السبت، 30 نوفمبر 2013

Dear Friday

Dear Friday

when I was in the lady first yesterday i saw a piece of girl
اول امبارح وانا ماشي في السيده شفت حته دين بنت

she was egg and sweet
بيضه وحلوه

i said: ya earth keep what on you
انا قلت: يا ارض احفظي ما عليكي

a hundred evening on your eyes ya beautiful
ميت مسا علي عيونك يا جميل

she said : poison
قالت : يا سم
i said : poison from your hand is poison poison ya moon
قلت : السم من ايدك يبقي سمسم يا قمر

she shouted in me : yes yes your mother soul.
صرخت : نعم نعم يا روح امك

do you remember me one of them
أنت فاكرني واحده من اياهم

collect your self or i will collect the street on you ya omar
لم نفسك ولا الم عليك الشارع ياااااااا عوووووومر

the girl entered my brain
البنت دخلت دماغي

i said : why like this ya daughter of people
قلت : ليه كده يا بنت الناس

i want you on the book of god and his profit
انا عاوزك علي سنه الله ورسوله

the boon on me i write my book on you tonight
ندر عليا اكتب كتابي عليكي الليله

she laghed and said on your slow on your slow
ضحكت وقالت : علي مهلك علي مهلك

write the book one piece? not talk on me first
تكتب الكتاب مرة واحده؟ مش تتكلم عليا الاول(يعني تكلم أهلي)

i shouted: i die in the cream ya thousand whites morning
زعقت : اموت في الحلاوه يا الف نهار ابيض

i am going to talk on you right now and writ my book on you
انا رايح أتكلم عليكي حالا واكتب كتابي عليكي


Pizza hut ----------------------------------- 19000
Dominos Pizza ------------------------------19223
Pizza Plus ---------------------------------- 19441
Hardees ------------------------------------ 19066
Macdonald --------------------------------- 19991
Cook door ---------------------------------- 16999
Shabrawy ---------------------------------- 16919
Tebesty ------------------------------------ 19915
Mo'men -------------------------------------16600
prego ---------------------------------------- 16121

EGYPT SHORT NUMBERS: ( from a to z)
. Abu Shakra 19090
. Accor (Sofital & Novotal) 19922
. Ahmed & Yasser 19196
. AI Waseet 19919
. Airport Shuttle Bus 19970
. Al Ahram Canadian University 19228
. Al Helool Al Motakamla 19750
. Al Leithy Pharmacy 19008
. Al Masria Haseb Le Kol Biet 19246
. Al Masrya for Cars 19095
. Al Mokhtabar Lab 19014
. Al Solaimaneyah City 19998
. Al Taameer Wel Iskan 19995
. Al Tabie 19122
. Al Tamweel Al Akary 19996
. Al Tazaj Fakieh 19018
. Alain Le Notre 19133
. Ali's Image Pharmacy 19770
. Allianz 19909
. American Furniture 19997
. and Distribution ""Toyota 19300
. Arab African International Bank 19555
. Arab Bank 19100
. Arab Banking Corporation 19123
. Arab Contractors Medical Center 19660
. Arab Misr Insurance Group 19901
. Arabian Group for Training 19292
. Auto Egypt for Trading 16666
. B Tech ""Sony 19966
. Bavaria 19944
. Betcho American City 19192
. Better PC 19424
. Bon Appetit 19101
. British Council 19789
. Cairo Scan 19144
. Calyon Bank 19077
. Cancer Hospital 19025
. Car Zone 19194
. Careffour 16061
. Ceramica Cleopatra 19119
. Chilli's 19002
. City Cab 19155
. Cook Door 16999
. Daewoo Electronics 19016
. Dawly 19988
. DHL 16345
. Dream Park 19355
. Duravit 19219
. E Reif El Europy 19195
. Egyptian Housing Finance Co. 19432
. El Ezaby Pharmacy 19600
. El Malky 19017
. Emirates Airlines 19899
. EMoney Power Financial Academy 19116
. Fawzy Al Bannan ( Coffee Delivery) 19005
.Gas Misr 19220
. Goldi 19819
. Hardee's 19066
. Hilton Egypt Hotels 19009
. HSBC 19007
. IBS 19427
. Ideal Standard 19696
. Ideal Zanussi 19061
. Internet Misr 19910
. Itsalat 19606
. Keryazi 19091
. KFC 19019
. La Poire 19515
. Little Caesars Pizza 19202
. Maamal Al Borg 19911
. Magrabi 19505
. ManTrac 19266
. Masr Pharmacy 19110
. Qatar Airways 19950
.Resala 19450
.Royal City 19177
.Sadco 19140
.Same Distribution ""Phono 19112
.Saudi Airlines 19898
.Seif Pharmacy 19199
.Shams Takeef 19080
.Sianco 19994
.Smart Group 19889
.Soficom 19256
.TE Data 19777
.Telecom Egypt 19222
.The Bakery 19011
.The British University in Egypt (BUE) 19283
.Tikka 19099
.Toshiba 19319
.Town Gas 19129
.Trane Air Conditioning 19212
.Unionaire Maintenance / Sales 19012/19400
.Western Union 19190
. Zanussi Al Abd 19595
. Zekry Pharmacy 19029

الخدمة الكود
استعلامات الدليل 140
استعلامات الدليل الدولي 144
استعلامات الكهرباء 121
الاستعلام عن فاتورة التليفون 177
الإسعاف 123 *
بتروجاس 129
بوليس النجدة 122 *
خدمة الترنك الدولي 120 *
خدمة ترنك المحافظات 100 *
الساعة الناطقة 150
السياحة 126
شرطة السكة الحديد 145
الشكاوى 160
محافظة القاهرة 13
المطافئ 180 *
مراكز الأعطال 188

العلامة (*) تعنى أن الخدمة مجانية
و باقي الخدمات تحاسب بسعر المكالمه العاديه

أكواد المحافظات

المحافظة الكود
أسوان 97
أسيوط 88
الإسكندرية 3
الإسماعيلية 64
الأقصر 95 


ان حاجة الجسم اليوميه من الكوليسترول هي 300 ملغ ، ولكن بعض الأطعمه التي نتناولها تحتوي على كوليسترول يكفي الجسم لمدة اسبوع أو أكثر.
دعونا نستعرض أغنى الأطعمه بالكوليسترول :

1- المخ : في كل 100 غرام يوجد 2100 ملغ كوليسترول ، وهو يعتبر أغنى الأطعمه اطلاقا بالكوليسترول .

2- صفار البيض : : في كل 100 غرام يوجد 1500 ملغ كوليسترول ، وهذا يعني ان صفار بيضه واحده تحتوي على 300 ملغ كوليسترول ، اي ما يعادل حاجة الجسم اليوميه.

3- كبد الدجاج: : في كل 100 غرام تحتوي على 746 ملغ كوليسترول.

4- كلية العجل والخروف: : في كل 100 غرام يوجد 375 ملغ كوليسترول.

5- كبد العجل او الخروف: : في كل 100 غرام يوجد 300 ملغ كوليسترول.

6- السمن الحيواني او الزبده: كل 100 غرام تحتوي على على 250 ملغ كوليسترول.

7- الجمبري - القريدس: كل 100 غرام تحتوي على 150 ملغ كوليسترول.

8- السردين المعلب: كل 100 غرام تحتوي على 120 ملغ كوليسترول.

9- الجبنه الشيدر ومعظم الأجبان كاملة الدسم: كل 100 غرام تحتوي على 100 ملغ كوليسترول.

10- اللوبستر: ام الربيان: كل 100 غرام تحتوي على 100 ملغ كوليسترول.

11- اللحم السمين : كل 100 غرام تحتوي على 95 ملغ كوليسترول.

