الاثنين، 7 سبتمبر 2020

Encyclopedia of the 1000 Questions in Islamic Culture ..)) Peace, mercy and blessings of God What was the first thing that was revealed from the Torah? In the name of of Allah the Merciful . 2- What was the first gift given to the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, in Medina? A bowl of bread, ghee and milk, a gift from Zaid bin Haritha. 3- Who was the first of the polytheists to be killed in the Great Battle of Badr? Al-Aswad bin Abdul-Assad Al-Makhzoumi, who was killed by Hamza bin Abdul-Muttalib. 4- Who was the first virgin woman who immigrated? Umm Kulthum bint Uqba bin Abi Maait. 5 Who was the first to fast? Adam, peace be upon him .. He fasted three days every month. 6- What was the first thing that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, spoke when he came to Medina? Pray the womb, pray while people are asleep and enter Paradise peacefully. 7- Who was the first to classify the interpretation of the Noble Qur’an with the chain of transmission? Malik bin Anas. 8- Who was the first Muslim immigrated to Abyssinia? Hatib bin Amr. 9 Who was the first to be named Ahmed? He is the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and Ahmad was not named before him 10- Who was the first to fight with the sword? Abraham, peace be upon him 11- Who was the first to wear trousers? Ibrahim, peace be upon him. 12- Who was the first guardian of the treasury? Abu Ubaidah Al-Jarrah. 13- What was the first mountain that was placed on Earth? Abi Qubais mount in Makkah . 14- Who was the first to write in the provisions of the Qur’an? Imam Shafi'i may Allah be pleased with him . 15 Who was the first Islamic preacher? Musab bin Omair . 16- Who was the first of the caliphs to add the name of God to his name? Al-Mu'tasim .. It was said Al-Mu'tasim God. 17- Who was the first to herniate his tongue in Arabic? Ismail peace be upon him, the son of fourteen years . 18- Who was the first to tour the old house? Angels .

Encyclopedia of the 1000 Questions in Islamic Culture ..))
Peace, mercy and blessings of God

What was the first thing that was revealed from the Torah?
In the name of of Allah the Merciful .

2- What was the first gift given to the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, in Medina?
A bowl of bread, ghee and milk, a gift from Zaid bin Haritha.

3- Who was the first of the polytheists to be killed in the Great Battle of Badr?
Al-Aswad bin Abdul-Assad Al-Makhzoumi, who was killed by Hamza bin Abdul-Muttalib.

4- Who was the first virgin woman who immigrated?
Umm Kulthum bint Uqba bin Abi Maait.

5 Who was the first to fast?
Adam, peace be upon him .. He fasted three days every month.

6- What was the first thing that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, spoke when he came to Medina?
Pray the womb, pray while people are asleep and enter Paradise peacefully.

7- Who was the first to classify the interpretation of the Noble Qur’an with the chain of transmission?
Malik bin Anas.

8- Who was the first Muslim immigrated to Abyssinia?
Hatib bin Amr.

9 Who was the first to be named Ahmed?
He is the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and Ahmad was not named before him

10- Who was the first to fight with the sword?
Abraham, peace be upon him

11- Who was the first to wear trousers?
Ibrahim, peace be upon him.

12- Who was the first guardian of the treasury?
Abu Ubaidah Al-Jarrah.

13- What was the first mountain that was placed on Earth?
Abi Qubais mount in Makkah .

14- Who was the first to write in the provisions of the Qur’an?
Imam Shafi'i may Allah be pleased with him .

15 Who was the first Islamic preacher?
Musab bin Omair .

16- Who was the first of the caliphs to add the name of God to his name?
Al-Mu'tasim .. It was said Al-Mu'tasim God.

17- Who was the first to herniate his tongue in Arabic?
Ismail peace be upon him, the son of fourteen years .

18- Who was the first to tour the old house?
Angels .

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