الأربعاء، 9 أكتوبر 2013


A Book that is full of answers,
A Book that makes you cry.
A Book that makes you notice,
How much harder you can try.
A Book that makes you realize,
What true love really is...
A Book that gives you direction,
for all of life's tough biz.
A Book that gives you hope,
that Someone somewhere's watching over you.
A Book that helps you out,
Through all the times your blue.
A Book that was revealed to our beloved Prophet(SAWS),
over a period of 23 years
Once you put faith into this Book,
You can handle worldly fears.
A gift sent down from Heaven,
A treasure from above,
Written proof that shows us
How blessed we are with Allah(SWT's)love!

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قوة المراءة

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