الأربعاء، 9 أكتوبر 2013

Surah Al-Kahf

Historical Background

We have already briefly referred to the conditions of that period in the introduction to Surah Al-Kahf. Here we shall give rather fuller details of the same conditions, which will be helpful in grasping the meaning of this Surah and the other Surahs of the period. When the chiefs of the Quraish felt that they had failed to suppress the Islamic movement by ridicule, sarcasm, and by holding out promises and threats and by making false accusations, they resorted to persecution, beating and economic pressure. They would catch hold of the new Muslims of their clans and persecute them, starve them and would even inflict physical torture on them in order to coerce them to give up Islam. The most pitiful victims of their persecution were the poor people and the slaves and the proteges of the Quraish. They were beaten black and blue, were imprisoned and kept thirsty and hungry and were dragged on the burning sands of Makkah. The people would get work from the professional labourers but would not pay them their wages. As an instance we give below the story of Hadrat Khabbab bin Arat, which is given in Bukhari and Muslim:
"I used to work as a blacksmith in Makkah. Once I did some work for As bin Wa'il. When I went to ask for my wages, he said, 'I will not pay your wages unless you disown Muhammad'."
In the same connection Hadrat Khabbab says, "One day the Holy Prophet was sitting in the shadow of the Ka'abah. I went to him and said, '0 Messenger of Allah, now persecution has gone to its extreme; why do you not pray to Allah (for relief)?' At this the Holy Prophet was greatly moved. He said, 'The believers before you were persecuted much more than you. Their bones were scraped with combs of iron and their heads were cut with saws, but still they did not give up their Faith. I assure you that Allah will fulfill this Mission, and there will come a period of such peace that one would travel from Sanna to Hadramaut, and he will have no fear from anyone, save Allah. But you people have already become impatient'." (Bukhari)
When the conditions became unbearable, the Holy Prophet, in the month of Rajab of the fifth year of Prophethood, gave advice to his Companions to this effect: "You may well migrate to Habash, for there is a king, who does not allow any kind of injustice to anyone, and there is good in his land. You should remain there till the time that Allah provides a remedy for your affliction".
Accordingly, at first, eleven men and four women left for Habash. The Quraish pursued them up to the coast but fortunately they got a timely boat for Habash at the sea-port of Shu'aibah, and they escaped attest. Then after a few months, other people migrated to Habash and their number rose to eighty-three men and eleven women of the Quraish and seven non-Quraish. After this, only forty persons were left with the Holy Prophet at Makkah.
There was a great hue and cry in Makkah after this Migration, for every family of the Quraish was adversely affected by this. There was hardly a family of the Quraish which did not lose a son, a son-in-law, a daughter, a brother or a sister. For instance, there were among the Migrants the near relatives of Abu Jahl, Abu Sufyan and other chief of the Quraish who were notorious for their persecution of the Muslims. As a result of this, some of them became even more bitter in their enmity of Islam, while there were others who were so moved by this that they embraced Islam. For instance, this Migration left a deep mark on Hadrat Umar. One of his relatives, Laila, daughter of Hathmah, says, "I was packing my luggage for Migration, while my husband, Amr bin Rabiy'ah, had gone out. In the meantime Umar came there and began to watch me, while I was engaged in preparation for the journey. Then he said, 'Are you also going to migrate?' I answered, 'Yes by God, you people have persecuted us much. But the wide earth of Allah is open for us. Now we are going to a place where Allah will grant us peace'. At this, I noticed such signs of emotion on the face of Umar as I had never seen before. He simply said, 'May God be with you' and went away."
After the migration, the Quraish held consultations, and decided to send Abdullah bin Abi Rabiy'ah, half brother of Abu Jahl, and Amr bin As to Habash with precious gifts so as to persuade Negus to send the migrants back to Makkah. Hadrat Umm Salmah (a wife of the Holy Prophet), who was among the migrants, has related this part of the story in detail. She says, "When these two clever statesmen of the Quraish reached Habash, they distributed the gifts among the courtiers of the King and persuaded them to recommend strongly to him to send the migrants back. Then they saw Negus himself and, presenting rich gifts to him, said, "Some headstrong brats of our city have come to your land and our chiefs have sent us to you with the request that you may kindly send them back. These brats have forsaken our faith and have not embraced your faith either, but have invented a new faith". As soon as they had finished their speech, all the courtiers recommended their case, saying, "We should send such people back to their city for their people know them better. It is not proper for us to keep them here". At this the King was annoyed and said, "I am not going to give them back without proper enquiry. As these people have put their trust in my country rather than in any other country and have come here to take shelter, I will not betray them. At first I will send for them and investigate into the allegations these people have made against them. Then I will make my final decision". Accordingly, the King sent for the Companions of the Holy Prophet and asked them to come to his court.
When the migrants received the message of the King, they assembled and held consultations as to what they should say to the King. At last they came to this unanimous decision: "We will present before the King the teachings of the Holy Prophet without adding anything to or withholding anything from them and leave it to him whether he lets us remain here or turns us out of his country". When they came to the court, the King put this problem abruptly before them:"I understand that you have given up the faith of your own people and have neither embraced my faith nor any other existing faith. I would like to know what your new faith is." At this, Jafar bin Abi Talib, on behalf of the migrants, made an extempore speech to this effect: "O King! We were sunk deep in ignorance and had become very corrupt; then Muhammad (Allah's peace be upon him) came to us as a Messenger of God, and did his best to reform us. But the Quraish began to persecute his followers, so we have come to your country in the hope that here we will be free from persecution". After his speech, the King said, "Please recite a piece of the Revelation which has been sent down by God to your Prophet". In response, Hadrat Jafar recited that portion of Surah Maryam which relates the story of Prophets John and Jesus (Allah's peace be upon them). The King listened to it and wept, so much so that his beard became wet with tears. When Hadrat Jafar finished the recital, he said:"Most surely this Revelation and the Message of Jesus have come from the same source. By God I will not give you up into the hands of these people".
Next day `Amr bin `As went to Negus and said, "Please send for them again and ask them concerning the creed they hold about Jesus, the son of Mary, for they say a horrible thing about him". The King again sent for the migrants, who had already learnt about the scheme of Amr. They again sat together and held consultations in regard to the answer they should give to the King, if he asked about the belief they held about Prophet Jesus. Though this was a very critical situation and all of them were uneasy about it, they decided that they would say the same thing that Allah and His Messenger had taught them. Accordingly, when they went to the court, the King put them the question that had been suggested by Amr bin As. So Jafar bin Abi Talib stood up and answered without the least hesitation: "He was a Servant of Allah and His Messenger. He was a Spirit and a Word of Allah which had been sent to virgin Mary." At this the King picked up a straw from the ground and said, 'Bye God, Jesus was not worth this straw more than what you have said about him." After this the King returned the gifts sent by the Quraish, saying, "I do not take any bribe". Then he said to the migrants, "You are allowed to stay here in perfect peace."

