الاثنين، 11 يناير 2021

I see them bloom


 Hope means that we should never give up when we want to reach

our goals and our ambitions. My story goes back to the time when I was

in third secondary, I had the aim to get high marks and enter university

or a college. I studied well and tried to be optimistic all the time because

I realized that being pessimistic leads to nothing. Thus, I kept my strong

determination up and my family was encouraging me to study hard. As a

result, with my hope I achieved my aim and get high marks which enable

me to study in a college. «My own writing»My second language

 Like most Omani schoolchildren, I started to learn English when I was 10

years old. English is very important in order to have a good career, and it enables

us to communicate with foreign people and to know about their cultures.

In a word it is a world language.

 I used many sources to learn English during my studying in the school,

now in the college, or self studying in my free time. Most of the time I hear English

spoken in my English classes at college, use computer to learn English, I

read books, stories, news paper and magazines. Sometimes I watch English

films and programs on TV.

 In my opinion, English is quite difficult, but it becomes easy and wonderful

when we always practice and speak with somebody who knows English.

Anyway, I am learning it at college as a main language for all subjects.

«My own writing»The woodcutter story and time planning

 There was a woodcutter

trying hard to cut a tree in the forest but his axe was not

sharp. Someone saw him and asked him «Why don>t you

sharpen your axe».

 «Don’t you see that I am busy, and have no time to

sharpen it?»The woodcutter replied.

 If you say» I am busy and I have no time to plan my

time» You will be like the woodcutter in this story. Sharpening

the axe will help him to cut the tree quickly and easily.

Besides, he would be able to move and cut another tree.

Also time planning will help you to do your work quickly and

easily. Likewise, you would be able to do other work, so

plan your time and don>t be like the woodcutter.

«Summarized»«Best friends»

 Your best friend is your very special friend. Your

best friend knows you well and understands you. You

help each other, and you listen to each other. You tell

each other the truth you laugh and cry together. You remember

the good times and forget the bad times. Sometimes

you have fights but you always end loving each

other, so do not leave your friends because you will need

them. «Copied»Morning coffee makes you healthy

 Most people like to begin their days in the morning

with a cup of hot coffee. Some like the coffee>s smell and

some its bitter taste. Studies show that having a cup of

coffee in the morning has many benefits. It improves the

heart health, protects us from one kinds of diabetes; and

lessens leg pain. «Translated»Tarzan

 First I will introduce myself. I am called Tarzan, the

jungle boy. I lived in a jungle in India. I will tell you my

story. When I was a baby my mother worked in a rice field

and she took me with her. She left me under a tree during

her work. While she was working, a big leopard came and

carried me from my clothes by her sharp teeth but she did

not hurt me, and prevented other animals from hurting me.

After 4 years later, I grew up and I learned many things but

I did not act like human behavior, for example I walk with

my arms and legs like animals. In addition I ate uncooked

meat and food. The animals taught me to do that.

«Summarized»The person I admire

 The person who I admire is His Majesty Sultan Qaboos, because

he is a wise and kind man, and he created the brightness and the happiness

for Oman and its people. Also he is wellread, generous and honest.

He has developed Omanis and helped them to improve their abilities and

to keep their determination up to build Oman. In addition he has built

schools, hospitals and he provided many services. I ask God almighty to

protect him from evil and danger. «My own writing»»My dream house»

 Every one hopes to live in the best house in the world. I hope to have

a comfortable, clean, and beautiful house which is full of love and peace.

I hope my dream house to be in a cold country covered with a lot of white

snow and near the sea.

 What is more, I will describe the fantastic exterior view of my dream

house, I hope it will be a magnificent golden house, and there will be a

charming park full of different flowers and a huge swimming pool where I

can rest and see colorful flowers.

 In addition, I want my dream house to have splendid interior which

has comfortable white furniture. A house with a large living room with a

bamboo table and chairs, suitable fire place and golden stair case makes

me relaxed. The house will be more comfortable when it has a big bedroom

with a comfortable large bed.

 As a result, although I want my dream to become true;

I want to live with my family in peace and love even if that will involve me

living in a hut.

