神、私たちの信仰からあなたに避難を求め、* *ああ、神様は、回答を散乱し、私たちは主張しない限り、マーク* *それらを丸で囲んで宗教の敵の敵の上に私たちの言葉と勝利を団結していること* *ああ、神様、私たちは魅了世界からあなたに避難を求めていることを魅了世界からあなたの中に避難を求めるどこでもイスラム教徒の兄弟* *ああ、神様、私たちの父親と母親をあわれんで、彼らを赦し*、あなたそこに王があなたの言う祈るために、これを読んですべての人に、この嘆願各Jerobacを送信した場合、すべてのSaiathmaを超え及び* *それら広々Jnatkを持ってきて、神、預言者ムハンマドの彼に平安あれ、すべての祝福*を祝福そのような



3ヶ月の期間のために - 「東京カイロ "行が..と私は離れて仕事二ヶ月のこのラインから遠ざけ、と私は別の国に旅行する..私は、飛行機に取り組んでいた
Fastgrepett !!コルト!!私はかろうじてホテルを降りた!!どのように私の名前を知っていましたか?!彼にコルト:私はモハメドセーラム良いです..?!
ミッションは彼を見つけて、再度見ていない見て、それぞれの週に参入の間で彼の名前を探していて、何度もエジプト航空から来たときはいつでもIaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah 3ヶ月!
パイロットは言う:と赤の私の顔は、私はそれの恥ずかしい.. "私は、これが私たちのアラブの中で持っている実践であることを彼に伝えたかったが、私は、私は私たちの国のためにそんなに悪いイメージを与える人彼に教えて恥ずかしかった。」
私は..samhaniは私が夕食のために今夜Aazmkすることはできますごめんなさい? 「私は道の封筒に自分自身に言って彼に感謝」
それはあなたのビジネスを取る増加し、その性能のために返す必要はありません..事務作業貴重はもともとお金のあなたはどのようにBalzhid価格を推定した!! ..
الامانــــــه في اليابـــــــان !! 
"قصه حقيقيه بمعنى راااااااااائع"
يحكي طيار مصري يعمل في شركة مصر للطيران يقول ..
انا كنت اعمل على خط طيران " القاهرة – طوكيو" ولمدة 3 شهور .. و ظللت شهرين بعيد عن العمل بهذا الخط واسافر لبلاد اخرى..
ولكن تمر الايام ويشاء الله اني اعمل على نفس الخط .. ولان الشركه بتتعاقد مع نفس الفنادق ..فنزلت بنفس الفندق وفي ساحة الانتظار ..ننتظر توزيعنا على الغرف ..اذا بموظف الاستقبال قادم علينا ينادي...
مستر محمد سالم !! مستر محمد سالم !!
فاستغربت !! قولت !! انا بالكاد وصلت الفندق حالا !! كيف عرف اسمي؟! قولت له : انا محمد سالم.. خيرا ؟!
قال لي : تفضل!! فاذا بظرف فيه 300 دولار!!
فقولت له ما هذا؟!
قال لي : لقد اتيت الى هنا منذ 3 شهور ونسيت هذا الظرف في غرفتك وانا من "باب الامانه" محتفظ بالظرف في الاستقبال وكلما اتت بعثه من مصر للطيران ابحث عن اسمك بين الوافدين موجود ام لا .... واليوم وجدت اسمك فاتيت لاعطيك هذا الظرف!!
يااااااااااااااااااااه 3 شهور كلما اتت بعثه من مصر للطيران يبحث عن اسمه بين الوافدين وفي كل اسبوع ولاكثر من مرة يبحث ولا يجده ثم يبحث مرة اخرى!!!
يقول الطيار : احترمته كثيرا وعلى حسب عاداتنا قمت بفتح الظرف واخذت منه 150 دولار واعطيته 150 اخرين تعبيرا عن امتناني!!
فأحمر وجه الموظف وغضب وقال لي : هذا واجبي اتعطيني ثمن لامانتي واداء واجبي!!
يقول الطيار : فاحمر وجهي انا منه خجلا .. " كنت اريد ان اخبره ان هذا هو المتبع لدينا في دولنا العربيه ولكني خجلت ان اخبره بذلك فاعطيه صوره سيئه عن بلادنا "
فقلت له :
انا اسف ..سامحني هل يمكنني ان اعزمك على العشاء هذه الليله؟! " قائلا في نفسي اشكره بطريقه اظرف "
فقال لي : اسف لن استطيع ان اقبل بهذه العزومه لاني سأشعر بنفس الشعور انها بمقابل ..ربما المره عندما تأتينا المره القادمه !!
يقول الطيار : حزنت على حال بعض الناس بدولنا العربيه وخجلت من نفسي لقد علمني درس لن انساه ..
" انني عندما اؤدي واجبي المطلوب مني فلا يصح ان انتظر لذلك مقابل"
"القصه منقوله على لسان احد الدعاه"
هل تعلمت شيئا من هذه القصه؟!
ما يتطلبه عملك لا يحتاج الى مقابل زياده لاداءه .. الامانه في العمل لا تقدر بثمن اصلا فكيف تقدر ثمنها انت بالزهيد من المال!! ..
" ليت الكثيرين لدينا يتعلمون ان الامم ما نهضت الا بسبب امانتهم في العمل وحتى في الحياه العامه"

