الثلاثاء، 26 سبتمبر 2017

To know that you are a creature ..

If you value your value from the greatness of your Creator only ..

Your great Creator who gave you a hearing, a vision, a mind, and a heart.

To see how you behave ..

A great Creator tells you to grow up with yourself for all that you like.

Of the major sins .. sins .. And even macros ..

Self-respect to be satisfied with all the old ..

And did not offer something that makes you in the night bite fingers regret it ..

Self-esteem makes you a happy person in harmony with yourself.

No contradictions, no doubts, no wishes.

Self-respect to take the pledge to be at the good thought of loving you ..

And hope to see you the best, the most successful and the most successful ..

Self-sufficiency is a difficult equation.

Few people realize it ..

But those who realize it is impossible to give up ..

Self-respect to know that you are a weak creature ..

And your greatness is only from your Creator.

Your goal in life is to get satisfaction ..

And all that leads to his satisfaction is in your interest, religion, health, life and life ..

I am the greatest of your Creator.

Pleased to call yourself for everything that really humiliates you and say ..

With this, you get a penalty in your competition.

Add to what you earned in your world ..

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