الأحد، 3 فبراير 2013

The French people

The French people Btaliath conscious intelligentsia that monitor things and know merits and drawbacks, knows that Arab and Islamic peoples have not yet done in one day to use a weapon of hatred against him or against his own country, where you do not between them and the people any animosities, not off like in the process of colonization of the area , not even outlook for America in the early century AD former was a look of respect and appreciation, especially the principles of President Wilson represented something like salvation to these peoples and other peoples minimum which was and still yearn for peace and to live decent under the roof of an international umbrella global safeguard the rights of the weak and prevent oppressors to continue their oppression and occupation of the lands of others and looting their wealth and confiscate it.
We, in these days, and after all the crimes and horrors committed by the Bush administration in our country, reach out again to the American people to assure him that we are present to cooperate with him to save the world from the hell of hatred and into war and the devastation caused by his administration, would not be However, in close cooperation to isolate this administration and restrict her aggressive for the remainder of their time in office, down to move through Muslim communities in America, to contribute to the selection of personal seeking real change and that you feel the seriousness continue at this pace in the management of world affairs and what this entails destruction for America and its people and the Arabs and Muslims and their people.
We extend the hand of friendship to the American people, which is distinct from other peoples the world, being the people who represent the world through mixing races and races and all religions in its composition unique cultural, and say to him: The time has indeed come, not even he fed a lot, so we The rush to do practical steps and effective give the area to remove the direct occupation of our country and reject occupation convincing and stop supporting dictatorships applied to their people to be the safest way to build a friendship on a solid foundation of cooperation and drop Saif hatred that was launched through the practices of the current administration and others replaced with a weapon of love The affection and harmony.
We in these days we look forward to the stage starts where the American people to choose the candidate who will have the opportunity to reach the presidency of America to emphasize the need to be careful in the choice so as not to infect America are suffering through President Bush, who represents personal most failure in the history of American presidents , and who was able to walk about American indebtedness big and create animosities in the world and to bring peace to the worst global risks and Ofezaha.
We at the time we call the Muslims in America to convert to the power of popular electoral coordinate work among themselves, and work for harmony with the movement development and economic to the American people, and proceed with the lines electoral At the character selection that represents the best model for the preservation of human rights and peoples' issues, we need to careful maintenance of security in America and refused to harm this security under any consideration of considerations and move at the same time to be a political force that is looking to maintain addresses of justice, freedom and peace at all times and stages.

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