الجمعة، 15 يناير 2021

Common mistakes in raising girls !!

 Common mistakes in raising girls !!

Islam came to this world and women in general are in a humiliating position, with no interest, weight, or value

Islam came to restore women's dignity and grant them their full and undiminished rights, and one of these rights is the commandment of Islam

In raising children, Islam singled out girls with commandments, which indicates the great interest of Islam in raising girls, due to the danger of neglecting the upbringing of girls.

1. Giving the girl extra freedom:

That many of the delinquency of girls was a fundamental reason for giving the girl extra freedom under the pretext of trusting the girl and raising her in the sense of not asking her about places where she will go and return, and leaving the pregnancy for her on the stranger.

2. Not accustoming a girl to hijab from an early age:

Among the mistakes that parents make is that they wait until the girl reaches the age and then order her to wear the veil at this age and before that she wears what she likes of thin, transparent or short and tight clothes and so on. It is not reasonable in light of this age full of sedition, materialism and lack of spirituality to make the girl a fashionable business. Then we command her to veil once when she reaches menstruation, as this is neither from intelligence nor from a sound understanding.

3. Introduce an aura of secrecy and secrecy about important issues for the girl:

Some people make a mistake when they think that concealing what the girl needs from matters related to sex is required or it is like preserving the girl, and this belief is fundamentally wrong because the girl will face physiological and psychological changes in adolescence. If the girl does not have prior knowledge about it, problems will happen to her. Great psychological like shyness, introversion, phobia, and so on.

4. Girls' rebellion and wrong treatment:

One of the distinguishing features of adolescence is the teenager’s sense that he has become another person. The woman feels that she has become a mature woman with her personality and views that must be respected. Then there are some problems between parents and their children. Parents say that children are rebellious and children say that parents do not respect their opinions and treat them. As children.

5. Love alone is not enough:

There is no doubt that the relationship based on love between fathers and sons and between parents and the girl in particular, this relationship is very important and necessary for the girl’s normal growth away from the psychological and emotional problems that the girl faces if the parents deal with her in a kind of authoritarianism or cruelty and intensity, but this also does not mean the soft side With the girl permanently or not blaming her when she makes a mistake, how much does not mean that the appropriate punishment is not inflicted on her.

6. Neglecting the health education of the girl, especially the adolescence stage:

The mother of a Muslim is required to start spending on his family and children, and to provide them with the necessary and necessary food for their healthy growth, according to his capacity. The Muslim is also commanded to maintain his health and the health of his children, because with ill health, he will not be able to practice his life normally, practice his work, or even worship him properly, and neglecting the health of children may result in extreme danger, especially in childhood.

7. A mother is busy with her daughter by working outside the home:

The presence of a mother next to her children, especially in early childhood, is extremely important and many of the behavioral problems that occur to children are caused by the mother's absence from the home for a long time.

8. The boy's preference over the girl and the wrong view of her:

Some people still have the pre-Islamic habit of extreme sadness when they have a daughter, especially when she is the first child of him, and these people rejoice after that for the arrival of the boy with great joy.

9. Not being aware of the danger of role models Not being aware of the danger of a bad role model in society:

There is no doubt that a good example is an important factor in education, especially for girls in the adolescent stage, at this stage you find the girl looking for a role model and an example to follow, and the problem of many Muslim homes is that she does not pay attention to the danger of a bad example in our Arab and Islamic world, which girls try to imitate them, such as eastern artists. And westerners.

And there are more of these errors

Hence, it is necessary for us to draw the attention of parents to one of the common mistakes in raising girls.

I wish you happiness

 I wish you happiness

You should sleep well and be well-fed from fruits, especially those that contain potassium, and there is no objection to taking vitamin tablets. You have to inhale and exhale more than once during the day and breathe deeply .. You have to go out for sports and go out for walks in nature, and you have to mix with other people .. Repeat these steps, and if against your will, force yourself to do so. And you will improve as soon as possible, God willing.

Finally, know that the world will come alone if you ask for what God has, and it will not come to you if you ask for it and it was one of your most important priorities and you left the hereafter.

Try to take a vacation to relax, then make a plan for the future and do not try to please anyone, as this will reduce your interest in yourself and your future goals.

 Do not worry about these symptoms and keep taking sertraline, it is a good medicine for your condition, as well as busy yourself with the things you love, diseases such as fear, anxiety and obsessions do not end quickly and need to be graduated and your condition has improved on the drug and this indicates that your condition will improve more I assure you, as for sleep, organize your time This is the best solution. Sleep needs to be regulated. After a while, you will find that you can sleep easily without fear and on time

God is with you, why do you fear? By God, the Lord of Lords is with you, and if you raise your hand to heaven, he will answer your supplication, but God does not change what you live until they change what they are in. You start to change to a normal life and ignore anything. Stop eating, but continue and play with your children as if he did not come while he will disappear through constant neglect only with patience. The healing is not in one day, but by challenge and ignorance.

The feelings of people differ among themselves. There are those who shed tears quickly when they see someone who is in pain and another is affected by that, but they do not shed their tears. So feelings and emotions vary according to people, and this is normal, and the noble verse says we created you in stages.

As for the problem when the individual's feelings and emotions are delicate, but with the passage of days they become cold or dull, this matter needs attention to know the reason and the causes are many, including the following:

1. - The individual is exposed to problems that he is unable to solve

2. Trauma to the individual

3. Depression of the individual

4. Feeling frustrated

5. Loss of interest in others


 ? لابد من مواجهة المشاكل وحلها بدلا من تجنبها والهروب منها.

? احذر من قمع رغباتك في التعبير عن مشاعرك أمام الناس

? احذر من إخفاء معارضتك واختلافك

? لا ترغم نفسك على قبول أشياء لا تحبها.

? أفصح عن حبك واستمتاعك بحياتك وبأحبابك وكل ما تحب

? لا تجعل نفسك شخصية باهتة لا معنى لها ولا لون ولا رائحة مما سوف يفقدك احترام الآخرين لك.

? إن لغة الاتصال والتفاعل الاجتماعي السليم لا يعكرها ولا يمنعها أن هناك خلافات وصراعات قد تحدث ولكن هذا الاتصال والتفاعل السليم سوف يخلصك من الصراعات ويعمق العلاقات الا

o ابحث عن نقاط قوتك وتأكد أنك على حق

o عبر عن مشاعرك بحرية وتلقائية (تأكيد الذات)

o إياك والانصياع الشديد للناس

o إياك من الرد بعدوانية

o دع الخجل

o اترك الانفعال

o لا داعي للعيش بأسلوب التحدي

o لا تتجنب المشاكل ولا تهرب منها

o وعندما تعبر عن مشاكلك بحرية وتلقائية سوف يقل القلق والانزعاج بوضوح.

o درب نفسك على التعرض للمواقف الاجتماعية

o درب نفسك على اكتساب المهارات الاجتماعية

? سوف يؤدي إلى الثقة بالنفس وسوف يقلل من القلق والإزعاج

? اذهب إلى طبيبك النفسي ليضع لك الخطة السابقة وخطوطها العريضة فى تفاصيل دقيقة مفهومة مرتبة على حسب اتباعك لها واستجابتك لمتطلباتها.

? لا تعترض على طبيبك إذا وصف لك دواءً يساعدك على تخطي هذه المحن ويكون سببا لزوال الخوف والقلق والاكتئاب.

الاثنين، 11 يناير 2021



( عبارات تستخدم عند كتابة رسائل بالانجليزية )

قد نضطر في بعض المناسبات إلى كتابة رسالة إلى صديق أو أي شخص ما 

لذا سأضع بين أيديكم بعض من العبارات المفيدة التي قد تساعدكم في كتابة هذه الرسالة



I am very glad of the opportunity to 

يسرني جداً أن أُتيحت لي الفرصة لـ 

It gives me much pleasure to 

إنه لمن دواعي سروري أن

What a wonderful news !

يا لها من أنباء سارة !

We know how delightful such occasions usually are

إننا نعرف كم هي جميلة مثل هذه المناسبات عادةً 

God bless you

بارك الله فيك 

You are very precious to us

أنت غالي علينا كثيراً .


