الخميس، 28 سبتمبر 2017

وإذا رأى الانسان في منامه ان الكتاكيت تصدر صوتا في منزله وبيته ، فهو من الممكن أن يدل هذا  ذلك الحلم على أن هذا الانسان فاجر ويصنع المشاكل .
وكذلك قيل أنه من رأى في حلمه الدجاج او ريش الدجاج ، فهو يدل ذلك الحلم على أن المال والرزق.
وكذلك فإذا رأى الانسان انه يذبح دجاجة سمراء في المنام ، فمن المحتمل ان يشير ذلك الحلم الى زواجه من فتاة عذراء.
ومن الممكن ان يشير ذلك الحلم إلي المرأة التي تتكفل بتربية الايتام  .
كما أن رؤية الدجاج في المنام فقد تشير إلي النساء المهينات ولكن الراقدة من الدجاج تشير إلي المرأة التي تمتلك الأصال والنشاط.
ومن رأى أذان للدجاج فهو قد يشير ذلك الحلم إلي الهم والنكد ، وقال بعضهم ان رؤية الدجاج في المنام قد تشير إلي المرض.
حيث تعتبر رؤية الصوص أاو الدجاج في المنام هي تعد من ضمن الأحلام التي من الممكن أن يتم تفسيرها بالخير او بالشر ،