Topics of Discussion

Topics of Discussion

The very first verse gives direct and strict warning to those who were rejecting the Message outright, as if to say, "Allah's decision has already been made concerning your rejection of the Message. Why are you then clamoring for hastening it? Why don't you make use of the respite that is being given to you!" And this was exactly what the disbelievers of Makkah needed at the time of the revelation of this Surah. For they challenged the Holy Prophet over and over again: "Why don't you bring that scourge with which you have been threatening us! For we have not only rejected your Message but have been openly opposing it for a long time." Such a challenge had become a by-word with them, which they frequently repeated as a clear proof that Muhammad (Allah's peace be upon him) was not a true Prophet.
Immediately after this warning they have been admonished to give up shirk, for this false creed was the main obstacle in the way of the Message. Then the following topics come over and over again, one after the other:
  1. Very convincing proofs of Tauhid and refutation of shirk have been based on the plain signs in the universe and in man's own self.
  2. The objections of the disbelievers have been answered, their arguments refuted, their doubts removed and their false pretexts exposed.
  3. Warnings have given of the consequences of persistence in false ways and antagonism to the Message.
  4. The moral changes which the Message of the Holy Prophet aims to bring practically in human life have been presented briefly in an appealing manner. The mushriks have been told that belief in Allah, which they also professed, demanded that it should not be confined merely to lip service, but this creed should take a definite shape in moral and practical life.
  5. The Holy Prophet and his companions have been comforted and told about the attitude they should adopt in the face of antagonism and persecution by the disbelievers.

