الأحد، 21 سبتمبر 2014

Christian received a Muslim man

Christian received a Muslim man in his house, gave him a grape Voklh then brought him wine ( wine )
He said Muslim ..: this is forbidden for us
Christian said : O Muslims, you screamed Thlon this and Thrmon this ..
With this than this ! ..
Muslim said : Alec wife ?
Christian said : Yes ..
Muslim said : bring me back a Vohoudrha ..
Then he said to him: Alec 's daughter ?
Qqal Christian : Yes
Muslim said : bring me back a Vohoudrha ..
He said Muslim : As you see that God has permitted you to this campus and you'll be with this .. This is one of these !
Christian said : " I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of God"
God bless them and their publication in the balance of its attractions

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