Solver of the problems
Solver of the problems Brother generous After the salutation For what speaks together or says to [fY] turning your or your brain or [fY] risks you or what your mind employs or formative does not be new from solves her lac whatever difficulty was formative there hope there ray from the light brother sent formative your or your fears or what [yqlqkw] there request that formation befriended and serious and needy to friend or brother of lac opens turning your whatever your difficulty was of formative here what becomes easy on you suffices to shares you your sadnesses or your fears continued with [aalaaxryn] Aid Address on
alskype sweet3366
Solver of the problems Brother generous After the salutation For what speaks together or says to [fY] turning your or your brain or [fY] risks you or what your mind employs or formative does not be new from solves her lac whatever difficulty was formative there hope there ray from the light brother sent formative your or your fears or what [yqlqkw] there request that formation befriended and serious and needy to friend or brother of lac opens turning your whatever your difficulty was of formative here what becomes easy on you suffices to shares you your sadnesses or your fears continued with [aalaaxryn] Aid Address on
alskype sweet3366