12- الهمبرغر: كل 100 غرام تحتوي على 75 ملغ كوليسترول.

13- لحم الدجاج: كل 100 غرام تحتوي على 70 ملغ كوليسترول.

14- لحم السمك: كل 100 غرام تحتوي على 70 ملغ كوليسترول.

15- الآيس كريم: كل 100 غرام تحتوي على 65 ملغ كوليسترول.

16- التونه: كل 100 غرام تحتوي على 60 ملغ كوليسترول.

وهكذا فإننا اذا عرفنا كمية الطعام التي نتناولها فإننا نستطيع ان نعرف كمية الكوليسترول التي دخلت أجسامنا ... وينبغي ان لا تزيد كثيرا عن 300 ملغ في اليوم بالنسبة لعامة الناس، ولكن بالنسبة لمرضى زيادة الكوليسترول ودهون الدم فإن الحذر واجب عند تناول جميع الأطعمه سابقة الذكر.


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهـ

اشكركم جزيل الشكر
انا لا اطيل عليكم واعرض مشكلتي على امل انني اجد الحل ولو قليل بارك
الله في علمكم:
انا عمري 20سنه اصبت بالوسواس من يوم ماكنت بالثانوي تقريبا وكنت ماابالي
فيه يعني عادي لا التفت له
الا ان تمكن مني وجلست اعاني واعاني والله العظيم من فكره الى فكره ومن
عاده الى عاده وواحد يجر الثاني حتى بالكلمه الملقاه لاي شخص اوسوس فيها
حالتي بجد صعبه للغايه وغيرها الكثيـــــــــر والله
الى ان خلاص مااقدر اعيش بدون هذا الشي مااقدر اقولكم كيف هي الافكار
المتسلطه الشيطانيه والالحاحات
لاني بجد اجدها احقر واسخف من ان اذكرها مرات ابكي وابكي وادعوا ربي اني
اتخلص منها والحمدلله تروح شوي وبعد كذا ترجع
وكنت اوهم نفسي بأن شعوري هذا طبيعي وان اي انسان يحصل له هذا الشي
لدرجه اني نحفت وصرت مااهتم بدراستي لان الوسواس ضغط علي بكل جهه حتى
انني الاقي صعوبه وانا اكتب الان بس عندي ايمان بالله ثم بمساعدتكم انني
الاقي الشفاء واعيش حياتي مثل غيري
لدرجه انني لو ماعملت هذا العاده القهريه اوسوس بأنه لازم اعملها والا
كذا وكذا
عزلت العالم كله ماكنت كذا ابداً حتى القرأن الكريم اجد صعوبه بالغه
بالقراءة ماكنت كذا ابداً حتى كتبي الجامعيه كمان صعب علي ماكنت كذا
واكثر مايألمني الافكار المتسلطه احاول ماالتفت لها مااقدر احس نفسي خلاص
اختنقت واصاب مرات بصداع ورعشه وتصبب العرق مني !
انا قرأت في الكتب وبحثت عن طريق النت والحمدلله اتحسن شوي وبعدها بأي شي
يرجع يضغط علي
ممكن تقولوا روحي معالج نفسي بس صعب جداً
وانا ولله الحمد لدي قابليه ان اسمع منكم واطبق كلامكم ان شاءالله
هذا مختصر معاناتي وانا اختصرت كثير لاجل لااطيل عليكم لكن عندي بعض
التساؤلات :
1-هل الانسان المؤمن معرض للوسواس اكثر من غيره ؟
2-هل هناك في علم النفس شخصيه تدعى (الشخصيه الموسوسه والغير موسوسه)؟
3-هل يضر الوسواس صاحبه بأي شي وان الافكار المتسلطه الدخليه عليه كذب
وانها افتراه م نالشيطان لكي يحزن المؤمن؟
4-وهل الانسان الموسوس يكون حساس اكثر من غيره وهل هو يعيش عالم ثاني
عالم اقرب مااقول شيطاني والعياذ بالله ؟
5-هل اذا رحلت الافكار والعادات القهريه معناها ان الوسواس رحل وان
الشيطان لايدخل لي من مدخل اخر؟
6-هل الوسواس له علاقه بالعين ؟
اخيرا هل بعد كل هذا انا انسانه موسوسه ؟ممكن تقولي شو هذا التناقض بس
ماادري كيف
انا اعلم ان كيد الشيطان ضعيف لكن هل الخطأ مننا نحن اننا استسلمنا لها
وانصغنا اليها !!!!؟؟؟
ارجوكم اريد الجواب الشافي لتساؤلاتي ممكن اذا جات الاجابه منكم اقتنع
لانها موجهه لي
وبارك الله فيكم وجعل مثواكم الجنه يارب وماراح انساكم من دعواتي بأذن الله

