الثلاثاء، 31 أكتوبر 2017

Congregations of the clergy

Congregations of the clergy 

Satan and his followers try to hallucinate the clergy after he has done his job in making the prophets and messengers gods without God. The best way to accomplish this task is to teach them to be the heirs of the prophets and messengers. For example, the Church represents Jesus, peace be upon him, and the church is a society consisting of hierarchical organs and the body of Christ. Internal. It consists of two phenomena, one human and the other God. [1] The Church is also a guide and a signal of connection between man and God. [2] The Pope has full authority over all churches. [3] The Pope is an infallible authority. [4] Some Muslims have taken the path of the Christians on this subject; some Sufi groups and methods have the term 'full man'. The whole person in their eyes represents the truth Muhammadiyah. It includes all orders of material and moral luxuries. [5] Each of the Sufi methods sees her sheikh as a complete human being. The believers also believe that God has embodied in their elders. And since the perfection of God Almighty must be embodied in the Almighty in the Sheikh until he becomes a complete person. And Allaah is exalted from such things, for what they say is great.

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