الشكر والتقدير

Appreciating your kind cooperation

مقدرين حسن تعاونكم

Appreciating your consideration and cooperation

مقدرين اهتمامكم وتعاونكم

I can hardly express my gratitude

إنني عاجز عن التعبير عن الشكر

I shall always remember you with gratitude

سوف أكون ممتناً لك دائماً

I highly appreciate your kindness

إنني أقدر كثيراً لطفك

I take this opportunity to 

أنتهز هذه الفرصة لكي 

It gives me pleasure to / I’m most honored to 

يسعدني أن / يشرفني أن 

It is with pleasure that I have received 

تلقيت بسرور 

It was real pleasure to meet you

لقد سررت حقاً بلقائك

Shall be grateful for the consideration you give to this matter

سأكون شاكراً لاهتمامكم بهذا الموضوع

Thank you so much for your interest in 

شكرا جزيلا على اهتمامك بـ 

Thank you for your letter dated 

نشكركم على رسالتكم / خطاباكم بتاريخ 

We acknowledge with thanks 

تلقينا مع الشكر ...

We deeply appreciate your 

نقدر كثيراً لكم 

We appreciate your interest in 

نقدر اهتمامكم في 

With abundant thanks

مع جزيل الشكر



My family and I send kind thoughts and sympathy to you and your family

أبعث أنا وعائلتي بتعازينا لكم ولأسرتكم

I sympathize with you on the loss of 

أقدم لكم التعازي بوفاة 

It was a great shock to hear of 

لقد صدمت كثيراً لسماع 

I've just heard the sad news , and I hasten to offer my sympathy

لقد علمت لتوي بالخبر المحزن وأقدم لكم التعازي

May he rest in peace / May God rest his soul

رحمه الله

Please accept my very deepest sympathy on the death of 

أرجوا قبول أحر التعازي بوفاة 

We belong to God and to him we return

إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون

We send you our heartfelt sympathy

نبعث إليكم بأحر تعازينا القلبية

Expressing Pleasure

التعبير عن السرور

How wonderful of you to ask about us

لقد تلطفتم بالسؤال عنا 

I am very much delighted to 

يسرني جداً أن 

I look forward to the pleasure of 

أتطلع إلى فرصة 

I look forward with great pleasure to seeing you again

أتطلع بكل سرور لرؤيتك مرة أخرى 

I shall be delighted / pleased to 

سوف يسرني / يسعدني أن 

It is with pleasure that I have learned that 

علمت بسرور أن ..

It was indeed a pleasure meeting with you

لقد سررنا بالاجتماع بكم

I will be delighted to come

سوف يسرني الحضور

I wish you the best of luck

متمنياً لك التوفيق / أتمنى لكم التوفيق

It was most generous of you to 

لقد كان كرما منك أنـ ...

May I take this opportunity to 

أنتهز هذه الفرصة لكي

Expressing Regret

الاعتذار / الأسف

I am very sorry I won't be able to be there . Allow me , however, to wish you the best

آسف جداً على عدم تمكني من الحضور . اسمحوا لي مع ذلك أن أبعث لكم بخالص تمنياتي .

I am very sorry to have to write this letter for you

يؤسفني أنني مضطر أن أكتب إليكم هذه الرسالة .

Illness and unexpected duties make it impossible for me to 

لن أتمكن من ... بسبب مرضي والارتباطات غير المتوقعة 

I should like to very much indeed , but I have a previous commitment for the evening

بودي ذلك ، إلا أنني مرتبط بموعد مسبق في تلك الأمسية 

It is regrettable that 

من المؤسف أن 

I wish I could accept your invitation , but 

كان بودي قبول دعوتكم ، لكن 


( عبارات تستخدم عند كتابة رسائل بالانجليزية )

قد نضطر في بعض المناسبات إلى كتابة رسالة إلى صديق أو أي شخص ما 

لذا سأضع بين أيديكم بعض من العبارات المفيدة التي قد تساعدكم في كتابة هذه الرسالة



I am very glad of the opportunity to 

يسرني جداً أن أُتيحت لي الفرصة لـ 

It gives me much pleasure to 

إنه لمن دواعي سروري أن

What a wonderful news !

يا لها من أنباء سارة !

We know how delightful such occasions usually are

إننا نعرف كم هي جميلة مثل هذه المناسبات عادةً 

God bless you

بارك الله فيك 

You are very precious to us

أنت غالي علينا كثيراً .


الشكر والتقدير

Appreciating your kind cooperation

مقدرين حسن تعاونكم

Appreciating your consideration and cooperation

مقدرين اهتمامكم وتعاونكم

I can hardly express my gratitude

إنني عاجز عن التعبير عن الشكر

I shall always remember you with gratitude

سوف أكون ممتناً لك دائماً

I highly appreciate your kindness

إنني أقدر كثيراً لطفك

I take this opportunity to 

أنتهز هذه الفرصة لكي 

It gives me pleasure to / I’m most honored to 

يسعدني أن / يشرفني أن 

It is with pleasure that I have received 

تلقيت بسرور 

It was real pleasure to meet you

لقد سررت حقاً بلقائك

Shall be grateful for the consideration you give to this matter

سأكون شاكراً لاهتمامكم بهذا الموضوع

Thank you so much for your interest in 

شكرا جزيلا على اهتمامك بـ 

Thank you for your letter dated 

نشكركم على رسالتكم / خطاباكم بتاريخ 

92 An-Nafi' (النافع) The Creator of Good


My dear brothers and sisters, Please Don't forget to say- Bismillah/ Bismillahir rahmanir rahim before you start any work.  "In The Name Of ALLAH; The All-Beneficent, The All-Merciful"

O Allah, satisfy every hungry one,

O Allah, clothe every unclothed one,

O Allah, help every debtor pay his debts,

O Allah, relieve every distressed one,

O Allah release every prisoner,

O Allah, cure every sick one,

O Allah, ease our poverty by Your wealth,......... Ameen !!!  The 99 names of OUR CREATOR .

