الأربعاء، 19 يوليو 2017

Many people flee from the real world to the virtual world (the Internet) In your opinion what is the reason Weak personality in 1 - dealing with reality 2 - afraid of the appearance of personal defects 3. Fear of confrontation Or is it 4 - Freedom of expression and satisfaction in speech 5 - dealing with other cultures 6 - Escape from a realistic clash Or what do you see through your opinion A religious unit gives lessons to women in the mosque, once she said to women "It is necessary for a good woman to help her husband to revive polygamous marriage, following the example of the Holy Prophet, and what is contrary to her husband's desire. " After completing the lesson, she took a unit named Revert, she was heard in the lesson, hugged her and said to her: "God opens to you, Sheikh, I did not know how to open the subject, but I met you so understanding, my name is back, and I have 4 years married to your husband, and I could not make you .." Sheikha from the shock Dakht 😵😱 and fainted, and Douha to the hospital. And they went back together. When the sheikha recited, she said to her, "Return." "And God, your husband, I do not know him or his age, but once again do your lessons, pray and honor parents and fasting, and free things that you do not appreciate .. !! "😂😂 🌹 Always ... talk on your face ... 🌹 Many people flee from the real world to the virtual world (the Internet) In your opinion what is the reason Weak personality in 1 - dealing with reality 2 - afraid of the appearance of personal defects 3. Fear of confrontation Or is it 4 - Freedom of expression and satisfaction in speech 5 - dealing with other cultures 6 - Escape from a realistic clash Or what do you see through your opinion Ways to deal with difficult characters:

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