الأربعاء، 27 يناير 2021

We can leave whenever you like.


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you bet

you can bet on it

you can say that again

you guys

you know



you're telling me

you're welcome





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you: WordReference English-Arabic Dictionary © 2011

ترجمات رئيسية

you pron (second person singular: subject) أنت

  من الأفضل لك أن تأكل الخضروات.

You should eat your green beans.

NEW أنت صديقي.

you pron (second person plural: subject) أنتم

  يفضل أن يتناول الأطفال الخضروات.

Children, you should eat your green beans.

NEW أنتم أصدقائي.

you pron (second person singular: object) إياك أنت

I love you.

أنا أحبك.

you pron (second person plural: object) إياكم أنتم

Thank you for coming. Everyone please exit on your right.

شكراً لحضوركم. يرجى الخروج من اليمين.

you pron informal (one, everyone) بشكل عام أنت

Well, you never should swim after eating.

كان عليك أن لا تسبح بعد الأكل.


ترجمات إضافية

you pron (anyone) أنت

Some insects are so small you can't see them, but they still bite.

you pron (people in general, one) أنتم

It is a place you would avoid, if possible.

you pron (emphatic address to more than one person) للتأكيد على الجميع

You boys can't run very fast can you?

you pron (direct address to one person) أنت بالذات

You, Mister Rogers, come over here right now!

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you: WordReference English-Arabic Dictionary © 2011

صيغ مركبة

all you can do n (your only recourse) المفر الوحيد

When something bad happens, all you can do is make the best of it.

all you can do n (everything you are capable of) ما يمكن عمله

All you can do is whine; you never fix your problems.

and what have you adv informal (and the like, and similar) وما شابه

as best you can adv (to the best of your ability) قدر المستطاع

Muddle through as best you can, and we'll fix the mistakes later.

as often as you like adv informal (whenever you wish) وقتما تشاء

Come and visit me as often as you like.

as often as you wish adv (as many times as you like, whenever you want) بقدر ما ترغب

Feel free to stop by my office as often as you wish.

as you please adv (as you wish, whatever you wish) كما ترغب

You've finished your work. Now you're free to do as you please.

as you say adv (I agree that) كما تقول، كما ترى

As you say, that spaghetti is delicious!

as you will adv archaic (expressing obedience: as you wish) كما ترغب، بأمرك

You may do as you will, but that does not mean your actions will be right.

as you wish adv (certainly, of course) بالتأكيد، كما ترغب

away with you interj slang, regional (Leave, get going, be on your way) اذهب أو ابتعد عني

Away with you! proclaimed the king.

be just like you v informal (be typical or expected of you) يكون نسخة عنك

between you and me adv (confidentially, in confidence) بيني وبينك

bless you interj (said when sb sneezes) كلمة تقال لمن يعطس يرحمك الله

come as you are (formal dress is not required) تعال كما انت

What should I wear to the party? Just come as you are.

could you please...? (politely requesting sb to do sth) من فضلك...؟

Could you please tell me where the bathroom is?

did you ever interj (I am astonished) تعبير اندهاش

do all you can v (try your hardest) يعمل ما في وسعه

I did all I could to catch the train, but it was too late.

do as you please v (do whatever you wish to do) بعمل ما يروق له

After you've finished that task you may do as you please.

do everything you can v (try your hardest) يبذل قصارى جهده

do the best you can v (try your hardest) يبذل جهده

Just do the best you can. That's all anybody could ask for.

do what you can vi (do everything possible) يعمل ما في جهده

do what you like v (do whatever you wish to do) يعمل ما يروق له

Since you've finished your work, do what you like for the rest of the day.

do with what you've got vi (cope with available resources) يتدبر الأمور

don't you? (question tag) أليس كذلك

Why am I asking you for directions? - well, you live here, don't you?

for all you know adv (it is possible that) من المحتمل

For all you know there could have been other lovers before you.