1 Allah (الله) The Greatest Name

2 Ar-Rahman (الرحمن) The All-Compassionate

3 Ar-Rahim (الرحيم) The All-Merciful

...4 Al-Malik (الملك) The Absolute Ruler

5 Al-Quddus (القدوس) The Pure One

6 As-Salam (السلام) The Source of Peace

7 Al-Mu'min (المؤمن) The Inspirer of Faith

8 Al-Muhaymin (المهيمن) The Guardian

9 Al-Aziz (العزيز) The Victorious

10 Al-Jabbar (الجبار) The Compeller

11 Al-Mutakabbir (المتكبر) The Greatest

12 Al-Khaliq (الخالق) The Creator

13 Al-Bari' (البارئ) The Maker of Order

14 Al-Musawwir (المصور) The Shaper of Beauty

15 Al-Ghaffar (الغفار) The Forgiving

16 Al-Qahhar (القهار) The Subduer

17 Al-Wahhab (الوهاب) The Giver of All

18 Ar-Razzaq (الرزاق) The Sustainer

19 Al-Fattah (الفتاح) The Opener

20 Al-`Alim (العليم) The Knower of All

21 Al-Qabid (القابض) The Constrictor

22 Al-Basit (الباسط) The Reliever

23 Al-Khafid (الخافض) The Abaser

24 Ar-Rafi (الرافع) The Exalter

25 Al-Mu'izz (المعز) The Bestower of Honors

26 Al-Mudhill (المذل) The Humiliator

27 As-Sami (السميع) The Hearer of All

28 Al-Basir (البصير) The Seer of All

29 Al-Hakam (الحكم) The Judge One

30 Al-`Adl (العدل) The Just

31 Al-Latif (اللطيف) The Subtle One

32 Al-Khabir (الخبير) The All-Aware

33 Al-Halim (الحليم) The Forbearing

34 Al-Azim (العظيم) The Magnificent

35 Al-Ghafur (الغفور) The Forgiver and Hider of Faults

36 Ash-Shakur (الشكور) The Rewarder of Thankfulness

37 Al-Ali (العلى) The Highest

38 Al-Kabir (الكبير) The Greatest

39 Al-Hafiz (الحفيظ) The Preserver

40 Al-Muqit (المقيت) The Nourisher

41 Al-Hasib (الحسيب) The Accounter

42 Al-Jalil (الجليل) The Mighty

43 Al-Karim (الكريم) The Generous

44 Ar-Raqib (الرقيب) The Watchful One

45 Al-Mujib (المجيب) The Responder to Prayer

46 Al-Wasi (الواسع) The All-Comprehending

47 Al-Hakim (الحكيم) The Perfectly Wise

48 Al-Wadud (الودود) The Loving One

49 Al-Majid (المجيد) The Majestic One

50 Al-Ba'ith (الباعث) The Resurrector

51 Ash-Shahid (الشهيد) The Witness

52 Al-Haqq (الحق) The Truth

53 Al-Wakil (الوكيل) The Trustee

54 Al-Qawiyy (القوى) The Possessor of All Strength

55 Al-Matin (المتين) The Forceful One

56 Al-Waliyy (الولى) The Governor

57 Al-Hamid (الحميد) The Praised One

58 Al-Muhsi (المحصى) The Appraiser

59 Al-Mubdi' (المبدئ) The Originator

60 Al-Mu'id (المعيد) The Restorer

61 Al-Muhyi (المحيى) The Giver of Life

62 Al-Mumit (المميت) The Taker of Life

63 Al-Hayy (الحي) The Ever Living One

64 Al-Qayyum (القيوم) The Self-Existing One 65 Al-Wajid (الواجد) The Finder

66 Al-Majid (الماجد) The Glorious

67 Al-Wahid (الواحد) The One, the All Inclusive, The Indivisible

68 As-Samad (الصمد) The Satisfier of All Needs

69 Al-Qadir (القادر) The All Powerful

70 Al-Muqtadir (المقتدر) The Creator of All Power

71 Al-Muqaddim (المقدم) The Expediter

72 Al-Mu'akhkhir (المؤخر) The Delayer

73 Al-Awwal (الأول) The First

74 Al-Akhir (الأخر) The Last

75 Az-Zahir (الظاهر) The Manifest One

76 Al-Batin (الباطن) The Hidden One

77 Al-Wali (الوالي) The Protecting Friend

78 Al-Muta'ali (المتعالي) The Supreme One

79 Al-Barr (البر) The Doer of Good

80 At-Tawwab (التواب) The Guide to Repentance

81 Al-Muntaqim (المنتقم) The Avenger

82 Al-'Afuww (العفو) The Forgiver

83 Ar-Ra'uf (الرؤوف) The Clement

84 Malik-al-Mulk (مالك الملك) The Owner of All

85 Dhu-al-Jalal wa-al-Ikram (ذو الجلال و الإكرام) The Lord of Majesty and Bounty

86 Al-Muqsit (المقسط) The Equitable One

87 Al-Jami' (الجامع) The Gatherer

88 Al-Ghani (الغنى) The Rich One

89 Al-Mughni (المغنى) The Enricher

90 Al-Mani'(المانع) The Preventer of Harm

91 Ad-Darr (الضار) The Creator of The Harmful

92 An-Nafi' (النافع) The Creator of Good

93 An-Nur (النور) The Light

94 Al-Hadi (الهادي) The Guide

95 Al-Badi (البديع) The Originator

96 Al-Baqi (الباقي) The Everlasting One

97 Al-Warith (الوارث) The Inheritor of All

98 Ar-Rashid (الرشيد) The Righteous Teacher

99 As-Sabur (الصبور) The Patient One  Shaykh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyah {rahimahullah} said:

A righteous wife will be with her righteous husband for many years, and she is the one who is meant in the hadeeth in which the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “This world is temporary conveniences and the best of its comforts is a believing wife, who when you look at her she pleases you and if you tell her to do something she obeys you, and if you are away from her she protects you with regard to herself and your wealth.”

This is what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) enjoined when the Muha

Allah's Messenger (may Allah bless him and


The believers are brothers, so make peace between your brothers and heed Allah so that hopefully you will gain mercy. (Surat al-Hujurat, 10)

Allah's Messenger (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said, "A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he hand him over to an oppressor. Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; whoever brought his (Muslim) brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection, and whoever screened a Muslim, Allah will screen him on the Day of Resurrection." (Narrated by Abdullah bin Umar, Vol 3: #622)Cuando es una hija, ella abre una puerta del Jannah para su padre. Cuando ella es una mujer, completa la mitad del din de su marido. Cuando ella es una madre, el Jannah esta bajo sus pies- si todo el mundo supiera el verdadero estado de una mujer musulmana en el Islam incluso los hombres querr?an ser mujer"[Shiekh Akram Nadaw  Se nos educ? baja la idea de que el decir “no” a un sentimiento adverso era descortés y de mala educaci?n, se reprim?an las emociones y lo que primaba eran los conocimientos. Esto ha provocado hoy en d?a una sociedad adulta que se ve superada por los acontecimientos de la vida y se encuentra atrapada en un c?rculo vital adverso que no sabe como manejar emocionalmente. Para empezar a revertir esto hay que establecer l?mites a lo que nos hace sentir mal, hay que decir “No” cuando algo no nos gusta, cuando algo no nos apetece, cuando algo no lo queremos hacer y de esta manera empezar a pensar en nosotros mismos, as? alcanzaremos el bienestar y la vida la veremos de otra manera. Ojo! Decir “no” siempre desde la asertividad, respetando nuestros pensamientos y emociones sin entrar en el malestar de la otra persona.

Atestiguo que Muhammad es el enviado de Allah, (Ash hadu anna Muhammadan rasulul-lah,) أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله 

Atestiguo que Muhammad es el enviado de Allah, (Ash hadu anna Muhammadan rasulul-lah,) أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله 

Venid a la oraci?n, venid a la oraci?n. (Haiia 'alas-Salat, Haiia 'alas-Salat.) حي على الصلاة, حي على الصلاة 

Venid al éxito, venid al éxito. (Haiia 'alal-falaH, Haiia 'alal-falaH.) حي على الفلاح, حي على الفلاح 

La oraci?n es mejor que el sue?o. (As-Salatu j?irun min an-naum, as-Salatu j?irun min an-naum) الصلاة خير من النوم, الصلاة خير من النوم 

Allah es el m?s grande, Allah es el m?s grande, (Allahu Akbar , Allahu Akbar,) الله أكبر, الله أكبر 

No hay otra divinidad sino Allah, (La il?ha illa Allah) لا إله إلا الله 

S?plica al finalizar el Ad?n 

?Oh, Se?or! Poseedor de este Mensaje perfecto y completo, y de esta oraci?n: (Allahumma rabba hadihid-da'watut t?mmah,uas-salatul qa'?matu) اللهم رب هذه الدعوة التامة والصلاة القائمة 

da a Muhammad Al Uasilah (estancia en el Para?so) y Al Fadhilah (rango por encima del resto de la creaci?n), (Aati Muhammadan-l-Uasilata ual fad?lata) آت محمداً الوسيلة و الفضيلة 

y resuc?talo ?Oh, Se?or! Con el rango elevado que le prometiste. (uab'azhu maq?man mahm?danil-ladhi ua'adtahu) وابعثه مقاماً محموداً الذي وعدتهChoosing a Husband or a Wife!


A man came to Maymûn b. Mahrân – Allah be please with him – to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage. Maymûn said, “I do not approve of her for you.” The man asked, “Why?” He replied, “Because she loves jewelry and garments.” To this the man said, “Well I have as much of those as she desires.” Maymûn said, “Now I don’t approve of you for her.”

The father was most likely assuming this person to be a pious person & wanted to protect him from marrying his daughter

cos he felt she was too materialistic.

when this person exposed his apparent love for material possessions as well-saying he has what she likes

the father then refused cos he again most probably felt he would not be good for his daughter from a deeni point of view.

as too much of the things his daughter likes would be detrimental to her deen.

Al-Dhahabî , Siyar A’lâm Al-Nubalâ` in his biography of Maymûn b. Mahrân.  Hoy… 

El Ayer termin? y el Ma?ana est? lejos de llegar....

Hoy… la Vida me dio una nueva Oportunidad, puso en medio de tanta oscuridad, una luz, la luz de un nuevo Amor....

Hoy… el Destino me Sorprendi? y me ayud? a comprender que nunca es tarde para volver a Comenzar....

Hoy… una Persona Maravillosa entr? en mi Vida y en mi Coraz?n....

Hoy… Volv? a sentir ganas de Vivir por Alguien y para Alguien....

Hoy… es el D?a que esperé durante A?os....

Hoy… es cuando siento que Vivir realmente vale la Pena....

Hoy… es cuando afirmo que se termina un Amor, pero contin?a la Vida...

Hoy… es tiempo de Aprender que cuando una puerta se cierra, muchas otras se Abrir?n....

Hoy… es el Momento indicado para comprender que nada en esta Vida ocurre por Casualidad....

Hoy… he Aprendido que cada Minuto que nos regala la Vida, es una nueva Oportunidad para cambiar Todo....

Hoy… es el D?a indicado para afirmar que soy muy Feliz... 

Simplemente porque la Vida me dio una se?al, de que aun merezco Existir...!!Narrated from al-Mugheerah ibn Shu’bah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever narrates a hadeeth from me knowing that it is false is one of the liars.” 