I know that body language is different

I know that body language is different in different
cultures, but it seems to me that there must be some
signals that cut across every land. When I was in France
recently I was able to pick up people my own age by
using the same flirting technique I had learned in the
States, a sideways glance and a smile. If things are so
different in different lands, why did this work so well?
First of all, while some signals are different, many are
the same from culture to culture. We borrow body language
from other cultures just as we borrow words. The
movies are the greatest source of cross-cultural body
language borrowing.
Second, your flirting signal worked in France because
it is a part of French body language. The gesture you
used is one compounded of eye and eyebrow movements
combined with a smile. In doing it, the eyebrows are
jerked upward for about one-sixth of a second—so small
a time that its impact is subliminal—and the glance is
given from the corner of the eye. It's a simple greeting,
a look that in essence says "hello!," then slides away before
it can be answered.
The accompanying smile, of course, does a great deal.
It says you're interested and receptive, and it invites the
man to take the initiative.
In tests in primitive tribes in various parts of the world,
the smile was found to be the only universal body language
signal, and the ability to smile is undoubtedly inTHE
herited. We never have to learn how to do it. We're
born with the knowledge.
The greeting with the eyes, the flirting glance, is
another matter. Irenaus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, a German behavioral
scientist, used cameras and mirrorlike attachments
that permitted him to film people all over the
world without their knowledge. With each picture, he
wrote down the social context in which the filmed incident
Comparing his films, he found that among the most
different people in the world, Balinese, Papuans, French,
and Waika Indians, a rapid raising and lowering of the
eyebrows accompanied by a smile and often a nod was
used as a friendly flirting gesture—the same sort of gesture
you describe. It worked for you in the States and in
France, too. Eibl-Eibesfeldt found that it works all over
the world.
He likens this flirting glance to one of the gestures
passed down from "an ancient evolutionary inheritance."
Other inherited gestures, according to this German behaviorist,
are rotating our arms inward and raising our
shoulders when we're threatened, pulling the corners of
our mouths down when we're angry, exposing upper
canine teeth which are no longer large enough to be
dangerous when we're annoyed, and, in women, lowering
the eyelids and head as they look away. This, he feels is
a evolutionary remnant of the animal's flight reaction.
These findings of hereditary signals in our body language
lexicon contradict the idea that only the smile is
inherited, but, as with any new science, the final word is
still not in. Now genetics has the edge. Further research
may give it back to environment.
I spent an entire evening last week sitting in the living
room with my boyfriend and kissing—just that, kissing!
We both enjoyed it so much that afterward I began to
wonder why do people enjoy kissing so? Is it the body
language in the act? And what does it say? How did it
Kissing is body language, of course, and it says a variety
of things. There is the very perfunctory kiss where the
lips hardly connect and the message is just as vague. It
may be "I like you," and it may be "I'm not even fully
aware of you." It's a ritualized gesture. At the other end
of the scale is the deep, erotic kissing you and your boyfriend
enjoyed. To some people, this type of kissing is
almost as satisfying as sexual intercourse and carries the
same message of delight and love and pleasuring.
In between are all the ranges of kissing—from the
mother who kisses her child, to the friends who kiss when
they meet, the good-bye kiss and the hello kiss, the greeting
kiss in France and other foreign countries, and the
Mafia kiss of death as well as the often perfunctory husband-
wife kiss in the morning.
Where did kissing start and why? That's a question
that still isn't completely answered, though we have some
good ideas about it. In the animal world, birds seem to
do a good deal of kissing, but their kissing is an offshoot
of a feeding procedure. Mother birds chew up and
partially digest the food, then regurgitate it to pass it on
to the babies. Gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans practice
mouth-to-mouth feeding. This has been observed in
zoos as well as in the wild, and not only between mother
and baby, but also between adults. In fact, adult chimps
in the wild, according to animal behaviorist Jane Goodall,
greet each other by touching lips when they meet,
without passing food.
This would indicate that the human kiss also derived
from passing food, and there are still some primitive people
who chew and predigest their food, then pass it by
mouth to their children.
A German anthropologist, Dr. L. Hormann, writing before
World War I, noted that young people in the Tyrol
used to chew resin as we chew gum. In courting, a boy
would offer some chewed resin to a girl. If she accepted,
she would have to press her mouth to his while she bit
the resin from between his teeth. The play involved a
lot of fun and enforced kissing.
A search through the courting habits of other European
countries will turn up a great many connections between
kissing and feeding. Some European swains bring their
fiancees food which must be eaten with kisses. Others
pass wine from mouth to mouth.
In kissing, the same movements occur as in food passing.
There are very few human cultures that do not kiss.
Darwin reported that kissing was not an innate act, and
that many people did not know about it, that New Zealanders,
Tahitians, and Australians do not kiss, but later
research has proved him wrong. There is always kissing
between mother and child, but in some cultures it becomes
taboo in adult life or changes to nose rubbing.
I'm twenty-four years old, and one of my problems is
getting along with people in a conversation. I'll meet a
guy or a gal and get to rapping with them, and then, for
some reason or other, I seem to lose them. I don't think
it's because I'm any more boring than the next guy, but
one girl told me I wasn't responding with the right
body signals. What are the signals?
What she was probably referring to, in your case, was a
lack of feedback. For example, in any conversation between
two people, there is a lot of head nodding back
and forth. The nodding serves a number of purposes.
The most obvious is agreement. Jim and Sarah are talking;
Sarah says something Jim agrees with, and he nods.
Assured that she is reaching Jim, Sarah continues in the
same vein. The nod on Jim's part has sent the message,
"You're right. Keep talking. I want to hear more."
If Jim stops nodding, he signals that he doesn't accept
what Sarah says, or that he's not really interested. Sarah,
failing to get the feedback of the nod, changes the conversation—
or just turns off to Jim.
Not everyone nods to the same degree, but when you
speak to someone who doesn't nod or react at all, no
matter what you say, then you're put off stride and
eventually, if there's no body feedback of any kind, you
know you're just not reaching him. In that case most
people give up and lose interest in the conversation.
If this is your problem—and you can decide if it is by
some careful observation of yourself and a few heart-toheart
talks with friends—then you can try to solve it by
making yourself nod, from time to time, if you agree with
the person who's talking. Watch how others do this to
get the right rhythm and intensity. The feedback generated
by your nods will encourage your partner to go
on talking.
The nodding needn't be overdone to the point of making
you seem like a "yes" man, but it should be done just
enough to give a sense of security to the other person.
This same feedback operates in public speaking. When
you address an audience, you watch for the nods of
agreement; they signal that you're on the right track and
you can proceed with what you're saying. Nothing is
more devastating than addressing a dead audience with
no feedback. To avoid this, if you feel too little feedback,
too little response, search out one person who
agrees with you and nods to tell you so, and make eye
contact with him. The reassurance you get will help you
in your delivery.
It's the acute awareness of feedback and the ability to
zero in on the subject that causes it that makes a good
public speaker.
I'm gay, and I live in a small town in the Midwest. I can
usually meet other gay men when I go to one of the big
cities. Their body language is pretty obvious. But I
have a feeling there are a lot of men like me in my own
hometown. Are there body language signals that gay men
send out to each other that I could learn to recognize?
There are many obvious signals and many subtle ones.
In a small town such as yours, very few gay men are open
about their sexual life. They have had to mask their
homosexuality for survival, and usually the masks are
very effective.
Eye contact is a standard signal among gay men, even
as it is among heterosexual men and women. For every
social situation there is a moral looking time—the length
of time it is proper to catch and hold someone else's
eye. When you pass someone on the street, the moral
looking time is only a second or two. If one man holds
another's eye longer than that, he may be signaling a
number of things. "Do I know you?" "I'm friendly and 

all body language messages

nor anyone else.

