الجمعة، 27 فبراير 2015

Forget the Kasai and I'm the loser Imre

Beautiful words
Forget the Kasai and I'm the loser Imre
Forget Kasai love with the most beautiful and the best angel
O my Lord, have mercy of this admonition

Kasai lighter and Ante owner heartfelt
Ante killers without a weapon

My love is the most powerful weapon
If Lee Wing
My heart flew to Maak
If I had the same --- a gift for your heart is elusive
Lu Li was the spirit of the heart --- I die you life
I die and you life
How do I forget the love Translucent --- treachery days

If I was able to mix his cell of our body and one
Love singles and after you Alllam
And close you happier and Khanank grams

How forget the occasional Bhoak

And how Anamahb and friendly

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