الثلاثاء، 31 أكتوبر 2017

Congregations of the clergy

Congregations of the clergy 

Satan and his followers try to hallucinate the clergy after he has done his job in making the prophets and messengers gods without God. The best way to accomplish this task is to teach them to be the heirs of the prophets and messengers. For example, the Church represents Jesus, peace be upon him, and the church is a society consisting of hierarchical organs and the body of Christ. Internal. It consists of two phenomena, one human and the other God. [1] The Church is also a guide and a signal of connection between man and God. [2] The Pope has full authority over all churches. [3] The Pope is an infallible authority. [4] Some Muslims have taken the path of the Christians on this subject; some Sufi groups and methods have the term 'full man'. The whole person in their eyes represents the truth Muhammadiyah. It includes all orders of material and moral luxuries. [5] Each of the Sufi methods sees her sheikh as a complete human being. The believers also believe that God has embodied in their elders. And since the perfection of God Almighty must be embodied in the Almighty in the Sheikh until he becomes a complete person. And Allaah is exalted from such things, for what they say is great.

Some of the acts of the heart are required by the law

Some of the acts of the heart are required by the law; Allaah is like the work of the heart that has settled in him after the evidence and the mental evidence of his entitlement to worship and love, while envy is similar to the work of the heart, but the mind does not support him or call him. We said that the mind can not accept error unless it is overcome by the heart. Even though the heart appears to the absent mind, the mind is not satisfied with the acceptance of error, so its owner works to neutralize it as much as possible, and the effect of this neutralization appears when the sinner is reminded of the facts. He is disturbed and appears to be constricted by the heart. With the mind that rejects the wrong, and in this God says: 

(And if God alone, the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter, and if the mention of those without him if they are happy) (Al-Zumar, 45) 

The believer will explain his chest when reminding him God Almighty, (2) The heart of the believer is glorified and explains when he hears the truths because his heart is compatible with the logic of truth (that is, the believer). The mind), while the infidel lacks the element of harmony between his heart and mind so you find him disgusted whenever the facts are remembered. 

The difference between the believer and the unbeliever is that the believer has his heart following his mind, while the infidel makes his mind follow his heart. And depend on it is the acceptance of the heart; because it is the source of control in the human, it is the Almighty God's heart, his servant acceptable, and his slave without the decision of his heart, his worship is not acceptable, and therefore we said that relying on the decision of the heart and not the decision of reason. Because the believer is distinguished from the hypocrite, the hypocrites may perform the good deeds as the believer but they do not accept him, because those deeds do not come out of his heart. 

Allah says in the hypocrites: (And if those who believe believe they said safe and if they go to their demons, they said, we are with you but we mock) (Baqarah, 14) 
{ (Al-Imran, 119) 

{And if you see them you like their bodies and if they say you hear them say that they are assigned wood and they count every shout they have The enemy of God, curse them beware Aavkon} (hypocrites 4).

