الأربعاء، 25 أبريل 2018

My heart is pulling from behind the wall

Her heart came back and went back behind

My heart is pulling from behind the wall

She said, "Hey, you forgot your hobby."

And my heart turned to go back

And I closed my heart to thy love there

Let me forget the days of joy

"I am the companion of the prisoners

But I will walk your mind there

I am an unfriendly woman

My heart is a prisoner in the depths of Jib

Breathe out of your love breeze

Make my heart mirage

From far away there was ka gold

Illuminates my heart from behind the veil

I will prepare for myself and my heart --- until I heal myself
It is known as the kings of the valleys --- for the happiest of the Jahani
Sanadi Nadeem Ahlamy --- Lartwa Who witnessed my life
Sailor Girls Poplar ---- Do you see Habib Oyouni
My mind asked what she loved her heart
I will lift the Otarklebi Tchdoa --- Bangham and nostalgia happy Shawki
Shouki wanted to see what was in her eyes
Where are you from?
Qamrai asked where her eyes were
I asked my soul how long will you live?
I asked my Lord to gather us soon
I asked myself, do you hate it?
My mind is with which I live
I asked my heart not to love a lover after you
My soul asked you to be Nadim
Or are you a mirage in the shadow of her eyes?
Salan Hanini does not miss my present
I asked my mind and my soul how Ihaki
Shawky and Omri love you again
I said to myself:
I asked my eyes what I mean
Let me bring his heart to the breast of the orphan
Salat Habibi said Bahwaq
I was overcome by my thirst until my nostalgia melted
I am dying for the lover of al - Fawadi
I asked my Lord to gather us in Genta there
And my soul asked me, Shawq al-Habibi
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Give me your soul for the breath of my life
Of longing and sad dimension
Diaa Einaki Chdoni for my eyes
I prayed to the Lord of mercy
From Habib Kasai, Moulay
My tears racing until I killed my breath
You told me you are an angel
I prayed in the heart of the disease ---- Kani Mushtaq for Fuad
I asked her to soften her heart of prosperity ---- so that she had no time
She replied with the eyes of the lovers ---- Kali and Effi Maak
I flashed in my heart a ray --- it was the light of the universes
I am irresistible
Disrupt your hobby
God has a soul purified of the races of her heart, and brought Gilbab patience at its lowest, and filled what she saw her heart what she saw her eyes, and if inclined to the end of the end of her nose, and if inclined to fancy her lips, asked for the satisfaction of the Molly and the land of her land, and market Mujahid market this , And sold her eagerness with conviction and riches in her wealth, and the arrows of feasts came to the goals of the mahrams, seeking her help, and the nobles of the lions took away her fetus, and the one begging forgiveness for her.
And what gave the cadaver what it deserved ... It does not eliminate the right of homes
Observing with a jealous eye ... and visiting the body of non-Nahhal --------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- Why this attachment to the man ?? Is the love of the girl here true love or is it ??

Which I think the reason for this strange attachment is the absence of a permissible alternative whether this alternative either father or sister or brother or otherwise .. And it is very strange - and I mentioned earlier - that many girls do not hear the words of love and spinning by Halal and can not be heard except through haraam !! When you hear the word "I love you" for the first time, her heart almost flies with joy, and when she is told, "You are beautiful" or "I miss you so much" or other words that the girl should hear from her parents and brothers. Who gets it she does not hear anything until you hear it strange! If such words were heard with halal, then the possibility of their deviation behind those who heard them with haraam is less.
The second reason is the lack of who listens to and sympathizes with! She wants to talk to him and complain to him .. And complaint to the man will go by the problem of the absence of those who hear it, but will sign - often - in the problem of attachment to the person who helps them solve their problems .. The first problem solved by the problem is the absence of those who listen to it .. And the second problem signed by It is the problem of hanging on it!
The third reason is the discharge of passion in itself after the opening of this young man the field for this .. Although the door was open in the past when this emotion came out in a manner absent with reason and fear of God!

I believe that love here is not real love in many cases, but it is false love, but because the girl is in a state that does not allow her to think correctly, she does not notice this!
The one who gets with her is that she found someone who gives her what others do not give to her, so she drew this thing and related to it, so she may love him and love him (so I heard those who love five or six men at the same time !!) Habit!

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