الأحد، 15 ديسمبر 2019


* Conscience does not prevent you from doing sin, but it prevents you from enjoying it. A guilty conscience makes people cowards. Conscience is not from God as the court without a judge. Conscience surgeons never heal. I count you from happiness in this world: a pure conscience, a quiet tease and an honorable heart. Do not fear the judgment of others, but the rule of the conscience fear
 It must be a prick of conscience. Train you for your goals, if the light of conscience does not illuminate him, so lying on his path is better. The world is no longer waiting for salvation at the hands of

On the authority of Aisha, the husband of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: A woman came to me with two daughters to ask me, and she only found one date for me, so I gave it to her, and she divided her between her two daughters, then she rose up and went out. Have a veil of fire. "
 There is no one who is distracted, and he is worried, sir.

- Laugh, the picture looks sweet
Conscience is the voice of truth. One may feel a tingling conscience and be fully healthy. No happiness equals conscience. Do not fear the judgment of others, but fear the judgment of conscience. A villain may escape punishment, but he cannot escape punishment. Inside each of us is a just court whose rulings remain vigilant in our souls.
When we are unable to attract and understand those we love, our feelings about him become vile and misfortune
We can attract people's attention .. !!
But it is difficult for us to attract the attention of those we love.
Sometimes we like stealing, stealing hearts is not worth it except those who can attract others to him, with his manners, his knowledge, his generosity, and his altruism.
I am not great, but I leave you with an unforgettable impact
O Lord, do not make me cruel to the tongue and heart, O Lord, praise my tongue and good words, and do not make me ache for any stranger or relative
Being attached to the soul is very difficult and tired. Your love for the soul of a sponsor is that he prefers your lieutenant throughout your life, not like your love for the shape that drew you to him, and he disappears as soon as you see what is better than him, nor is it the love of getting used to that which is torn from him with the time when you love the spirit of someone who is not easy to see you again Because the soul is always one and no alternative.
Clinging to the past and staying with feelings of remorse and guilt, it impairs a person from developing himself, neither is he able to change the past, nor is he enjoying the present, time is lost with remorse and flogging of self, accepting what happened, the best way to deal with your past is to learn from your mistakes and then make your present

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