السبت، 26 مايو 2018

Please be sure to answer all statements without exception, and to you / in order to be sincere and thankful.

1 - I never hesitate to sacrifice my reconciliation and my desires for the satisfaction and love of others.
2. I believe that every person must always strive to achieve his goals as fully as possible.
3. Better to seek the reform of the abusers rather than punish or blame them.
4. I can not accept the results of actions that come beyond what I expect.
5 - I believe that everyone is able to achieve happiness himself.
6. The same person should not be concerned about the possibility of disasters and risks.
7. Better avoid difficulties rather than face them.
8. It is regrettable that a person is dependent and dependent on others.
9 - I believe that the past of man decides his behavior in the present and future
10. A person should not allow the problems of others to prevent him from feeling happy.
11. I think there is a perfect solution to every problem that needs to be reached.
A person who is not serious and formal in his dealings with others is not worthy of respect.
13. I think it is wise for men to deal with women on the basis of equality.
14. It bothers me to issue any behavior that makes me unacceptable to others.
15. I believe that the value of an individual is related to the amount of work done even if it is not perfect.
16. I prefer to refrain from punishing the perpetrators of evil acts until I find the reasons.
17. I am always afraid that things will go wrong.
18. I believe that the thoughts and philosophy of the individual in life play a large role in his sense of happiness or unhappiness.
19. I believe that fear of the possibility of an abomination does not reduce the likelihood of it happening.
20. I believe that happiness is in an easy life that is free of responsibility and facing difficulties.
21. Better to rely on myself in many things, despite the possibility of failure.
22. An individual can not get rid of the influence of the past even if he tries.
23. It is not right for a person to deprive himself of happiness if he feels that he is unable to please others suffering from misery
24. I feel very upset when I fail to find a solution that I consider the ideal solution to my problems.
25- The individual loses his prestige and respect for his people if more than fun and joking.
26 - The treatment of men with women on the basis of superiority over them harms the relationship that must be between them.
27. I believe that the satisfaction of all people is very unknowable.
28. I feel that I have no value if the work entrusted to me is not done in a perfect manner, no matter what the circumstances.
29 - Some people are mingled with evil, mischief and vileness and should be avoided and despised.
30. A person must accept de facto if he can not change it.
31. I believe that luck plays a big role in people's problems and poverty.
32. A person must be cautious and aware of the possibility of risk.
33. I believe in the need to confront difficulties as much as I can, rather than avoid them and avoid them.
34. I can not imagine myself without the help of those who are stronger than me.
35. I refuse to be subject to the influence of the past.
36. The problems of others often trouble me and make me feel happy.
37. It is futile for an individual to insist on finding what he considers the ideal solution to the problems he faces.
38. I do not think that the individual's tendency to play and joke reduces people's respect for him.
39. I refuse to treat other sex on an equal basis.
40 - best to stick to my thoughts and desires personal even if the reason for the rejection of others to me.
41. I believe that an individual's inability to achieve perfection in work does not diminish its value.
42. I do not hesitate to blame and punish those who harm others and harm them.
43. I believe that everything one wishes to realize.
44. I believe that circumstances beyond the control of man often stand against his achievement for his happiness.
45. I am very afraid of just thinking about the possibility of accidents and disasters.
46. ​​I am pleased to face some of the difficulties and responsibilities that make me feel challenged.
47. I feel weak when I am alone in the face of my responsibilities.
48. I believe that the insistence on sticking to the past is an excuse used by some to justify their inability to change.
49. It is not right for a person to be happy to see others torment.
50. It is logical that an individual thinks more of a solution to his problems and accepts what is practical and feasible rather than insisting on what is considered an ideal solution.
51. I believe that a rational person must act spontaneously rather than restrict himself to formalism and seriousness.
52. It is disadvantageous for a man to be subordinate to a woman.

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