In Islam

... the words of Stat
Report Abuse
Wanted wife
50 x 50
Ahmed Agha
46, Cairo, Egypt
First, if we want to discuss the wisdom of pluralism, we can not write a comment, but I say the power of the barn has factors, even if you notice that Islam focused on the development of all these factors and take the factor of the human number in question.
In recent years because of the lack of marriage and the reluctance of married women to procreate, they have received a great shortage in the youth category, forcing the authorities to grant nationalities for expatriates to increase the number ..
In Islam, we are commanded to treat women as excellent. There is no doubt that the multiplicity of reproduction harms the mirror and exhausts it
According to the different women
As well as ordered us to increase the number of the nation and to reconcile the two things do not happen only by multiplicity
Research in zoology also shows that the increasing proportion of God's creation of females to males is generation after generation, and this is even seen in animals (ask breeders)
Wars also affect the ratio
In conclusion, I say that the mirror is not selfish and love for her sister what she loves for herself says, peace be upon him does not believe any of you even loves to brother what loves to Nftha need a religion from both sides ..
It is recognized that most women do not tolerate pluralism, but better than celibacy, without doubt, if the man is pious and stern at the limits of God, and then if we argued against those who fight polygamy in this age and we said to them did not think that the man is hard and tired to be on your knees and sometimes exposed to speculation in the work of The manager does not care about dignity because he thinks of meeting the needs of the poor in the house so it was said that the man stands up something of the vine and courage at marriage, did not think women objecting to sacrificing part of these two qualities that have long been spoken by Arab poets, and if our best Women that a man is sitting does not do something like a male hive to object, I tell WL It is disobedient to obey the devil without knowing the romance lies and verify if only one husband and wife must live together longevity and can not divorce only after about 10 years of abandonment and then differentiate them
Or if the husband reveals the wife and is committing adultery
But this Christian concept, of course, contradicts and contradicts the teachings of the Islamic religion, which came according to the wishes of human nature, as the maker of the thing informed the people of the thing that harms or benefits his work
So what is with God, who created us in the best form and is aware and know what benefits us and what hurts us
He who brought down this religion in order to work and hold on to it
Which appeared in the census two in the verse
(Two hundred and three and four and if you do not modify one)
The romanticism in the Islamic religion is not limited to one wife only, but men according to their human nature can distribute the romance of four women in contrast to women where a woman can not distribute the right to romantic romance of more than one man only
Al-Haj Metwally's series came to explain this idea
The daughters of this age and inadvertently are influenced by the Christian culture and ideas and holidays, such as the story of the Christian monk Valentine, Mother's Day and other holidays and events, as well as marital infidelity and its concept according to this Christian concept and inadvertently as the one who grew up on something young
The betrayal in Islam between spouses occurs if the husband has weight and is married, this is considered a traitor
But if he married Fibark God in it is something halal
When we talk about the cultural invasion, we do not mean that the girl is aware of her actions, but what you see in television or in the media of the principles of Christian selfishness and Christian holidays and events of the Christian thought enters directly into her subconscious mind and without realizing it
It acts on its basis without feeling and believes that this is the state of human nature
She insists she is right
But if you acknowledge that she is a Muslim, you must refer to the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Prophet to judge her in the matter
A good example of this is the psychological patient
Psychiatric patient is aware that he is a patient that is easy to treat
But the problem in psychiatric patients is that they think they are healthy and that they have patients and do not need a doctor or medicine
They also believe that they are right and that everyone is wrong
The above I love to focus on human nature and the teachings of Islam
But we must acknowledge and acknowledge that polygamy protects society from major societal problems and problems and corruption in the land
As the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
(If you come from the satisfaction of his religion Vjzoh and not be a great fitna and tribulation) or as he said peace be upon him
Suppose a wife is satisfied that her husband marries her
Where do divorcees go, widows and widows?
Do they weigh to spend their innate desires created by God Almighty
Likewise, men who have no agreement with their wives or that the first wife did not satisfy his wishes, is he divorced and separated his children to marry another woman according to the teachings of the Christian religion in the 21st century, and many married couples who are not really married due to the friction between the sexes, Under which the man does not adhere to his wife and vice versa, which led to what we are now unfortunately.
Women often complain of polygamy and are called non-consensual. Sometimes they pretend to be preoccupied with work or such a person. They say that they are indispensable for marriage if they are found in their work and have very close relations with men and even married men.
We ask that those who write in this matter not to pursue the policy of escaping forward and to overcome the human instinct that is taking place. 'They are the dwelling place for you.

Ум отвергает Ширка

Ум отвергает Ширка 

Любой, у кого есть здоровый ум, не принимает многобожия. Нет доказательств соучастия, кроме слепых традиций и нетерпимости к религии Отцов. Поэтому Священный Коран призывал людей рассуждать и считал, что не осознание разума и зависимость от традиции - это оставаться уклоном. Аллах говорит (толкование смысла): «И не было того, чтобы верить, кроме как с разрешения Аллаха, и мерзость для тех, кто не понимает» (Юнус, 10/100). Коран также предписывает подражать невежественным и их последователям в их омовениях. Аллах говорит (толкование смысла): «И если им говорят:« Придите к тому, что Аллах открыл Посланнику и сказал нашему Пророку, что наши отцы нашли о нас, но их родители ничего не знали и не руководствовались ». Аллаху принадлежит с небес и с земли, и за теми, кто следует за тем, кто призывает без Аллаха, партнеров, чтобы они следовали без подозрений и что их только отрезали »(Юнус, 10/66). 
Аллах предупредил своего Пророка мир ему от плохих последствий многобожия, сказав «Приди»: «не удерживает тебя от стихов Бога после того, как тебя бросили и помолились твоему Господу и не были из многобожников. И не позволяйте другому Богу быть с Аллахом, нет Бога, кроме Него, все разрушено, кроме Его лица есть Его суд, и к вам вы вернетесь »(Аль-Касас, 28/88). 
Аллах предупреждал о политеизме Все те, у кого есть знание: Бог сказал: «Если бы не столетия до того, как ты оставил Олоху коррумпированность на земле, но немного тех, кого мы им дали, и следуй за теми, кто обидел их, что они были высокомерными и были преступниками. И твой Господь не должен был разрушать деревни с несправедливостью, а его народ - реформаторы »(Худ, 11 / 16-117). 
«И предупреждайте, кто боится быть запутанным для своего Господа, у них нет никого, кроме него и меня, и никакого покровителя, возможно, они боятся» (Аль-Анам, 6/51). 

