الخميس، 16 يوليو 2020


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Copy kayfih 'ada' alsalat alsahihuh bialsuwr bism allah alruhmin alrahim rabana taqabal minaa 'iinak subhanak alsamie alealim kayfih 'ada' alsalat alsahihuh bialsuwr : ham * 'iidha 'arad almuslim 'ana yusaliy fa'iinah yastaqbil alqiblat thuma yaqul ( allah 'akbar ) wahi rukn la taneaqid alsalat 'iilaa biha ,lqawluh salaa allah ealayh wasalam : ( 'iidha qumt 'iilaa alsalat fa'asbagh alwudu' , thuma aistaqbal alqiblat fakabir )mtafaq ealayhi. - wala bd min qawliha biallisan , wala yashtarit 'an yurfae sawtah biha.-'iidha kan al'iinsan 'akhras fa'iinah yanwiha biqalbih. * yusn 'an yurfae yadayh eind altakbir 'iilaa munkibih watakun madmumati al'asabie [ 'anzur surat 1].-lqawl abn eumar radi allah einha:( 'ana alnabia salaa allah ealayh wasalam kan yarfae yadayh hudhuun munkibih 'iidha aiftatah alsalat , wa'iidha kabur lilrukue ,wa'iidha rafae rasih min alrukue ) mutafaq ealayhi. [ 'anzur suratan 1]. kayfih alsalat alsahihuh -aw yarfaeuhuma bimuhadhat 'udhunayh , lihadith malik bin alhuyrath radi allah enh:( 'ana rasul allah salaa allah ealayh wasalam kan 'iidha kabur rafae yadayh hataa yuhadhi bihima 'udhunayh )rwah muslim. [ 'anzur surat 2] . kayfih alsalat alsahihuh * thuma yaqbid kawe yadah alyusraa biadih alyumnaa wayadeuhuma ealaa sadrah [ 'anzur suratan 3 ]. kayfih alsalat alsahihuh -aw yadae yadah alyumnaa ealaa kufih wadhiraeih al'aysar wayadeuhuma ealaa sadrah [ 'anzur suratan 4 ]. kayfih alsalat alsahihuh - lihadith wayil abn hujr: ( fakabir - 'aya alnabiu salaa allah ealayh wasalam - thuma wade yadah alyumnaa ealaa zahr kfh alaysrwalrsgh walsaed ) sahih alalbany. wlhdyth wayil : ( kan ydehma ealaa sadrah ) sahih alalbany.* wayanzur 'iilaa mawdie sjwdh , laqawl eaysht radi allah eanha ean salatah salaa allah ealayh wasalam :( ma khalf bsrh mawdie sjwdh ) sahih alalbany.* thuma yaqra duea' alastftah , wahu sanatan , wadeyt alastftah kathirat , minha :( subhanak allahuma wbhmdk , watabarak asmk , wteala jdk , wala 'ilh ghyrk ) sahih alalbany.- 'aw yaqul : ( allahuma baeid bayni wabayn khtayay kama baedt bayn almashriq walmaghrib ,allhm nqny min khtayay kama yunqa althwb al'abyad min aldns , allah aghslny bialma' walthlj walbrd )rwah albkhary.* thuma ysteydh , 'aya yaqul : ( 'aeudh biallah min alshaytan alrajim ) wa'iin sha' qal :( 'aeudh biallah alsamie alealim min alshaytan alrajim )w'in sha' qal : ( 'aeudh biallah alsamie alealim min alshaytan alrajim min hmzh wnfkhh wnfthh )" ( alhmz ) nawe min aljunun w ( nfkhh ) 'aya alkbr , w ( nfthh ) 'aya alshier almdhmwm ".* thuma ybsml , 'aya yaqul : ( bism allah alrhmn alrahim ).* thuma yaqra alfatihat fi kl rket lqwlh salaa allah ealayh wasalam : ( la salat liman lam yaqra bfatht alkitab )mtfq ealayh , wahi rukn la tsh alsalat bdwnha.* wa'iidha kan almsly la yujyd alfatihat , fa'iinah yaqra ma tayasar min alquran bdlha , fa'iidha kan la yjyd dhlk ,f'inh yaqul : ( subhan allah walhamd lilah wala 'ilh 'iilaa allah wallah 'akbar wala hawl wala quat 'iilaa biallah ) mutafaq elyh.- wayajib ealayh almubadarat btelm alfath.* thuma yaqra baed alfatihat ma tayasar min alquran alkarim . 'iimaa surat kamilat , 'aw edt ayat.* thuma yrke qayla ( allah 'akbar ) , rafea yadayh 'iilaa hdhw mnkbyh 'aw 'iilaa hdhw 'udhunayh , kama sabaq eind tkbyrt al'ihram[ 'anzur surat 1 w 2 ] , wayajib 'ana yswa zahrih fi alrkwe [ 'anzur surat 5 ]. kayfih alsalat alsahihuh kayfih alsalat alsahihuh kayfih alsalat alsahihuh -wyumkn 'asabie yadayh min rakbatayh mae tafriqiha [ 'anzur suratan 6 ]. kayfih alsalat alsahihuh * wayaqul fi rukueih ( subhan rabiy aleazim ) . walwajib 'ana yaqulaha marat wahidat , wama zad fahu sana .- wayasn 'an yaqul fi rukueih : ( subhanak allahumi rabana wabihamdik , allahum aghfir li ) mutafaq ealayhi, 'aw yaqul :( sabuh qudus rabu almalayikat walruwh ) rawaah muslim .* thuma yarfae rasih min alrukue qayla ( samie allah liman hamdih ) wyusn 'an yurfae yadayh - kama sabaq -[ 'anzur surat 1 w surat 2].-thum yaqul baed 'an yastawi qayimanaan ( rabana lak alhamd ) , 'aw ( rabana walak alhamd ) , 'aw ( allahuma rabana lak alhamd ) ,'uw ( allahum rabana walak alhamd ) .- wyusn 'an yaqul baedaha : ( mil' alsamawat wal'ard wamal' ma shit min shay' baed , 'ahl althana' walmijad ,'ahaqa ma qal aleabd , wakalna lak eabd , la manie lamaa 'uetiat , wala maeti lamaa manaeat , wala yanfae dha aljidu mink aljidi )rwah muslim .- wyusn 'an yadae yadah alyumnaa ealaa alyusraa ealaa sadrih fi hadha alqiam , kama faeal fi alqiam al'uwliqabl alrukue [ kama fi surat 3 w surat 4 ]. kayfih alsalat alsahihuh - wade khati lirafe alyadin ynbghy 'an yurfae yadayh fi hdha almwdwe kama fi sura [1aw2].* thuma yasjud qaylaan ( allah 'akbar ) .- wayuqadim rukbatayh qabl yadayh eind sujudih [ 'anzur suratan 7 ] . -lhadith wayil bin hujr radi allah eanh qal :( ra'ayt alnabii salaa allah ealayh wasalam 'iidha sajad wade rukbatayh qabl yadayh
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Peace, mercy and blessings of God
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The interpretation of the Noble Qur’an