And it was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: 




( عبارات تستخدم عند كتابة رسائل بالانجليزية )

قد نضطر في بعض المناسبات إلى كتابة رسالة إلى صديق أو أي شخص ما 

لذا سأضع بين أيديكم بعض من العبارات المفيدة التي قد تساعدكم في كتابة هذه الرسالة



I am very glad of the opportunity to 

يسرني جداً أن أُتيحت لي الفرصة لـ 

It gives me much pleasure to 

إنه لمن دواعي سروري أن

What a wonderful news !

يا لها من أنباء سارة !

We know how delightful such occasions usually are

إننا نعرف كم هي جميلة مثل هذه المناسبات عادةً 

God bless you

بارك الله فيك 

You are very precious to us

أنت غالي علينا كثيراً .


الشكر والتقدير

Appreciating your kind cooperation

مقدرين حسن تعاونكم

Appreciating your consideration and cooperation

مقدرين اهتمامكم وتعاونكم

I can hardly express my gratitude

إنني عاجز عن التعبير عن الشكر

I shall always remember you with gratitude

سوف أكون ممتناً لك دائماً

I highly appreciate your kindness

إنني أقدر كثيراً لطفك

I take this opportunity to 

أنتهز هذه الفرصة لكي 

It gives me pleasure to / I’m most honored to 

يسعدني أن / يشرفني أن 

It is with pleasure that I have received 

تلقيت بسرور 

It was real pleasure to meet you

لقد سررت حقاً بلقائك

Shall be grateful for the consideration you give to this matter

سأكون شاكراً لاهتمامكم بهذا الموضوع

Thank you so much for your interest in 

شكرا جزيلا على اهتمامك بـ 

Thank you for your letter dated 

نشكركم على رسالتكم / خطاباكم بتاريخ 

We acknowledge with thanks 

تلقينا مع الشكر ...

We deeply appreciate your 

نقدر كثيراً لكم 

We appreciate your interest in 

نقدر اهتمامكم في 

With abundant thanks

مع جزيل الشكر



My family and I send kind thoughts and sympathy to you and your family

أبعث أنا وعائلتي بتعازينا لكم ولأسرتكم

I sympathize with you on the loss of 

أقدم لكم التعازي بوفاة 

It was a great shock to hear of 

لقد صدمت كثيراً لسماع 

I've just heard the sad news , and I hasten to offer my sympathy

لقد علمت لتوي بالخبر المحزن وأقدم لكم التعازي

May he rest in peace / May God rest his soul

رحمه الله

Please accept my very deepest sympathy on the death of 

أرجوا قبول أحر التعازي بوفاة 

We belong to God and to him we return

إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون

We send you our heartfelt sympathy

نبعث إليكم بأحر تعازينا القلبية

Expressing Pleasure

التعبير عن السرور

How wonderful of you to ask about us

لقد تلطفتم بالسؤال عنا 

I am very much delighted to 

يسرني جداً أن 

I look forward to the pleasure of 

أتطلع إلى فرصة 

I look forward with great pleasure to seeing you again

أتطلع بكل سرور لرؤيتك مرة أخرى 

I shall be delighted / pleased to 

سوف يسرني / يسعدني أن 

It is with pleasure that I have learned that 

علمت بسرور أن ..

It was indeed a pleasure meeting with you

لقد سررنا بالاجتماع بكم

I will be delighted to come

سوف يسرني الحضور

I wish you the best of luck

متمنياً لك التوفيق / أتمنى لكم التوفيق

It was most generous of you to 

لقد كان كرما منك أنـ ...

May I take this opportunity to 

أنتهز هذه الفرصة لكي

Expressing Regret

الاعتذار / الأسف

I am very sorry I won't be able to be there . Allow me , however, to wish you the best

آسف جداً على عدم تمكني من الحضور . اسمحوا لي مع ذلك أن أبعث لكم بخالص تمنياتي .

I am very sorry to have to write this letter for you

يؤسفني أنني مضطر أن أكتب إليكم هذه الرسالة .

Illness and unexpected duties make it impossible for me to 

لن أتمكن من ... بسبب مرضي والارتباطات غير المتوقعة 

I should like to very much indeed , but I have a previous commitment for the evening

بودي ذلك ، إلا أنني مرتبط بموعد مسبق في تلك الأمسية 

It is regrettable that 

من المؤسف أن 

I wish I could accept your invitation , but 

كان بودي قبول دعوتكم ، لكن 


( عبارات تستخدم عند كتابة رسائل بالانجليزية )

قد نضطر في بعض المناسبات إلى كتابة رسالة إلى صديق أو أي شخص ما 

لذا سأضع بين أيديكم بعض من العبارات المفيدة التي قد تساعدكم في كتابة هذه الرسالة



I am very glad of the opportunity to 

يسرني جداً أن أُتيحت لي الفرصة لـ 

It gives me much pleasure to 

إنه لمن دواعي سروري أن

What a wonderful news !

يا لها من أنباء سارة !

We know how delightful such occasions usually are

إننا نعرف كم هي جميلة مثل هذه المناسبات عادةً 

God bless you

بارك الله فيك 

You are very precious to us

أنت غالي علينا كثيراً .


الشكر والتقدير

Appreciating your kind cooperation

مقدرين حسن تعاونكم

Appreciating your consideration and cooperation

مقدرين اهتمامكم وتعاونكم

I can hardly express my gratitude

إنني عاجز عن التعبير عن الشكر

I shall always remember you with gratitude

سوف أكون ممتناً لك دائماً

I highly appreciate your kindness

إنني أقدر كثيراً لطفك

I take this opportunity to 

أنتهز هذه الفرصة لكي 

It gives me pleasure to / I’m most honored to 

يسعدني أن / يشرفني أن 

It is with pleasure that I have received 

تلقيت بسرور 

It was real pleasure to meet you

لقد سررت حقاً بلقائك

Shall be grateful for the consideration you give to this matter

سأكون شاكراً لاهتمامكم بهذا الموضوع

Thank you so much for your interest in 

شكرا جزيلا على اهتمامك بـ 

Thank you for your letter dated 

نشكركم على رسالتكم / خطاباكم بتاريخ 

We acknowledge with thanks 

تلقينا مع الشكر ...

We deeply appreciate your 

نقدر كثيراً لكم 

We appreciate your interest in 

نقدر اهتمامكم في 

With abundant thanks

مع جزيل الشكر



My family and I send kind thoughts and sympathy to you and your family

أبعث أنا وعائلتي بتعازينا لكم ولأسرتكم

I sympathize with you on the loss of 

أقدم لكم التعازي بوفاة 

It was a great shock to hear of 

لقد صدمت كثيراً لسماع 

I've just heard the sad news , and I hasten to offer my sympathy

لقد علمت لتوي بالخبر المحزن وأقدم لكم التعازي

May he rest in peace / May God rest his soul

رحمه الله

Please accept my very deepest sympathy on the death of 

أرجوا قبول أحر التعازي بوفاة 

We belong to God and to him we return

إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون

We send you our heartfelt sympathy

نبعث إليكم بأحر تعازينا القلبية

Expressing Pleasure

التعبير عن السرور

How wonderful of you to ask about us

لقد تلطفتم بالسؤال عنا 

I am very much delighted to 

يسرني جداً أن 

I look forward to the pleasure of 

أتطلع إلى فرصة 

I look forward with great pleasure to seeing you again

أتطلع بكل سرور لرؤيتك مرة أخرى 

I shall be delighted / pleased to 

سوف يسرني / يسعدني أن 

It is with pleasure that I have learned that 

علمت بسرور أن ..

It was indeed a pleasure meeting with you

لقد سررنا بالاجتماع بكم

I will be delighted to come

سوف يسرني الحضور

I wish you the best of luck

متمنياً لك التوفيق / أتمنى لكم التوفيق

It was most generous of you to 

لقد كان كرما منك أنـ ...

May I take this opportunity to 

أنتهز هذه الفرصة لكي

Expressing Regret

الاعتذار / الأسف

I am very sorry I won't be able to be there . Allow me , however, to wish you the best

آسف جداً على عدم تمكني من الحضور . اسمحوا لي مع ذلك أن أبعث لكم بخالص تمنياتي .

I am very sorry to have to write this letter for you

يؤسفني أنني مضطر أن أكتب إليكم هذه الرسالة .

Illness and unexpected duties make it impossible for me to 

لن أتمكن من ... بسبب مرضي والارتباطات غير المتوقعة 

I should like to very much indeed , but I have a previous commitment for the evening

بودي ذلك ، إلا أنني مرتبط بموعد مسبق في تلك الأمسية 

It is regrettable that 

من المؤسف أن 

I wish I could accept your invitation , but 

كان بودي قبول دعوتكم ، لكن 

 [B] القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / محادثة عامة :

Good morning.

