الثلاثاء، 18 يوليو 2017

I do not understand

Aly.matrix: From your style you have mastered Never.giveup78: I do not understand Aly.matrix: You are a country of stump Never.giveup78: God save you Never.giveup78: Deh from your own Aly.matrix: And yes sister and friend Aly.matrix: A sense of humor Never.giveup78: Salvation so hard you have ashamed our humility Aly.matrix: No ordinary Nader Ma joined a human being but I got my sweet 7 just like you Aly.matrix: for the two are 3 Never.giveup78: 7 anyway? Never.giveup78: هههههههههههه Never.giveup78: Are you telegraphed with them? Aly.matrix: sugar, riche and ria Never.giveup78: Ok, generally, I count them on what I'm going to do Never.giveup78: اية الاسامي د.? Never.giveup78: RIA? Never.giveup78: هههههههههههه Aly.matrix: I am also the original walker of Hazvaktani Aly.matrix: No peace Aly.matrix: You have a computer at home Never.giveup78: Ok with safety Never.giveup78: I confirm that God willing Never.giveup78: I have no time at home Never.giveup78: Being my own mill Never.giveup78: But generally I'm a consonant or a lien every day from 8am Never.giveup78: Limit 3 and almost text Never.giveup78: except Friday and Saturday Aly.matrix: Mashi Never.giveup78: are you dead? Aly.matrix: We left your appearance Aly.matrix: I'm vacationing today Never.giveup78: اهااااا Aly.matrix: until 12 o'clock Never.giveup78: And the rest of the people? Aly.matrix: Reel from 9 to 1 mesh Aly.matrix: intermittent Never.giveup78: salvation after 1 inshallah Aly.matrix: descending Maadi Li word Never.giveup78: or before 9 هههههههههههه Aly.matrix: Ok Never.giveup78: Go ahead Aly.matrix: I do not think I'm an officer or anything I'm a normal person Never.giveup78: هههههههههههه Never.giveup78: It is the word of an oppressor Never.giveup78: And do not be embarrassed, O Adjuster Never.giveup78: ههههههههه Aly.matrix: A teacher who does not want you to stop Never.giveup78: I'm worried about what I'm doing and I'm all right Never.giveup78: ههههههههه Never.giveup78: and a full file Aly.matrix: ههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه Aly.matrix: Mashi Never.giveup78: We are a teacher, teacher Aly.matrix: Aref Never.giveup78: Let us say, we are with us, our Lord Aly.matrix: And yes by God Never.giveup78: The salvation will not be any of us Never.giveup78: Yalla Salam Aly.matrix: What's going on? Never.giveup78: I thank you for the good, God willing Aly.matrix: Peace be upon you Aly.matrix: Moment Aly.matrix: Moment Never.giveup78: ion Aly.matrix: I'm a blogger and I can blogging with my name and writing a topic Aly.matrix: If I agree Aly.matrix: Register Aly.matrix: Respect Rick Never.giveup78: I do not know Never.giveup78: Strange request of course Aly.matrix: I've done more topics Never.giveup78 is typing ... Never.giveup78: We are still discussing two dimensions on the novel Never.giveup78: I understand Never.giveup78: Ques Aly.matrix: MASHI SALAM Never.giveup78: Peace BO DYokmark

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