Like all body language messages, this tactile one may
mean many things, but most people see it as a positive—
and powerful—release of sexual energy.
My wife always talks me into taking the kids along when
we go for a walk. I feel that they cramp our style, but
she claims they help us communicate even if we don't
speak. How could this be? Can children affect body
They can, but not in the way your wife thinks. A team of
seven researchers at the University of Minnesota went out
during the summer of 1972 and observed 440 couples
with and without children at shopping malls, in business
districts, at the zoo, outside churches and at the beach.
They watched very closely and without being noticed to
see whether each person in the couple was touching,
smiling at, or talking to the other.
The Minnesota researchers found that when men and
women were with children they touched each other less,
talked to each other less, and smiled at each other less.
Children just seemed to get in the way of any kind of
These results would seem to prove your wife wrong. It
might be a better idea to leave the kids at home when you
go out together—or at least to try and increase the time
you are alone.
The researchers admit that most older people who have
been together for a long time tend to talk less and touch
less anyway. Familiarity, if it doesn't breed contempt, at
least seems to breed disinterest. But even taking this
factor into account, the researchers assure us that children
inhibit communication.
As for smiling, they admit that adults who are alone
have more to smile about because they're usually interested
in each other. "Young adults of courting age,"
they point out, at dances, on the beach, may smile a
great deal and make us think that if children were around
they'd smile less. The truth is, it's the "country, the beach,
the dances that increase smiling."
All is not hopeless, however. Lest anyone should avoid
having children for fear they would cut down on his
smiling, talking, and touching, the Minnesota team notes
that though children may be a source of difficulty to their
parents, they still increase the ties between the parents.
They still offer substantial rewards to the parents, and
even if the parents touch, smile, and talk less when the
kids are around, they may enjoy the touching, talking,
and smiling more.
I've been dating a girl for three weeks, and I feel like
I'm getting ambivalent signals from her. Are there any
body language signals that will tell me for sure how she
really feels about me?
There are, of course, all the obvious body language
signals. Does she smile when you're around? Does she
look toward you often if you're separated at a party?
Does she seem relaxed when she's alone with you—or
does her body posture become stiff and uncomfortable?
Does she touch you, hold your hand, want to be close to
you physically?
Most people take note of all these signals unconsciously
and resolve them in their unconscious mind. Their conscious
mind then becomes aware of the answer: She/he
likes me, or doesn't like me.
As a rule, you won't choose someone for a girlfriend
unless your subconscious has already added up all the
body language signals and made a decision. We call that
decision attraction or chemistry or interest. In actuality,
it's a mental computer process.
There is also a very subtle clue to like and dislike.
Scientists investigating "pupillometrics" report that when
you see a person you like, the pupils of your eyes respond
by growing larger. Watch for this the next time your
girlfriend sees you.
I met a wonderful girl at a party about a month ago, and
we've been going around together ever since. The only
problem is, she doesn't seem to realize that I'm
interested in her sexually. How can I use body language
to let her know that I want to go bed with her?
I'm just too inhibited to blurt it out!
Your way of looking at her is the chief body language
signal here. Glancing at her body and letting her see the
glance is considered, by both men and women, a provocative
and seductive act.
In body contact, you must go beyond mere touching
and let your touch become a caress.
According to questionnaire studies among college students,
some of the body language gestures that spell out
desire are wetting the lips, passing the tip of the tongue
over the lips, and—oddly enough—in married people, playing
with the wedding ring. This seems strange because
the same gesture, used when a man and woman are talking
to each other on nonintimate terms, says 'Tm married
and safe!" But, as with any body language gesture, the
total context of the situation is what counts. If you are a
married man and your intention of seducing the woman is
getting across, the wedding ring gesture sort of spells it
all out.
The most obvious signal for wanting further sexual relations
is the deep kind of kissing that leads to sexual
intimacy. But this presumes that you have built up all
the steps in between.
As an interesting sidelight on what kissing can signal,
in England during World War II the English girls and the
American GIs ran into a body language impasse. The girls
considered the Americans too fast while the GIs thought
the English girls were too fast.
Some careful research on the part of an army psychologist
uncovered the fact that in England, at that time,
it was considered customary for a girl to go to bed with a
man shortly after he had kissed her. It usually took a long
time before that first kiss was given.
Americans, on the other hand, were used to kissing at
the start of a friendship, and then expected a long time
before getting the girl into bed. The English girls, the
Americans thought, were fast because it was kiss and into
the sack. The girls thought the soldiers fast because they
wanted to kiss right away—and by English standards, this
meant going to bed right away, too!
I've been having an affair with a man I love very deeply,
but he always wants to begin intercourse too soon,
while I still want more foreplay. How can I let him
know what I want?
You can tell your partner a tremendous amount by the
movement of your body. You can change position by
moving gently away, or you can subtly push his body to
the position you want. In all of this, your movements
should be gentle and ever playful.
Masters and Johnson, in their study of human sexuality,
suggest that since each partner knows his or her own
body and its needs, they should guide each other into
those ways that pleasure them best.
The most important thing in using body language to
communicate your needs during the act of love is to avoid
giving your partner any feeling that you're rejecting him
or withdrawing from the situation. One way to be sure
of this is to initiate some different types of foreplay yourself
without giving your partner the sense that he's inexperienced.
I was at a friend's house recently when I met this really
far-out girl. I could tell she was turned on to me
because she moved closer to me on the couch, but her
date was sitting on her other side. Was there any way I
could have let her know I liked her without annoying her
date? He's a football player!
The smile is always a useful signal to let her know just
how much her appearance pleases you. Since she took
the first step by moving closer, you could have responded
and moved toward her. It shows that you not only recognize
her signal, but you're also answering it with a positive
signal of your own.
An accidental touch or a brush against her is a further
signal of your interest. You might touch her arm or
thigh—or even let your foot touch hers without her date
knowing it. A lovely turn-of-the-century drawing by
Charles Dana Gibson shows a man and woman, under
the girl's mama's watchful eye, making body contact under
the table with their feet while both look innocent and
demure. If body contact is established, don't move away.
Of course, catching her eye and holding it speaks
volumes, but don't let her date catch you at it. You're
right to be careful with football players!
I have a boyfriend I like very much, but he drives me up
a wall when I speak to him. Sometimes he's just fine, but
there are other times when I get confused. I interrupt
him while he's still speaking, or I wait for him to
continue when he's finished. Often there'll be long pauses
before he answers me, and I feel as if I've lost him.
What's going on?
In conversation, we signal each other with many small
gestures called markers. These tell us when someone is
finished talking and when the other should start. In this
way, a conversation proceeds normally. Your friend's perception
of body language signals and markers seems to
be out of synch.
When we ask a question, for example, our head lifts at
the end of the sentence, or we may raise our hand or the
pitch of our voice. If we want to signal that we intend
to keep on talking, we keep our head, hand, or voice
level. When we answer a question, we lower our head at
the end of the answer.
If we forget these signals, or deliberately don't use
them, or don't know how to use them, the conversation is
often awkward. When one partner takes too long to respond,
ignoring our signal to start, we may interpret his
hesitance as withdrawal or rejection. This may be what is
happening between you and your friend. Take a good
look at his head and hand movements next
Scratching can be a sign of the intensity of your lovemaking
or the expression of a sadistic impulse. But almost
all men respond to being scratched by their sexual
partner and interpret it positively. To them it's a signal
that they're turning a woman on, that they are doing all
the right things. Many women are very negative about
being scratched during sex, but a few welcome it as a
sign of healthy masculine aggression. It turns them on,
Like all body language messages, this 