الأربعاء، 27 سبتمبر 2017

We went to the House of Warrior former co-Iraq war, Jesse ماكبيث and his wife, Lin ورضيعهم newborn. Served Jesse soldier in Iraq for 16 months before the injured and then finished his service of the US Army, which is now a member of the Association "محاربو Iraq ancient against war". "Jesse: I thought that I I I will become a hero, that I have you i'll go لأكون best ولأحمي my, ولأتأكد from the rest of the people in my not suffering (from harm). I was I still want to I will perform my duty, for all people innocent and you are proud ببلادي, my House, بحكومتي. Posted in starting to Korean for one week to pick up the soldiers more, such as we have sent US all to Kuwait, including we went to Baghdad. When I arrived to him I stayed in which, changed my gaze the country's entirely. When we were in Kuwait, أعلمونا بمهماتنا the nature of our business as soldiers, وأرشدونا to raise the fear of US in the heart of Iraqis. That is told US. They told US إعملوا to achieve this fear no matter how commissioned it. أعلمونا that command will not تحاسبنا on our business that, and will not do بإتهامنا any misdemeanor, but also arise as need to do whatever commissioned it to make them يخافونك. أمرونا that we قاسيون with them. They told US that we are not there from them, as we have our goals our own, does not mean Geneva convention something to US. The Geneva convention something of waste political. So, when I heard that تسائلت with myself, what happened to the values of the military and speech that جبلنا on it? What do event logo" we are going there to edit the people "? Turned out to me later that the" operation Iraqi freedom "is in fact," the process of slaughter of Iraq ". I remember after that we have received تعليماتنا core, he had asked US to initially it that's go ونخلي caches, which had been struck by our forces flights strongly great. We had to get into the inside الملاجىء devastated we make sure of the death of which, even if he had remained alive any women, children, anyone under the debris. It was we have to spend on them all وننهي their lives and then withdraw their bodies to the outside of the shelter. It was such places such as shelters protection of bombs underground small, or even سراديب in houses. Most of disappeared in which of families, However, the مسؤولينا they contend US a rebel hiding in within them, or the forces clash was hiding there. So هبطنا inside the السراديب destroyer, it was a lot of the dead, but many of them were still alive, وبجروح only. I remember walking in there, offend the smell of meat burning, and hear people cry, and hear call who يستجدوننا to help them لإعتقادهم that we are we were there from them, I see the bodies of the dead rotting. However, we are we kill the remaining of them, even those who did not infected injuries great. Changed after the events of primary, after being seen as after that you work hurt people's lives of others, I felt like I lost a lot of myself I. There was on average, sometimes more, sometimes less, five or six people of who stayed alive after air strikes للملجأ, either of the injured or may تأذوا just a bit or because they resorted to the depths in order to avoid the explosion main and tried to disappearance beyond anything. No feedback so it at all, as we had kill them all in the inside the shelter, and away from the eyes of media, and then get them out of rubble. And in many times, were not information المخابرتية sure about the presence of rebels inside the building. I think they are they told US بوجودهم only because media may ضخمت is a process that bombings in particular, to make things seem as if they were working for the right thing. The rebels work heinous soldiers Americans. Don't pretend that what عملوه US was right, but at the same time, if came some people to America, وبجيش foreign huge, and بالشنائع our Iraqis, I will become I like them completely, وأقوم same business against الغازين. Owns people the right of the struggle for their families, وبلادهم, especially if we were we from nrhb their country, they have the right of resistance. I don't ألومهم. I I I will do the same thing. They told me that I traitor to say that, they said epithets other. Well, I feel like كخائن, but I betray all the things you taught me it of the Army and that they made me to do. وبعدم talk about it, I feel I may betrayed رفقائي in the arms of those who died in the war. Then, we were we attacks night on homes, and we were withdraw people outside their homes ونجبرهم to kneel and then to restrict their hands. Then we were we ask the Lord of the House a question, and if not able to إجابتنا including intercede إستفسارنا, we kill child smaller shot in the head, and we keep بإستجوابنا. Might be the man innocent, and can have an ordinary man tries to protect his family. But if you do gives US an answer convincing, we were we kill members of his family members an individual to that tells US something. It is something terrible. Meanwhile, I didn't feel any thing, but you I will perform my duty only. I wanted to be a soldier very well. But I felt by mistake. You disgusted of myself, because I had to be forced myself to hate these people, in order that I could implementation of my duty. I had not أعتبرهم as human beings, but rather see them only as a goal, or enemy, or تجريدهم of إنسانيتهم. Only then I can live with what you do to them. But I still unable to it, and the difficulty of Ali to deal with this feeling اللاإنساني, especially after that I came back to my; However, it thinking it was the only way to me in a timely manner to implement the مهامي. I didn't do I km killed them, but I can say that he وبيدي only likely you've spent 200 people of them, approx. This estimate a first, I spent a lot of them from nearby, like the distance between me and pink, or nearest. When we were نهجم on houses, they are very close of US, to the degree that they were feel warmly my rifle on foreheads. I was not shoot them from the distance nearby, but you أتراجع little shot on them. We had to نخيفهم first, perhaps we بضربهم, or برفسهم, or by multiplying the wife, or even the establishment of some of our soldiers harassment بزوجاتهم in order to إغاظتهم in order to يبوحوا US something. We were نهجم in per night on the houses of multiple, ونقتل about 30 or 40 people of women and children in that night. I have not volunteer military service to kill women and children. I have trained in the military school for a period of 18 a month. I didn't want murder, in order to just killing. I wanted challenging military, you want to fight the soldiers of others. But I was forced to fight against women and children and people innocent people who don't know how are fighting. I have I was frustrated disappointment in my really, and in the governments, but I did not less anything in a timely manner because I I I will address to prison trial and military if I spoke during my stay on active duty. Other things which they asked US to do is ordered to enter the mosque. That's يآذيني a lot, really. Comes to me most كوابيسي of that period. نؤمر to enter the mosque, where was the people play صلاتهم late night. They are not يصلوم a regular late, but they do so in some Holy days they have. We have تسللنا into the mosque by the time of prayer and await مجيئهم. It was up worshipers to a few of hundreds of all ages of women and men. And while they منغمرين in صلاتهم we start shooting dense on them and kill them and then the output of their bodies of the whole we بحرقهم their body, and we are writing on the walls of the mosque:" you are not safe here and you leave "and" ليقبل God (allah) my ass America ". We were we leave some bodies in the streets. After a period of إمتعضت very of this business لمشاركتي where, ولشعوري that my has turned me to the same thing that أحارب against him. Now, I see the back, I realized that we are we terrorists. We who we intimidated their country, and fight the people and full of people who have not they do anything wrong against US. You don't Iraq any relationship attack 9/11. I didn't know that at the time, but I know now. I feel that the death of رفاقي fighters and معاناتي, and each soldiers there, it was for something Petty, was in order to coverage on the lies, for that are difficult to now live with this fact. So to speak, because I feel that it بكلامي that I am at least the work of something to justify the dead. A lot of Iraqis not يريدونا there. We were we shot on protesters because we are told US that they were armed, whether or not they have a weapon. They tell US:" they have a weapon, you can تهجموا on them and then we will find arms with them ". We we found no weapon with them after killing them. It was ordered asking US shooting so on children who were يرموننا stones, or on the demonstrators hoist signs protest or are burned flags. It was our mission to kill, kill, kill. You know what that joke it now:" what makes the grass Green grow? Red القاني ". So have disappointed my hope in my country. I am ashamed of my service in Iraq. The reason that wear this hat and go to this meeting is so I could talk وقول the right to know the people that I have you there and I am ashamed of إضطراري hurt people innocent. I am ashamed of subscribe to one of the vilest business that the governments of بشنها. Iraq terrible. A lot of people die and lots of things happen. Lost a lot of رفاقي. A lot of soldiers return now to America and they are unable to deal with the atrocities مارسوها when they are working there, وحكومتنا don't care about it. Most people do not care about it. There are of interest, but the majority of Americans don't care about the matter. There محاربو Iraq ancient and are now مشردون here without shelter; there محاربو the Vietnam war veterans still مشردون, there محاربو desert storm the ancient and they مشردون as well. If إهتم people here really as much as they say, for them to work on the implementation of their words ويبدلوا this fact. Them to stop murder, because everyone of US supporter of the war, does in fact the support each death pulverizer there in Iraq and all the loss of life. The loss of life Iraqis are hundreds of thousands of people. I didn't realize that it possible to the death of thus a number of people and hide it for the rest of the world. While you are in Iraq, I saw a drill floor large-filled objects scorched or buried. How were able to hide it for the rest of the world? How to hide all these deaths and many of them are innocent? It's actually genocide. Our country has become a terrorist, for that يكرهنا people. I love my, ready to die for my in any day; but I won't die in order to our President, and will not die in order to our government. If it should I should أحارب again, it would be in order to drive out that المتسكع outside his office. I'm tired of Iraq. I'm tired of all of these deaths, and see all these people, and I feel bitterness because you are involved in. I remember this incident there, the family. After هاجمنا beta, we found the Lady is home to her children and young three. One of them was the age of the year, older a bit of my son, and two children age of five or maybe seven years. Were older at all, it was تحتضنهم it was sitting on the ground, However, covered by the blood of the surgeon a her children. I saw I first. إستنجدت me and begged me to protect it and save the children. But I did I do that, but also killed by all of them, because I had to do I do that. Neither passes days now, without the regret to what I did that the family. I think about then my son a lot. What if my son, and if the one killed my family? Iraq terrible, and what we do there an error. I can't say that enough. If you have a dream of service your country, you need to behave a way to another. You can operate in order to turn off the war. It was I have the same ideas luxury for the presence of war hero glorious as you are influenced by stories soldiers Vietnam. The people they tell me:" the war's not like to think about it ". But I didn't listen لكلامهم. And when you go to there وتعتصرك the experience of the war, then realize that people who were correct in نصيحتهم and that the war is terrible, nor shall be subject to a to run the experiment. That our Army lie to you ويتلاعب you, ultimately, they are they will you what they want and will not يحاسبهم one, the government of force and full to do with this matter. Think a lot of people that this speak is true, but see to Iraq. We بإرهاب the nation, while not يحاسبنا one. On the men who walk in the Army here, that they بثورتهم own inside the Army, and here in America. I would recommend this. If you want الكفا

