الثلاثاء، 31 أكتوبر 2017

The Doctrine of Shirk

 Part Two: The Doctrine of Shirk
 The Holy Quran refers to the alleged deities as 'what is worshiped without God.' The word 'don' in the language means 'tolerance' and 'approach'. It is said that without that, which is closer to him. If you want to spoil it, I said Doen. No action is derived from it. The temptation is said: Dunk! Take him, closer to him and near you. They say order without, and dress without, any value close. [1]   
 Thus, 'without God' means less and inferior to God.
 The polytheist claims that God is far away from him, which is difficult to reach except by means of the media, such as kings, who can only be reached by someone close to them. So pray to God who claims to be close to God. The Christians also said that Christ, the son of Mary, was the Son of God and begged Him. And the people of Makkah called what they worshiped without Allah by the daughters of God.   
 And those who wanted to draw close to God and the elders of the elders of God's parents.
 The polytheist does not involve God in himself. That is, he believes that God is one. But he is associating God with His qualities. That is, it involves God by giving some special qualities of God to some creatures, making him immortal, and claims to have the power of hearing, sight, relief and other extraordinary things.   
 These qualities are believed to have been given to them by God Almighty.
 The Mecca polytheists said when they toured the Kaaba: 'You have no partner but your partner is yours and you own it.' Ibn Abbas said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: 'Woe to you may be.' [2]   
 We can draw the structure of polytheism as follows:
 The general shape of the company
 We would now like to look at the elements contained in the figure:
 1. The straight path (or the right path): It is the path of God who ordered us to follow Him, and whoever believes and does good works is on this path. By good deeds we mean obeying Allah's commands and avoiding His intentions in secret and in public. God is closer to the human vein vein and knows what Touss himself. The right path is the way on which the Shaytaan sits to keep people from the path of Allah. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):   
 Then I will bring them from their hands and from behind them, and from their faith and from their chastity, and you will not find the most of them thankful. '(Al-A'raf, 7/16-17)
 The greatest calamity is what the devils of mankind, who sit on the straight path, wear in their clothing of religion, and claim that they bring people to God, and the most prominent examples of these are the elders of the Sufis.
 2. Gods: The polytheists believe that the alleged gods take their place between God and people, and because of their theological and theological nature, they deserved to be a means between God and people.
 3. The spirits of the Fathers: Man is fond of maximizing his fathers, especially those who died of them. And exaggerates in maximizing them to give them some of the attributes that are special to God Almighty. This is what we call parents' deification.   
 In our view, the doctrine of pantheism and the sanctity of God (the conditions of reverence and full intimacy) arose from these ideas.
 4. Clergy: The clergymen are the ones who lead people in their religion and offer them religion as in the previous form. Their followers believe they are people with divine attributes.   
 So they deserved to mediate between God and His creation.
 5. Human: This network is built of these links lead to the abuse of religious feeling in humans; where many people are connected to this network for the benefit of material, and instead of religion to be leveraged in the relationship between man and God, reflecting the promotion of the individual and away from the negative , But it became otherwise when religion became a means to achieve worldly interests.   
 As indicated by the verse: «And said, but you have taken without God Oathana affection between you in this life and then on the Day of Resurrection, one of you and one of you cursed and your fire, and you are the ones who guard» (Spider, 29/25).
 This is the case in all religions, both distorted and positivist.   
 God told some of the Jews and the Christians, and said: 'Take their tithes and their monks as gods without God and Christ the Son of Mary, and order only to serve one God, there is no god but He, Glorified, for what they associate.' (Repentance, 9/31).
 Al-Tirmidhi narrated that Uday ibn Hatem said: I came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and he had a gold cross in my neck. He said: O 'Uday, I will remove this idol from you, and I will read it in Surah Baatah. They worshiped them, but if they had given them something they had stolen, and if they had forbidden something to them, they forbade it.   
 Anyone who walks on the straight path will inevitably face obstacles, because the devil sits on him to disobey people from the path of Allah; he builds his ropes on him and tells the passer-by about the mediation of the alleged parents and their closeness to Allaah. He says that whoever wants to reach God is They need to be supported by him, they are an intercession with God ... and other claims that have nothing to do with Islam. It also comes to the fictional stories about the alleged parents, and call for the delivery of them; because God does not let them down and respond to everything they ask.   
 In the face of Satan's claim, the role of reason arises. Whoever neglects his mind must follow the devil; he will go to the alleged preachers before he goes to Allaah. Thus he has cut off what God has commanded him to do.
 And we end the subject by mentioning two examples, one of the Catholic doctrine of the people of the Book and the second of the Taoists ...
 The doctrine of mediation in Catholicism
 The doctrine of the three universes - the pillars of which are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - is what led to the priests taking tributes without God. A doctrine shared by c

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