الثلاثاء، 24 فبراير 2015

ﻛﻞ ﺍﻣﺮﺃﺓ ﻣﺴﻠﻤﺔ .. ﺗﻤﺘﻠﻚ ﺑﻄﺎﻗﺔ ( ‫#‏ﺗﻮﺻﻴﺔ‬ ) ﺧﺎﺻﺔ
ﻛﺘﺐ ﻓﻴﻬﺎ : ( # ﺍﺳﺘﻮﺻﻮﺍ ﺑﺎﻟﻨﺴﺎﺀ ﺧﻴﺮﺍً )
ﻭﻣﺨﺘﻮﻣﺔ ‫#‏ﺑﺨﺘﻢ‬ : ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺭﺳﻮﻝ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ
ﻓﺈﺫﺍ ﺭﺃﻳﺖ ‫#‏ﺃﻣﻚ‬ .. ﻓﺘﺬﻛﺮ .. ﺃﻥ ﺍﻟﺠﻨﺔ ﻋﻨﺪ ﻗﺪﻣﻴﻬﺎ
ﻭﺇﺫﺍ ﺭﺃﻳﺖ # ﺯﻭﺟﺘﻚ .. ﻓﺘﺬﻛﺮ .. ﺧﻴﺮﻛﻢ ﺧﻴﺮﻛﻢ ﻷﻫﻠﻪ
ﻭﺇﺫﺍ ﺭﺃﻳﺖ # ﺍﺑﻨﺘﻚ .. ﻓﺘﺬﻛﺮ ﺃﻧﻬﺎ ﺳﺘﺮﻙ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﻨﺎﺭ ﻳﻮﻡ ﺍﻟﻘﻴﺎﻣﺔ
ﻓـ_ ﺗﺬﻛﺮ ‫#‏ﻭﺻﺎﻳﺎ‬ ﺣﺒﻴﺒﻚ ﻋﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﺼﻼﺓ ﻭﺍﻟﺴﻼﻡ