صباح الخير. 

Good evening

مساء الخير

Good night

تصبح على خير , ليلة سعيدة




مع السلامة

See you later

أراك فيما بعد

Nice to meet you

سررت بلقائك

Honored to meet you

تشرفت بلقائك


أهلاً و سهلاً

Have a seat, please

تفضل بالجلوس

Thank you


Thank you very much

شكراً جزيلاَ

Do not mention it

لا داعي للشكر

Of course




If you please

لو سمحت



Never mind

لا بأس



After you

من بعدك

I am sorry

أنا آسف

Excuse me for a moment

أعذرني للحظة



What is your name?

ما اسمك ؟

At your service

في خدمتك

Do you speak Arabic?

هل تتكلم العربية ؟ 

I did not understand what you have said.

أنا لم أفهم ما قلت

From here

من هنا

How much?

كم ؟


كيف ؟

Where are you going?

إلى أين أنت ذاهب؟


لماذا ؟


متى ؟

I would like to meet you

أود مقابلتك

It is a pleasure to know you.

أنا سعيد بمعرفتك

Pleased to meet you

أنا مسرور بلقائك

See you soon

أراك قريباً

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / تحيات :

How are you?

كيف حال ؟

How is everything going?

كيف هي أمورك؟

I am fine, thank you.

أنا بخير, شكراً

What is new?

هل من جديد؟

It is a long time since I have seen you.

لم أرك منذ مدة طويلة.

Allow me to introduce my friend

اسمح لي أن أعرفك بصديقي.

Take care.

اعتن بنفسك.

Say hello to your mother.

بلغ والدتك تحياتي.

It makes me happy.

هذا يسعدني.

Keep in touch.

لنبق على اتصال.

Looking forward to seeing you again.

أتطلع لرؤيتك مـرة أخرى.

Feel at home.

اعتبر نفسك في منزلك.

See you tomorrow.

أراك غداً.

When shall we meet again?

متى نلتقي مرة أخرى؟

How can I call you?

كيف يمكنني الاتصال بك؟

May I have your number? 

هلا أعطيتني رقمك؟

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / دعوات :

Would you like to come with me?

هل ترغب بمرافقتي؟

Do you like going shopping with me?

أتود الذهاب معي للتسوق؟

How about having a picnic?

ما رأيك في أن نقوم بنزهة؟

On foot.

سيراً على الأقدام.

Will you accompany me to…

أترافقني إلى ...

Let us go swimming.

لنذهب للسباحة.

Do you like to eat something?

هـل ترغب بـأكـل شيء؟

What do you like to drink?

ماذا ترغب أن تشرب؟

Do you have anything tomorrow.

ألـديـك أي ارتبـاط غـداً؟

I would like to have more tea.

أود المزيد من الشاي.

Would you like to have breakfast at my place?

أترغب بـأن تتنـاول الفطور عندي؟

Let us share the bill.

لنتقاسم دفع الفاتورة.

He will pay the bill.

هو سيدفع الحساب.

The diner is on me tonight.

العشاء على حسابي الليلة.

Do you like to spend the night with me?

هل تود أن تقضي الليلة معي؟

Come over to our home in the evening.

تفضل إلى بيتنا عند المساء.

Do you have free time tomorrow morning?

هل لديك وقت فراغ في صباح الغد؟

I would like to visit you tomorrow.

أرغب في زيارتك غدا.ً

Thank you for the visit.

شكراً على الزيارة.

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / مجاملات : 

This is nice of you!

هذا لطف منك!

You are so generous!

أنت في غاية الكرم!

It seems good!

إنها تبدو جيدة

Thank you for the compliment!

شكراً على هذا الإطراء.

What a charming girl!

يا لها من فتاة جذابة!

Have a nice meal!

صحة و عافية!

Have a nice evening!

أتمنى لك أمسية سعيدة!

We wish you a happy vacation!

نتمنى لكم إجازة سعيدة!


في صحتك!

You have a wonderful taste!

ذوقك رائـع!

What a beautiful hairstyle!

ما أجمل تسريحة شعرك!

You are handsome today!

أنت وسيم هذا اليوم

You are very kind!

أنت لطيف جدا!

Your eyes are enchanting!

عيناك ساحرتان , فاتنتان.

Have a good trip!

أتمنى لك رحلة موفقة!

I like your perfume!

أحب عطرك!

I shall never forget you!

لن أنساك أبداً

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / عذر :

Excuse me!


Am I bothering you?

هل أزعجك؟

Never mind.

لا بأس.

It is nothing.

ليس بالأمر المهم.

It is my fault.

إنها غلطتي.

I did not mean it.

لم أقصد ذلك.

Excuse me for being late.

أعذرني لتأخري.

Sorry for keep you waiting.

آسف لجعلك تنتظر.

Excuse me, I have to go.

أستأذن, عليّ أن أذهب.

Why not?

لما لا؟

Sorry, I can not stay.

أعتذر, لا أستطيع البقاء.

Sorry I can not go out tonight.

عذرا لا أستطيع الخروج الليلة.

Sorry for not being helpful.

أعتذر لعدم تمكني لخدمتك.

Sorry for not being there yesterday.

أعتذر لعدم حضوري البارحة.

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / طلب :

One moment please!

لحظة من فضلك!

What does this mean?

ما معنى هذا؟

May I take some of your time?

هل لي أن آخذ من وقتك؟

May I borrow your pen?

هل لي أن أستعير قلمك ؟

Hurry up please

أسرع لو سمحت!

Come with me.

تعال معي.

May I have a look?

هل لي أن ألقي نظرة؟

Would you help me in carrying this , please?

هلا ساعدتني في حمل هذا من فضلك؟

Would you help me in solving this problem?

هل لك أن تساعدني في حل هذه المشكلة؟

Would you do me a favor?

هل تسدي لي معـروفاً؟

Can I have your address?

هلا أعطيتني عنوانك؟ 

Where is the toilet?

أين دورة المياه؟

Can you lend me some money?

هلا أقرضتني بعض النقود؟

Again, please.

أعد لو سمحت.

Write your name here, please.

اكتب اسمك هنا لو سمحت.

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / مشاعر :

What a loss!

يا للأسف!

I am not sure.

لست متأكداً.

I do not think so.

لا أعتقد ذلك.

Calm down, everything will be all right.

اهدأ فكل شيء سيكون على ما يرام.

Do not be nervous.

لا تكن عصبياً.

It is disgusting!

إنه مقرف!

You make me sick!

أنت تثير اشمئزازي!

It is unbelievable

هذا لا يصدق!

What a surprise!

يا لها من مفاجأة!

You must be kidding!

لا بد أنك تمزح!

I think you are wrong.

أعتقد أنك مخطئ.

Do not be upset of what he said.

لا تكن منزعج مم قاله.

This is so bad!

هذا سيء للغاية!

Good luck!

حظاً طيباً!

Best wishes!

أفضل الأمنيات.

I feel depressed.

أشعر بالاكتئاب.

Oh my god, what a mess!

يا إلهي ما هذه الفوضى!

I can not bear it!

لست أحتمل هذا!

What a disaster!

يا للمصيبة!

With pleasure.

بكل سرور.


يا للعار!

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / وقت : 

What time is it?

كم الساعة؟

It is still early.

ما زال الوقت مبكراً.

Is it late?

هل الوقت متأخر؟

How much time does it take to reach there?

كم من الوقت يلزم للوصول إلى هناك؟

Are we late?

هل تأخرنا؟

At noon.

عند الظهر.

After midnight.

بعد منتصف الليل.

It is almost night.

لقد هبط الليل.

Till sunset.

حتى غروب الشمس.

Since sunrise.

منذ شروق الشمس.

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / تهاني : 



Happy Birthday!

عيد ميلاد سعيد!

I wish you success at work!

أتمنى لك النجاح في العمل!

Happy feast!

عيد سعيد!

Get well soon!

أتمنى لك الشفاء العاجل!

Happy vacation!

أتمنى لك إجازة سعيدة!

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / الطقس : 

What a nice weather today!

ما أجمل الطقس اليوم!

It is hot.

الجو حار.

It is cloudy.

الجو غائم.

It will be sunny tomorrow.

سيكون الجو مشمساً غداً.

There was fog yesterday.

كان هناك ضباب البارحة.

