Muslims do not hate him for the same, as evidenced by many of the Islamic peoples have graduated students from its universities ..
And wealthy Muslims invested money in America than to invest in Muslim countries ..
And their assets in U.S. banks more than their assets in Islamic banks ..
And money يصرفونها in their tourist travel in America more than money يصرفونها in Muslim countries ...
It has been a long time in connection with Muslims in America without getting them out on the good treatment with the Americans.
But when enough is enough, and Enough is enough, because of the injustice that Spth your department O American people, the Muslims, intensified hatred of the Muslim peoples and all become not tolerate silence on this injustice.
Governments can not Islamic people control the youth who filled them with rage because your Administration injustice to their people, and they are scattered in most continents, and can not be converted between them and victory for their rights but fair treatment from the U.S. administration ...
And you, the American people can stop your administration for aggression and injustice, you elect your department, and you provide them with money and support everything you want, and can not without your support act a bring you Balubal act, Vagafha when alone.
Take careful O American people from three serious things, is one of the most important reasons for calamities that injury from Tsepk unconsciously you:
The first command: Category Judaism Alsollnah:
Which managed including own money, and deception and cunning, to attract a lot of American Protestant sect, and some of the leaders of the presidents and members of the U.S. governments to their side ..
To direct U.S. government efforts to support them in the fight against the Muslims in Palestine and the rape of their land, and killing and displacement, and humiliated, your Fezhardhm Government on their aggression, and still ..
Also attracted Jews Noapkm in Congress, and made them support their oppression With Adilloncm claim that Jews are oppressed, and the Muslims are the oppressors.
The second thing: devices to inform you:
Which attracted mostly Jewish Zionists, because they may Dilltkm did not show you the correct facts about Islam, and political realities applied by your government, and the current realities between Muslims and Jews ..
Even devices to inform you Dilltkm distort Islam, and in the foreign policy of your government unjust, deception and deceit of the Jews in your country and in Palestine ..
And you do not you receive your information only from one side, and did not reach you the corresponding information on the Muslims who made them American adversary governments, to shorten the Muslims in the delivery of its point of view to you, Tgosairkm in the search for truth.
The third thing:
That Muslims have defaulted in the delivery of the facts of Islam to you from the side, and distorted to inform you of the devices by, was Tfanmoh only that religion is backward retroactive lustful, bloodthirsty savage aggression, Vnfrtm Had him, and set your position in the light of this, Vahramtm know the truth ..
Even facilitated you know the truth about this religion, you had him last position, and many of you probably faster to enter into it, but you have seen a lot of people do not apply it to Murad God which was revealed the Quran, and sent by the Prophet Muhammad, upon him.
Dear American people!
Get out of the bottle policy your Hasrtk management in your internal affairs, and foreign policy blocked you unjust, you Vwalt calamities, its wars unjust of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Vietnam and Afghanistan ..
And Gulf Wars I and II, which planned to two, and lured فرقهما offsetting Otara painted, is, in fact, injustice and aggression, destruction of peoples, and to enable the Zionist state, which wreak havoc on the Earth, and your America.
However I know that you will not Tmilon to infer the texts of our Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet peace be upon him, because you do not believe in them, I will mention two versions of them is supported by what actually rather:
The first text of the Qur'an, the words of God: ((as well as taking the Lord when you take an unfair villages taken very painful)) [Hood: 102]
Second text of the Hadith, which is the words of the Prophet peace be upon him: (God dictate to the wrongdoer, even if taken not يفلته) ..
The grave of a poet, said the crime of injustice:
Even prostitute days on Mount Mount
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Indyk him Oaalih and below
And you know what happened to the previous Balambratoriaat throughout history, most recently the British Empire, which did not lose sight of the sun, has become today Menzoah in islands known.
فكفوا your state for injustice so as not to Tsepkm Bzlmha charm you can not afford it.
If your Oantm Government injustice people, Vsieofm many people Similarly, and initiator darker.
O Allah, I bear witness that we have reached ..
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