الأربعاء، 6 فبراير 2019

Of the crimes of the American administration mold

Of the crimes of the American administration mold

Lockerbie case
A US aircraft belonging to the company Pan American fell over the village of Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988 accused the United States and the Western media initially several parties, such as Iran and the Palestinian resistance and Syria, but focused on accusing Libya in the end to drop it, although there is no clear evidence and bombed Libya
Killing more than 2,000 Libyans and imposing economic sanctions on them as a result

After years of tension and attraction, the Hague court in 2000 acquitted one of the most important defendants in the case, Khalifa Afihima, after feeling embarrassed that there was no evidence against him and released the second, Abdul Basset al-Megrahi on the pretext of "humanitarian reasons" after forcing Libya to pay compensation estimated at 4 Billion dollars for families of the US aircraft

And after the fall of the Gaddafi regime in 2011

US intelligence officer Susan Lindauer admitted in 2013

That the plane was dropped by the US intelligence and that to get rid of
From a number of its clients and also to find an excuse to invade Libya
But the decision to invade failed because of President Mubarak's opposition to the invasion
And an absolute rejection by China and Algeria of America's decision

The Lockerbie case is a simple example of how the media can
To deceive us and falsify the apparent facts the appearance of the sun

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