الثلاثاء، 26 سبتمبر 2017

I am Ahmed, the owner of the blog, an expert in industrial gases and the manager of a factory in the equipment of the manufacture of shafts

elieve that God i

Do Christians believe that God i

s one? Did Jesus know that God is one? Did the disciples know about him? What is the meaning of monotheism in the Bible? How do Christians reconcile the concept of one God and the concept of the three universes? p. 43: Christians believe that God is one and has considerations: if they are constrained in a way that their existence does not stop on the progress of Islam, The existence of an attribute before it, such as existence, which is called them Bnnum the Father and if considered described as the existence depends on the existence of the existence of a prior status, such as science, the self depends on the flag of science to the existence of the existence of the universe called the Son of the Son or the Word. And if it is revealed by the fact that they themselves are reasonable, then they are called the leaders of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, from the Father, the meaning of existence and from the Word or the Son means science and from the Holy Spirit, so that the Creator is reasonable to him, so that the one God is one in the subject, if the Gazan testifies to the Christians in the unification. Shaykh Abu al-Khayr al-Tayeb said in his book, Usool al-Din, p. 153: - The statements of Christian scholars attest to their unification because they say that the Pear is the essence of one who is described as perfect and has three personal attributes that Christ reveals about them: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The judge Abu Bakr Mohammed bin Tayeb al-Baklani in his book Altams in the five rules: - If we consider the words of the Christians (Christians) that God is one and three fundamentals do not find between them and us a difference only in the word only, 134. The first picture in which the Divine Self was assigned was a trilogy. The appointment was in the form of science, where science, the world, and knowledge are one truth. The Imam, Sheikh Muhammad Abdo: The essence of the individual, which is indivisible and is not true. In any way. Abbas al-Akkad wrote: In his interpretation of the Christian faith in God, he writes: The Eucharists are one essence, and the Word and the Father are one.
To know that you are a creature ..

