Are you sure you deserve to love?
It is a simple test to show you if you deserve that the limit loves you and do not be surprised, Lord likes you
If your lover / Habibtk contacted Beck and I tell you I protesting forces Iarit meet immediately
Oh uncle, you mean what you get
Haseeb all Valdnia and Erholha and money
Hailha Ok, most sincere and Raya and Ajilk
If your lover / sweetheart birthday violin Kam day
Nafsh normal Oahu day any day
Hrtb every need and Houdb minimum to be the sweetest birthday of his life
Hjbalha gift and salvation
If your lover / Habibtk Jablk gift is not suitable
Hercha Mirce and change the subject
I love you so much I need more expensive than all the gifts of the world
The interest of the Laji from Sayaida Vaida
If your lover / sweetheart
He shook her head and did not talk to her as a day or two
Let us complete it with a liturgy
But let's hear from them
If your lover / Habibtk hospital
I stand by his side
Get connected
Nor is Heber
If your lover / your sweetheart told you that he loves you strong
Hakla and I am violin
Normal, we hear it so much
And I say, with all my heart, and I, my life, I will change your meaning
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