الجمعة، 11 مايو 2018

You prefer a heart that understands you ... or a heart loves you? </ FONT>

One of the people asked one of my friends this question and he answered with confidence

Heart loves me ... !!! I looked at him with admiration, so I said

What is the use of love without understanding !!!

And without understanding the party to the other party

If love without understanding ?? It will not last

Where any problem could be encountered by the parties

Lead to separation ... The heart that understands you

It is good to deal with you and know your behavior well

Any problem will come to solve it

My friend replied, but what if a heart understood me

But he does not love me I answered him Can love you ...

Love is not all that ..

What do you think of the topic and which one you prefer?

The heart that loves you or understands you ??

Wait for answer...

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