Sunrise hope
2 - Secret achievement
Investment queens and talent : achievers use what God-given times and energies and talents . Focusing their efforts on the key steps and activities that matter most. Prefer to postpone the pleasures and waiting for the long-term results . Do not rush success nor steal nor results Islqon tasks . Give everything right and devote his time each work .
Sunrise hope
3 - Secret Achievement
Create the conditions . We respond to the atmosphere around us and create Mnachathm distinguished themselves. Care about their bodies and their offices . Wearing the best clothes and remain ready to use their tools and work. Every truly successful work in offices and living a life of elegant organization and tidy .
Sunrise hope
4 - Secret Achievement
Hard work . Very successful work more than the rest of the people . Do not believe statements and claims of advocates of luxury and enjoy over time . They themselves working long hours and making more efforts than others .
But their efforts are not focused on the completion of the work by themselves , but are paying more attention to relationships and readings , conferences and accomplishments .
Sunrise hope
The past is not the same future.
Shi past and the future is something else , the past and the future finished ready for breakdown by size you like .
What happened to you in the past, certainly should not be repeated in the future .
If your first marriage did not work does not mean that your marriage will not work the second past is not the same as the future. Whatever happens you stumbled in the past does not mean that it will be repeated in the future . Attitude when it happened to you in the past did not know how to deal with it does not mean that you are in the future the former will be the same abilities , you change and evolve.
Sunrise hope
Says thinkers , leaders and reformers and educators that man must be persistent and diligent and patient , to elaborate his work , organized for his time to another long list of vocabulary quality. But they did not say how the man can do it .
Sunrise hope
Says Anthony Robbins ( taught me one of my professors that read something creamy with a value will Agvek and teach you new things distinct find more important than eating the same , and as a result related to the idea of reading for a period of not less than thirty minutes each day , he said to me ( Lance meal but Do not ignore a reading ) and has developed a conviction in the early period of my life is that leaders are reading ) .
Sunrise hope
The ultimate goal of life is to act and not a science , science without a job is worth nothing , as we learn in order to work . " Thomas Huxley ."
Sunrise hope
Challenge yourself and the decision was taken to be an important and useful person in this life and get rid of poor personal surrendering , Esq yourself with faith in God , Esq yourself trust in God and yourself and your abilities , Esq people love yourself and work
For their service , and all of this is proven to pray and read the Koran and the night to be a great tree blowing off for all.
Sunrise hope
Most of us can do more than what is believed to be able to do, but we usually do less than we think we can do . " Matthew Arnold ."
Sunrise hope
Scientists say psychiatry : ( If you encounter a problem , expect the worst , you trivialize what happened without them ) .
Sunrise hope
Nothing can Adtarapk only thoughts you . , And you have the power to reject all the ideas that inside you .
Sunrise hope
Summed psychologist ( Maslow ) characteristics were able to achieve some of themselves in the following:
1 - They realize the truth efficiently , and can afford to oscillate between doubt and certainty .
2 - accept themselves as they are and others as they are.
3 - they AutoShapes in their thinking and behavior.
4 - they focus their interest in the problems than on themselves.
5 - bearing have the Queen of humor.
6 - creators and creative .
7 - resisting conformation civilized intruder .
8 - they care about human rights and happily .
Sunrise hope
Writing your goals on paper are more likely to have a inquiry by 1000%
God willing .
Sunrise hope
Not the victory that overcomes the others not to overtake them .. real victory .. that others can not live without you .
Sunrise hope
What drives him worry and anxiety meeting thought the whole work of the present-day and future piece of Interest and sadness on the past. Collect the heart on the present requires supplement business Westley by slave for worry and grief.
Sunrise hope
Of the most common reasons for feeling happy and tranquility breeding of a male God, so influential in the strange feeling happy and tranquility and the demise of his concern and his chagrin he says: ( not the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest .)
Sunrise hope
If your happiness depends on change someone weave Vsaikhyee reign .
Giving summit and the summit of contentment elaborated on the hearts of God Nour Radwan and the sweetness of faith on your senses and your body on the well-being of the body and the sweetness of the Qur'an and Osmaekm on your tongues Forget
I'M going to hospital emergency
10 فبراير 10:15 صباحاً
What happened? Did Xi dangerous? Is befalls you or marginalized children Tmniny
What happened? Are you okay
YES i'm ok. i'm now in hosptal. she step in a wet floor.
Back bone
I hope you a speedy recovery
I'm going to the bank and come back an hour later
Claimed that God will heal you
It's not me my mother in law
10 فبراير 01:20 مساءً
No one will come for you to carry your sadness;
Everyone is in need of them carrying their sorrows
If you want to remain loved and always beware the complaint "Complaining to God is humiliating"
Messenger of Allah
Sea water's purity is based on the following hadith: Abu Hurairah related that a man asked the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, "O Messenger of Allah, we sail on the ocean and we carry only a little water. If we use it for ablution, we will have to go thirsty. May we use sea water for ablution?" Said the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, "Its (the sea) water is pure and its dead (animals) are lawful (i.e., they can be eaten without any prescribed slaughtering)." This hadith is related by "the five." At-Tirmizhi calls it hassan sahih, and al-Bukhari says it is sahih.