A site that includes all world readers and is characterized by the purity of sound
============== Encyclopedia of correct supplications

Encyclopedia of scientific miracles in the Qur'an and Sunnah

Sheikh Dr. Omar Abdul Kafi website http://www.abdelkafy.com/ar81/
Dr. Muhammad Al-Areifi website http://www.alarefe.com/
Sheikh Ayed Al-Qarni website http://www.algarne.com/
Sheikh Muhammed Hassan website www.mohamedhassan.org
And finally

Interpretation of the Noble Qur’an by His Eminence Sheikh Muhammad Metwally
This site contains all the episodes of the interpretation of the Noble Qur’an
Mohamed Metwally (with voice), 1050 rings


On the authority of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, that the Messenger (PBUH) said:

(If Ibn Adam dies, his work is interrupted except from three:
Ongoing charity, knowledge to be used or a good boy calling for him)

narrated by Muslim.

The hadeeth of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace,: {denotes goodness as its actor}.

How to perform the correct prayer in pictures

In the name of of Allah the Merciful

Our Lord, accept from us that you are glorified, Hearer, Knower

How to perform the correct prayer in pictures: Important

* If a Muslim wants to pray, he receives the qiblah and then says (God is great), which is a corner where prayer is not held except by it, because he said, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: (If you rise to the prayer, then perform the ablution, then receive the qiblah and grow up) Agreed upon.
- It must be said in the tongue, and it is not required that his voice be raised by it. - If a person is dumb, then he intends it with his heart.
* It is possible for him to raise his hands when zooming in on his shoulders and to have two fingers attached (see Picture 1) .- Because Ibn Omar, may God be pleased with him, said: The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, would raise his hands following his shoulders if he opened the prayer, and if he grew up to kneel, and if he raised his head from Kneeling) Agreed. [See picture 1].
How to pray right

- Or he raises them along his ears, to the hadith of Malik bin Al-Hawereth, may God be pleased with him: (The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was if he grew up raising his hands until his ears aligned with them) Narrated by Muslim. [See picture 2].
How to pray right

* Elbow then clutches his left hand with his right hand and places them on his chest [see picture 3].
How to pray right

Or he places his right hand on his palm and his left arm, and places them on his chest [see picture 4].
How to pray right

- For the hadeeth of Wael Ibn Hajar: (He grew up - meaning the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him - then put his right hand on the back of his left hand, wrist, and forearm). Sahih Al-Albani. And for the hadeeth of Wael: (He used to place them on his chest) Sahih Al-Albani. * And he looks at the place of his prostration, because Aisha, may God be pleased with her, said about his prayers, may God bless him and grant him peace: (What is behind his eyesight is the place of his prostration). Sahih Al-Albani. There is a lot of openness, including: (Glory be to God, praise you, bless your name, Almighty your grandfather, and there is no god but you). Sahih Al-Albani.- Or he says: (Oh God, separate me from my sins as you spread between the East and the West, O God, save me from my sins as the white dress is purified from impurity, God washed me with water, snow, and cold.) Narrated by Al-Bukhari. * Then he seeks refuge, that is, he says: (I seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan) and if He wishes he said: (I seek refuge in God, Hearing, the Knower, from the accursed Satan). And blow it and blow it. ”((Hams) is a kind of madness and (blow it up) i.e. arrogance, and (breath it) i.e. vilified poetry.” * Then he smiles, i.e. he says: (In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful). Peace be upon him: (There is no prayer for those who did not read the fatatih of the book) Agreed upon, which is a pillar without which prayer is not valid. * If the worshiper does not know the fatiha, then he recites What is available from the Qur’an instead of her, and if he does not know that, then he says: (Glory be to God, praise be to God, there is no god but God, and God is greater, and there is no power and no power but God) agreed upon.- He must initiate learning al-Fatihah. From the Noble Qur’an. Either a complete surah, or several verses. * Then he kneels down saying (God is great), raising his hands to the example of his shoulders or to the footsteps of his ears, as previously stated when the opening of the ihraam comes (see picture 1 and 2), and his back should be leveled in bowing [see Figure 5 ].
How to pray right

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