The body language of sex,

M. Evans and Company titles are distributed in
the United States by the J. B. Lippincott Company,
East Washington Square, Philadelphia, Pa. 19105;
and in Canada by McClelland & Stewart Ltd.,
25 Hollinger Road, Toronto M4B 3G2, Ontario
Fast, Julius, 1918-
The body language of sex, power, and aggression
1. Nonverbal communication (Psychology) &. Sex
(Psychology) 3. Control (Psychology) 4. Aggressiveness
(Psychology) I. Title.
BF637.C45F37 152.3'84 76-47665
ISBN 0-87131-222-0
Copyright © 1977 by Julius Fast
All rights reserved under International and
Pan-American Copyright Conventions
Design by Joel Schick
Manufactured in the United States of America
a lawyer in Colorado, a politician in New York,
an actress in California, a student in Kansas,
a businessman in Louisiana, a farmer in Connecticut,
and all the others who asked
Foreword 9
The Body Language of Sex 17
The Body Language of Power 91
The Body Language of Aggression 143
When I finished the last correction on the galleys of
Body Language, some six years ago, and it was safely off
to the printers, I thought I was done with it and I could
turn all my attention to another project. I was completely
wrong. In terms of the amount of time I've spent on the
subject since then, I was just begnning to become acquainted
with body language.
In the years since the book's publication, I have been
on dozens of television shows and have lectured to groups
all over the United States, groups ranging from teachers'
organizations to trial lawyers and including industrial relations
outfits, colleges, medical societies, women's clubs
and business men.
I have been involved in encounter groups and sensitivity
sessions, have taught a class on the subject and have
been called in as a consultant to politicians and industrialists.
I have, in short, been completely overwhelmed by what
seemed to me, at the very beginning, a very obvious fact
—we communicate with our bodies as well as with our
words. When I taught body language I told my students,
"I'm not going to teach you something new or original.
I'm simply going to open your eyes to what you already
know, to a language all of you use fluently."
Body language is just that, a language we all use and
understand. But it is an unconscious language, and because
of that it is a very honest language. While you can
easily lie with words, it is a lot harder to lie with your
body. The classic proof of this occurred on television
some years back, and the entire nation saw it.
Former President Nixon held a press conference to reassure
the nation that our incursion into Cambodia was
temporary and would not escalate the war. His voice was
smooth, his body movement projected sincerity, and the
over-all impression was confidence. Then one newsman
began asking some pointed and probing questions about
how long we intended to stay in Cambodia.
Again the President reacted smoothly, but an alert TV
cameraman cut in for a tight shot of the President's fist,
clasped so rigidly that the knuckles were white. He held
that shot for the entire answer, and that one, tense bodylanguage
gesture projected rigidity and broadcast a complete
contradiction to everything the President was
Knowing how important body language is to politicians
who wish to project an air of sincerity, I am not surprised
at the flood of questions I have had from them. Nor am
I surprised at the hundreds of questions I have had from
lawyers' associations over the years. They too have a need
to know how they can master this newly discovered, but
old, old language.
How old is body language? It probably arose long before
humans learned to speak. Certainly men have been
aware of it for thousands of years. On a television talk
show, Hugh Downs pointed out to me that during the
first century A.D. Marcus Fabius Quintilianus, a Roman
rhetorician, held that body language gestures could add
to the dramatic impact of orations.
What did surprise me, wherever I talked, were the
hundreds of people—students, parents, children, husbands,
wives—who pressed me for answers to very personal
questions—who saw, in body language, a means of
getting a little closer to each other, of gaining some meaningful
insights, of communicating on a deeper, more honest
level, of solving their own family problems.
There was the housewife in a TV audience in Cleveland
who, during a question period, fixed me with a
searching stare and asked, "Why does my husband tell
me that I don't know how to look at people?" As she
talked, her eye contact was so intense and beseaching
that I could hardly bear it.
And of course there were many who saw body language
as a "fun and games" thing, a way of broadening
their pleasure potential. One of my students, a handsome
young New Yorker, was quite frank about his reason
for taking the course. "I'm into the singles bar scene, and
I want to learn more about picking up girls."
At the end of the course, I asked him if he had gotten
what he was after. "It's wild," he told me. "I realize that
I used to come on wrong, turn the girls off with the
wrong signals. Now I've changed. I walk into a bar and
I know exactly who to talk to, who's going to respond,
how to let her know I dig her."
There was a young bearded lawyer in Colorado who
asked me, "Do you think my beard projects the wrong
image in court?"
I couldn't answer that except to say, "It depends on the
judge, on the image you want to project in court, on the
case you're involved in and on your age. Does the beard
say wisdom, or does it say hippy? Does it go with a suit
and tie and neat hair and say, Member of the establishment,
but not into a rigid pattern, or does it go with jeans
and an open shirt and beads and say, a bit of a rebel who
goes against convention?"
As with any body language gesture, a beard is only one
part of the total man.
Whatever the questioners' motives were, they all
needed answers, and very soon I became involved in research
again, checking out those centers across the nation
where body language was being studied and analyzed
by psychologists, choreographers, dramatic coaches and
image makers. I was invited to join a public relations firm
setting up a non-verbal communication department for
the election year, a team of clinical psychologists who
wanted to open up a center for body language in therapy,
and on and on. I declined all for reasons of time, morality,
and lack of scientific training, but I picked brains mercilessly
and kept notes and files.
As my files grew, and as the letters poured in with new
questions, I began to realize that in spite of the many
repeats the pattern of questioning ran in only three directions.
People were curious about sex, power and aggression.
This book is the result of those letters and that research.
I've defined each of the three areas broadly and
inevitably there had to be some overlap, but I think that
almost every question on body language has been posed
and answered—but I thought that when Body Language
itself was first published.
—Julius Fast
The Body
My husband and I are in our late fifties, and, while we've
always had a good sex life, recently my husband seems
less interested in sex—which I suppose is very natural
at our age. But at the same time he wants me to touch
him more, to stimulate him more. What does this mean?
I would think his desire to be stimulated by more touch
is a sign of his continuing interest in you. Your husband
still wants the sexual relations you've both enjoyed during
your marriage.
Dr. Harold Lief, director of the Marriage Council of
Philadelphia, has written that with age a man is less easily
aroused sexually through the cortex, but he needs greater
stimulation locally. In other words, the body contact your
husband asks for now is the physical trigger that will
release his love for you.
My girlfriend says women are equal to men in every way,
but obviously their bodies are different. Is their body
language different, too?
It is very different. Over and above the differences that are
physical, there are the ones that are culturally acquired,
the ones we learn as children. Girl babies are handled
more gently and delicately by their parents, and, as they
grow, are told that certain movements (such as sitting
with their knees apart or taking large strides) are too
unladylike, too boisterous. Boys are encouraged to be
manly—to move with a sure, assertive purposefulness—
and any rough activity they engage in is shrugged off,
since "boys will be boys."
A woman friend of mine who enjoys jogging and other
athletic pursuits was striding down the street enjoying the
spring air, when a man passing by said, "Looks like one
of those typical libbers." This is a good example of a kind
of totally artificial distinction between men and women
made real by cultural conditioning.
Another example of a culturally conditioned sex differTHE
ence shows in the way most women throw a baseball.
Part of the reason most women can't throw as far as men
is that they've been conditioned to feel that moving the
arm from the elbow to the shoulder too far away from the
body is an unladylike gesture—so they tend to throw from
the wrist and lower arm. (And how often do you see
women sitting with their hands clasped behind their
head? That, too, involves moving the upper arm away
from the body, and so, to many women, feels "unfeminine.")
Still another example of a culturally determined body
language is the way in which homosexuals of either sex
tend to parody the body language of the other sex. But
one thing always missing from the impersonations is the

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وبكده انت حصلت علي البرنامج بدون اي عناء ولا تعب السريال والاشتراك 

العلاج الايجابى

من اhgjt;dv hghd[hfn العلاج الدوائي هو ما يُعرف بالتفكير الإيجابي المعرفي، بمعنى أن تبذل جلَ جهدك في أن تستبدل كل فكرة سلبية بما يقابلها من أفكار إيجابية، وعليك أيها الأخ العزيز أيضاً أن تعيش الماضي بحكمة، والحاضر بقوة، والمستقبل بأمل، وأن تربط نفسك بالواقع على ضوء أهداف تضعها لنفسك في حياتك، فهذه هي الطريقة الفعّالة للتقليل من أحلام اليقظة، وإن كانت هي من الأمور الطبيعية التي تنتاب الكثير من الناس في مراحل الحياة المختلفة.أنا لا أشك مطلقًا أنك تعاني من قلق نفسي، والقلق النفسي يظهر في ألوان وأشكال كثيرة ومختلفة، ليس من الضروري أن يقول الإنسان أني قلق أو متوترًا أو عصبيًا حتى نقول أنه يعاني من قلق نفسي، فقلة من الناس هي التي تأتيك بالأعراض المثالية، ولكن في مثل عمرك هذه الأفكار المتزاحمة المتداخلة والتي تحمل بعض الأماني التي يصعب الوصول إليها؛ هي حقيقة طاقات نفسية زائدة، وهذه الطاقات النفسية مردها القلق، ولا شك في ذلك، حسب ما أجمع كل علماء النفس.

أفكار اليقظة أو أحلام اليقظة؛ على الإنسان أن يحقرها، وأن يؤمن بأنها ليست حقيقة، والبعض يحاول أن يتخير منها ما هو معقول، ثم يركز عليه، وبعض الناس حين يذهب إلى الفراش يعزم عزمًا قاطعًا بأنه لن يفكر فيها، وإنما يستبدلها بقراءة شيء من القرآن مثلاً، وهنالك أيضا من له القدرة على أن يعيد تركيب الفكرة وتحويرها بصورة مختلفة عن الفكرة التي يصعب الوصول إليها، وهذا ما تقوم به أنت، وهذا شيء طيب وجميل.

إذن الإنسان عليه أن يقتنع أولاً أن هذه الأفكار هي ليست أفكار واقعية في معظمها، وأنها ربما تكون صعبة المنال، وأنها أفكار يجب ألا يشغل نفسه بها، وأن يضع أو يحاول أي من الحيل النفسية السابقة الذكر لأن يقضي عليها.كتبهااحمد ، في 23 سبتمبر 2006 الساعة: 05:38 ص

إذا تابعت تأدية العمل بالطريقة السابقة نفسها فإنك ستحصل على النتائج السابقة نفسها، لا بل إنك تجبر نفسك على الاستمرار بطريقة العيش نفسهاالتي تقول بأنك غير راضٍ عنها وأنك بحاجة لتغييرها.

