الثلاثاء، 25 أغسطس 2020

One of the greatest reasons for self-comfort:

One of the greatest reasons for self-comfort: your steps coincide with your principles, and your principles coincide with your religion

If you want to influence others, be positive with them, encourage them, acknowledge their efforts, give them hope.

Your clothes decorate your back, what adorns your underside

Your clothes adorn your back, and the remembrance of God adorns your underside

Your clothes adorn your back, and the remembrance of God adorns your interior, so it is nice for elegant people to see you, but it is more beautiful for the Most Merciful to see your heart full of remembrance, elegant with his love.

Grace needs to be thanked, affliction requires patience, and sin needs forgiveness, so whoever thanks, patience, and seeks forgiveness will gain happiness.

If you want to stop worrying and start life, here's a simple rule: Number your blessings, not your troubles.

If you do not live for yourself, the world will not come to you to guide you on the right path.

 Everyone has priorities far from you, so if you do not love yourself, others will not love you.

When you live to make others happy, God will send you someone who lives to make you happy, so what is the reward for goodness except for good (Be beautiful in people, the hearts adore you).

Three guests come without appointment:



the death

Oh God, make our livelihood permissible, and make our destiny beautiful, and do not take us to you unless you are satisfied with us.

Three guests come without appointment:

“You have a family that loves you ..

And a few good friends.

Food is available whenever you are hungry.

And a roof over your head ..

Then you are richer than you think ”.

There is a great saying that says:

If you do not know me, then honor me with your good opinion. Think well, a comfort that only those who have tried it will know, so think well, so your life is good.

“Anxiety” does not prevent tomorrow’s pain.

But it steals the fun of the day !!

Do not burden yourself with worries that you will not gain from anything.

Where do we find wellness?

What is the biggest gain for a person in his life?

Thank you letter to another type of person:

To those bad people who once sinned against us .. They gave us lessons for free .. They made us stronger people .. And they made us look at life differently ..

Thanks to them .. The folly of a people is with lessons and lessons .. By their mistakes .. Save us from the evil of those who are worse than them.

“The soul tends to the one who spoils it ... cares about it and appreciates it ... contains it and has compassion for it ... does good to it and does not abuse it ... it does not detract from its value ... the soul tends to those who have mercy on it

If the split of a date keeps us away from the fire ... and charity extinguishes the anger of the Lord ... and two words weigh down the scale of our actions ... and ablution that removes from our hearts sins ... and good deeds multiplied tenfold ..

So why do we think heaven is far fetched?

The lucky ones are three:

Who left the world before leaving him

From honoring his parents before they leave him

Who is satisfied with his creator before he meets him

Personal strength does not mean stubbornness, persistence and persistence in opinion if it is wrong.

Strong personality, courageous and flexible in his dialogue, and he changes his mind if it becomes clear to him the right thing.

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim, may God have mercy on him, says:

Three things to not waste your time with:

1- Sorrow for what you missed because it will not come back

2- Comparing yourself to others because it will not help

3- Trying to please all people because it will not be.

Try to stay away from everything

It brings you worry, sadness and grief

To always be comfortable and relaxed

Sadr is coming to God

To worship him and your affairs

Worldly and eschatological

If you try this you will rest.

Now perform ablution and pray two rak'ahs with the intention of explaining the chest and God willing

God’s prayers and peace be upon him used to say, “Rest with it Yabal Prayer is intended

Two things raise the status of the believer: humility and fulfilling people's needs, and two things drive the affliction: charity and compassion.

The phone ran out to shoot her.

She said to him: Why imagine ..?

He said to her: Ashan, it remains the charity of Jaraiyah ...

Always balance between your mind and your heart, preserve the dignity of your heart from being marginalized and your mind from being taken lightly, no one deserves your impulses.

The wills commanded by one of the doctors, and I listed the benefits that will accrue to it when you burn that paper: -

• Helps get rid of negative emotions such as anxiety and psychological distress.

It eliminates the psychological and nervous pressures experienced by all family members.

• Helps calm nerves in a fast and natural way without taking tablets that have side effects.

It is considered one of the effective antibiotics that permanently eliminate bacteria, viruses, and infections.

• Helps to fall asleep quickly, and eliminate insomnia.

It helps get rid of nosebleeds immediately.

• It protects the pregnant woman from experiencing miscarriage, and protects her fetus.

• Envy is removed from the home, and a person is protected from envy by burning one piece of paper per day.

• It cleans the respiratory tract and protects the person from developing respiratory diseases, asthma, and common symptoms

the cold.

Do not suffer for those who changed you

They have changed because you are satisfied

Glory and your attention until satisfied

Missing a person is a form of addiction that is not punishable by law, but we are punished for it by deprivation of circumstances. !!

Either the interest is insane or it is not

They think that being ignored is what draws me to them

Although we believe that the choice of the mind is more correct, it is difficult to give up the things our hearts choose.

Do you agree

I wish I could find you in my dream

And I give you all my dreams

It returns to me all my breath

I salute the happiness of my days

 Ibn al-Qayyim says: If I heard the cry of the angels' pens writing your name among those remembering, then you would die longing to say: “There is no god but God”

2 notes

The relative may forget and the friend abandon you and the world will become harder for you with all suns and suns, but the mercy of God alone embraces you always.

Trust that he who grew this tree and provided it above

A deaf rock in a barren land

Will send

Here is your provision wherever you are .. Just trust God.

3 notes

- Be a talker, the listener does not wish to be silent, be a catalyst for others, kind to their hearts, heal their wounds, silent about their secrets, be a happy event. ?

Life is not fair by itself, hardships and obstacles

You will come no matter how long

So be strong, my friend,

Not because you are weak, but because you will not find someone to encourage you

A message to some owners of pharmacies and medical stores who have resorted to themselves by exploiting people in these critical circumstances - raising the prices of masks and

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