الأحد، 21 سبتمبر 2014

True story

True story of the very beautiful wonderI got inPakistan:
Came the famous surgeondAizhan (in a hurry to the airport to participate in the international scientific conference, which will deliver a tribute tohis achievements in the large science of medicine,
Suddenly, after an hour of Aviation announced that the plane
Hit by a major breakdown due to lightningfall andmade ​​an emergency landing at the nearest airport,
Went to the airport, addressing queries...
I am a doctor every minute I have a universal equal to the lives of a people and you want to stay 16 hours waiting for a plane?
Employee replied: Doctor, if you are on the wheel, you can rent a carFarahltk to Atbad here for only 3 hours drive.
Bless d / Aizhan reluctantly taking the car andcontinued walking and suddenly began to changethe atmosphere and rain coming down Madraraand it became difficult to see anything in front of him and kept walking two hours later realized that he had lost his way and I feel tired
Saw a small house in front of him stopped him andknocked on the door he heard a voice big womansays:
- Prefer whoever you enter door is open
Entered and asked to use the old sitz Tlefonha
The old laughed and saidany mobile phone, my son? Do not you see where you are?
Here no electricity, no Mobiles
But prefer to rest and take yourself to a cup of hot tea and some food every even recover your strength.
Thanks d / Aizhan women and eat while she wastaking the old and claims to pray and watch outsuddenly to a small child asleep motionless on a bed near an old shake between each prayer andprayer,
Continued the old prayer and supplication long herhead down, saying:
- .... God has Akhgelna generosity and nobility ofyour morals and hoping to God that you respond toyour prayers
Said the old man:
- As for you, my son recommended that your sonfor God
The relish and I do have God Almighty and all butonehe said, d / Aizhan:
- And what that call?
She said: This child that you see my grandsonorphansuffered a serious illness deficit him all thedoctors we haveand I was told that the surgeongreat unable to treat said to him d / Aizhan but helives far away from here nor energy for me to takethis child out there and I'm afraid that Ishqy thispoor Vdaot God that facilitates Imre ...
Cried d / Aizhan and said: God, that your prayermay malfunction and the aircraft struck by lightningand showered the sky, so you Isogueni market andwhat God realized that God Almighty is marketedThus, the reasons for believing slaves pray
When interrupted reasons does not remain onlyresort to the creator of heaven and earth

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