«И судите их, включая Бога, явленного и не следуйте их прихотям и предостерегайте их, чтобы соблазнить вас для некоторых из Бога, которые были открыты вам, если вы знаете, но Бог хочет поразить их некоторыми из своих грехов и многих людей в Всаконе. И тот, кто лучше Аллаха, является судом для верующих »(Аль-Мааида 5: 49-50). 

«Боль для тех, кто верит, что сердца сердец воспоминаний о Боге и то, что сошло от истины, и не походите на тех, кто дал книгу, и их сердца были сломаны, а многие из них спойлеры» (железо, 57/16).

Mind rejects Shirk

Mind rejects Shirk 

Anyone with a sound mind does not accept polytheism. There is no evidence of complicity except the blind traditions and intolerance of the religion of the Fathers. So the Holy Quran called people to reason, and considered that the non-realization of the mind, and reliance on tradition is to stay shirk. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 'And it was not for the same to believe except with the permission of Allaah, and to make abomination to those who do not understand' (Yunus, 10/100). The Qur'an also enjoins the imitating the ignorant and their followers in their ablutions. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 'And if it is said to them, Come to what Allah has revealed to the Messenger and say to our Prophet, what our fathers have found about us, but their parents knew nothing and were not guided.' To Allah belongeth from the heavens and from the earth, and to those who follow, who call on without Allah, partners, that they follow without suspicion, and that they are only being cut off '(Yunus, 10/66). 
Allah has warned his Prophet peace be upon him from the bad consequences of polytheism by saying Come: «does not keep you from the verses of God after being dropped to you and pray to your Lord and do not be of polytheists. And do not let another god be with Allah, there is no god but He, all things are destroyed, except His face is His judgment, and unto him you shall return. '(Al-Qasas, 28/88). 
Allah warned of polytheism All those who have knowledge: God said: 'If it were not for centuries before you Oloh rest on corruption in the land only a little of those who we gave them and follow those who wronged what they were rich and criminals. And your Lord was not to destroy the villages with injustice, and its people are reformers. '(Hud, 11 / 16-117). 
'And warn him who fear to be entangled to their Lord, they have no other without him and me and no patron, perhaps they fear' (Al-Anam, 6/51). 

«And judge them including God revealed and do not follow their whims and warn them to tempt you for some of God revealed to you if you know, but God wants to hit them some of their sins and many of the people to Vsakon. And the one who is better than Allah is a judgment for those who believe. '(Al-Maa'idah 5: 49-50). 

«Pain for those who believe that the hearts of the hearts of the remembrance of God and what came down from the truth and not be like those who have given the book before long and their hearts have been broken and many of them spoilers» (iron, 57/16).

Дорогой умственный:

