الأحد، 15 ديسمبر 2019

Similar feelings are attracted and converged, and human feelings have certain frequencies that emanate from man to the universe, which rearranges its events until a person gets what he wants by thinking.
Optimism and positive handling of the events surrounding us, and avoiding negativity in thinking and dealing, as this positive thinking is enough to achieve what a person aspires by directing his energy to the universe who in turn directs similar energy to help him
There are those around us who believe that they are in the wrong time and the wrong place and that they do not have control over external conditions, which gives them ideas of fear, separation, unity and weakness.
The law of attraction can be defined as the belief and belief that ideas, whether positive or negative, can bring positive or negative experiences in a person’s life.
Watching evil leads to the breaking of the psychological barrier between you and him, and it reduces disobedience in your view and leads to distance from God
It is possible to influence companionship, or gradually reduce it, distance from God and the Qur'an, and deal with acts of worship only as rituals without the presence of a heart ... discord!
God prove us
Imam Al-Hassan Al-Basri says:
Two days and two nights you did not hear the same creatures: the day when the good news comes to you from God, blessed and exalted be He; either by his torment or by his mercy, and on the day you give your book;

 Get rid of the illusions of the past and the negative beliefs that formed from the experiences of those around you because they will impede your correct use of the "Law of Attraction".
Need forgiveness ... the world brings you compelling

This is the most powerful kind of attraction

Attracting goodness, wishes, health, marriage, children, jobs, and the happiness of forgetting the worries of the world
The law of attraction and marriage means the law of attracting certain qualities that are available in a person to be linked with, and the general rule about this matter is related to attracting qualities
And because the inherited idea of ​​(division and share) is a positive idea, your belief in God and your life is your responsibility, and that a person "attracts" those with similar awareness and energy, and any partner is only a reflection of you.
And because the inherited idea of ​​(division and share) is a negative idea, it affirms the current human development sciences and that the “law of attraction and marriage” for “attracting” your life partner is your responsibility, and that the human being “attracts” those who are similar in consciousness and energy, and any partner is only a reflection is yours.
Take care of your body and weight, as if your wedding is close, take care of your skin and treat its problems, take care of your hair, improve your personality, trust yourself, and marriage will come after it. And everything is in the hands of the Lord of the worlds
"Al-Qaeda says: (What you resist is increasing) ... So resistance is a kind of attraction ... Why do we not resist goodness, trotting, money, marriage, etc. so we increase it in our lives?"
Do not stop .. do not fail .. follow your passion .. overcome difficulties .. exercise your hobbies .. you can .. if a door is closed in front of you there are other doors open .. here insistence and determination and challenge ..

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