الخميس، 27 ديسمبر 2018

He always tries to show people without his real image, as he tries to show himself as a human being who adheres to the spiritual and moral values ​​of society and people, while in fact he does not abide by his behavior. He does not know that people know his truth and assume stupidity, while The truth is that others know his truth but deal with him according to what he wants so that his illness does not get worse and he reaches a stage that makes them more hurt. This brings me back to the story of the stupidest child when they assumed stupidity without knowing that he knew the truth more than they did. A small entry into the barber shop Laugh to the customer: This is the dumbest child in the world ... Wait and I prove to you ..... Put the barber in a hand and 25 piasters in the other hand The boy called and offered him the whistleblower The boy took 25 piasters and walked the barber said: Did not tell you this boy does not learn Never ... Every time he repeats the same order when the customer came out of the shop, the boy was taken out of the candy shop. He was puzzled by the boy asking him to ask him why he took the 25 piasters every time and did not take the pound. The boy said: Because on the day that the pound will finish the game will end, sometimes you think that some people are less intelligent to deserve your appreciation for the fact of what they do .. In fact, you Tstgrhm ignorance of you do not despise a person does not despise a person and do not hurt the creature is really stupid is the one who thinks That people are stupid !!.

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