Period of Revelation

Period of Revelation

It is clear from its topics and style that the period of its revelation is about the same as that of Surah Ibrahim, for two things are quite prominent in its background. First, it appears from the repeated warnings in this Surah that in spite of the fact that the Holy Prophet had been propagating the Message for many years, his people in general had not shown any inclination towards its acceptance nay, they had become more and more obdurate and stubborn in their antagonism, enmity and ridicule with the passage of time. Secondly, by that time the Holy Prophet had begun to feel a little tired of making strenuous efforts to eradicate disbelief and opposition of his people. That is why Allah has consoled and comforted him over and over again by way of encouragement.

The azhan was made part of the shari'

The azhan was made part of the shari' during the ahfirst year after the migration to Madinah. The hadith clarify what led up to its institution.
Nafa' related that Ibn 'Umar said, "The Muslims would gather and calculate the time of prayer, and no one would call them. They spoke about that one day. Some said, 'We should have a bell like the Christians.' Others said, 'We should have a horn like the Jews.' Suggested 'Umar, 'Why don't we have one person call the others to prayer?' The Messenger of Allah said, 'Stand, Bilal, and make the call to prayer." (Related by Ahmad and al-Bukhari.)
Reported 'Abdullah ibn (Zaid ibn) 'Abd Rabbih, "When the Prophet was to order the use of a bell to call the people to prayer, he disliked it because it resembled the Christian practice. While I was sleeping, a man came to me carraying a bell. I said to him, 'O slave of Allah, will you sell me that bell?' Said he, 'What would you do with it?' I replied, 'I would call the people to prayer with it.' Said he, 'Shall I not guide you to something better than that?' I said, 'Certainly.' Said he, 'You should say, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar. Ashhadu alla ilaha illal-lah, ashhadu alla ilaha illallah, Ashhadu anna Muhammad ar-Rasool-lal-lah, ashhadu anna Muhammadar-Rasool-lal-lah. Hayya 'alas-salah, hayyah 'alassalah. Hayya 'alal-falah, hayya 'alal-falah. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar. La ilaha illal-lah.' Then he went a short distance away and said, 'When you stand for the prayer, say, 'Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar. Ashhadu alla ilaha illal-lah, Ashhadu anna Muhammad ar-Rasool-lal-lah Hayya 'alas-salah, hayya 'alal-falah. Qad qaamatis-salah, qad qaamatis-salah. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar. La ilaha illal-lah.'When the morning came, I went to the Messenger of Allah to tell him what I had seen. He said, 'Your dream is true, Allah willing. Go to Bilal, tell him what you have seen, and tell him to make the call to prayer, for he has the best voice among you.' I went to Bilal and told him what to do, and he made the call to prayer. 'Umar was in his house when he heard it. He came out with his cloak, saying 'By the One who has raised you with the truth, I saw similar to what he saw.' The Prophet, upon whom be peace, said, 'To Allah is the praise." The hadith is related by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah, Ibn Khuzaimah and at-Tirmizhi, who called it hassan sahih.

The azhan

The azhan is a call to inform others in specific words that the time for a prayer has begun. It is a call to the congregation, and is an expression of the Islamic practices. It is obligatory or highly preferred. Al-Qurtubi and others have said that the azhan, although it has very few words, covers all essentials of the faith. It begins by proclaiming the greatness of Allah, pointing to His existence and perfection. It mentions His oneness and the denial of polytheism, and it confers the messengership of Muhammad, upon whom be peace. It calls to specific acts of obedience after testifying to Muhammad's messengership, and it calls to a prosperity which is everlasting, pointing to the return to Allah. Then, in a manner of emphasis, it repeats some of what was already mentioned.


A Book that is full of answers,
A Book that makes you cry.
A Book that makes you notice,
How much harder you can try.
A Book that makes you realize,
What true love really is...
A Book that gives you direction,
for all of life's tough biz.
A Book that gives you hope,
that Someone somewhere's watching over you.
A Book that helps you out,
Through all the times your blue.
A Book that was revealed to our beloved Prophet(SAWS),
over a period of 23 years
Once you put faith into this Book,
You can handle worldly fears.
A gift sent down from Heaven,
A treasure from above,
Written proof that shows us
How blessed we are with Allah(SWT's)love!

Easter Greetings!