f*** you interj slang, vulgar (expressing contempt) تعبير شتيمة

If you think I'm going to work for you for nothing ... well, fuck you!

get what you deserve v (receive appropriate rewards) يحصل على ما يستحق

If you follow the rules and obey all guidelines, you will get what you deserve.

get what you deserve v (suffer consequences of actions) يستحق ما يحدث له

If you deliberately break the rules and disregard authority, you will get what you deserve.

get you down v (depress or discourage you) يحبط، يثبط العزيمة

God bless you interj (Christian expression of well-wishes) بارك اللهّ فيك

God bless you and keep you safe, my child.

good for you adj (healthful) مناسب لك، جيد لك

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is good for you.

good for you! interj (well done!) أحسنت

You have lost 10 pounds already? Good for you!

here you are interj (this is what you need) هذا ما تريد

here you go interj informal (this is what you need) هذا ما تريد

You ordered the steak, sir? Here you go.

here's to you interj informal (I propose a toast to you) بالهناء والشفاء

How are you doing? expr informal (conventional greeting) كيف حالك؟ ما أخبارك

how are you? expr (conventional greeting) كيف حالك؟

how do you do interj formal (pleased to meet you) كيف حالك؟

How do you do? I'm delighted to meet you.

how do you do? expr formal (pleased to meet you) كيف حالك؟

I hate you interj (I dislike you intensely) أكرهك

This is not love! I hate you!

I like you interj (I find you appealing) أميل إليك

I like you a lot, but I don't love you.

I like you. You seem like such a nice person.

I love you expr (I feel romantically about you) أحبك

Darling, you know that I love you; I always have and I always will.

I love you expr (I feel affection for you) أعشقك

I love you my dear.

I love you so much interj (I feel great affection for you) أحبك جداً

I love you so much that I can't stand to be apart from you.

I love you so much that I want to be with you all the time.

I love you. interj (declaration of strong affection) أحبك

I love you, Mom!

I love you and I want to spend my entire life with you.

I love you. interj (declaration of strong romantic feelings) أحبك

I miss you interj (I wish I were with you) أشتاق إليك

I miss you when I'm at work.

I miss you! It's been too long since we saw each other.

I need you interj (I am dependent on you) أحتاج إليك

John, I don't just love you, I need you!

I want you interj informal (I am sexually attracted to you) أريد ان أضاجعك

I want you. Let's leave this party and go back to my place.

I will miss you interj (I will dislike being apart from you) سأشتاق إليك

I will miss you when you leave on your business trip.

I worship you interj (declaration of strong admiration) أموت فيك

I worship you and the ground you walk on!

if you want adv (as you please) كما تريد

I can lend you some money if you want.

if you wish adv (as you please, it's your choice) إن كنت ترغب

It's high time you did it expr informal (you should do it now) آن الأوان

It's high time I go to the doctor; I've postponed it four times.

it's up to you interj informal (it is your decision) الأمر يعود إليك

We can get Mexican or Chinese food tonight -- it's up to you.

I don't really care where we go, it's up to you.

it's up to you interj informal (it is your responsibility) الأمر تحت مسئوليتك

You're the leader; the team's success is up to you.

keep you guessing v informal (be unpredictable) يحافظ على غموضه

look before you leap interj proverb (be aware of the risks involved in sth) فكّر قبل أن تقفز (فكّر مرتين)

You need to look before you leap before investing in a new business.

make you feel at home v (be welcoming) يرحب

make you feel welcome v (greet or receive you warmly) يرحب

A hot meal makes me feel welcome when I come back from work.

mean what you say v (speak sincerely) يتحدث باحترام ولطف

Does he mean what he says, or is he just making an empty promise?

mind you interj informal (although, having said that) مع كل ما قيل، على الرغم من

The meal was fantastic -- expensive, mind you!

