I searched for a mosque, and I don’t know whether the people prayed Fajr or not yet. Finally, I found a small mosque, so I quickly entered and saw one man praying alone, and he used to recite the Qur’an in a beautiful voice. I am not performing ablution. Rather, I must wash my sins a lot, and now I am in the judgment of those who enter Islam again. The water is very cold, but I endured, and I felt after I went out and as if I was born again, I joined the sheikh and I was born again. And I made a commitment to him that I would not stop praying with him in the mosque with the permission of Allah. “I was absent from my work for a while, during which I slept early and woke up for Fajr prayer with the Sheikh, and we sat down to recite the Qur’an until sunrise. Once again in a place where alcohol is served and all kinds of sins are committed, the man came out beating the palm of the hand, thinking that something had struck my mind.
“I, thanks to his blessing and blindness, gave me calm and reassurance and regained my health, and I began to search for a job compatible with my new life. He gave me success in the business of foodstuff trade, and provided me with a decent wife who wore a hijab. He enjoys peace, tranquility and mercy. To you, I wish all Muslims knew the value of organizing their lives and controlling it as desired by God Almighty and as determined by the prayer timings, for the prayer has brought me back to life after you were in it.
Varicose leg disease is a common disorder of the veins in the legs, represented by the appearance of thick, irregular, and blood-filled veins along the lower extremities. It is a disease that affects not a small proportion of people. The world, and in recent scientific research, a strong relationship has been demonstrated between the performance of prayer and the prevention of varicose vein disease, says Dr. Tawfiq Alwan, a professor at the Alexandria College of Medicine, from the Alexandria College of Medicine, and by his careful observation of the movements of prayer, And the cooperation between standing, kneeling, prostrating and sitting between the two prostrations, and by accurate scientific measurement of the pressure on the walls of the saphenous vein at the heel joint was the tremendous reduction that occurs when this pressure occurs during kneeling. It has become very slight, and of course, this depression is nothing but a complete relief to the screaming vein from the harshness of pressure on it during periods of standing. The position of prostration causes the entire blood cycle to work in the same direction in which the Earth’s gravity does, so if the blood that has always measured bitterly climbing from the soles of the feet to the muscle of the heart, we find that it has flowed up and down from the spill. The operation greatly reduces the venous pressure on the back of the foot from about (001 - 021 cm / water) when standing to (33.1 cm / water) when prostrating, and thus the chances of a person suffering from varicose disease are reduced, which is rare. He shall perform the obligatory prayers and naafil prayers regularly and correctly.
The bones in the human body go through two successive phases continuously, the building phase followed by the demolition, building and so on continuously. If the person is in the process of growth and youth, the structure becomes more and more progressive, and the bones grow in length and strength. The amount of bone decreases and becomes more susceptible to fracture, and the spine is curved due to the collapse of the vertebrae and the decrease in their length and durability. Muscles and tendons are attached and fused to the bone.
It has been recently proven that inside the bone there is an electric current with two different poles that affects the distribution of the functions of the bone cells according to their specialization, building cells or catabolism cells, as well as determining in large measure the aspects of the activity of these cells. This electric current decreases, which causes the bones to lose their components and become thin and weak. Even when traveling to space, experiments have shown that in the complete absence of gravity, muscle tone weakens and bone thinning as a result of its lack of resistance. Bones are generally atrophied, as the loss of movement leads to the activity of destructive cells and a weakening of the building cells, which leads to a lack of bone material. And here comes a question: Is it possible for a Muslim to go through days of continuous rest and prolonged inactivity? Is it possible for that electric current to stop the renewed bone activity in his body?
Performing seventeen rak'ahs a day is the obligatory prayer, and more than this are naafil prayers that cannot help but make a person commit to a physical physical performance of no less than two hours per day, and so the length of the life of the ritual prayer. This explains what we observe in the societies maintaining prayer - as in the Egyptian countryside, for example - from the absence of almost dorsal curvature, which occurs with age, as it also explains what we see in the societies. Health and physical in general, and in the Islamic conquests throughout history and the rare heroics and physical strength that the knights of Islam have distinguished with what is a substitute for hadeeth, and a non-Muslim will not know the value of prayer until he prays and stands among the hands of prayer. He knows his bounty and his greatness, so that a light energy passes in his heart and conducts him that pushes the slave always forward on the straight path. They are neither angry nor lost