If you value your value from the greatness of your Creator only ..

Your great Creator who gave you a hearing, a vision, a mind, and a heart.

To see how you behave ..

A great Creator tells you to grow up with yourself for all that you like.

Of the major sins .. sins .. And even macros ..

Self-respect to be satisfied with all the old ..

And did not offer something that makes you in the night bite fingers regret it ..

Self-esteem makes you a happy person in harmony with yourself.

No contradictions, no doubts, no wishes.

Self-respect to take the pledge to be at the good thought of loving you ..

And hope to see you the best, the most successful and the most successful ..

Self-sufficiency is a difficult equation.

Few people realize it ..

But those who realize it is impossible to give up ..

Self-respect to know that you are a weak creature ..

And your greatness is only from your Creator.

Your goal in life is to get satisfaction ..

And all that leads to his satisfaction is in your interest, religion, health, life and life ..

I am the greatest of your Creator.

Pleased to call yourself for everything that really humiliates you and say ..

With this, you get a penalty in your competition.

Add to what you earned in your world ..

السبت، 23 سبتمبر 2017


'‏ولازم سنها يبقى مناسب طبعا: لا نفس سنه ولا أكبر منه علشان ما تبقاش عجوزة أصل الستات بتعجز بدري، ولا أصغر منه علشان متبقاش عيلة أصل البنات دماغها فاضية. وياريت تكون بتشتغل وبتجيب فلوس، بشرط تحسسه إنه راجل البيت وهو اللي بيصرف. وتكون مثقفة ومطلعة وبتقرأ وعقلها مشغول بحاجات أهم من شغل البيت ومشاكل الشغالة، بس في نفس الوقت متفرغة لشغل البيت والعيال والطبيخ والشغالة. عايزة تخلف نص دستة، بشرط تفضل مانيكان روسية بترقص باليه بحيرة البجع كل يوم الصبح عالريق. تكون بتعرف تطبخ وترقص وتسوق وتغني وتنضف البيت وترسم وتلمع وتعزف بيانو وتكوي وتربي عيال وكمان تدلع الزوج طبعا.‏'
ولازم سنها يبقى مناسب طبعا: لا نفس سنه ولا أكبر منه علشان ما تبقاش عجوزة أصل الستات بتعجز بدري، ولا أصغر منه علشان متبقاش عيلة أصل البنات دماغها فاضية. وياريت تكون بتشتغل وبتجيب فلوس، بشرط تحسسه إنه راجل البيت وهو اللي بيصرف. وتكون مثقفة ومطلعة وبتقرأ وعقلها مشغول بحاجات أهم من شغل البيت ومشاكل الشغالة، بس في نفس الوقت متفرغة لشغل البيت والعيال والطبيخ والشغالة. عايزة تخلف نص دستة، بشرط تفضل مانيكان روسية بترقص باليه بحيرة البجع كل يوم الصبح عالريق. تكون بتعرف تطبخ وترقص وتسوق وتغني وتنضف البيت وترسم وتلمع وتعزف بيانو وتكوي وتربي عيال وكمان تدلع الزوج طبعا.