He can be very disorganized. Mind you, I'm no better.

missing you interj informal (I miss you) افتقدتك

nice to meet you interj (pleased to make your acquaintance) سعيد برؤياك

off with you interj informal (leave, go now) انصرف، غادر

Off with you, children! It's time for you all to go home!

pleased to meet you interj (greeting) سعيد بلقياك

relieve you of vtr (unburden you of) يخفف العبء عن

relieve you of vtr (deprive you of, take away from you) يحرم

screw you interj slang, vulgar (expressing contempt) للتعبير عن الازدراء

Hey buddy, screw you, said the drunken man.

see you interj informal (bye) وداعاً

see you again interj informal (goodbye until we meet again) نراك فيما بعد، وداعاً

I have to go now, see you again soon!

see you later interj informal (goodbye for now) نراك فيما بعد

In the 1950s, teenagers would part with the phrase: "See you later, alligator!".

see you soon interj informal (goodbye for now) أراك عن قريب: إلى اللقاء

See you soon, Edna!

see you then interj informal (goodbye until a given future point) إلى أن نلتقي

I'm glad you're coming to the movie tonight. I'll see you then!

see you there interj informal (goodbye until a given future event) إلى أن نلتقي

see you tomorrow interj informal (goodbye until tomorrow) إلى اللقاء غداً

shame on you interj (expressing disapproval) هذا عار عليك!

Shame on you! You tracked mud all over this clean floor.

take you up on vtr (accept your offer of) يقبل عرضع

Thank you. I'll probably take you up on that.

thank you interj (expression of gratitude) شكرًا

Thank you! I liked the gift.

شكرًا! لقد أعجبتني الهدية.

thank you interj (expressing gratitude) شكراً

Thank you for your help.

Thankyou for coming with me to the doctor today.

thank you n (expression of appreciation) شكراً

After receiving the gift, I offered him my very best thank you.

Don't forget to say your thankyous before you leave.

thank you in advance interj formal (expressing a polite request) شكراً مقدماً

thank you kindly interj (expressing sincere thanks) شكراً جزيلاً

Thank you kindly for shoveling the snow from my walkway.

thank you very much interj (many thanks) شكراً جزيلاً

thank-you n (acknowledgment) رسالة شكر

She sent a thank-you for the wedding gifts.

أرسلت رسالة شكر لهدايا العرس.

that which you hold dear n (everything that is important to you) كل ما يهمك

If you go to jail, you risk losing that which you hold dear - your marriage, your career, and your family.

thinking of you expr (expressing compassion) أفكر فيك

It's a shame you can't be with us at Christmas - I'll be thinking of you!

to you adv (for or towards you) بالنسبة لك، حسب رأيك

I was coming to you for help when the phone rang and distracted me.

wear you down v (tire you into submission) يتعب، يرهق

She never had a good argument -- she would just wear you down with repetition.

weigh you down v figurative (be a burden to you) يتقل، يكون عبئاً على

All this studying must be weighing you down.

Trying to do so many things at the same time will really weigh you down.

weigh you down v literal (be heavy for you to carry) يثقل عليه

I was weighed down by all the shopping I bought today.

what do you know! interj informal (expressing surprise) ما الذي تعرفه؟

Hey, what do you know! We got here on time after all!

what do you know? interj informal (you have no right to comment) ليس لك حق في التعليق

You haven't done it, so what do you know?

what have you n slang (the rest, et cetera) وما أشبه، وما إلى ذلك

My junk drawer's full of paper clips, old photos, sunglasses, and what have you.

whenever you like adv informal (at a time that suits you) متى تشاء، وقت ما تشاء

We can leave whenever you like.

whenever you wish adv (at a time that suits you) متى تشاء، وقت ما تشاء

We can meet up for coffee whenever you wish; I am free all day.

wherever you look adv (everywhere, anywhere) في أي مكان، أينما كان

Wherever you look you can see signs of spring.

you all pron (all of you: you, plural) الكل، الجميع

How are you all doing tonight?

you bet interj informal (emphatic yes) تعبير موافقة

Are you going to be on time for the game? "You bet!"

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