الجمعة، 15 يناير 2021

I wish you happiness

 I wish you happiness

You should sleep well and be well-fed from fruits, especially those that contain potassium, and there is no objection to taking vitamin tablets. You have to inhale and exhale more than once during the day and breathe deeply .. You have to go out for sports and go out for walks in nature, and you have to mix with other people .. Repeat these steps, and if against your will, force yourself to do so. And you will improve as soon as possible, God willing.

Finally, know that the world will come alone if you ask for what God has, and it will not come to you if you ask for it and it was one of your most important priorities and you left the hereafter.

Try to take a vacation to relax, then make a plan for the future and do not try to please anyone, as this will reduce your interest in yourself and your future goals.

 Do not worry about these symptoms and keep taking sertraline, it is a good medicine for your condition, as well as busy yourself with the things you love, diseases such as fear, anxiety and obsessions do not end quickly and need to be graduated and your condition has improved on the drug and this indicates that your condition will improve more I assure you, as for sleep, organize your time This is the best solution. Sleep needs to be regulated. After a while, you will find that you can sleep easily without fear and on time

God is with you, why do you fear? By God, the Lord of Lords is with you, and if you raise your hand to heaven, he will answer your supplication, but God does not change what you live until they change what they are in. You start to change to a normal life and ignore anything. Stop eating, but continue and play with your children as if he did not come while he will disappear through constant neglect only with patience. The healing is not in one day, but by challenge and ignorance.

The feelings of people differ among themselves. There are those who shed tears quickly when they see someone who is in pain and another is affected by that, but they do not shed their tears. So feelings and emotions vary according to people, and this is normal, and the noble verse says we created you in stages.

As for the problem when the individual's feelings and emotions are delicate, but with the passage of days they become cold or dull, this matter needs attention to know the reason and the causes are many, including the following:

1. - The individual is exposed to problems that he is unable to solve

2. Trauma to the individual

3. Depression of the individual

4. Feeling frustrated

5. Loss of interest in others

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