الأحد، 21 سبتمبر 2014

Pastor asks

Pastor asks :: :::

It was a group of Arab students from different nationalities students on scholarships to study in a European country, and in one of the lecturestheyentered the dean of the college ..
And told them that he will visit them one adultpastors ..

Income priest and accompanied by a number ofpersonalities .. waited until the lecture ended withDrPastor went to the platform lecturer Dr. .. TALKabout science .. He concluded by saying: I want to ask some questions of Muslim students ..

Ask a pastor first questions, saying: came in the Qur'an that the Prophet Muhammad is a family inone night from Mecca to Palestine, he ascendedfrom earth to the seventh heaven and returned inthe night .. how this happens and you know the distances between the earth and the sky and allthe sky and the sky .. Ojaboni ?.

He said one of the students of Arab nationality ..Dear Pastornewsreader at Radio London before completing a single word of the news which is in the center of London received - in a fraction of a second - a listener last in the far east or west, ifthese capabilities (radio), a of making a creatureAdami .. How the ability of the Almighty Creator, who is over all things ..

Pastor saidWell doneThis is my mind that I also,Vaktzt applause for the student for more than tenminutes continuously.

Then the pastor said: I have another question ..Students said these circumstances:
Said Pastor: If plane crashed in the Pacific Oceanand its hundreds of passengers and they died all ..and signed a train crash in the same second and has dozens of passengers in one of the Chinese cities .. How caught the Angel of Death lives in the same part of the second with the spacing and the large number of deaths in the same moment ?Ojaboni?

The student replied: Dear pastor of this city that we are now and where you are .. how much of the light bulb lit?

Pastor saidthe hundreds of thousands and perhaps even millions of lamps lit.
The student replied: Is not one key creature made ​​Adami extinguished in the fraction of a second .. He said Pastor: Yes .. He said the studentHowthe king sends Alkhalq- Gel Jellalh- to capture the lives of the creatures come from them!
The student then followed the words of God:
{If you came for them not Astakhron hour nor yet advance}.

Vdot applause again .. and the students got upfrom their places of their colleague and carried on their shoulders and took him entangled betweenthe corridors of the collegeand built him a great dinner in his honor and admiration quickly intuition..

Pastor withdrew from the hall and did not completehis questions.
Oh God, according to our descendants to the right and enlighten their perceptions

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