السبت، 16 يناير 2021

Live your life now, not tomorrow

 They want to fulfill their dreams at the expense or the remains of others and they do not trust in themselves, they have forbidden desires and impossible aspirations. They reject the love of the soul and desire to love the bodies. Their hearts will die and the destruction of their souls will revive

The mysterious woman is preferred by the man because she hides what she feels and does not give any information about herself or others, so he is attracted towards her because he finds her trustworthy and more influential on others, and he sees in her a trusty repository of his secrets and problems because she will keep them for herself, unlike the many-talking woman whom the man keeps silent and flees Including for fear that divulge his secrets in front of others.

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 So we insist on seeing the picture and not seeing the truth. We insist that we enjoy tomorrow, not the present. The worst thing is that there are those who do not live in the past, present, or tomorrow, but rather, as I mentioned, only wish to show their quick photographic muscles.

 So we insist on seeing the picture and not seeing the truth. We insist that we enjoy tomorrow, not the present. The worst thing is that there are those who do not live in the past, present, or tomorrow, but rather, as I mentioned, only wish to show their quick photographic muscles.

 If you want to live your life then why not live it instead of wishing for it? Most of the failures are people who were only dreaming and did nothing. And whenever I asked them about (when) they answered (tomorrow), I will do it, and certainly it will not come tomorrow for them, even if they hit the armpits of the camels tomorrow.

The literary solution to this problem is for a person to begin to think better about his life and to become accustomed to living in the present instead of wishing. In this regard, I will narrate a story that summarizes everything, which is that one of the righteous was walking in the funeral of a man, and he asked one of the mourners, what do you wish you would have been in the man’s place?

The practical solution to this problem is for a person to start planning his life. That is, to make for himself a personal plan for a year or more in which he writes his dreams and how to achieve them. Trust me, ask a fitter and an expert. What hurts the most is that your life is without a plan, and most of our psychological problems are that we live and do not know why we are living. I experienced that feeling personally until I knew the layout. For your life to have a plan means that you make meaning for your life. That is why I advise everyone who suffers from the symptoms of failure (life failure, not kidney failure), to start a new phase of planning. It is not impossible, and by planning you will be able to live your life now, future and past. You will live the beautiful present with affectionate past and bright future

Remember, my friend ... Live your life now, not tomorrow

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