Easter Greetings!
Flower enthusiastic welcome
Easter Spring celebration.
You're in the springtime,
chased away the winter.
You are the salvation,
Physical and spiritual blessings from God.
live your life,
freezing winter wakes from sleep the spring
Spots on the trees to bud,
the many of the thrush whistles,
Seeds germinate, sprout in catkins,
nest the stork, lark.
Colourful springtime - life casts,
fertility celebration.
Love inspires
makes all the birds are mating,
flowers have an enticing fragrance bees.
After the long winter fast,
ham feast waiting
There are many nice folk customs,
sprinkling happy, bunny-gift
red painted eggs and offering for sale
Children delight: hiking, laughter,
bacchanalian crew in the next day hangover!
Religious who go to Mass,
who does not, run to the meadow,
spray girls
give kisses.
Let the celebration worthy of revival
spiritual forgiveness, liberation,
Ringing of bells in many words:
win the peace!
Hi dear friend blessed happy Easter wish you good night,
wonderful morning wake-up sweet  kiss...

Oh colorful flowering meadows million

Oh colorful flowering meadows million
You hear the song, singing in the wind
Bees buzzing song
Ode to the tune of Eternal Spring

Oh to feel the smell of spring wizard
The soft breeze breeze
Silky caress of sunlight
The flood of soft flower opening

Oh you see the white heron watching walks
Poppy, larkspur, cornflower opening
The colorful flower fields
The pair of birds welcoming dance

Oh to see the forest flowers
Trees, shrubs flower color riot
All, all you greet
Spring magic all around you

Because there is no better time for nature
Deep sleep revived
God's blessing, a gift from us
Happiness is what you can one's heart  first in feel...

Ó millió virágos tarka rét
Hallod a dalt ,dúdol a szél
Méhek zümmögő dalát
Az örök tavasz óda dallamát

Ó érzed -e a tavasz varázsló illatát
A szellő lágy fuvallatát
A napsugár selymes simogatását
A virágözön halk nyitását

Ó látod-e a fehér gém figyelve sétál
Pipacs,szarkaláb,búzavirág nyílását
A mező tarka virágát
A madarak párja hívogató táncá

Ó látod-e az erdő mélyén virágok
A fák ,bokrok virág színének tobzódását
Mind, mind téged köszöntenek
Tavaszi varázslattal téged körülvesznek

Mert nincs szebb mikor a természet
Mély álmából újra éled
Isten áldása , nekünk ajándéka
Boldogság ez,mit ember szíve is megérez !

Üdvözlégy Húsvét!

Üdvözlégy Húsvét!
Virágos kedvvel köszöntünk
hímes tavaszi ünnepünk.
Te vagy a kikelet,
elűzted a telet.
Te vagy a megváltás,
Istentől eredő testi-lelki áldás.
éled az élet,
dermesztő téli álmából ébred
a tetszhalott Természet.
Pattan a fákon a bimbó,
füttyent a sok rigó,
Magok csíráznak, kihajt a barka,
fészket rak a gólya, pacsirta.
Színpompás kikelet - életet vet,
Szerelmet ébreszt,
párzásra késztet minden állatot,
virágnak ad méheket csábító illatot.
A hosszú téli böjt után,
sonkás lakoma vár,
Sok kedves népszokás,
vidám locsolkodás, nyuszi-ajándék,
piros és hímes tojás kínálás
Gyermekek öröme: kirándulás, kacaj,
duhaj legényeknek másnapi macskajaj!
Aki vallásos, menjen misére,
aki nem, fusson a rétre,
locsoljon lányokat,
adjon csókokat.
Legyen az ünnep méltó megújulás
lelki bűnbocsánat, felszabadulás,
Zengje a sok harang szava:
győzzön a béke!
Szia drága barátom áldott boldog húsvéti ünnepeket kivánok,  jó éjt,
csodás reggeli ébredést puszi 

h colorful flowering meadows million

h colorful flowering meadows million
You hear the song, singing in the wind
Bees buzzing song
Ode to the tune of Eternal Spring

Oh to feel the smell of spring wizard
The soft breeze breeze
Silky caress of sunlight
The flood of soft flower opening

Oh you see the white heron watching walks
Poppy, larkspur, cornflower opening
The colorful flower fields
The pair of birds welcoming dance

Oh to see the forest flowers
Trees, shrubs flower color riot
All, all you greet
Spring magic all around you

Because there is no better time for nature
Deep sleep revived
God's blessing, a gift from us
Happiness is what you can one's heart  first in feel...