شكرا...... لكل شخصٍ علمني ...لانه ترك بصمة في حياتي
شكراً.... لكل شخص نصحني لأنه شجعني لأحقق الكثير
شكرا...لكل شخصٍ اهداني ورودا فقد لون حياتي...
شكرا ....لكل شخص اهداني حبا صافيا ..فقد علمني ان الدنيا بخير..
شكرا ...لكل شخص قال لي انت صديقي .. فقد جعل لحياتي معنىً...
شكرا...لكل شخصٍ امسك بيدي حين تعثرت ..فقد اعطى لي حياةً
شكراً.... لكل شخص اغتابني لأنه خفّف من ذنوبي
شكراً.... لكل شخص بكّاني لأنه غسل قلبي من الألم
شكراً.... لكل شخص سخر مني لأنه علمني معنى الارادة والتحدي
شكراً.... لكل شخص ظلمني لأنه جعل دعوتي ليس بينها وبين الله حجاب
شكرا...لكل شخص خان عهدي ..لانه علمني انني انا الوفاء..
شكرا...لكل شخص كذب علي ...لانه علمني انني اكثر صدقا...
شكرا ...لكل شخص تركني وانا في امس الحاجة له..فقد جعلني اقوى في مواجهة الحياة..
شكرا لكل شخص غرس الاشواك في جسدي لانه علمني كيف اصبر على الالم..
شكرا لكل شخص طعنني في الظهر ..فقد علمني ان الثقة لا تعطى لكل الناس

الأحد، 22 فبراير 2015

لأشياء الناقصة

إن قطعاً من الخبز المحمص زيادة عن اللزوم أو حتى محترقه لن تضر حتى الموت. .
الحياة مليئة بالأشياء الناقصة وليس هناك شخص كامل لاعيب فيه
علينا أن نتعلم كيف نقبل النقصان في الأمور وأن نتقبل عيوب الآخرين وهذا من أهم الأمور في بناء العلاقات وجعلها قوية مستديمة
خبزُ محمصُ محروقُ قليلاً لايجب أن يكسر قلباً جميلا
فليعذر الناس بعضهم البعض فَكل شخص لايعرف ظروُف الآخرين


الأحد، 15 فبراير 2015

إزاى تخلى البنات تحبك ؟؟؟؟؟

eye eye eye

العملية فى منتهى السهولة و سيتم عرضها من خلال من خلال عدة مواقف متتالية 

- اذا كنت ماشفتهاش من زمان و قابلتها صدفة و بتسألك انت عامل ايه ازى
احوالك ؟

ترد بمنتهى السماجة ...انتى مش شايفانى فرحان و سعيد انى قابلتك ااقوم
ارقصلك يعنى؟

2- ولما ترد و تقول خلاص انا اسفة

ترد و تقول شىء طبيعى

3- لو كنت ماشى فى الشارع و عدت قدامك واحدة حلوة طبعا من الزوق و الادب
انك تعاكسها بمنتهى الغتاتة او على الاقل ترش عليها ميه!!

4- لو كنت فى عرابيتك و عدى من جنبيك عربية و فيها بنت حلوة افضل باصص لها و
متنح و لما تسألك انت بتبصلى كده ليه شد على الرابع و نفضلها.......

5- لو اتصلت بواحد و النمرة غلط و ردت عليك واحدة و قالتلك النمرة غلط من
الطبيعى جدا انك ترد عليها و تقولها ماعليش اصل صوتك شبه صوت حسنى بالظبط.

6- لو ماشى مع بنت جميلة جدا و بتسألك عن رايك فى شكلها قولها

هايلة يا حياتى بس لو فيه منك على حريمى!!!!!!

(اللى مش فاهم يسالنى)

7- لو عايز تغتت اكتر و اكتر على اى بنت فى الشارع و قف اى واحدة واسالها
الساعة كام هتقولك مثلا : الساعة 4.30

بص فى ساعتك و قوللها تمام الساعة بتاعتك مظبوطة!!!!!

8- لو راكب عربية نقل (مقطورة) وعدت قدامك بنت فمن الجنتلة انك تيجى جنبها و
تزمر على اخرك.....

9- لو نفسك تمشى مع بنت عندك فى الكليه و كانت جاية تطلب منك حاجة للمرة
الاولى فى حياتها (والطريقة مجربة و جابت مفعول) .....

هتنادى عليك........

- احمد .... ممكن لو سمحت......