الخميس، 14 سبتمبر 2017


 فقال الغلام: أتبنون بكل ريع آية تعبثون وتتخذون مصانع لعلكم تخلدون وإذا بطشتم بطشتم جبارين.
 فاستوى الحجاج جالساً وكان متكئاً وقال : هل حفظت القرآن؟ فقال الغلام: هل القرآن هارب مني حتى أحفظه. فسأله الحجاج: هل جمعت القرآن؟ فقال الغلام: وهل هو متفرق حتى أجمعه؟ فقال له الحجاج: أما فهمت سؤالي. فأجابه الغلام: ينبغي لك أن تقول هل قرأت القرآن وفهمت ما فيه.
 فقال الحجاج: أخبرني عمّن خُلِقَ من الهواء؟ ومن حُفِظَ بالهواء؟ ومن هَلِكَ بالهواء؟
 فقال الغلام: الذي خُلِقَ من الهواء سيدنا عيسى عليه السلام، والذي حُفِظ َبالهواء سيدنا سليمان بن داود عليهما السلام، وأما الذي هَلَكَ بالهواء فهم قوم هود.
 فقال الحجاج: فأخبرني عمن خُلِقَ من الخشب؟ والذي حُفظ بالخشب؟ والذي هلك بالخشب؟
 فقال الغلام: الذي خُلِقَ من الخشب هي الحية خُلِقت من عصا موسى ، والذي حفظ بالخشب نوح عليه السلام، والذي هلك بالخشب زكريا عليه السلام.
 فقال الحجاج: فأخبرني عمن خُلق من الماء؟ ومن نجا من الماء؟ ومن هلك بالماء؟
 فقال الغلام: الذي خُلق من الماء فهو أبونا آدم عليه السلام، والذي نجا من الماء موسى عليه السلام، والذي هلك بالماء فرعون.
 فقال الحجاج: فأخبرني عمن خُلق من النار؟ ومن حُفظ من النار؟
 فقال الغلام: الذي خُلق من النار إبليس، والذي نجا من النار إبراهيم عليه السلام.
 فقال الحجاج: فأخبرني عن العقل؟ والإيمان؟ والحياء؟ والسخاء؟ والشجاعة؟ والكرم؟ والشهوة؟
 فقال الغلام: إن الله قسم العقل عشرة أقسام جعل تسعة في الرجال وواحداً في النساء.
والإيمان عشرة تسعة في اليمن وواحداً في بقية الدنيا،
والحياء عشرة تسعة في النساء وواحداً في الرجال،
والسخاء عشرة تسعة في الرجال وواحداً في النساء،
 والشجاعة والكرم عشرة تسعة في العرب وواحداً في بقية العالم،
والشهوة عشرة أقسام تسعة في النساء وواحداً في الرجال.
 فقال الحجاج: فأخبرني عن أقرب شيء إليك؟ فقال الغلام: الآخرة.
 ثم قال الحجاج: سبحان الله يأتي الحكمة من يشاء من عباده ما رأيت صبياً أتاه الله العلم والعقل والذكاء مثل هذا الغلام. ثم قال الحجاج: فأخبرني عن النساء؟
 فقال الغلام: أتسألني عن النساء وأنا صغير لم أطـّلع بعد على أحوالهن ورغائبهن ومعاشرتهن، ولكني سأذكر لك المشهور من أمورهن،
 فبنت العشر سنين من الحور العين، وبنت العشرين نزهة للناظرين، وبنت الثلاثين جنة نعيم، وبنت الأربعين شحم ولين، وبنت الخمسين بنات وبنين، وبنت الستين ما بها فائدة للسائلين.
 فقال الحجاج: أحسنت يا غلام وأجملت وقد غمرتنا ببحر علمك، فوجب علينا إكرامك ثم أمر له بألف دينار وكسوة حسنة وجارية وسيف وفرس.
 وقال الحجاج في نفسه: إن أخذ الفرس نجا، وإن أخذ غيرها قتلته.
 فلما قدمها له قال الحجاج: خذ ما تريد يا غلام، فقال الغلام: إن كنت تخيرني فإنني أختار الفرس، أما إن كنت ابن حلال فتعطيني الجميع.
 فقال الحجاج: خذهم لا بارك الله لك فيهم. فقال الغلام: قبلتهم لا أخلف الله عليك غيرهم ولا جمعني بك مرة أخرى.
 وخرج الغلام من بين يدي الحجاج سالماً غانماً؛ بفضل ذكائه وفهمه ومعرفته وحسن إطلاعه...
 فاللهم أرزقنا علما..
من فضلك اذا أعجبتك القصه اذكر الله في تعليق وجزاكم الله خيرا


 فلنغير نظرة التشاؤم في أعيننا لما حل بنا من محن إلى نظرة حب وتفاؤل لما عاد علينا من فائدة وخير بعد مرورنا بهذه المحن. ما أحوجنا لمثل هذا ال...