It seems that a storm is coming.

يبدو أن عاصفة ستأتي.

It is raining in the north of the country.

إنها تمطر في شمال البلاد.

The sky is becoming clearer.

السماء تصفو.

What a bad weather!

ما أسوأ الطقس!

Snow falls in winter.

الثلج يتساقط في الشتاء.

What was the weather like on holiday?

كيف كان حال الطقس في العطلة؟

We will go to the seaside if the weather stays fine. 

سوف نذهب للشاطئ إذا بقي الجو بحالة جيدة.

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / أخرى : 

I am in a holiday here.

أنا في إجازة هنا.

Do you mind if I smoke?

هل تمانع في أن أدخن؟

I speak very little English.

أنا لا أتحدث الإنجليزية بطلاقة.

Can you repeat that, please?

هلا أعدت ما قلت, من فضلك؟

Hello dear.

مرحباً عزيزي - عزيزتي.

I extend to you my warm sympathize.

أقدم لك تعازي الحارة.

I felt sad for your misfortune.

لقد شعرت بالأسى لمصيبتك.

Thanks for coming.

شكراً لمجيئك.

Thanks for the present.

شكراً على الهدية.

Thanks for your care.

شكراً على اهتمامك.

I have to leave.

يجب علي أن أغادر.

What is your phone number?

ما هو رقم هاتفك؟

Talk slowly please.

تكلم على مهلك لو سمحت.

I want a glass of water.

أريد كأساً من الماء.

What day suits you?

أي يوم يناسبك.

 [B] القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / محادثة عامة :

Good morning.

صباح الخير. 

Good evening

مساء الخير

Good night

تصبح على خير , ليلة سعيدة




مع السلامة

See you later

أراك فيما بعد

Nice to meet you

سررت بلقائك

Honored to meet you

تشرفت بلقائك


أهلاً و سهلاً

Have a seat, please

تفضل بالجلوس

Thank you


Thank you very much

شكراً جزيلاَ

Do not mention it

لا داعي للشكر

Of course




If you please

لو سمحت



Never mind

لا بأس



After you

من بعدك

I am sorry

أنا آسف

Excuse me for a moment

أعذرني للحظة



What is your name?

ما اسمك ؟

At your service

في خدمتك

Do you speak Arabic?

هل تتكلم العربية ؟ 

I did not understand what you have said.

أنا لم أفهم ما قلت

From here

من هنا

How much?

كم ؟


كيف ؟

Where are you going?

إلى أين أنت ذاهب؟


لماذا ؟


متى ؟

I would like to meet you

أود مقابلتك

It is a pleasure to know you.

أنا سعيد بمعرفتك

Pleased to meet you

أنا مسرور بلقائك

See you soon

أراك قريباً

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / تحيات :

How are you?

كيف حال ؟

How is everything going?

كيف هي أمورك؟

I am fine, thank you.

أنا بخير, شكراً

What is new?

هل من جديد؟

It is a long time since I have seen you.

لم أرك منذ مدة طويلة.

Allow me to introduce my friend

اسمح لي أن أعرفك بصديقي.

Take care.

اعتن بنفسك.

Say hello to your mother.

بلغ والدتك تحياتي.

It makes me happy.

هذا يسعدني.

Keep in touch.

لنبق على اتصال.

Looking forward to seeing you again.

أتطلع لرؤيتك مـرة أخرى.

Feel at home.

اعتبر نفسك في منزلك.

See you tomorrow.

أراك غداً.

When shall we meet again?

متى نلتقي مرة أخرى؟

How can I call you?

كيف يمكنني الاتصال بك؟

May I have your number? 

هلا أعطيتني رقمك؟

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / دعوات :

Would you like to come with me?

هل ترغب بمرافقتي؟

Do you like going shopping with me?

أتود الذهاب معي للتسوق؟

How about having a picnic?

ما رأيك في أن نقوم بنزهة؟

On foot.

سيراً على الأقدام.

Will you accompany me to…

أترافقني إلى ...

Let us go swimming.

لنذهب للسباحة.

Do you like to eat something?

هـل ترغب بـأكـل شيء؟

What do you like to drink?

ماذا ترغب أن تشرب؟

Do you have anything tomorrow.

ألـديـك أي ارتبـاط غـداً؟

I would like to have more tea.

أود المزيد من الشاي.

Would you like to have breakfast at my place?

أترغب بـأن تتنـاول الفطور عندي؟

Let us share the bill.

لنتقاسم دفع الفاتورة.

He will pay the bill.

هو سيدفع الحساب.

The diner is on me tonight.

العشاء على حسابي الليلة.

Do you like to spend the night with me?

هل تود أن تقضي الليلة معي؟

Come over to our home in the evening.

تفضل إلى بيتنا عند المساء.

Do you have free time tomorrow morning?

هل لديك وقت فراغ في صباح الغد؟

I would like to visit you tomorrow.

أرغب في زيارتك غدا.ً

Thank you for the visit.

شكراً على الزيارة.

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / مجاملات : 

This is nice of you!

هذا لطف منك!

You are so generous!

أنت في غاية الكرم!

It seems good!

إنها تبدو جيدة

Thank you for the compliment!

شكراً على هذا الإطراء.

What a charming girl!

يا لها من فتاة جذابة!

Have a nice meal!

صحة و عافية!

Have a nice evening!

أتمنى لك أمسية سعيدة!

We wish you a happy vacation!

نتمنى لكم إجازة سعيدة!


في صحتك!

You have a wonderful taste!

ذوقك رائـع!

What a beautiful hairstyle!

ما أجمل تسريحة شعرك!

You are handsome today!

أنت وسيم هذا اليوم

You are very kind!

أنت لطيف جدا!

Your eyes are enchanting!

عيناك ساحرتان , فاتنتان.

Have a good trip!

أتمنى لك رحلة موفقة!

I like your perfume!

أحب عطرك!

I shall never forget you!

لن أنساك أبداً

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / عذر :

Excuse me!


Am I bothering you?

هل أزعجك؟

Never mind.

لا بأس.

It is nothing.

ليس بالأمر المهم.

It is my fault.

إنها غلطتي.

I did not mean it.

لم أقصد ذلك.

Excuse me for being late.

أعذرني لتأخري.

Sorry for keep you waiting.

آسف لجعلك تنتظر.

Excuse me, I have to go.

أستأذن, عليّ أن أذهب.

Why not?

لما لا؟

Sorry, I can not stay.

أعتذر, لا أستطيع البقاء.

Sorry I can not go out tonight.

عذرا لا أستطيع الخروج الليلة.

Sorry for not being helpful.

أعتذر لعدم تمكني لخدمتك.

Sorry for not being there yesterday.

أعتذر لعدم حضوري البارحة.

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / طلب :

One moment please!

لحظة من فضلك!

What does this mean?

ما معنى هذا؟

May I take some of your time?

هل لي أن آخذ من وقتك؟

May I borrow your pen?

هل لي أن أستعير قلمك ؟

Hurry up please

أسرع لو سمحت!

Come with me.

تعال معي.

May I have a look?

هل لي أن ألقي نظرة؟

Would you help me in carrying this , please?

هلا ساعدتني في حمل هذا من فضلك؟

Would you help me in solving this problem?

هل لك أن تساعدني في حل هذه المشكلة؟

Would you do me a favor?

هل تسدي لي معـروفاً؟

Can I have your address?

هلا أعطيتني عنوانك؟ 

Where is the toilet?

أين دورة المياه؟

Can you lend me some money?

هلا أقرضتني بعض النقود؟

Again, please.

أعد لو سمحت.

Write your name here, please.

اكتب اسمك هنا لو سمحت.

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / مشاعر :

What a loss!

يا للأسف!

I am not sure.

لست متأكداً.

I do not think so.

لا أعتقد ذلك.

Calm down, everything will be all right.

اهدأ فكل شيء سيكون على ما يرام.

Do not be nervous.

لا تكن عصبياً.

It is disgusting!

إنه مقرف!

You make me sick!

أنت تثير اشمئزازي!

It is unbelievable

هذا لا يصدق!

What a surprise!

يا لها من مفاجأة!

You must be kidding!

لا بد أنك تمزح!

I think you are wrong.

أعتقد أنك مخطئ.

Do not be upset of what he said.

لا تكن منزعج مم قاله.

This is so bad!

هذا سيء للغاية!

Good luck!

حظاً طيباً!

Best wishes!

أفضل الأمنيات.

I feel depressed.

أشعر بالاكتئاب.

Oh my god, what a mess!

