الأربعاء، 19 يوليو 2017

Good morning...

Hehe i don't understand

Bahbk. LOVE?


Thank you
Love like brothers in humanity

And i thank u for that kind of love dispite of race
10 فبراير 06:11 صباحاً
good   m
I was there for love
The greatest causes of mental health treatment and chest tightness and was short:
-1 Guidance and uniformity, and the misguided and polytheism of the greatest causes of chest tightness, the guidance and the unification of God of the greatest reasons for feeling happy.
-2 Sincere faith in God with the good work.
-3 Useful knowledge, the more aware of the slave Ecstasize widened and widened his chest.
-4 Representation and return to God, and love with all the heart, and the popularity of it and enjoy the worship.
-5 Time mention God in any case and in every home, Vllzkr an amazing effect on the flowering of the chest, heart and Naim, and the demise of worry and grief.

You're an instrument to enlighten me
I have a feeling you Xi important in my heart
I hope you prosperity and happiness in this world and the afterlife
I hope you prosperity and happiness in this world and Alakharhama injury is hated compare the rest of the blessings winning his religious or secular , and between what afflicted the hated When the comparison is clear much of what is in it graces , and also compares the fear of the damage it and the many possibilities in safety will not leave any possibility weak overcomes many possibilities so strong and energetic and fear disappears .
-19 People know that the injury will not harm him , especially in the words of malignant but not hurting them puts her not not thought so as not to harm him .
-20 Makes his ideas that will benefit him in the religion and the world .

OK. Take care and GOD BLESS.

. (49) And we gave them of Our mercy, and assigned to them a high and true renown. (50) And make mention in the Scripture of Moses. Lo! he was chosen, and he was a messenger (of Allah), a prophet. (51) We called him from the right slope of the Mount, and brought him nigh in communion. (52) And We bestowed upon him of Our mercy his brother Aaron, a prophet (likewise). (53)And make mention in the Scripture of Ishmael. Lo! he was a keeper of his promise, and he was a messenger (of Allah), a prophet. (54) He enjoined upon his people worship and almsgiving, a
9 فبراير 11:10 مساءً

Good morning...
g m

Kaif halak?


Coffee dear..


Entha mashuhool?

OK eysfe sawi?

I mean what are u doing. that's the saudian speak.
ana bahbk

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