الجمعة، 15 يناير 2021

Common mistakes in raising girls !!

 Common mistakes in raising girls !!

Islam came to this world and women in general are in a humiliating position, with no interest, weight, or value

Islam came to restore women's dignity and grant them their full and undiminished rights, and one of these rights is the commandment of Islam

In raising children, Islam singled out girls with commandments, which indicates the great interest of Islam in raising girls, due to the danger of neglecting the upbringing of girls.

1. Giving the girl extra freedom:

That many of the delinquency of girls was a fundamental reason for giving the girl extra freedom under the pretext of trusting the girl and raising her in the sense of not asking her about places where she will go and return, and leaving the pregnancy for her on the stranger.

2. Not accustoming a girl to hijab from an early age:

Among the mistakes that parents make is that they wait until the girl reaches the age and then order her to wear the veil at this age and before that she wears what she likes of thin, transparent or short and tight clothes and so on. It is not reasonable in light of this age full of sedition, materialism and lack of spirituality to make the girl a fashionable business. Then we command her to veil once when she reaches menstruation, as this is neither from intelligence nor from a sound understanding.

3. Introduce an aura of secrecy and secrecy about important issues for the girl:

Some people make a mistake when they think that concealing what the girl needs from matters related to sex is required or it is like preserving the girl, and this belief is fundamentally wrong because the girl will face physiological and psychological changes in adolescence. If the girl does not have prior knowledge about it, problems will happen to her. Great psychological like shyness, introversion, phobia, and so on.

4. Girls' rebellion and wrong treatment:

One of the distinguishing features of adolescence is the teenager’s sense that he has become another person. The woman feels that she has become a mature woman with her personality and views that must be respected. Then there are some problems between parents and their children. Parents say that children are rebellious and children say that parents do not respect their opinions and treat them. As children.

5. Love alone is not enough:

There is no doubt that the relationship based on love between fathers and sons and between parents and the girl in particular, this relationship is very important and necessary for the girl’s normal growth away from the psychological and emotional problems that the girl faces if the parents deal with her in a kind of authoritarianism or cruelty and intensity, but this also does not mean the soft side With the girl permanently or not blaming her when she makes a mistake, how much does not mean that the appropriate punishment is not inflicted on her.

6. Neglecting the health education of the girl, especially the adolescence stage:

The mother of a Muslim is required to start spending on his family and children, and to provide them with the necessary and necessary food for their healthy growth, according to his capacity. The Muslim is also commanded to maintain his health and the health of his children, because with ill health, he will not be able to practice his life normally, practice his work, or even worship him properly, and neglecting the health of children may result in extreme danger, especially in childhood.

7. A mother is busy with her daughter by working outside the home:

The presence of a mother next to her children, especially in early childhood, is extremely important and many of the behavioral problems that occur to children are caused by the mother's absence from the home for a long time.

8. The boy's preference over the girl and the wrong view of her:

Some people still have the pre-Islamic habit of extreme sadness when they have a daughter, especially when she is the first child of him, and these people rejoice after that for the arrival of the boy with great joy.

9. Not being aware of the danger of role models Not being aware of the danger of a bad role model in society:

There is no doubt that a good example is an important factor in education, especially for girls in the adolescent stage, at this stage you find the girl looking for a role model and an example to follow, and the problem of many Muslim homes is that she does not pay attention to the danger of a bad example in our Arab and Islamic world, which girls try to imitate them, such as eastern artists. And westerners.

And there are more of these errors

Hence, it is necessary for us to draw the attention of parents to one of the common mistakes in raising girls.

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