- بصلها و اضحك فى و شها و بعدين دير وشك و نفضلها خالص و لا كانك شفتها
قبل كده......

طبعا و شها هيبقى احمررررررر لكنها بعد كده هتروح تشتكيك لزميلاتها و تقول
عليك انك و لد تنك و ماعندكش دم و لا ذوق....

و فأجاة روح كلمها عادى وقولها كنتى عايزه ايه و لا كأن حاجة حصلت......

هتحتار فيك و تعجب بيك.... و يمكن تحبك.....

10- لو انت فى محل ودخلت بعديك بنت طبعا من الزوق انك تقول للبياع خلص
الانسة الاول ........

و البياع لسة بيجيبلها الحاجة قوله : ماتخلصنى بقالى ساعة قدامك و بعدين
انا جى قبل الانسه ا

(طبعا اعمل حسابك ان البقال هيضربك باى حاجة فى ايده)

11- لو انت مع بنت و هتركبوا تاكسى و غيران عليها و خايف للسواق يقعد
يبصلها فى المراية

طبعا اتصرف على الفور و قعدها جنبه و اقعد انت ورا!!!!!!

12- لو انت مصاحب بنت جادعة قوى و بتقف معاك فى كل المواقف المنيلة اللى
بتحصلك و اخر موقف انك نايم على السرير بعد ما انضرت من شوية رجالة كانوا
بيعاكسوها و انت عملت فيها احمد عرابى ....

امسك ايديها برومانسية و بص فى عنيها و لو لابسة نضارة ماتبصش وقولها: انا
مش عارف ارد جمايلك دى كلها ازاى لما رسبت السنة اللى فاتت و قفتى جنبى... و
لما اتثبت و اتسرقت هدومى و فلوسى و قفتى جنبى .....و لما ابويا مات وقفتى
جنبى ......

مش عارف ليه يا حياتى حاسس انك فقر و نحس عليا !!!!!!!!

13- لو خطيبتك كانت فى رحلة وورتك صورة متصوراها جنب قفص القرود و بتسالك
عن رايك فى الصورة الجنان دى؟؟؟

قولها: هو انتى مين فيهم!!!!!!!!

14- لو كنت ماشى مع بنت سمرة وكانت لابسة فستان احمر و قاليتلك دلعنى....

قولها : يا فحم مولع..!!!

15- لو كنت ماشى مع بنت و شفت شاب بيبوس ايد حبيبته (رومانسية طبعا.. وولد
جنتل قوى يعنى) و بتقولك ماتبقى تعمل زيه

رد عليها و قولها : واعمل زيه ازاى و انا ماعرفش البنت اللى بيمشى

16- لو بتسألك فى غيرة ( انا عرفت انك ماشى مع بنت تانية غيرى اسمها دعاء و
شاقرة) رد و قول لا و الله انا ماشى مع بنت خمرية و اسمها ساره!!!!!!!

17- لو قالتلك اى بنت مش بزمتك انا مالية عليك حياتك

قولها: ايوة بس لو ماكنتش عرفتك كانت محفظتى هتفضل مليانة

اعملوا بيها وهتقعدوا تتدعولي او....

اوعى البنات تزعل ده هزار!!!

تريد أن تكون الملتحي الإرهابي المتطرف الذي يأخذ من الإسلام ما يعجبه ويترك ما لا يعجبه ؟ هذا يصوره لنا الإعلام يضرب النساء ويظلمهم ويعاملهم أسوأ معاملة ، هل انت كذلك ؟

ما هى مرجعيتك أخي ؟

هم مرجعيتهم العلمانية وتقليد حياة الغرب الكافر وتعظيمها !

بتلك المرجعية هاجموا حقك الشرعي في التعدد وأظهروك بالخائن الخبيث الناكر للجميل!

بتلك المرجعية سلبوا حق المرأة ايضا في التعدد وما فيه من خير لها ، وانت أخي تتفرج وتتابع وتشاهد هذه المسلسلات والبرامج المُضلة وأنت ساكت !