يا إلهي ما هذه الفوضى!

I can not bear it!

لست أحتمل هذا!

What a disaster!

يا للمصيبة!

With pleasure.

بكل سرور.


يا للعار!

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / وقت : 

What time is it?

كم الساعة؟

It is still early.

ما زال الوقت مبكراً.

Is it late?

هل الوقت متأخر؟

How much time does it take to reach there?

كم من الوقت يلزم للوصول إلى هناك؟

Are we late?

هل تأخرنا؟

At noon.

عند الظهر.

After midnight.

بعد منتصف الليل.

It is almost night.

لقد هبط الليل.

Till sunset.

حتى غروب الشمس.

Since sunrise.

منذ شروق الشمس.

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / تهاني : 



Happy Birthday!

عيد ميلاد سعيد!

I wish you success at work!

أتمنى لك النجاح في العمل!

Happy feast!

عيد سعيد!

Get well soon!

أتمنى لك الشفاء العاجل!

Happy vacation!

أتمنى لك إجازة سعيدة!

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / الطقس : 

What a nice weather today!

ما أجمل الطقس اليوم!

It is hot.

الجو حار.

It is cloudy.

الجو غائم.

It will be sunny tomorrow.

سيكون الجو مشمساً غداً.

There was fog yesterday.

كان هناك ضباب البارحة.

It seems that a storm is coming.

يبدو أن عاصفة ستأتي.

It is raining in the north of the country.

إنها تمطر في شمال البلاد.

The sky is becoming clearer.

السماء تصفو.

What a bad weather!

ما أسوأ الطقس!

Snow falls in winter.

الثلج يتساقط في الشتاء.

What was the weather like on holiday?

كيف كان حال الطقس في العطلة؟

We will go to the seaside if the weather stays fine. 

سوف نذهب للشاطئ إذا بقي الجو بحالة جيدة.

القسم الأول / محادثة أساسية / أخرى : 

I am in a holiday here.

أنا في إجازة هنا.

Do you mind if I smoke?

هل تمانع في أن أدخن؟

I speak very little English.

أنا لا أتحدث الإنجليزية بطلاقة.

Can you repeat that, please?

هلا أعدت ما قلت, من فضلك؟

Hello dear.

مرحباً عزيزي - عزيزتي.

I extend to you my warm sympathize.

أقدم لك تعازي الحارة.

I felt sad for your misfortune.

لقد شعرت بالأسى لمصيبتك.

Thanks for coming.

شكراً لمجيئك.

Thanks for the present.

شكراً على الهدية.

Thanks for your care.

شكراً على اهتمامك.

I have to leave.

يجب علي أن أغادر.

What is your phone number?

ما هو رقم هاتفك؟

Talk slowly please.

تكلم على مهلك لو سمحت.

I want a glass of water.

أريد كأساً من الماء.

What day suits you?

أي يوم يناسبك.

السؤال عن الطريق

useful phrases: جمل نافعة

Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the station, please? 

عذرا, هل يمكنك ان تدلني على الطريق الى المحطة من فضلك؟

Excuse me, I'm looking for the town hall. 

عذرا,انا ابحث عن قاعة البلدة

What's the best way to the station? 

ما افضل طريق الى المحطة؟

Is it far from the church to the station? 

ايوجد بعد من الكنيسة الى المحطة؟

How far is it from the church to the station? 

كم البعد من الكنيسة الى المحطة

Where is the nearest bus stop? 

أين أقرب موقف باص؟

Where ist the next bus stop? 

أين موقف الباص التالي؟

It takes about 10 minutes by bus. 

تستغرق حوالي عشر دقائق بالباص

It's a 10-minute walk. 

انها عشر دقائق مشياً

The church is within walking distance. 

الكنيسة ضمن مسافة المشي

You can't miss it. 

لا يمكن ان تضيع


hotel في الفندق

ملاحظة: ما العبارات التي يمكن ان يستخدمها الضيف و ما هي عبارات المستقبل؟

1) The guest الضيف 

Have you got a single room for tonight? 

هل لديك غرفة مفردة لهذه الليلة؟

I'd like to stay in a double room. 

افضل ان اقيم في غرفة مزدوجة

Do all the rooms have air-conditioning? 

هل كل الغرف تحوي مكيف؟

Is breakfast included? 

هل الفطور مشمول؟

When do you serve breakfast? 

متى تقدمون الفطور؟

Could you give me a call at 7 tomorrow morning, please? 

هل يمكنك ان تكالمني الساعة السابعة صباحا من فضلك؟

I'd like to pay in cash/by credit card/by traveller's cheque /check).

أفضل ان أدفع كاش/ببطاقة إئتمان/بشيك مسافر /شيك 

2) The receptionist المستقبل 

Hello, can I help you? 

مرحبا,ايمكنني مساعدتك؟

Would you like a room with a bath or a shower? 

هل تفضل غرفة بحمام او دوش؟

How long would you like to stay at our hotel? 

كم ترغب الإقامة في فندقنا؟

How would you like to pay? 

كيف تحب ان تدفع؟

Your room in on the second floor on the right. 

غرفتك في الطابق الثاني على اليمين

Sorry, we're fully booked for tonight.

عذرا نحن مجوزين بشكل كامل هذه الليلة

Sorry, we are full up. 

في امريكا يقولون: عذرا نحن مليئين

Is there anything else I can do for you? 

ايوجد أي شيئ يمكن ان افعله لك؟

Meeting people مقابلة الناس

ملاحظة : عند مقابلتك الناس تحتاج بعض العبارات , ها هي:

1) greetings التحيات 

Welcome to Leipzig. 

اهلا بك في ليبزيغ

Good morning /afternoon / evening. 

صباح الخير / تحية الظهيرة / مساء الخير

Good day. 

طاب يومك











See you. (CU) 

الى اللقاء


كأسك( للشراب)

Say goodbye to Ihab from me. 

ودع ايهاب عني ( أي قل له وداعا بإسمي)

Say hello to Mikdad from me. 

سلم لي على مقداد

Please give my love to Abdo. 

من فضلك بلغ حبي لعبدو

I'd like you to meet Ihab. 

أريدك ان تقابل إيهاب

May I introduce you to Mikdad

هل يمكنني ان اقدمك لمقداد? 

May I introduce Abdo to you? 

هل يمكنني ان اقدم لك عبدو؟

2) asking السؤال ( كيف تسأل بلباقة) 

Pardon? عفوا

How do you do? كيف حالك

How are you? كيف حالك

I'm fine, thanks. جيد شكرا

Not too bad. ليس سيئا

3) introducing التعريف(تقديم الأشخاص لبعض)

I'd like you to meet Mhammad. 

أريدك ان تقابل محمد

May I introduce you to Mhammad? 

أيمكنني ان اقدم لك محمد؟

May I introduce Ali to Salma? 

أيمكنني ان أقدم علي لسلمى

4) ( various (wishes, thanks, offers متنوعات(الأمنيات,الشكر,العروض)

Lovely day today, isn't it? يوم جميل اليوم أليس كذلك؟

Excuse me, ... أعذرني

What's the matter? ما الأمر؟

Good luck! حظا سعيدا

Congratulations. تهانيَ

Many happy returns of the day. عودة سعيدة لهذا اليوم

Happy birthday! عيد ميلاد سعيد

Bless you! بارك الله بك

Get well soon! معافى (للمريض)

Could you do me a favour? أيمكنك ان تعمل لي معروفا؟

May I offer you a drink? أيمكنني ان اقدم لك شرابا

Are you sure you wouldn't like to come in? 

متأكد انك لا تريد ان تدخل؟

Thank you very much! 

شكرا جزيلا

Thank you. شكرا لك

Many thanks. تشكراتي

Thanks a lot. - You're welcome. 

شكرا جزيلا , اهلا بك

Would you excuse me, please? 

هل تعذرني من فضلك

It doesn't matter. ليست مشكلة

On the phone على الهاتف

Who is this, please? من يتكلم من فضلك

This is Mhammad speaking ...انا محمد أتكلم 

I'll phone back later. 

سأخابرك لاحقا

I've got the wrong number. 

طلبت الرقم الخطأ

Please leave a message after the beep. 

فضلا اترك رسالة بعد الصافرة

Can I take a message? 

أيمكنني وضع رسالة

Can I speak to ..., please?

أيمكنني التكلم مع....من فضلك

Just a moment, please. 

لحظة من فضلك

I'll ring you at about ... 

سأخابرك حوالي.....

Thank you for ringing. 

شكرا لمخابرتك

I must ring off now. 