* فيا ترى هل غيرت طريقة تفكيرك وأدائك لعملك؟

* أم مازلت تؤدي الأعمال بالأسلوب نفسه ولكن تتمنى على الله الأماني؟

فلا يوجد شيء مثل ( شيء مقابل لا شيء ) ولكن ازرع تحصد فهذا قانون السبب والنتيجة، من جد وجد، ومن زرع حصد ، فإن أردت من ظروفك ونتائجك أن تتغير للأحسن والأفضل فعليك بأن تغير من طريقة تفكيرك وأدائك لما كنت تقوم بعمله.

فالناس الذين لا يعملون أي شيء إضافي أكثر مما دفع لهم، فإنه لن يدفع لهم من أجل شيء لم يقوموا بعمله أصلاً.

فهل أنت ممن يطلبون الترقية أو الزيادة في الراتب بالرغم من أنك لم تقم بأداء أعمال إضافية على عملك المطلوب منك؟

learned that the mind

I learned that the mind , such as agricultural land , and every idea we think for a long time is a process Rey , will only reap what we plant ideas , positive or negative . I learned that at school or university learn the lessons and then face the exams , but in life we are faced with exams and learn the lessons later . I learned that a simple conversation or a short conversation with a wise man is equal to the month of the study . I learned that it does not matter where you are now , but what is important is where to turn at this moment. I learned that it is better for a person to be like the elephant in the right way to be a deer in the wrong way. I've learned that often losing battle teaches you how to win the war . I've learned that there is a lot of learners , but few of them intellectuals . I learned that the key to failure is trying to please everyone you know . I've learned that you should not measure yourself what has been completed so far , but what must be achieved compared to your abilities . I've learned that it 's more people hurt us are the people who gave them all the confidence , because their knowledge of our secrets they use against us disagree with them day .. This is no doubt a betrayal. I've learned that life is very much like a boxing match , it does not matter if you lose 14 round , all you have to do is to drop your opponent by knockout within seconds , بذاك be the sole winner . I learned that success is not everything, but wanting to succeed is everything. I learned that the human must to succeed to avoid people passive and disgruntled , Almji and pessimists and envious .. Because what Icoloh the U.S. if Tgnebenahm considered less harmful than could يسببوه us if not Ntjunbhm .. Boredom and discontent and pessimism of infectious diseases such as cholera .. Always avoid them . I learned that you have entered million in a year does not work 1000 times more than that entered 1000 in a year .. The secret lies in how to turn his mind . I learned that successful people make decisions quickly and slowly Agironha . The losers people make decisions slowly and quickly Agironha . I learned that everything we see great life began with the idea is a small beginning . I've learned that there is always a better way to do something , you should always try to find it. I learned that it is better for a person to regret what he did that bemoans what he did not. I learned that the good work much better than a good speech . I learned that people forget about the speed at which completed your work, but remember the quality of what it has achieved . I learned to compete with the self is the best competition in the world , and whenever compete with himself whenever human evolution, so that they do not have today as it was yesterday, not tomorrow as it is today . I've learned that there are many receive advice , only the few benefit from it . I learned that when you hire people smarter than you , and reach your goals , so prove that you are smarter than them . I learned that from the happiest moments in life are when you check things people say about you can not achieve. I learned that the man can not develop if you do not try something unusual it. I learned that the losers say that success is just a fluke . I learned that it does not achieve the aspirations without suffering. I learned that knowledge is no longer a force in the era of speed , the Internet and the computer, but the application of knowledge is power . I learned that those who have the courage to face failure, who are invincible odds and succeed . I learned that luck in life is a point of encounter between the good preparation and opportunities that pass. I learned that a good climber focused on his goal is not seen to the bottom, where the risk that the dispersion of mind. I learned that failure is not the worst thing in this world , but failure is not to try . I've learned that there are people who swim in the direction of the ship and there are people who are wasting their time waiting for her . I learned that there are two ways to have the tallest building .. Either to destroy all the buildings around you , or to build higher than others .. Always choose to build higher than the others . I learned that one does not end when you lose , but when you withdraw . I learned that it does not achieve anything great in this life without enthusiasm . I learned that who wins in the end who has the stamina and patience. I learned to smile costs nothing , but it means a lot . I learned that all the discoveries and inventions that we are witnessing in the present, has been judged by the discovery or invention as impossible . I learned that attention to neglected simple things most people usually make some people rich. I learned that if I spent a great time and you play any sport , you are the winner even if she loses the outcome . I learned that one of the most effective weapons owned by the man is time and patience. I learned that one should not try to be a successful man , but to try to be a human being has value and then success comes automatically. I learned that the losers are divided into two parts , the department is thinking without implementation , the department implemented without thinking . I learned that the man must be dreaming of stars, but at the same time we must not forget his feet on the ground. I learned that when you laugh you laugh the world, and when you cry you cry alone. I learned that it does not work does not goofing . I learned that success does not dictionary contains the words " if " and " but". I learned that the simple unexpected gift have a much greater impact than a precious gift unexpected. I learned that there are important decisions to be taken by human no matter how difficult and important angered the people around him . I've learned that there is a big difference between retreat and escape . I've learned that if a person can not find something in life to die for, it most likely will not find anything live for. I learned that the fruit tree is attacked by people . I learned that a private discussion and debate with the ignorant loss in every sense of the word .. People do not admit their mistakes easily. I've learned that the most beautiful is the feeling sensations inside you that you have the correct step even Aadhak the world. I learned that happiness is not achieved in the absence of problems in our lives , but they achieved in overcoming these problems. I learned that yesterday is a check has been withdrawn , and tomorrow is imminent deferred , and the present is only available liquidity , therefore we have to Nasrvh wisely . I've learned that , first and foremost , to thank God after all and pray on the beloved prophet upon him blessings and completed the delivery 

لا اريد ان اكون مستشار

لا اريد ان اكون حكيم الزمان
وانا فى الاصل انسان
لى شوقى وعقلى وحبى
لا اريد هذا الانسان وقد كان
اشارت على قلبى  فكان ما كان
ما انا بهارب بل صحوة انسان
لا اريد ان اكون مستشار ليس لة امان
ولا حامل نور يعمى من اهواه
بل حامل مسك يعطر الايام
هل عرفتم من كنت اقصد اياه
لا اظن والظن لا يحسبنى اياه
يمسك بريش طير اسراب اياه؟
لا اريد ان ان يهوا قلبة اياه
غدرت بقلبى حتى انساه
وقتلت شوقى حتى لا اراه
وخنقت نفسى حتى لا اتنفس هواه
لا اريد ان اكون
لا اريد ان اكون مستشار
ولا حامل نور يعمى الابصار
ونور عقلى سطا علية الاشرار
لا اريد ان اكون مستشار
وفى قلبى اسير محتار
يتلمس نور من خلف الاسوار
لا اريد ان اكون مستشار
تنهل منى وانا المحتاج
عقلى وقلبى يلوزون لمنار
لا اريد ان اكون مستشار
الى من غدرت
ليس من رمزى الغدر
ولا من طبعى الهجر
ولا من قصدى شرب المر
ولا من حبى لكم الكره
ولا من اصلى خلق النمر
سالت ضميرى فاشار
سالت قلبى جعلنى احتار
سالت شوقى شدنى الى النار
سالت نفسى ارفضك وقد كان
جعلت عينى ستار حتى لا اراك
جعلت لسان اسير عن هواك
جعلت يدى على راسى فداك

عبادة الصلبان

. النصارى، الذين سبوا الله الخالق مسبة ما سبه إياها أحد من البشر، ولم يقروا بأنه الواحد الأحد الفرد، الصمد، الذي لم يلد، ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفوا أحد، ولم يجعلوه أكبر من كل شيء بل قالوا فيه ما: (تكاد السموات يتفطرن منه، وتنشق الأرض، وتخر الجبال هداً)، فقل ما شئت في طائفة أصل عقيدتها أن الله ثالث ثلاثة، وأن مريم صاحبته، وأن المسيح ابنه، وأنه نزل عن كرسي عظمته، والتحم ببطن الصاحبة، وجرى له ما جرى إلى أن قتل ومات ودفن، فدينها عبادة الصلبان، ودعاء الصور المنقوشة بالأحمر والأصفر في الحيطان، يقولون في دعائهم:

يا والدة الإله ارزقينا، واغفري لنا وارحمينا!