من أنت يا أخي

من أنت أيها الرجل

هل تتقمص وجه من هذه الوجوه الإعلامية ؟ أم تهت وتاهت شخصيتك هكذا وراء هذا الإعلام بدون تفكير ..

أم تدرك تماما دورك في هذه الحياة ؟

أين أنت من رسول الله عليه الصلاة والسلام ؟

هل تعلم أنك الفاروق سيدنا عمر بن الخطاب

هل تعلم أنك سيدنا بلال بن رباح

أنك سيدنا حمزة سيد الشهداء

أنك القائد العظيم صلاح الدين الأيوبي محرر القدس

أنك السلطان عبد الحميد خليفة المسلمين

أنك العالم وريث الأنبياء

فأنت الإمام الشافعي

أنت الإمام أحمد

أنت القاضي العادل

والأمام العادل

الخليفة الذي يحكم بما أنزل الله

أنت من تستقيم به الحياة الدنيا والآخرة إذا تركت هذه الأقنعة الإعلامية ومن خطط لها وإذا نبذتها وعملت على تغييرها تكون وجدت نفسك ، فهى تُضل كل يوم الملايين من المسلمين .

جعلوا وجودك بلا فائدة وبلا جدوى وخدعوك فتركت أحكام الله تعالى فصرت كالشبح ، فهمَش الإعلام حقيقتك يا قائد خير أمة أخرجت للناس ، يا خليفة الله سبحانه في أرضه !

با أملي في الحياة لم أجدك انت ناصري ظالمة أو مظلومة تذكرني بالخمار وتسترني وتحفظني في كل مكان فانا عِرضك ، جعلوك تصمت لأن ذلك ليس من شأنك فهى حريتي الشخصية فضعت أنت وضيعتني معك !

كيف تقابل ربك وقد ضيعت الأمانة ، أمانة فرّطت فيها ورضيت بوجه إعلامي يرضى بكل أشكال الذل والهوان ،، يقبل على مضض بواقع فاسد ،،

إعلام فاسق شوهَك ، فصرت أخاف من أفكار ولا أثق بك ، فأرجع إلى ما كنت عليه لتنال رضوان الله تعالى ، إرجع لتحمل مسؤوليتك التي غرّك الإعلام وأوحى لك أن لا داعي لحملها ، ولك أن تعيش حياتك فالعمر واحد وأنت تريد أن تحصل على أكبر عدد من ملذات هذه الحياة الفانية ، أيضا يغريك شيطان الإعلام ويعِدُك وما يَعِدُك إلا غرورا.

كن لنفسك ولي ،،

حامل أمانة وحامل دعوة تعمل على نشر وإعلاء كلمة الله تعالى في كل العالم ، رجل بكل معنى تحمله الكلمة ، يعمل على تغيير المنكرات والواقع الفاسد فتستقيم الأمور ولا تظل رجلا خاضعا مهزوما متنازلا ومتخاذلا ، لا وجود لك ! لا تسمح لهم بأن يسلخوك عن جلدك الحقيقي وأنت إبن خير أمة أخرجت للناس ، ويبعدوك عن الإسلام العظيم .

كن رجل أعتمد عليه لقيامك بالأحكام الشرعية وإخلاصك لله تعالى . فمن بعد أحكام الله تعالى الشرعية التي أنزلها يبقى تطبيقها على البشرية كلها وهذا دورك أنت ،، فقُم به وأعرف من أنت ، تملك الدنيا وما فيها لانك ولي الله تعالى . ولي الله تعالى الذي أبحث عنه واجد نفسي التي ابحث عنها .

أختك في الله في كل مكان !


سرعة الانفعال تشير إلى استجابة الأفراد بشكل سريع وعاطفي لمواقف معينة، مما قد يؤدي إلى ردود فعل غير محسوبة. إليك بعض النقاط المتع...