Volume 1, Page 2a: Water from the well of Zamzam
'Ali narrated that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, called for a bucket that contained water from the well of Zamzam. He drank from the bucket, then made ablution (with its
I'M going i have to check the children and take some things for my in law.
SO depressing
Do not be upset with you Lord
You are strong
I'M really upset
ر لخخي
v good
I'm calling my husband to tell about his mother but it is off.
I HAD infor her doughter in manila. they will be coming maybe tomarrow.
I don't know what to do 1st tomarrow.
Ask God to stand with you
Thank u for comforting me
Check up ng pamangkin q. pauwi na kami d2 me sm sumakay. nakta q c helen magana
Aftr 45 min i'll b at home.
I have head ache now
1oooo hana
10 فبراير 03:16 مساءً
I'm home.
MY son cook their dinner. and my youngest wash plates.
v good
They are blessing to me. my youngest is sleeping. he had letter he says mama before i sleep i have done my homework... my friend i'm very proud of them
They are boys but they help me do house works.
salan al salae
i hope my husband will visit them someday. and see how i threated them and they grow good
Yalla go and pray...
We returned
11 فبراير 06:21 صباحاً
11 فبراير 10:04 صباحاً
I'm in hospital again
11 فبراير 11:12 صباحاً
h r mama?
Helo she's feeling better maybe tomarrow will discharge.
11 فبراير 01:50 مساءً
I'M home
I'M Little bit tired...
SWAY tahban
1000 salame
Shokran kateer
12 فبراير 06:23 صباحاً
h r u?
I'M ok
Have you got ready to change for the better for your life and the hereafter Islam is the solution
Step forward is better than waiting for what is not good
God will open you all the best in accessing the religion of Allah Islam
I'LL do step by step
Good for you to be a Muslim and Atuvaky God to be Paradise or socialization?
Thank u 4 guiding me
I am afraid of you the other day Kony Muslim be happy
Do you have any doubt I Adeoky to goodness and happiness?
I do not want you to Xi or any relationship Maao anything material and I want to save your soul from the fire
I don't understand
Ahmed does not want a relationship or another Xi and I want to be a Muslim
I have lots of friends but never have related to any one
NEVER had affair.
ISLAM is the religion of peace
I want peace all the time
Islam provides you with both safety and peace, love and happiness
انا لا
I can't read
I don't read arabic pls
I am with you
How can i thank u
I want to be a Muslim, you and your family
I'm starting
Not to speak of the door and I said from the door of the verb Aslamk at the Islamic Center
i search some muslims here
UR so good
v good
Your family is very lucky for having u
Sory i went out for a while
Normal Brank
I'M going to ofce now. i need to report.
12 فبراير 11:54 صباحاً
SALAM aLaikum...
IT'S magreeb here
i wel going
I'm home
I'm with you any Sual
The subject does not need to change frequency
MY 1st son seems hard to convince. although i know he will understand me soon.
HE don't want to cnvert into islam. i'm insist him
Are you talking about your husband?
NO They hate him
I MEAN my son
Do your children do not want to know Islam?
I OFTEN Told them. i began not to serve pork.
You will Aalny Aslamk Allah guides your children
Because they grow in a christianity.
Pork is harmful to health and is haram for a Muslim eaters
When to buy a new computer?
YES i told them
Computer help me to communicate with the children and with you and understand you more
I don't have yet budget. i nee money for graduation of my 2nd and lot of cntributions they have high school night on friday
I really want to have
But i have to provide their basic needs.
How are u by the way?
Kaif halak?
I'm fine
I don't really know the stroke my emplyer in saudi were teaching but i did never interested.
IT's very hard right to left.
I need basic arabic alphabet just like A to Z
End of the word Middle of the word Beginning of the word Sound Example
ـا ـا ا ? / ? 'a' as in 'father'
ـب ـبـ بـ b 'b' as in 'bed'
ـت ـتـ تـ t 't' as in 'tent'
ـث ـثـ ثـ ? 'th' as in 'think'
ـج ـجـ جـ j 'j' as in 'jam'
ـح ـحـ حـ ? Sharp 'h'
Arabic script! You will see that being able to read Arabic will baffle your friends and enrich your life. Also, you will no longer be an analphabet when travelling to an Arab country, and there are many of them.
Let's start!
The first Arabic letter you should learn is Baa: Arabic letter Baa in its isolated form
As you may have guessed from the name, this is the Arabic equivalent of B.
Note that Arabic is read and written from right to left. This will take some getting used to, so take a sheet of paper and practise every letter immediately. To write Baa, start at the right tip of the letter, write that curve to the left and finally place the dot underneath. Dots always come last.
One letter is not enough to read anything, so let's have another. May I present to you: 'alif. Arabic letter Baa in its isolated form
This letter's basic sound is a long "ah". We'll transliterate it as "aa".
One very important thing to note is that Arabic is a cursive script, meaning that you have to connect the letters in writing. So to write "baa", we actually have to mesh Baa and 'alif together: با
'alif is an isolating letter though, meaning that you can attach 'alif to something, but you can't attach another letter to the end of 'alif. So to write "bab", the Arabic word for "door", you have to do this: باب
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