الخميس، 27 ديسمبر 2018

The look of the girl and the man's look at the girl and the difference between them:

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When a young man wants to start a relationship with the girl, he thinks of it as a tool or a means to empty his appetite, while the girl views the young man as a source of love, passion and strength.

She is looking for "love" and is looking for "sex" !!

A man may want some kind of passion and the girl may want something of a sexual need, but mostly - in my opinion - is what you said ..

Through listening to many stories, we find that the young man as soon as he finishes the girl and after the desecration of her honor we find that he leaves it to others while she remains loving him and waiting for his promises of marriage and happy family life ..
If you go to the beach one day .. you will find that the temperature of the earth changes rapidly by the influence of the sun .. While the water keeps the cold and heat for a long time .. This is like the heat of love in men and women .. The man forgets love quickly, while the girl can not often.

I do not forget to mention that the Eastern girl - whether Muslim or non - Muslim - likes to translate love into a marriage relationship, and does not accept to be a tool that entertains the man and entertain him for a while and then leave and leave .. So she asks her friend to marry and insist on it .. He does not want to bear the burdens of marriage and its costs, and that is enough to give them of themselves and then leave them.

Here are two things to remember:

1 - Not every relationship between a young man and a girl in this form can be a love relationship between a man and a woman without "sex" but this is very rare .. In a US study found that less than half of the sample girls (47% of what I remember) Victims to rape their friends! And about 20 percent were victims of the rape of relatives and friends of the family .. means: Seventy percent of the girls were victims of the relationship "innocent" !!
2 - This view of the young girl does not belong only to the category of hunters and the game .. The honorable have nothing to do with my words!

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