الأحد، 21 سبتمبر 2014

If Rait unknown others

✓ If Ohmk something else ,
May know that you are a print authentic .. ♡

✓ If you see someone else in the beautiful ,
Inside you may know that the beautiful .. ♡

✓ If maintained a brotherhood ,
You may know that the pulpits of light colleague .. ♡

✓ If Rait unknown others ,
That you may know to meet Khalil..la manipulator girl bent her father appeared to reach what it is you will be destroyed but Mapnah building ruined someone Yum..vlakn fear the daughters of men Kkhovk on your sister and not your transaction to your sister Kmaammeltk thin blocks people so worthy of your manhood , which begins in Oktralhab Phone
Ends up in the phone . !
The love that begins in the net
Ends up in the net . !
And the love that comes from the windows
...... Leave from the windows . !
And the love that comes from homes
No. end to die !
Vamutiroa on paper Beginnings

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