فدينهم شرب الخمور، وأكل الخنزير، وترك الختان، والتعبد بالنجاسات، واستباحة كل خبيث من الفيل إلى البعوضة، والحلال ما حلله القس، والحرام ما حرمه، والدين ما شرعه، وهو الذي يغفر لهم الذنوب، وينجيهم من عذاب السعير.

(فصل) وصف حال من لا كتاب له

فهذا حال من له كتاب، وأما من لا كتاب له:

هدى النبى

وعن عائشة رضي الله عنها أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كان إذا
أخذ مضجعه نفث في يديه ، وقرأ بالمعوذات ومسح بهما جسده0 متفق عليه

وفي رواية لهما : أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان إذا أوى إلى فراشه
كل ليلة جمع كفيه ، ثم نفث فيهما فقرأ فيهما : قل هو الله أحد ، وقل
أعوذ برب الفلق ، وقل أعوذ برب الناس ، ثم مسح بهما ما استطاع من
جسده ، يبدأ بهما ما استطاع من جسده ، يبدأ بهما على رأسه ووجهه ،
وما أقبل من جسده ، يفعل ذلك ثلاث مرات0 متفق عليه

قال أهل اللغة : (( النفث )) نفخ لطيف بلا ريق0

عن عقبة بن عامر ، قال : بينا أقود برسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في
نقب من تلك النقاب ؛ إذ قال : (( ألا تركب يا عقبة ؟! )) ، فأجللت رسول
الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أن أركب مركب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ،
ثم قال : (( ألا تركب يا عقبة ؟! )) ، فأشفقت أن يكون معصية ! فنزل ،
وركبت هنيهة ، ونزلت ، وركب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، ثا قال :
(( ألا أعلمك سورتين ، من خير سورتين قرأ بهما الناس ؟ )) ، فأقرأني :
( قل أعوذ برب الفلق ) و ( قل أعوذ برب الناس ) ، فأقيمت الصلاة ،
فتقدم ، فقرأ بهما ، ثم مر بي ، فقال :
(( كيف رأيت يا عقبة بن عامر ؟! اقرأ بهما كلما نمت وقمت ))
صحيح سنن النسائي

وعن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه : أنه أتاه آت يحثو من الصدقة - وكان قد
جعله النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عليها - ليلة بعد ليلة ، فلما كان في
الليلة الثالثة ؛ قال : لأرفعنك إلى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، قال :
دعني أعلمك كلمات ينفعك الله بهن - وكانوا أحرص شيء على الخير - فقال :
إذا أويت إلى فراشك ، فاقرأ آية الكرسي : ( الله لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم )
حتى تختمها ، فإنه لن يزال عليك من الله حافظ ، ولا يقربك شيطان
حتى تصبح ، فقال :

هو والحمار

هناك مؤشرات تدل على أن علاقتك بخطيبتك لا تؤهلكما إلى الارتباط كزوجين في المستقبل،

إذا حدثت 6 مواقف مع خطيبتك فعليك ألا تتزوج منها

هناك مؤشرات تدل على أن علاقتك بخطيبتك لا تؤهلكما إلى الارتباط كزوجين في المستقبل،

خاصة إذا جاءت هذه المؤشرات بعد فترة حب وغرام، وعليك في هذا الوقت أن تعيد حساباتك معها وتعرف مكمن الخلل أو تفكر بعقلانية وتتأكد أن شريكتك ليست لك وهذا في مصلحتكما خاصة لو فشلت في الإصلاح.

يقل ظهوركما سويا أمام المقربين

ستجد أنك لا تصطحبها معك في المواقف الاجتماعية المختلفة بل لا تفكر أساسا أن ذلك يعد شيئا غريبا وتتعامل على أساس أن وجودك وحدك لا يضايقك أو يضايقها، ولكن تذكر أن هذا يعبر عن شرخ كبير في علاقتكما.

تتعامل أنت وهي بلامبالاة

سوف تتعجب جدا أنت من انفعالاتها وزعلها ولن تجد أنها على حق أبدا، وستتهمك كثيرا بالبرود وعدم وضعها في الاعتبار وأنك تتعامل بلامبالاة، كما أنك ستعتبرها هي أيضا لا تهتم بك ولا تقدر مشاعرك وأن طلباتها كثيرة وعلى غير وجه حق.

ستقل أوقات تجمعكما

ربما تقل مكالماتكما جدا، كما يقل عدد الخروجات والزيارات العائلية المتبادلة، وسيحدث تباعد جسدي واضح بينكما ولا تقتربا من بعضكما كما كان يحدث في الماضي.

تشعر بعبئها المادي

سيبدأ التفكير العقلاني والمادي في العمل وستشعر بأن الضغط عليك كبير والمسئوليات كثيرة ولن تتحمل أي عبء على الرغم من أنك لم تكن تشعر بذلك في الماضي.

تتحدث هي عن استقلالها

لن تعد تسمع أنت نبرات الحب والرومانسية التي كانت تقولها شريكتك وتتمنى فيها أن تأخذها في جزيرة منعزلة وسط محيط واسع وفي جو مشعارف إيه والحاجات إللي من النوع ده، ولكن إذا اختلت علاقتكما ستجد أنها تريد اتخاذ القرارات بنفسها وتشعر باستقلاليتها وتكون حرة.

تفكر في الأخريات

ستجد نفسك في حالة تفكير دائم في نساء غيرها، كما ستجد أنك تفكر في الأخريات وتقارن بينهن وبين شريكتك وهذا لن يأتي في صالحها مطلقا لأنك لن تكون عادلا، ولا يصح أساسا أن تقارن

هـو إسمـي شتيمـه والا جنسـي ده عــار ؟

عجبـي عليــك يابــن آدم ياكبيـر الــدار

قلبـت الدنيـا علـى اللـى قالـك ياحمـــار

هـو إسمـي شتيمـه والا جنسـي ده عــار ؟

خلقنـي ربـي وخلقـك ولا حـدش لـه خيـار

أنا مهما زاد الحمل عليا صابـر على المشـوار

لا في يوم أقول إشمعنى أخويا وآخـد منه تـار

ولا يوم أبص لرزق غيري وأطـق منه وأغـار

ولا أرفع عينـى على جارتـي وأخـون الجـار

ولا مهر أدفـع لحمارتـي ولا شبكـةبعشرين الف دولار

ولا شقـة أجمـع فى ثمنهـا ولا أجهــز دار

ولا حرمـى حامـل تتوحـم عايـزه الكافيـار

ولا بنتي تخرج عن طوعي وتجيـب لى العـار

ولا إبنـي يدمـن ويهلـوس ويقـع وينهـار

عايش فى حالـي ومتهنـى .. وليـه أحتـار ؟

بآكـل وبشـرب وبنهـق ومافيـش أسـرار

مـش بـس كـده ..........

وعنـدي إبـن آدم يخدمنـي ليـل ويا نهـار

إن جعت يشترى برسيمـي بأغلـى الأسعـار

وفي مرضي يفضل يعالجني ويدعـي الستـار

خادم أمين من غير راتـب ولا حتـى إيجـار !

