The subconscious mind Scientists were unable to know this superpower that a person possesses after the soul merges into the body. And none of the world’s days will pass, except for studies and strange discoveries that deviate from those powers possessed by this mind. When they devoted themselves to studying the mind, they did not find the secret within the visible brain even after its dissection, visualization, and follow-up. They concluded that there is a more profound invisible, invisible, or audible mind from which the commands of the spirit emanate, and they called it the subconscious or the unconscious mind. This subconscious has capabilities from which scholars have not yet grasped a little, and perhaps the Quranic verse indicates this meaning in the hadith about the soul: (They ask you about the soul. Say the soul from the command of my Lord). We do not know, and we probably will not know, but it is this spirit or subconscious, but we discover every day its tremendous capabilities and ways to deal with it with better technology. Dr. Milton Erickson used to see that the subconscious mind is a force of goodness in life that should be taken advantage of, and Dr. Joseph Murphy when he wrote his book "The Power of the Subconscious" more than twenty years ago caused a sensation in the scientific community and met with great fame. Murphy was referring in his book to the fact that a person can achieve what he wants in himself as long as his goal is clear and as long as his methods are correct, during this time many arts and sciences have come up with applications that bring change and programming the soul to what you want, including the art of NLP and design Human engineering, timeline therapy, rapid learning methods, pictorial reading and many others. I remember that at the beginning of the nineties I was looking at libraries in the range of twenty or thirty books in the so-called Self-Help section, but today the library contains more than a thousand books in this Sciences ! At AMAZON, you can find these many books. All of these sciences deal with the subconscious mind, this wondrous, divine creature, and all these arts hover over the idea of dealing with the subconscious, hidden mind, or spirit, and programming methods for obtaining the required psychological and physical health. Hypnosis and neural linguistic programming are one of these methods, and it is one of the most beautiful and smooth ways in programming the mind and resolving self-struggles, knots and diseases. How does the subconscious work? To facilitate our preferred explanation, let's set an example by computer. A computer operates through an object first: it consists of inputs and outputs. Inputs such as a keyboard, mouse and scanner, are just like human inputs from senses such as hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch. And outputs such as printer, screen, and modem, as well as verbal and verbal human outputs such as speech, movements, behavior and looks. That this body, and inside it a central process unit (CPU) saves information, just like the brain in humans, and this unit is a program of a certain language that usually addresses the computer language called machine language. This program is important because the capabilities of the computer are disabled unless the program works and is worthy of it. The most powerful computer without good software means nothing. Rather, a computer with very modest capabilities and a better high-level program, because the lesson is in the results, and there are no results from a device that does not have a modest program or program. And the program is like what we call the subconscious. The program manages computer affairs and produces requirements through outputs, and the subconscious also manages the affairs of the individual and the body and produces behaviors, behaviors, actions, and sayings. There is an important person working on the computer, and is called a programmer, this person adjusts and adjusts in the program until he receives and comes out what he wants, such a person is like the conscious mind, you initially define what you want, as a programmer, then you formulate the program you want and instruct the subconscious to execute it then You see the results through the output. If you see that the results are not good, reset the program to give you the output you want. - When and how the defect occurs in the subconscious mind ? Sometimes the computer has a sudden pause, strange colors appear on the screen, the printer prints unknown characters, or the device produces an abnormal sound, and it does not do what you want to do. In programming, they call this an error (Fault) and call this error (bug). It means that the programmer mistook something or forgot to tweak the program, so what happened happened. At that time, the programmer detects the location of the error and begins to amend it or find an alternative solution. Like that, like some behavior that may come from an inappropriate person. Excessive nervousness in a natural or somewhat annoying position, or extreme sadness in a situation that does not warrant this, or frustration or anxiety in situations that do not call for all of this. This means that there is a programming error or a bug, which is required to modify the program. The programmer knows that the program is made up of so-called commands, that these orders in humans are convictions or beliefs. What is required is to change the conviction that causes this in order to amend the program. If a child hears that "God does not help you if your mother is not satisfied" and accepts the sentence at the time when her mother is never satisfied, she will live her life believing that she will not succeed, so she does not try nor strive. If it was said to a child while he was at the doctor, “You must eat to live,” he may eat until satiety, and vice versa. If he is told that he ate this or that, he will suffer such or such. A mental illness may arise in eating like polymia. He lives on a salary and will never work as a merchant unless he changes these convictions. Many convictions at the personal, societal, popular, and even global levels are receptive without many realizing their seriousness. From here people grow up suffering without knowing the reasons for this. Any behavior in humans - whatever it is - is behind it a conviction that causes it. There is no human behavior except motivated or convinced. Like any behavior from a computer he must be ordered. From here we realize that convictions are the most important thing to program mind according to
الثلاثاء، 28 يوليو 2020
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