يجب ان اغلق الأن

I can't get through. The line's busy. 

لا استطيع الإتصال ,الخط مشغول

There is no reply. 

لا توجد اجابة

This is a bad connection. 

هذا اتصال سيئ

Can I use my mobile? 

أيمكنني استخدام جوالي؟

I see them bloom


 Hope means that we should never give up when we want to reach

our goals and our ambitions. My story goes back to the time when I was

in third secondary, I had the aim to get high marks and enter university

or a college. I studied well and tried to be optimistic all the time because

I realized that being pessimistic leads to nothing. Thus, I kept my strong

determination up and my family was encouraging me to study hard. As a

result, with my hope I achieved my aim and get high marks which enable

me to study in a college. «My own writing»My second language

 Like most Omani schoolchildren, I started to learn English when I was 10

years old. English is very important in order to have a good career, and it enables

us to communicate with foreign people and to know about their cultures.

In a word it is a world language.

 I used many sources to learn English during my studying in the school,

now in the college, or self studying in my free time. Most of the time I hear English

spoken in my English classes at college, use computer to learn English, I

read books, stories, news paper and magazines. Sometimes I watch English

films and programs on TV.

 In my opinion, English is quite difficult, but it becomes easy and wonderful

when we always practice and speak with somebody who knows English.

Anyway, I am learning it at college as a main language for all subjects.

«My own writing»The woodcutter story and time planning

 There was a woodcutter

trying hard to cut a tree in the forest but his axe was not

sharp. Someone saw him and asked him «Why don>t you

sharpen your axe».

 «Don’t you see that I am busy, and have no time to

sharpen it?»The woodcutter replied.

 If you say» I am busy and I have no time to plan my

time» You will be like the woodcutter in this story. Sharpening

the axe will help him to cut the tree quickly and easily.

Besides, he would be able to move and cut another tree.

Also time planning will help you to do your work quickly and

easily. Likewise, you would be able to do other work, so

plan your time and don>t be like the woodcutter.

«Summarized»«Best friends»

 Your best friend is your very special friend. Your

best friend knows you well and understands you. You

help each other, and you listen to each other. You tell

each other the truth you laugh and cry together. You remember

the good times and forget the bad times. Sometimes

you have fights but you always end loving each

other, so do not leave your friends because you will need

them. «Copied»Morning coffee makes you healthy

 Most people like to begin their days in the morning

with a cup of hot coffee. Some like the coffee>s smell and

some its bitter taste. Studies show that having a cup of

coffee in the morning has many benefits. It improves the

heart health, protects us from one kinds of diabetes; and

lessens leg pain. «Translated»Tarzan

 First I will introduce myself. I am called Tarzan, the

jungle boy. I lived in a jungle in India. I will tell you my

story. When I was a baby my mother worked in a rice field

and she took me with her. She left me under a tree during

her work. While she was working, a big leopard came and

carried me from my clothes by her sharp teeth but she did

not hurt me, and prevented other animals from hurting me.

After 4 years later, I grew up and I learned many things but

I did not act like human behavior, for example I walk with

my arms and legs like animals. In addition I ate uncooked

meat and food. The animals taught me to do that.

«Summarized»The person I admire

 The person who I admire is His Majesty Sultan Qaboos, because

he is a wise and kind man, and he created the brightness and the happiness

for Oman and its people. Also he is wellread, generous and honest.

He has developed Omanis and helped them to improve their abilities and

to keep their determination up to build Oman. In addition he has built

schools, hospitals and he provided many services. I ask God almighty to

protect him from evil and danger. «My own writing»»My dream house»

 Every one hopes to live in the best house in the world. I hope to have

a comfortable, clean, and beautiful house which is full of love and peace.

I hope my dream house to be in a cold country covered with a lot of white

snow and near the sea.

 What is more, I will describe the fantastic exterior view of my dream

house, I hope it will be a magnificent golden house, and there will be a

charming park full of different flowers and a huge swimming pool where I

can rest and see colorful flowers.

 In addition, I want my dream house to have splendid interior which

has comfortable white furniture. A house with a large living room with a

bamboo table and chairs, suitable fire place and golden stair case makes

me relaxed. The house will be more comfortable when it has a big bedroom

with a comfortable large bed.

 As a result, although I want my dream to become true;

I want to live with my family in peace and love even if that will involve me

living in a hut.

 «My own writing»Don’t fight

 There was a boy, he is very obstinate. He didn’t listen to his parents>

speech and he had many problems with people. One day his father gave

him a big bag full of nails. «Go and knock 37 nails in the park wall, knock

a nail when you have a fight with any person»his father said.

 In next week he learned how to control himself because discovered

that controlling himself is easier than knocking nails in the wall. After

a month the boy did not knock any nail in the wall because he stopped

his fights with people. He told his father about that.

 «Ok now take off a nail every day that you will not fight any one» his

father said. After a few days he told his father that he had taken off all the

nails from the wall. The father took his son to the wall to show him «You are very good, but

look at these holes which are made by the nails in the wall. They will stay

forever, when you have a problem and fight with others, you will say bad

words and feeling for people, you will injure their hearts, you will leavewounds

which will stay in their hearts forever like those holes. When you

injure a person with your tongue, it is stronger than when you when you

injure them with your hand so respect yourself and respect others «his father

said «Remember sometimes you do not find what you want, but you

are lucky about that».»Translated»«Lemon and mint drink»

 Summer is very hot so I will give you a method to make a delicious

drink to reduce your body heat. It is an easy way to make lemon juice with



 1. Mint

2. 3 lemons

3. A cup of sugar.

4. 8 cubes of ice

 5. 3cups of cold water

The method:

 1. Squeeze the lemons and put them in the blender.

2. Add Sugar, mint, ice and water

 3. Mix them in the blender

 4. Put the Juice in glasses.

Now it is ready, enjoy your drink. «Translated»How can you clean your room?

 When you notice that your room is dirty, you should

plan to clean it. First you should open the door and windows

to let the dust out during the cleaning of the room.

Then begin to take all things from the room outside,

to make the cleaning easier. Next clean the floor and

walls. Also clean the glass of the windows and the door.

In addition clean the things that are taken outside, after

that take them back to the room. Finally put a nice smell

in it, perfume or something like that. Now we got a clean

room. «My own writing»«A blessing in disguise»

 Have you ever had one of those days, when

everything went wrong? Well, that what happen to me

last month. I wanted to go to Paris on a business trip

on Friday. My flight was at 9:15 so I got up early in the

morning. My problem began when I had a coffee; it

spilled on my important document, and I tried to clean

up the coffee. When I wanted to go to the airport, I

found my car broken down. Then I decided to take a

taxi, but the taxis were full, but with difficultly I found

a taxi at the time. However there was a traffic jam.

Thereafter, I arrived to the airport at 9:45, and my

flight already had left, so I returned home. I was

angry, upset and worried because I missed a meeting.

Later while I was watching news in the TV, I was

amazed when I saw that the 9:15 flight to Paris had

landed in the sea, but there were no serious injuries.

Well, I was relieved; because I missed the flight «It

turned out to be a blessing in disguise».

«Summarized»»Jokes (1)»

The first man: Do you see that bee which is on the top of

that mountain».

 The second man: No but I hear its voice (sound).

The guest: When will you have your dinner?

 The boy: When you depart (leave).

The first prisoner: Don>t you have relatives to visit you in

the prison.

 The second prisoner: I have many, but

they are all here in the prison.

The father: How are your results of exams this year? The

Son: They are all frozen.

 The father: How?

 The Son: They are all under zero.

«Translated»Nada and her brother Ali

 I am Nada and my brother>s name is Ali, my

father>s name is Hassan, he is a fisherman and he

has a boat, we live in a small village near the beach.

One day Ali and I asked our father to take the boat to enjoy in the sea,

he agreed with us. Next we took our food and we pulled up the sail,

then we left. At night, the sky became dark and black and it was raining

«We were far away from our village» Ali said.

 «I think we lost» I cried.

 Then we arrived at an island, suddenly we saw 3 men pulling a big

black box, and then they put it in a hole and covered it with big stones.

When they left we went to see the box, we took it in our boat and then we

left. Next, we arrived to our village. We told our father about the box, and

he told the police. Then they began to search for the thieves, they found

them and caught them. The police thanked us because we helped them to

find the most dangerous thieves in our village. «Summarized»"What a wonderful word"

 I see trees of green

 Red roses too

 I see them bloom

 for me and you

 and I think to myself

what a wonderful world

 I see skies of blue

 and clouds of white

 the bright blessed day


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