السبت، 23 يناير 2021

True love protects you

 While the phrase "I love you" is a great way to show your true and deep affection to the person you are in a relationship with, this phrase is not enough to make the relationship deepen and last long. It is not enough to prove that the love you feel for your partner is real, selfish and unconditional.

Here are 7 phrases that actually mean more than "I love you:"

1. "I believe in you."

When you say this to your significant other, you are showing them that you know they have the strength, skills, and talents to achieve their goals and dreams. You show them that you think they can accomplish whatever they go for and most importantly, you make them more aware of their value.

2. "Thank you."

When you say "thank you" to your partner, you are not only showing them how grateful you are for their patience, kindness, compassion, and affection, and for everything they do for you, but you also show them how important they are to you.

3. "Love yourself."

When do you say this about you? I was saying that we need to appreciate their strengths not to waste their feelings, lives, desires, and problems. Will you need to be accepted?

4. "I understand."

When is your partner sharing their problems?

Do you want to know if you are an expert? It will be to them that their words

5. "I appreciate you."

Letting you have a relationship shows how much I respect them! You will emerge to get to know happiness.

6. "I forgive you."

Are you someone? Do you have what distinguishes you from yourself?

7. "I am yours."

It is important for the person you are in a relationship with to know that they are the only person with a special place in your heart. It is important that they know that you are fully committed to it. It is important for them to know that you cannot imagine living without them. Telling them "I am yours" will make them aware of this.

The art of concentration (meditation is very helpful in this regard)

Be able to change our vibration in a minute. For example, from depression to optimism or another conviction that things are going well one way or the other. Altering vibration is an essential tool for attracting the energy we want and for producing the energy we want (even in processing "external" energy).

Start with the little things, the little "manipulation", then increase your "demands" or goals. For example, instead of starting a ritual to attract a specific person, one can start with the idea of ​​becoming more magnetic, and attracting people in general ... This is because they reconcile the energies for a specific goal that involves the will and energies of a particular person that is often more difficult or complex. From "Letting the Universe Do" ...

Open the "third eye" and trust your intuition.

Sometimes it can be difficult to know if you are in a relationship with the right person for you - the one who truly loves and cares about you, or someone with whom you have a toxic bond. So, the question is: How do you distinguish between true love and fake love?

Well, when you are in a relationship that is based on true, pure, and unconditional love, you feel this with all the fibers of your being. You feel it in your heart. In your soul, in the depths of your being.

And sometimes, when you have doubts about your partner's feelings for you or wonder where your relationship is headed, even if you don't imagine living without your partner, it might actually turn out that they aren't the right person for you.

Here are 10 essential differences between true love and false love that will help you dispel any doubts or fears:

1. True love is selflessness. False love is the focus of the self.

When you truly love someone, you are not afraid to sacrifice your needs and desires for your partner's happiness. You're not afraid to compromise for the sake of the relationship. You want to see another great happy and fulfilled. But, when your relationship isn't based on true love, the only person you love and care about is yourself.

2. True love nurtures the relationship; False love makes it toxic.

When you find true love, you can hope to build a healthy, happy, and long-term relationship with your significant other. But when you are in a relationship that is not based on true love, your relationship will never deepen and blossom. Over time, it will only get worse.

3. True love thrives on honesty. False love thrives on lies.

When you and your partner truly and sincerely love each other, lies, secrets, and manipulation will never be part of your relationship. Instead, you will value honesty and trust - virtues that are not part of a relationship based on fake love.

4. Real cute love. False love is bitter.

True love gives you sweet and unforgettable memories, and fills your life with rewarding experiences. On the other hand, false love offers you superficial pleasures and a moment.

5. True love equals kindness and compassion. False love equals cruelty.

When the person you are in a relationship with truly loves you, they treat you with kindness, patience, and compassion. They treat you with respect and dignity. And when their love isn't real, they act coldly toward you and treat you with respect.

6. True love equals loyalty; False love equals infidelity.

When you are in true love with your partner, the idea of ​​cheating on them is never going to get you over it. But, when what you feel for them is not true love, you will have no problem sharing your bed with someone other than your significant other.

7. True love protects you; Faulty love hurts.

When the person you are with is a true love, they make you feel safe and protected. They are not afraid to walk through the fire to protect you from all the evil in the world.

On the other hand, when your partner doesn't really love you, what defines your relationship is not safety and comfort, but fears and pain.

8. True love equals patience and understanding; False love is far from it.

When your partner really loves you, they are always patient with you. Do not think that you are "overly sensitive" or "needy" when you get emotional around them. Instead, try to understand the reason behind your worries or sadness. Plus, when they have different views on something, they don't judge you. Instead, they respect your opinions.

On the one hand of a brother

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