هو وانا

يامنبع الاخلاق والطيب والذوق
لاتخيب ظنوني واخيب ظنونك
والله لو تدري وش يسوي الشوق
ماكان تتركني دقيقه بدونكمن علامات محبة الله لك>>

ان أعطاك الله الدين و الهدى , فاعلم ان الله يحبك

و ان أعطاك الله المشقّات و المصاعب و المشاكل فاعلم ان الله يحبك ويريد سماع صوتك في الدعاء

و ان أعطاك الله القليل فاعلم ان الله يحبك و انه سيعطيك الأكثر في الآخره

و ان أعطاك الله الرضا فاعلم ان الله يحبك وانه اعطاك اجمل نعمة

و ان أعطاك الله الصبر فاعلم ان الله يحبك و انك من الفائزون

و ان أعطاك الله الاخلاص فاعلم ان الله يحبك فكون مخلص له

و ان أعطاك الله الهم فاعلم ان الله يحبك و ينتظر منك الحمد و الشكر

و ان أعطاك الله الحزن فاعلم ان الله يحبك و انه يخـتبر ايمانك

و ان أعطاك الله المال فاعلم ان الله يحبك و لا تبخل على الفقير

و ان أعطاك الله الفقر فاعلم ان الله يحبك و اعطاك ما هو اغلى من المال

و ان أعطاك الله لسان و قلب فاعلم ان الله يحبك استخدمهم في الخير والاخلاص

و ان أعطاك الله الصلاة و الصوم و القرآن و القيام فاعلم ان الله يحبك فلا تكن مهملاً و اعمل بهم

و ان أعطاك الله الاسلام فاعلم ان الله يحبك

ان الله يحبك , كيف لا تحبه

ان الله أعطاك كثير فكيف لا تعطيه حبك

الله يحب عباده و لا ينساهم .. سبحان الله

لا تكن أعمى وأوجد حبّ الله في قلبك

و اعلم ان الله يحبك و أحن عليك من اي انسان


Thank you for the My name is Ahmed I'm from Egypt over the age of45 I would like to know you love all the people do not like arrogant people I am a Muslim and I love all Nasahb friendship and mutual understanding and constructive interaction and useful knowledge like Humanitarian and social sciences and technology for the process name is Ahmed I'm from Egypt over the age of 30 I would like to know you love all the people do not like arrogant people I am a Muslim and I love all Nasahb friendship and mutual understanding and constructive

الجمعة، 29 نوفمبر 2013

رسالة الى المشاهدين من صاحب المدونة

رسالة الى كل من يقراء كلامى ومدونتى اذا لم ترسلوا لى تعليقات او رايكم لمدة 3 اسابيع سوف امتنع عن الكتابة فى هذة المدونة

اعرفنى عن قرب وارسل تعليق

الله اكبر

رسالة الى المسيحى


“Even if your situation does not allow you to read, listen, or memorise anything, we can still harvest time for our akhirah [Hereafter] with our mind and tongue by the remembrance of Allah.” Click to read the article, ‘Filling In Slack Times’: proms.ly/HuLpYq
 May Allaah make us of those who remember Allaah abundantly. Aameen!

سيدتى خلى بالك من زوجك والا-

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Ahmedaly Aly
Ahmedaly Aly • 3 weeks ago
*عزيزتي الزوجة اياكي تهملي جوزك او تبطلي تعملي كل حاجة بتعمليها عشان تسعديه وترضيه عشان انتي منبع العطاء. ولو مش بيقوللك كلام حلو او اكتشفتي انه بص لغيرك او كلم غيرك اعذريه لان المجتمع وثقافته هو اللي شجعه علي كدة وقالله انه هو راجل يعمل اللي يعجبه. والاهم من كل دة حبي نفسك وثقي في نفسك واحتسبي كل حاجة بتعمليها عشان جوزك لله عشان ثوابها ميضيعش. تهتمي بنفسك عشان تكوني راضية عن نفسك، وطوري شخصيتك عشان دة حقك علي نفسك قبل اي حاجة.

الخميس، 28 نوفمبر 2013


شوية اغبية

قانون المحاكمات العسكرية ناس كتير معترضه عليه من أيام طنطاوي و كان فيه مظاهرات ضده كل كام شهر وتقريبا إتنسي وقت مرسي ، إشمعنا دلوقتي و بعد صدور قانون التظاهر نزلوا يتظاهروا ضد المحاكمات العسكرية ؟؟ إيه اللي فكرهم بيه ؟؟ طبعا و لا حاجة ...لإنهم كذابين و مش هو ده أصلا هدف المظاهرة ...دول نازلين بالعند في الداخلية و عشان يتحدوا قانون التظاهر وخلاص ...الموضوع كله عند .. المشكلة إن لو وزارة الداخلية قالت بلاش المظاهرة دي ...هيعندوا معاهم و هيتظاهروا...و لو الداخلية قالتلهم ممكن تتظاهروا بس ما تقطعوش الطريق و إبعدوا عن الشارع ده...هيعندوا معاهم و يقطعوا الطريق و يروحوا مخصوص الشارع ده (حتي لو مكنش عندهم النيه يعملوا كده )......دي عيال فاكرة إن الثورة هي إنك تقول "لأ" و خلاص و تدور علي إيه اللي بيضايق الناس و الحكومة و تعمله...و لو وافقت الحكومة في أي حاجة تبقي من "العبيد" ....ناس حافظة مش فاهمه ...كلمة "نظام " بتصيبهم بالجنون و شايفين فيها خضوع ذل ...رافعين شعار : " أنا خُلقت لأعترض"...لم يضيفوا أي شيء للبلد من بعد 25 يناير سوي الخراب و الدمار ...إزاي فاكرين إن الشعب هيصدق فئة إنجازاتها في الحياة صفر و بيترتب علي تصرفاتهم كل مرة مصابين و قتلي و حرايق ؟؟ ....شوية أغبية

الثلاثاء، 26 نوفمبر 2013

بلطجية مصرية

فيه ناس لما بتلاقي حيطة نضيفة أو مدهونه جديد بيكتبوا عليها : " مبروك البويه " .أو " إمسح و أنا هكتب تاني " .... و لما الحكومة بتجيب أتوبيسات نقل عام جديدة أو عربيات للمترو برضوا بيكتبوا عليها : " مبروك المترو الجديد" أو يقطعوا الكراسي اللي فيه...لإن الشخص ده ببساطة مش عايزك تعيش مستريح او في مكان نضيف ... حاقد و بيستمتع يضايق الناس و بيشعر بسعادة إنه بيعاندك و يعاند الحكومة و يستفزها عشان يرضي عقدة النقص اللي جواه...هي النوعيه اللي بتقطع الطرق و الميادين علي الناس بحجة إن مطالبهم مشروعه و فاكر إن كده هيخليك تكره الحكومة معاه و تنضمله و برضه بيرضي عقدة النقص اللي جواه لما يشوف حالك واقف بسببه و يحس إنه متحكم في مصالح الناس...هي دي نفس النوعيه اللي حرقت علم مصر في محمد محمود ...و نفس النوعيه اللي بتتحرش و تغتصب البنات في المظاهرات..... و هي النوعيه اللي بتستفز الداخلية كل مره و تحول أي مظاهره سلميه لطوب و مولوتوف...و هي نفس النوعية اللي بتخرب و تدمر المصالح الحكومية و معندهاش مانع تولع البلد كلها....بسبب النوعيه المريضه دي إتعمل "قانون التظاهر"....اللي رغم كل عيوبه إلا إنه مناسب لمواجهة الأشكال دي .....

حرية مصرية

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Ahmedaly Aly
Ahmedaly Aly • 3 weeks ago


 فلنغير نظرة التشاؤم في أعيننا لما حل بنا من محن إلى نظرة حب وتفاؤل لما عاد علينا من فائدة وخير بعد مرورنا بهذه المحن. ما أحوجنا لمثل هذا ال...