Ó millió virágos tarka rét
Hallod a dalt ,dúdol a szél
Méhek zümmögő dalát
Az örök tavasz óda dallamát

Ó érzed -e a tavasz varázsló illatát
A szellő lágy fuvallatát
A napsugár selymes simogatását
A virágözön halk nyitását

Ó látod-e a fehér gém figyelve sétál
Pipacs,szarkaláb,búzavirág nyílását
A mező tarka virágát
A madarak párja hívogató táncá

Ó látod-e az erdő mélyén virágok
A fák ,bokrok virág színének tobzódását
Mind, mind téged köszöntenek
Tavaszi varázslattal téged körülvesznek

Mert nincs szebb mikor a természet
Mély álmából újra éled
Isten áldása , nekünk ajándéka
Boldogság ez,mit ember szíve is megérez !

A face, which my face is turned to

A face, which my face is turned to
A word  the dumbness  through,
A hand which my hand  toward starting
And here find with him the happiness.

Who knows why I like so the evening quietly 
When the wind the trees among stealthily sneaks  through?
Who knows why? I like it so a dear poem
that hundreds of times also I read away ...

Who knows why she smiles at me the first star,
If here is the nights, and fought in the shadow and light?
Who knows why else in the world, when You're here,
And who knows why love you I do

thousand's of questions  thousand of feelings,
Each one nice, each one  dreams promises
the most beautiful dream with me,stay
Accompanies  my life to end

Who knows why I'm glad so the sunlight
If here the summer is and all around me full of light?
Who knows why? Maybe it's because your I see you
And perhaps because so I love you I do.
Egy arc, mely arcom felé fordul, 
Egy szó a némaságon át, 
Egy kéz, mely kezem felé indul, 
S ide talál vele a boldogság. 

Ki tudja, miért szeretem úgy az esti csendet, 
Mikor a szél a fák közt lopva át oson? 
Ki tudja, miért szeretek úgy egy kedves verset, 
Hogy százszor is elolvasom? 

Ki tudja, miért mosolyog rám az első csillag, 
Ha itt az éj, s harcol az árnyék és a fény? 
Ki tudja, miért más a világ, amikor itt vagy, 
S ki tudja, miért szeretlek Téged 

Ezernyi kérdés, ezernyi érzés, 
Mindegyik szép, mindegyik álmokat ígér, 
S a legszebb álom velem marad, 
Életemen végigkísér. 

Ki tudja, miért örülök úgy a napsugárnak, 
Ha itt a nyár s köröttem minden csupa fény? 
Ki tudja, miért? Talán azért, mert Téged látlak, 
S talán, mert úgy szeretlek Téged én. 

Do not ask, that I to promise, you a what I can not

Koral: Sand in the wind....

 Do not ask, that I to promise, you a what I can not !
I love you, and I by your side am
But I know well that the day will come,
And not will be nothing, what is then back hold...
Because anywhere not I could calm down yet             
And if I were not free, live not I could 

Sand in the wind, you saying,the  I am,
Sand in the wind, maybe the  I am.
Sand in the wind, I know ,that the am.
Sand in the wind, change it I cannot 

River bed without river I will be without you
And may be, that many times I'm wrong.
And every morning is worth perhaps elsewhere,
And no one will remember me
And I do not know, that what happen yet
But if I were not free,live not I could !

Sand in the wind, you saying,the  I am,
Sand in the wind, maybe the  I am.
Sand in the wind, I know ,that the am.
Sand in the wind,I can not change it.
 Ne kérd, hogy ígérjem meg azt amit nem tudok !
Én szeretlek, és melletted vagyok
De tudom jól, hogy eljön majd a nap,
És nem lesz semmi, ami majd vissza tart ...
Mert sehol sem tudtam megnyugodni még
ha én nem lennék szabad, élni sem tudnék

Homok a szélben, azt mondod, az vagyok,
Homok a szélben, talán az vagyok.
Homok a szélben, tudom, hogy az vagyok.
Homok a szélben, megváltozni nem tudok

Meder nélküli folyó leszek nélküled
És lehet, hogy sokszor tévedek.
És minden reggel máshol ér talán,
És senki nem fog emlékezni rám
És nem tudom, hogy mi történhet még
De ha nem lennék szabad, élni sem tudnék!

Homok a szélben, azt mondod, az vagyok,
Homok a szélben, talán az vagyok.
Homok a szélben, tudom, hogy az vagyok.
Homok a szélben, megváltoztatni.nem tudok,...



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