Join Britain's first women?!
Arab citizen does not like to squint - GMT 3:12 2013 Sunday, January 13
473 thousand victims of sexual crimes each year in Britain *** London UBI: A study formal conducted by the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Interior and the Office for National Statistics in Britain Friday that up to 473 thousand people are victims of sexual crimes, including rape, including 400 thousand women.
Conversely Islam is invented and the foundations of citizenship true and allowed for all races and mil religions andpeoples to exercise their beliefs even bucked Islam and eveninstinct normal so we saw the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians and sunflower planets and even chicken andworshipers fire and worshipers rights and tyrants all exert their beliefs freely and referred all these to their law Athakmon himand aboutIslamic limits that apply to them to fines andimprisonment and this is not available for a Muslim?! UnderIslam all peoples can exercise their beliefs, but under MuslimJudaism, Christianity and secularism and others could not liveaccording to the belief and law but force him to live contrary to what is believed halal haram etc!! We have expanded Islam all humans all these mosaics beautiful religions and races lived inhis shadow and contributed its share to the Islamic civilizationand the land of Islam shelter every oppressed in the landmigrated to Jews fleeing from courts Inspection Christian orof rampant in their country civil wars or epidemics promptingBakcis west a thousand years ago that screaming after thatnarrow it down his people to show me the land ofMohammedans meant Muslims want to breathe!
Islam is not like other religions, but is unique in everything inits in its provisions in its dealings and ethics and acts of worship and it Ngterv humanity but they come back to himafter the buck and pay اثمانا expensive that those who are anti-Islamic religion are in fact ignorant and ignorant enemyhimself and ignorant enemy unaware eitherexploitationcommunism and capitalism exploited human ugliestexploitation has infinite Alchioaaahibacama heaven on earthwith the result that lined millions of people in the queues in order to get potato was obtained as if Hazat his life, eithercapitalism has transformed the rights to material Astamalahlike Alkelinx then uses thrownthen end up committing suicideor an outcast roads, Palmsahat or prison!
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