Дорогой умственный: Erhamni достаточно Роджи У меня есть работа утром, а не
Aarf Iam от вас ... Речь, адресованная вам, - это скрипка, база моего дяди Яли на севере
... (Джо) (Надаба)), который вы De Mabakulch Maia
Ни один Бог не объявил чрезвычайное положение, и их похитители арестовали вас за обладание чувствами!
Я желаю вам спокойствия, если вы позволите мне, я хочу спать.
Если судьба воля и вам повезет войти в мой мозг, вы легко сможете забрать вас в любое время
Но, пожалуйста, примите следующие меры предосторожности:
1- Свет разбит, тогда советуют взять разведчика, а наименее оцененная - свеча или зажигалка
2. В связи с большим количеством лабиринтов и туннелей, расположенных в трехмерном советую взять карту, чтобы избежать любого возможного дезориентацию Ihsalk ... .astiznk ответить с вами 2 карты одного и того же типа, по причинам, я всегда буду помнить позже
3. Возможность атмосферы соответствует большому количеству людей, известных людей и людей сетки известных людей Bakalha период сетки из знания или сетки Айза, или вы пропустите карту Mayaashan Matakrjh или людей я изменил дверь место специальной Ашан Matakrjh беспокоиться, если они совершены
!! Инструкции очень вероятны, что вы сходите к двери
4. В лице, Азиз сверху специальный левит вам Htarafh самостоятельно что Acolk ... почти .alchks де «я» htlaekaya сидел с тем же D Eidak и вручила ему Adelh карты «пункт 2», потому что я забыл Acolk, что я от включения людей, которые сам по себе высшему образованию первоначально
5. Как я уже говорил вам ранее, что место полно мрак тьмы вероятность очень большой сходимость странных объектов неизвестного происхождения «Matqlakec, которые происходят в любом мозге» Bas необходимо напомнить, что большая часть рода лукавых советуют взять Bazooka или пулемет любого, чтобы избавиться от них, как только их спинов и держать Riht себя и Rihtna! !
6 - В конце выступления Atmnlk поездка счастлива ... если вы выходите изначально !! '

عزيزى عقلى

عزيزي عقلي: ارحمني كفايه رغي بقي عندي شغل الصبح ومش
عارف انام منك…الكلام موجه ليك انت كمان يا عم ياللي قاعد فى الحتة الشمال
…جو (( الندابه )) اللي انت فيه ده مابياكولش معايا
لا إما والله اعلن حالة الطوارئ وخليهم يقبضوا عليك بتهمة حيازة مشاعر !….
ياريت هدوء بقي لو سمحتوا انتوا الاتنين عشان نفسي انام ساعه بقي علي بعضها. 
اذا شاء القدر واسعدك الحظ للدخول الي دماغي فاهلاً وسهلا بيك فى اي وقت
ولكن ارجوا اتخاذ الاحتياطات الاتيه:
1- النور مقطوع بقالوا فتره انصحك باتخاذ كشاف اوعلي اقل التقدير شمعه او ولاعه
2- نظرا لكثرة الدهاليز والسراديب الموجوده بالداخل انصحك باتخاذ خريطة ثلاثية الابعاد لتفادي اي توهان ممكن يحصلك….استئذنك تجيب معاك عدد 2 خريطة من نفس النوع لاسباب ساذكرها لاحقا
3- احتمال تقابل جوا ناس كتير ناس معروفة وناس مش معروفه ناس بقالها فتره مش عارفه تخرج او مش عايزه تخرج او ضيعت الخريطة عمداعشان ماتخرجش او ناس انا غيرت مكان الباب مخصوص عشان ماتخرجش لاتقلق اذا التزمت
!! بالتعليمات احتمال كبير انك تلاقي الباب تاني
4- فى شخص عزيز عليا مميز اوي انت هتعرفه لوحدك من غير ما اقولك….الشخص ده تقريبا “انا” هتلاقيه قاعد مع نفسه مد ايدك وسلم عليه واديله الخريطة “فقره 2” لان انا نسيت اقولك ان انا من ضم الناس اللي نفسها تخرج اصلا
5- كما ذكرت لك سابقا ان المكان ملئ بالظلام الدامس فاحتمال كبير جدا تلاقي كائنات غريبة غير معلومه المصدر “ماتقلقش بتحصل في اي دماغ” بس لازم انبهك ان معظمها من النوع الشرس فانصحك باتخاذ بازوكة او رشاش ألي للتخلص منهم فور ظهورهم وتبقي ريحت نفسك وريحتني !!
6- فى نهاية الكلام اتمنالك رحله سعيده…ده اذا خرجت اصلا !!”


 فلنغير نظرة التشاؤم في أعيننا لما حل بنا من محن إلى نظرة حب وتفاؤل لما عاد علينا من فائدة وخير بعد مرورنا بهذه المحن. ما أحوجنا لمثل هذا ال...