الاثنين، 9 أبريل 2018

Discover the secret of charging

Discover the secret of charging energies! -
"People say that stimulation does not last long, okay.
As well as bathing, so we recommend it daily. "
Zig Ziegler

Who among us can accomplish his life without having stimuli?
A person, a goal, or a second thing.
But many times the catalyst disappears! At the time, our enthusiasm and cool down and sometimes give up the thing that women!
Impossible one accomplishes without having something to encourage him, whether clear or not!

Most, if all, the sources of encouragement or motivation they have external, mean .. depend on the encouragement and motivation of people or things around them, and Halashi reason to stop them if the disappearance or change of the source .. But, the intelligent who relies on himself, and is the first fan of himself. For those who depend on themselves and are self-motivated, they are more likely to have sources of encouragement to increase, but the most important is that they are self-reliant, so that if external sources disappear, they will always be motivated and encouraged themselves.

(By focusing on the slim person, because I have tried Halashi personally and know exactly what sense they feel.)

To be self-energized, simply, you need three steps:

* Step 1: (prepare your mind)
Always at the beginning we need to prepare and prepare ourselves, if you have the will and the will, it means you are ready, if you desire and always rely on you to be around you, see yourself and think right! The first and last beneficiary is you.
How to prepare and prepare mentally?

First, think positive.
It is always difficult to achieve and even live well and have negative thoughts in your mind! Most of us are thinking negatively without being distracted! Your use of words such as: "My body is useless." "I have tried before and I know myself what I'm most precious" and as a guinea pig! We use them without self-examination and we are affected negatively! Thoughts like this leave you living in a black whirlpool, mating and not taking advantage of restlessness, and times you hate yourself!

If once you've thought of yourself negatively and gitk like thoughts, stop them immediately! If you are a base, otherwise you should quickly set yourself up for anything that distracts you from thoughts. Do not do anything that distracts the devil, and the role of any job you can think about is to think, read, practice, see, and many things that can be solved. For example, the person who encourages you to change or disappear, do not stop, you thought you started originally? Where is Maine? Feel yourself! What goal do you reach? What do you think? Salvation Do not think about one, your goals belong to you you are someone else, why rely on them?

Second: Trust yourself.
With positive thinking, you need to have a positive idea about yourself. As you begin to get rid of negative thoughts about yourself, your body and your health, new ideas need replacing them. Such as "I started changing" "a lot of way tried it and sure to control me" "Mafi Shi impossible" "I understood my body wrong and is sure to change." If you are confident that you are changing, the change will be easy, and your self will respond to you more easily. If you think positively but without confidence, your effort and time are wasted without interest!
An existing equation of time: think positively + trust yourself = can change!

And to adopt a confident, start after your achievements and the good things that have been settled before, and the difficulties you missed, and show yourself how you changed over time and always be sure that those who have settled by Bikhlik can settle things more and bigger in the future.

Third: Be thirsty.
Your own motivations in you, received within you. Always be thirsty for accomplishment and change, think about your life hate how do you keep if you do not change what you are without change? Do you hear the same comments on your form? Pretend to show yourself in the costume what uniforms are you every day? Be sure to show everything around you and you change what you are? !!!
You have a sense of being a new person and learning new things about the world and about yourself.
All you think is that you started to retreat. Are you satisfied with yourself or not? Imagine how you feel how you feel? Worthy of fatigue? Sure! And Ma Shi Shi Yi easily, if everything easy to be boring life!

Fourth: I know you will slow down.
What if we fell once or even ten times? Mafia Shi, but the important learn! I myself tried many things at a time I was equating I was convinced that it is true, and annoyed for those who fail !! Because I am convinced that I am true and I will not fail, and this was the reason for the failure at all! But with time I knew and learned that the error is always contained, and no matter how convinced we are true, Hanna is human and we must be wrong! Because I continued to learn, read and educate myself, every day I discovered something new, and I was wrongly mistaken! If this was a mistake, it would be simple. We need to make sure more than once about new things, and discover and correct errors as we modify them.

Mafia life is perfect and free of errors, you need to look at everything and from multiple sources and know who suits you and health for you and resolve, and even to make sure you correct it! If you have met yourself once wronged, rejoice, because the things we are in it we learn it right without repeating the mistakes. And what is the life of one full Mjalt, we are all human beings, and who breaks the mistakes of his life Marah learns. I love Aglati because she taught me right! I shared it with everyone because they learn with me, and because I'm never a fan of it.

* Step 2: (actually start)
We have finished configuring and ready, then ready to start, but how?

First, focus on the positive goals.
Easy, the one in us knows what things are to her, and things he is afraid of, but sometimes it is difficult. The one in us determines exactly which things you are happy with, and the things that he wants exactly!
In order to accomplish, we need to think about positive goals and focus on them, Mo on the things we hate or fear them!
How? Instead of saying, "Khayef is thinner / Maby is thinner." Trying to say, "Try a new and sure way to change my body." Instead of saying, "Salvation of Marah is thinner than this." Try saying, "My body responded and my weight began to increase."
Just switching the sentence from negative to positive changes many things yourself if you think about them. If you know if your sentence is negative or positive, show yourself safe

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