 «My own writing»Don’t fight

 There was a boy, he is very obstinate. He didn’t listen to his parents>

speech and he had many problems with people. One day his father gave

him a big bag full of nails. «Go and knock 37 nails in the park wall, knock

a nail when you have a fight with any person»his father said.

 In next week he learned how to control himself because discovered

that controlling himself is easier than knocking nails in the wall. After

a month the boy did not knock any nail in the wall because he stopped

his fights with people. He told his father about that.

 «Ok now take off a nail every day that you will not fight any one» his

father said. After a few days he told his father that he had taken off all the

nails from the wall. The father took his son to the wall to show him «You are very good, but

look at these holes which are made by the nails in the wall. They will stay

forever, when you have a problem and fight with others, you will say bad

words and feeling for people, you will injure their hearts, you will leavewounds

which will stay in their hearts forever like those holes. When you

injure a person with your tongue, it is stronger than when you when you

injure them with your hand so respect yourself and respect others «his father

said «Remember sometimes you do not find what you want, but you

are lucky about that».»Translated»«Lemon and mint drink»

 Summer is very hot so I will give you a method to make a delicious

drink to reduce your body heat. It is an easy way to make lemon juice with



 1. Mint

2. 3 lemons

3. A cup of sugar.

4. 8 cubes of ice

 5. 3cups of cold water

The method:

 1. Squeeze the lemons and put them in the blender.

2. Add Sugar, mint, ice and water

 3. Mix them in the blender

 4. Put the Juice in glasses.

Now it is ready, enjoy your drink. «Translated»How can you clean your room?

 When you notice that your room is dirty, you should

plan to clean it. First you should open the door and windows

to let the dust out during the cleaning of the room.

Then begin to take all things from the room outside,

to make the cleaning easier. Next clean the floor and

walls. Also clean the glass of the windows and the door.

In addition clean the things that are taken outside, after

that take them back to the room. Finally put a nice smell

in it, perfume or something like that. Now we got a clean

room. «My own writing»«A blessing in disguise»

 Have you ever had one of those days, when

everything went wrong? Well, that what happen to me

last month. I wanted to go to Paris on a business trip

on Friday. My flight was at 9:15 so I got up early in the

morning. My problem began when I had a coffee; it

spilled on my important document, and I tried to clean

up the coffee. When I wanted to go to the airport, I

found my car broken down. Then I decided to take a

taxi, but the taxis were full, but with difficultly I found

a taxi at the time. However there was a traffic jam.

Thereafter, I arrived to the airport at 9:45, and my

flight already had left, so I returned home. I was

angry, upset and worried because I missed a meeting.

Later while I was watching news in the TV, I was

amazed when I saw that the 9:15 flight to Paris had

landed in the sea, but there were no serious injuries.

Well, I was relieved; because I missed the flight «It

turned out to be a blessing in disguise».

«Summarized»»Jokes (1)»

The first man: Do you see that bee which is on the top of

that mountain».

 The second man: No but I hear its voice (sound).

The guest: When will you have your dinner?

 The boy: When you depart (leave).

The first prisoner: Don>t you have relatives to visit you in

the prison.

 The second prisoner: I have many, but

they are all here in the prison.

The father: How are your results of exams this year? The

Son: They are all frozen.

 The father: How?

 The Son: They are all under zero.

«Translated»Nada and her brother Ali

 I am Nada and my brother>s name is Ali, my

father>s name is Hassan, he is a fisherman and he

has a boat, we live in a small village near the beach.

One day Ali and I asked our father to take the boat to enjoy in the sea,

he agreed with us. Next we took our food and we pulled up the sail,

then we left. At night, the sky became dark and black and it was raining

«We were far away from our village» Ali said.

 «I think we lost» I cried.

 Then we arrived at an island, suddenly we saw 3 men pulling a big

black box, and then they put it in a hole and covered it with big stones.

When they left we went to see the box, we took it in our boat and then we

left. Next, we arrived to our village. We told our father about the box, and

he told the police. Then they began to search for the thieves, they found

them and caught them. The police thanked us because we helped them to

find the most dangerous thieves in our village. «Summarized»"What a wonderful word"

 I see trees of green

 Red roses too

 I see them bloom

 for me and you

 and I think to myself

what a wonderful world

 I see skies of blue

 and clouds of white

 the bright blessed day

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