الاثنين، 7 سبتمبر 2020

Success does not come from imitating others

Success does not come from imitating others.
Success does not come by tracking the steps of successful people

Success comes from following your path.
How do you know your path?
You will know your path when you ask yourself what you like?
What you genuinely love and feel passionate about, go after him, for it is your path to success
Learn how to love yourself first, before you think, why do people not love you.
Learn how to love yourself, your details, and how you love your life, the love of every need related to you, your hatred of yourself and your life that will only cause you sadness and let you imagine that you are miserable and the simplest problem or pain you think is the end of the world.

Loving yourself makes many things easy for you.
How do you love yourself ??

1- Spend time with yourself
2- Start changing it to become the person you love the most
3- I thank her by rewarding her for what she has accomplished
4- Forgive it and start a new page
5- Trust her capabilities
6- Keep it away from the frustrated
7- Have mercy on her by not charging her beyond her capacity

Say and repeat: I love myself

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