الثلاثاء، 18 يوليو 2017

18 Ways to gain trust as

18 Ways to gain trust as a speaker and speaker 1. You should follow new ways to address your fears 2 - to be an idea about the audience 3. Get well prepared 4. Write down supporting remarks 5. Imagine that you have had great success 6. Use audiovisual aids Exercise, practice and practice 8 - Know the room and the platform before the date of appointment 9. Be calm, take a break and avoid excitement 10. Do not eat too much food and avoid fumigation 11. Make sure that the stone heat is suitable and that the lighting is good and that there is adequate ventilation 12 - choose the best Hendamk 13. Fulfill some of your energy 14. Make visual contact with some familiar presence 15. Speak loudly to dispel concern 16 - Let your mouth come naturally unnatural 17. Pretend you did not make a mistake if it happened Do not exaggerate seriously.

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